New Era Community (1926) - 139: 139. One should expel all words of negation. He who denies is poor; he who affirms is rich. He who denies is immobile; he who affirms is propelled. He who denies is constantly wrong; he who affirms is always right. He who affirms can be relatively right in place and time; he who denies is absolute in deadliness. Ignorance is the mother of negation. Expelling negation, the Teaching enslaves no one. The denier is already a slaveholder, for he does not wish to let his interlocutor go free from his circle. The Teaching of the Community must be active in the opening of all paths. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 373: 373. The fiery understanding of obsession is called "Urumiya." Man is not the only one to possess this straight-knowledge; certain animals close to man sense this dreadful state. Horses and dogs in particular sense and resent the proximity of obsessed persons. In ancient China there was a special breed of dogs, highly prized, which was very sensitive and useful in detecting the obsessed. In ancient times it was also a custom to exhibit the horses and dogs before guests, observing at the same time the reaction of the animals. Many envoys were put through this test. One should observe that cats also sense obsession, but usually quite inversely. Obsession induces happiness in them. For example, when a cat senses an obsessed person or his impelling presence, it does not hide, but walks around mewing happily, whereas a dog bristles up and either tries to hide or to attack such a person. One ought to develop Urumiya in oneself, not only for protection but for the purpose of expelling the obsessor. Very often a single conversation about the significance of Agni begins to act upon the obsessor. Fearing fire, the very mention of the fiery energy angers him and forces him to retreat. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 553: 553. Many times have the words been spoken about the necessity for expelling any fear - it is paralyzing. But especially should one free oneself from fear before the Subtle and the Fiery Worlds. For fear before the Supermundane Spheres is the most harmful. One must transform it into joy. Only a few will apprehend this joy. Even though they agree verbally, nevertheless an inner tremor will chill the warmth of rapture. Precisely warmth and light are needed for an easy entrance into the fine garden. Above this fine garden will shine the Fiery Heavens in all their glory. Equally fearlessly should one meet new neighbors. In fact, luminous courage saves one from disagreeable entities. On the earthly plane people try to hide their fear, but out there it cannot be concealed.