New Era Community (1926) - 159: We treat wounds by immersion in pure water. Light and water are Our remedies. Our efforts are directed to the simplest expedients. At the formation of new communities, follow simplicity of method in all processes. It is necessary to begin to deal with oratorical blind speech. Take the talkative traveler to the bank of a mountain spring - let him become ashamed! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 234: 234. If we enumerate all the heavenly luminaries, if we measure the whole unrevealed Depth, we will not thereby ameliorate the present hour. With courageous heart one must cognize the painful darkness that draws near when the fires are extinguished. In the opinion of many, unity is an unnecessary anachronism. They presume that individuality is safeguarded by disunity; such is the logic of darkness. Yet sometimes amidst dangerous epidemics, by remembering simple expedients, people find salvation. Thus simple are the means of unification. They unequivocally smite the darkness. Thus, let the spear not slumber over the dragon. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 438: 438. As with everything, fiery self-disinfection is the best prophylaxis. Precisely Fire protects against obsession. Precisely Agni is the panacea for cancer, tuberculosis, and all other diseases. But until people assimilate the significance of Agni, one must have recourse to vegetable and mineral expedients. The simplest, most natural, and most essential property of everyone seems to be the most neglected. You know to what an extent those who remembered about psychic energy escaped many illnesses. You saw it and became convinced. During the approach of fiery energies it is necessary that people be not ashamed to acknowledge the fiery principle in themselves. This will be the cultivation of Agni. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 539: 539. Thought about unity with Hierarchy is also an excellent purification. When all the reptiles of evil crawl out of their holes, there remains only striving upward. Let us then assemble all the expedients of equilibrium. Let us not think of weariness which comes from yesterday; let us look to a morrow which is not filled with disparagement. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 112: 112. One can intensify one's will by the most mechanical expedients. Many examples and prescriptions can testify to this, but We advise to gather the strengthening of the will from Communion with Hierarchy. It may even be said that in general this is the sole means of the ascent of the spirit. Even the path of mechanics leads to the same thing, but through useless expenditures of time and effort. The communion with Hierarchy through the heart releases one from tantras and magic. Naturally, small alien hindrances can harm the communion, but let us not forget to what dangers the magician or the tantrik are exposed. But, in any case, he is not wise who dreams about his own separate will; it grows and vibrates in the Higher Treasuries. And he who is concerned as about his individual will, without the communion with the Higher Worlds, is not on the true path. Brotherhood (1937) - 11: 11. In some places homeopathic remedies are forbidden; likewise, some insist upon curing people by their own methods only. Prohibitive thinking is limited. It is impossible to establish forbiddance of all but a single method of treatment. It should be remembered that all medicines are merely auxiliary expedients; without the primary energy no medicine will have the necessary effect. Brotherhood (1937) - 231: 231. Through the ages many erroneous interpretations have been made owing to the poverty of languages. People have turned to ciphers, to symbols and images, to inscriptions and to all sorts of hieroglyphics, but such expedients have only been of temporary help. Only the contemporaries could understand the meaning of such conventional accessories. In the course of ages they were obliterated, and new fallacies were built up. With difficulty does humanity retain informations for a single millennium. What, then, is to be said about periods of tens of thousands of years wherein languages themselves have been completely altered many times over! Isolated objects reaching down to our time cannot fully define the epochs which created them. Thus, it is needful to apply special circumspection to ancient epochs, which for us are only confused visions. Brotherhood (1937) - 473: 473. Anemia is usually considered to be a blood deficiency, but this factor is not of fundamental importance. It is but a result of an outflow of psychic energy. Thoughtless physicians assume that it is possible to restore strength by drinking blood, but they forget that the inflow of strength will be one of appearance only. It is the same as trying to illumine a large house with a single match. Taking in blood produces much harm; this substance requires study and adaptation. That is why We do not in general advise such mixing of blood. Essentially, it is unnecessary. Increase in psychic energy is attained by the simple expedients of which We have already spoken. But in this let us see to it that there be not found in the vicinity someone who absorbs the energy. Indeed, it can be absorbed consciously and unconsciously. Each irritation, each despondency will definitely absorb the precious energy. When the fundamentals of Brotherhood are being taught, first to be eliminated are all those elements which are adverse to psychic energy.