Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.9.11: 1.9.11. How to await the development of works? As waves have their rhythm, so do the works grow: in measured rising and expectant flowing progression. Understand the hour of the clarion; heed the pace of life. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.3: 2.6.3. Where the people are expectant, We send thither Our chosen ones. Agni Yoga (1929) - 427: One has to prepare oneself for each new energy. Every expectant mother thinks about her future child. How then can one not think about the energy that lives within each of us? One has to think about one's innate possibilities. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 97: 97. Verily, limitless is the beauty of Cosmos, when by the way of the heart we can penetrate into the consciousness of the Cosmic Breath. The ascent is predestined by the manifestation of all the cosmic combinations under the pure sign of cosmic unity. Observing the occurrences on the planet, We may only say, "Great is your destination; affirm yourself, manifesting ascent!" The heart was always considered as the symbol of the "guiding one." Life expands by that symbol. The guiding one and the guided are affirming the significance of the Cosmic Consciousness. The expected one and the expectant are expressing Cosmic Reason. The calling one and the responding one are expressing Cosmic Accord. All the feelings of the Builder of Cosmos are directing the moves into the higher life. Yes, yes, yes! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 14: Earthly blessings are evident, but the supermundane worlds are invisible, as if in the clouds. Each experiment in approaching the Subtle World can help to clarify the concept of Infinity. Even an ordinary person can be dreamed about simultaneously in various parts of the world. There is nothing impossible in the subtle body manifesting simultaneously in distant places. The study of man's nature will provide direction and broaden the consciousness, and people will sail to Our shores in natural ways, with no need for their former vessels. Let Santana, the current of life, carry the expectant travelers to the new shore.