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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EX > EXPANSION (86)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.16:
One can develop within oneself a continual learning, which is important not as a cataloguing of facts but as an expansion of consciousness.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.17:
We are not organizers of funeral processions or of zoological gardens. You who wish to follow Us, walk as fully and luminously imbued as irrestible life itself; and love every expansion of consciousness, because this is the primary aim.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.19:
Be illumined through expansion of consciousness. As voyagers afar, accumulate knowledge through the rainbow pollen of the whole world.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.21:
3.6.21. The first book summoned to attainment of beauty, simplicity, and fearlessness. The second gives the quality and the features of labor which affirm the expansion of consciousness.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.21:
The labor of endless perfectionment is ordained by Us. And in moments of difficulty think about Us, knowing that the wireless apparatus will not delay in connecting you with Us. But learn to think and to distinguish the moment of real difficulty. Often people take good fortune for calamity, and vice versa. Expansion of consciousness will affirm spirit-knowledge, and this knowledge will lead to Our Community.

New Era Community (1926) - 20:
How may one approach the above-mentioned Absolute. It cannot be done through technical means or earthly science, nor by descriptive art. It is possible only through the expansion of consciousness, when the earthly being is engulfed by the emanations from the distant spheres. Thus, those who are approaching Us, or rather the boundaries of the orbit of Earth, lose their specialty. Only in the realization of all-comprehensiveness may one endure the brilliance of the luminaries. But in order to contain this scintillation, one must set alight one's inner fires.

New Era Community (1926) - 79:
It is impossible to enumerate the means of expansion of consciousness, but in them all lies the realization of truth and self-sacrifice.

New Era Community (1926) - 149:
149. Maintain a correlation between expansion and strengthening. Remember, not only the leap but also the retention of the new ground. Many examples may be cited wherein expansion resulted in no possibilities. Naturally, we must understand expansion in regard to the consciousness. If a victory of the consciousness be not consolidated technically, then instead of an even light the consciousness will become filled with sharp, painful sparks. As in all life, it is necessary to understand the moment of assimilation. Man, living fully, begins to notice, as it were, a pulsation of his experiences. This pulsation proceeds apart from the quantity of labors and apart from external impulses. It is necessary to safeguard this pulsation inwardly and not attribute it to overfatigue or to an accidental effect. In these moments the consciousness becomes accustomed to some new acquisition. Through inexperience people often begin to be alarmed by a temporary silence of the consciousness, but such a consolidation leads to the next leap. During such a period of assimilation of the consciousness do not disturb it with problems. The butterfly is making ready new multicolored wings - do not harm the cocoon.

New Era Community (1926) - 161:
Social aspirations likewise have their curves of expansion. One should be cautious not to interrupt this succession of events. Crevices of shiftings in the ground and in people's aspirations are alike.

New Era Community (1926) - 184:
184. Often community members ask whence come the assaults of anguish which they sometimes experience. One must know that without these spasms of anguish no progress is possible. After crossing over a precipice you feel a weakening of the leg muscles. During the expansion of consciousness you cross over many invisible precipices. Nodal growths of the consciousness result in leaps and psychic spasms contract the nerve centers. One should not be afraid of these spasms, a brief rest will right these contractions. Growth of the consciousness is more difficult to trace than the growth of a hair. The consciousness conquers and eradicates. The burning of crossed bridges does not reveal the progressive sign-posts, but it leaves open the one possibility of assault. It is valuable not only to strive forward but also to destroy the rubbish behind one. Just now you perceive how the majority of people could have advanced, but they cling to age-old rubbish. Guard both My signs - the sign of Service and the sign of Community. One is breaking away from the old, the other is evolution.

New Era Community (1926) - 216:
We know many workers who find an hour for the most important; it does not seem to them that they are too occupied. Whoever is not grudging in his work will receive bounteously. This quality of containment of labor is indispensable for the expansion of consciousness. Can anything replace the joy of the growth of consciousness?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 5:
5. The expansion of the blood vessels is characteristic of the growth of consciousness, and this process must be protected by physical means from the effect of the sun's pressure upon the solar plexus.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 34:
Each thought deposits its sediments upon the walls of the channels of the nervous system. The more perfect the striving the more phosphorescent the sediments. The only place sufficiently protected for that fuel is the solar plexus, which gradually imbibes the sediments from the auxiliary channels. Sometimes such an absorption can be so vigorous as to cause star-shaped painful sensations. Then the Teacher must apply a cooling ray, which aids in drawing the sediments from the extremities to the center. All this is a process of the expansion of consciousness. By triennial steps one can trace the sharpening of receptivity. Each stage requires preservation of the casket for the next praiseworthy expenditure.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 202:
Can one criticize a yogi for arriving suddenly, or for departing without warning for long periods of time? Attachment to a particular place must be abandoned. Only thought and action should decide the earthly dwelling. Therefore traveling will always be an inseparable part of Yoga. How else can be born a sensitivity to the need for change? Where is independence tempered, or the solitude of realization? The yogi's work reverberates, and gains its expansion from space. A yogi must be familiar with space and be able to bring the word of space to the people of the world.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 464:
464. Even if one gathers all the power of will, one still cannot evoke the Fire of Space. Those manifestations of the fiery element are not subject to command, they grow naturally from the expansion of consciousness. We call the human consciousness Our garden, where grow the fruits of labor. The work on the expansion of consciousness proceeds on two planes. These two planes are separate from the manifestations of life, just as a subterranean passage does not touch the vegetable kingdom and just as the fall of a meteorite is independent of the weather. People understand with difficulty these stratifications of two planes. Vigilance of the consciousness is required, but few are those who possess it. Each phenomenon of fire not only requires certain physical conditions but also depends upon the state of consciousness. The unexpectedness of phenomena is not so difficult to explain: it is enough to look into one's own consciousness without prejudice and to discern the physical conditions that preceded the phenomena. One will perceive a kind of short circuit of the current, which produces the manifestation.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 492:
492. Agni Yoga approaches just in time. Without it, who could say that epidemics of influenza should be cured by psychic energy? Who would pay attention to the new kinds of mental, brain, and nervous illnesses, such as sleeping sickness? It is not leprosy, or the old forms of plague or cholera that must be dreaded; for them, preventive measures already exist. But one must ponder over the new enemies that are created by the conditions of contemporary life. One cannot apply old treatments to them; a new approach will be found through the expansion of consciousness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 563:
563. Independence of action is encouraged. But should one be criticized if sometimes the desire arises to reach out to the Teacher for advice and to merge one's aura with His? It was always said: "First the storm, then the thunder, then silence." In this absence of sound comes the so-called Voice of the Silence. But higher than this voice is communion. You know how the voice of the Teacher is transmitted; but there can be a coming together in consciousness, not using words but transporting one's consciousness instantaneously into the consciousness of the Teacher. One almost ceases to be aware of oneself; but the Chalice is filled to the brim with straight-knowledge. Such union surpasses words, for it nurtures one with straight-knowledge. Of course it is not easy to attain such a state; but with expansion of consciousness it comes by itself, if not hindered by ignorance. All forms of communion are made possible by such a consciousness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 591:
Those who avoid the labor of the harvest should be made to understand that their groans are less than the rustling of one blade of grass. Also, those who venture into the astral world without an understanding of ascent must know how responsible they are for the polluting of space. Only the consciousness can lead, and permit the discerning of the right direction. Also, those who consider service to evolution as an effort deserving reward may be repaid in coin, but not by expansion of consciousness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 615:
615. Why must the path of the Teaching be a path of accumulation? Can it not be offered in one dose, like a medicine? But the stomach is of limited dimension, whereas consciousness is not a measurable constant. Truly, there can be people almost without consciousness. There can be people who have deprived themselves of consciousness through excessive passions. There can be consciousnesses obscured by the conventions of their time. Like hothouse flowers, consciousnesses are in need of nurture. The foundation of consciousness is built by straight-knowledge, but the refining of consciousness is as slow as the polishing of a crystal. Not by one's opinion of oneself but by the quality of one's action is the expansion of one's consciousness recognized.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 627:
Upon expansion of consciousness, cooperation of the centers is realized. One may cognize what can be obtained from the channels of the brain and what can be drawn out of the depths of the Chalice. Untold treasures are accumulated in the Chalice. The Chalice is one, for all incarnations. The peculiarities of the brain are a matter of heredity, but the properties of the Chalice are the result of one's own actions.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 31:
Our indicated formula moves foreword, in the direction of the manifold spatial fires. When humanity will accept the affirmation of Infinity, destiny will reveal itself not as a punishment but as a cosmic expansion. The beauty of the vastness of life is measured by the consciousness of creativeness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 61:
The far-off worlds are our manifested path. The far-off worlds are our enlightenment. The far-off worlds are our vistas of the mighty vision of the Mother of the World. The human spirit seeking expansion finds the manifested far-off worlds. Let us say that the unattainable may become attainable and that privation may become wealth. Therefore, let us direct our will to Infinity, in all its beauty.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 107:
107. An external cause prompting man to action may be termed accidental, but an action performed through the prompting of the spirit carries within itself all effects. When thought leads to the realization of the affirmed eternal expansion, one can then advance a step toward Infinity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 187:
187. The power of Space permeates all beings. The oneness of manifestations is revealed in everything. The chains of Space embrace in themselves all expressions of life. A property in one kingdom vouchsafes that property in another, and is but its shadow. The manifestation of the spatial light presupposes the full development of the elements, and hardened matter presupposes its degrees. Hence, let us say that every property of each manifestation is dependent upon another, and that the quality of each manifestation is resultant on the previous striving. Expansion must impel people to be filled with the understanding of responsibility. The law of correlation of forms and aspirations is immutable. During the forming of combinations it is imperative to know this law. The creations of humanity bear the stamp of discord. When We speak of discord, We have in mind the difference between the indicated predestined path into the higher spheres and the path which humanity pursues. The obstruction of the path of advancement gives evidence of a very slow progress. Boundless are the higher ways, and the creative fires are comprised in them.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 60:
60. One should seek Truth beyond the boundaries of human understanding. The destruction of the broad fields of vision, the cosmic, has not led to progress. When thought dwelt in the lower sphere, the striving manifested was in conformity with the scope of this sphere. When instead of a striving for expansion there was substituted the striving toward a limited sphere, that of the visible, the horizon indeed was narrowed. Cosmic creativeness aggregates its manifested forms according to expressed affinity. The attraction of correlated particles by the Magnet corresponds to the sphere of the spirit. You spoke correctly about the spheres saturated by the spirit. Only when spiritual striving leads to the realization of the nature of the dimensions of various spheres is the realization of the higher worlds affirmed. One may join in evolution limitlessly.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 130:
130. In Cosmos there is a law which foresees all the best combinations. Does not the law of attraction move the striving particles. Is not the law of gravitation put in effect by the Highest Reason? When people speak about harmonization they penetrate very little into the essence of the law itself. Cosmic creativeness contains in itself the substance of the great Materia Matrix. Attraction is a property established for the expansion of Cosmos. Therefore, this law acts upon all planes, in spirit and in matter. The foundation of construction is established upon the manifestation of the better possibilities, and the creativity of spirit proceeds under the same mighty law. Hence, while the creativeness of Cosmos is put in tension by sundry factors, it should be understood that the main impulse is given by the Highest Reason. Thus is the Infinite built. Thus is the world chain built. Thus is Cosmos built.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 295:
295. People are afraid most of all of expansion of consciousness. Everything within the boundaries of the customary is very close to man, and each new thought arouses opposition. Therefore, when We send someone for an achievement, We first impart the urge toward a new consciousness. Only limitless striving toward expansion of consciousness and reaching for the unusual can advance the consciousness toward evolution.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 296:
296. The expansion of consciousness is the goal of Our striving, and when Our co-workers carry this vessel a full cooperation is affirmed. Thus Our Brothers create, expanding the consciousnesses. The great experiment of Agni Yoga will bestow upon humanity the expansion of consciousness and the greater understanding of the two worlds.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 297:
297. Human constructions correspond very little with the foundations of Be-ness! The course of evolution can be affirmed by energies still unmanifested. But the fact that man has applied the revealed forces of Cosmos with such lack of commensurateness attests the retardation of evolution. The human understanding makes each formula given so inapplicable that its manifestation verily clogs the space with its issue. States, governments, families have become so distorted in human understanding! Thus, the expansion of consciousness will provide a new step of Infinity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 313:
313. Intensity in the expansion of consciousness provides the foundation for all thoughts. But do the ignorant understand it thus? Do denying materialists understand it thus? Everything is contained in space, and each form lives through multifold modifications. Therefore, the expansion of consciousness must give man a remolded understanding of space. Thus, each thought carries along the progress of all spatial energies. The creativeness of spirit links its seed with the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, the spirit is a most powerful expression of the Cosmic Magnet. Striving toward Infinity will afford the understanding of Our creativeness.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 377:
377. Beautiful is the thought about Brotherhood upon Earth. Each disciplining of spirit produces striving. Only the will can give discipline to the spirit. But when the thought rambles, asserting selfhood, then verily there is no channel for true vital action. Every applied thought will bring growth to the spirit. Thus, each applied thought furthers the expansion of consciousness.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 388:
388. The filling of the space with the records of higher strivings is the highest stimulus of creativeness. Nothing can so strain and shift consciousness as powerful thought! The construction of basic principles is caused by and depends on the stimulus of thought. You have said correctly that each respecter of thought defined his epoch according to the quality of his consciousness. An epoch can be defined according to the stimulus of its thought. By this the new generation can be directed. The ability to discriminate in the stimulus of thought and its consequence can bring expansion of consciousness.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 403:
403. Each striving thought directed to cognizance of the Universe leads humanity into the higher dimension. Hence, each thought saturated by the fire of a striving Agni Yogi leads to the affirmation of evolution. Therefore, as the purpose of Existence points to the expansion of consciousness, each substance in the Universe points to the law of cooperation. Thus, each fiery thought leads to the affirmation of Essence in Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 413:
A most sacred fire abides within the spirit of a true Agni Yogi. An impelling, immutable, invincible fire lies in the Chalice of Him who brings the Fire to humanity. Thus, limitless are the orbits of the expansion of consciousness.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 427:
427. The conditions of new scientific achievements must correspond to the demands of the future. If scientists would understand that the manifestation of continuous expansion underlies the growth of science, there would be no place for criminal antagonism. But We do not wish to upset their achievements - only to broaden them. Each scientist who understands the law of the expansion of consciousness has already smashed the wall of prejudice.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 428:
428. Knowledge, knowledge, knowledge! If people would ponder upon the fact that knowledge is the only salvation, there would not be a particle of the present suffering. All human sorrow is the result of ignorance. Therefore, every expansion of consciousness is cooperation with evolution. Every manifestation that obstructs the expansion of consciousness is antagonistic to evolution. Hence, the actions of the enemies are criminal and their karma is dreadful. Knowledge, let us reiterate, will put an end to the suffering of mankind.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 486:
486. The expansion of consciousness comprises all conceptions which lead to evolution. Faith in the transmutation of all energies provides the understanding of all new movements. When the spirit is imbued with the significance of cosmic transmutation it can be conceived to what an extent cosmic evolution depends upon the shifting of the degrees of consciousness. The significance of all shiftings must enter into the consciousness. The tension of the striving spirit results in an intense quest for new paths. Thus are the steps of evolution built.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 515:
515. The Cosmic Magnet is intensified by the impellent Fire. The extent to which humanity through the expansion of consciousness can accept the direction of the Magnet depends upon the striving of the spirit. Only this lever can indicate the way to the magnet of Fire. Only the quest of the spirit can give a direction to the Source of energy. Thus can one affirm coordination and propel the spirit toward Truth.

Hierarchy (1931) - 28:
28. Wondrous is the thought of a Brotherhood on Earth. Each discipline of the spirit produces striving. Only the will can give discipline to the spirit, but when thought roams about in obvious egoism, then, verily, there is no channel for a correct and vital action. Thus, each applied thought will afford growth to the spirit. Thus, each applied thought of the Tara and the Guru will afford an expansion of consciousness. Thus, only the Chain of Hierarchy will afford the possibility of ascent. Complete obedience leads to true creativeness, for when obedience guides the action, power increases, and the pledge strains all forces.

Hierarchy (1931) - 59:
59. Some people pour a daily gruel over the Image of the Teacher and imagine themselves to be in the Great Service. The Teaching and Service presuppose first of all the expansion of consciousness on the basis of adherence to the Teaching and reverence for the Teacher. In studying Infinity one should first of all realize the limitlessness of love and devotion. It is not wise to say that love has overflowed and devotion has withered, because the consequence will be the disintegration of one's self. One should understand the limitlessness of love and devotion as the first steps toward Service and Yoga. One should set oneself this task, at least as a means of one's own progress. One should advance only in the direction of the Teacher. Then, only, does relief come. But making a daily onion gruel out of the Teacher will not lead to success. Sacredly, limitlessly, let us sustain our love and reverence for the Teacher, as a healing means of regeneration.

Hierarchy (1931) - 84:
84. How to affirm oneself in the Teaching? How to approach the higher law of Hierarchy? Only through refinement of thoughts and expansion of consciousness. How can one assimilate the Command from Above if there is no affirmation of correspondence? One should display receptivity to each energy. One should be able to adopt the vastness of the Teaching. Only correspondence can permit the saturation of the vessel. Therefore, the manifestation of breadth is worthy of a broad consciousness. On the way to Us one may attain only through Hierarchy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 85:
85. All religions have introduced special movements and positions of the body that aid the accumulation of the energy and impel one to the Highest. When following Us, achievement may be arrived at through the saturation of one's heart, without fatiguing movements. He who succeeds through this means has an advantage, because the source of the heart is inexhaustible. The Image of the Lord, impressed upon the heart, will not grow dim and at any hour will be ready to help. This way of the heart is the most ancient, but it requires a considerable expansion of consciousness. One should not speak of the heart from the very first conversation, for then one may overburden it aimlessly. It is likewise aimless to speak of love if the heart does not yet contain the Image of the Lord. But the hour strikes when one must indicate the power of the heart. I advise addressing oneself to the heart, not only because the Image of the Lord is already close but for cosmic reasons. It is easier to cross an abyss if the link with the Lord is strong.

Hierarchy (1931) - 274:
274. People are preoccupied with the definition of the boundary between good and evil. Many legends are dedicated to this definition. It is related that in order to define this boundary an Archangel placed his resplendent glaive between good and evil. Certainly, it is harmful to remain in the region of evil, but it is likewise painful to crowd too close to the fiery blade. Yet people strive to wound themselves on this glaive. Therefore, let us mark the people who perceive with the eye and understand with the conscious vision of the heart. They will strive far and, as it were, draw themselves to a far-off beacon. These anchors for far-off navigation are so valuable. In the tidal waves the fetid spots of evil are washed away. Especially nowadays should one cast these distant anchors. It can be seen that small distances lose their meaning. The great Plan of Unity comprises the expansion of material and spiritual dimensions.

Heart (1932) - 66:
66. You know about the effect of human emanations upon plants. You also know about the effect of color. Now it is necessary to recall the influence of sound The similarity of these effects is significant. If, for the expansion of the potencies of a plant, an open, bright-sounding heart is necessary, then, in the effects of sound, consonance and all the dominant combinations are necessary. A dissonance cannot strengthen the current of energy. Dissonances, as an antithesis, may be useful in their effect upon people for strengthening the rhythm of consciousness; but with plants, where consciousness is at its minimum, dissonance seems to be only a retarding condition. With minerals, dissonance may even be a cause of disintegration. Verily, a rose is a symbol of consonance, and the dominant of the radiation of the rose is linked with the glow of the heart. Not a few experiments have been made with sound on plants, but the ancients believed that the finest flowers grew by the temples where there were numerous harmonies of voice and music.

Heart (1932) - 156:
One can perceive how the spiritual armor is forged together with the expansion of consciousness. We can strengthen this armor. But without the growth of consciousness such intervention would be equal to destruction. Thus one can see the Miraculous Hand when we act according to the law of Hierarchy. This must be remembered especially now, when even a tempered heart can sense with distress this unusual tension.

Heart (1932) - 181:
We know how difficult is the expansion of consciousness, and how many attacks such beneficent work is arousing, One cannot estimate the amount of pressure exerted by the black lodges against these leaders. Glory to them, the Light-bearers!

Heart (1932) - 243:
243. Let us accept love as the impetus for the expansion of consciousness. The heart will not be aflame without love; it will not be invincible nor will it be self-sacrificing. Thus, let us give our gratitude to each receptacle of love; it lies on the boundary of the New World, where hate and intolerance are banished. The path of love is the tension of cosmic energy. Thus will people find their place in Cosmos. Not like dry leaves but as flaming lotuses they will be akin to the Highest World.

Heart (1932) - 252:
252. The anguish of the heart over the far-off worlds creates a special type of anguish. Hearts that have been tested many times cannot be confined to a fixed earthly aura. And their experience indicates how the Teaching summons them to the expansion of understanding. But nothing will erase the memory of the far-off worlds in those who have approached them in the fiery body. As countless as the stars, as inexpressible in words, is the memory of the far-off worlds. So, too, the heart will not forget about the silver thread, which is like a ladder to Infinity. The earthly body cannot withstand many fiery revelations. But the same thread of the heart retains the consciousness of the far-off worlds.

Heart (1932) - 411:
411. In the education of the heart the concept of work is advanced primarily. From the earliest years, labor is set down as the only foundation of life, as the process of perfectment. In this manner, the idea of labor as selfish is destroyed, and on the other hand, there is gained a broad understanding of labor for the common welfare. Such a concept already refines the heart considerably, but later on such an expansion of the concept of labor becomes insufficient. Then, within the fires of the hearth, the spatial labor for the future is created. Then, no rejection can impede the growth of work. Then, the spatial work consciously penetrates the highest spheres. In this state of consciousness the heart receives a firm armor which will even be useful for the Fiery World. Let us seek an armor that is applicable everywhere.

Heart (1932) - 470:
470. Let them acknowledge the substance of the heart as an inextinguishable substratum. The term is not important, but the substance of the heart is evident. Thus, one must become accustomed to the immutable concepts close to all humanity. The affected ones will realize why since time immemorial Osiris was slain and his parts scattered throughout the world. Without this slaying the messengers would not have been dispatched throughout the world. Hence, suffering from one point of view means expansion from another. Thus, also, the very reading of works, which are contained in many books is highly significant. He who studies these does not try to absorb the Teaching in the same moods, and thus numerous points of view result. Therefore, in each book it is wise even briefly to touch upon that which was previously covered, in order to allow assimilation in similar states of mind. Moods are the birth of points of view.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 192:
192. Even if someone does good by accident, praise him. Commend each crumb of good. To him who cries out in the darkness it matters not who brings the Light. Widening the field of vision means the bringing of Light. This action is beneficial, both for the giving one and for him who receives the Light. Transmission of Light connotes the transmitter's expansion. There was one flame, now it has become two. It means good has been accomplished.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 349:
349. Technocracy should be regarded as a device of the dark ones. The dark ones have often led people on to mechanical solutions, thereby hoping to occupy the attention of humanity, only to divert it from spiritual growth. Yet the problems of life can be solved only by the expansion of consciousness. It can be seen how mechanical hypotheses easily ensnare the hopes of humanity. Such also was the Maya of the ancients, which could be interrupted by the slightest shock.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 433:
433. How is it possible to ascertain the verity of the Teaching? A multitude of good words may cover up something mediocre; but Truth, we know, does not fear examination. On the contrary, when observed, Truth draws nearer and shines forth. Therefore, each investigator of the Teaching may be advised, "Approach with all force; observe by thorough measures; investigate by all methods; cognize with all daring; reveal indefatigability, and be aflame with each discovery of Truth." The Teaching cannot be fallible. It cannot deviate from the paths of usefulness and good. One should not believe only in assertions. Faith is the realization of Truth, tempered in the fire of the heart. The Teaching is infinite, otherwise the very concept of Infinity would not exist. One should strive toward Truth. Truth does not reject - it directs. In the Teaching there can be no distorted concepts. Regard the path of the Teaching as the affirmation of that which is beyond doubt. One should not approach Truth along a meandering path. One must proceed by testing each word, each statement, and each covenant. If the Teaching is a true one, each step to it will be enlightening and broadening. Disparagement, denial, abasement are poor guides! More than once you will hear from a speaker the conceited remark that the only correct Teaching is the one known to him. It is then good to remind the conceited one about the grandeur of Infinity, of the millions of years of life on Earth, of the Billions of worlds - let him meditate upon the vastness of Truth and the soundness of its fitting recognition. One could agree with the method of skepticism if only something would result from it. As a rule it corrodes the creative principle. An indefatigable spirit is needed to advance along a constant progression. Only such an expansion and containment will bring real tolerance toward anything that is futile, this is learned through relativism. Thus, say to him who has doubts about the Teaching, "Test it, be aflame in your heart, and broaden your spirit!"

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 478:
478. Fiery breathing exists, because the fiery body is alive. Seldom is it possible to observe the flashes of fiery breathing in the earthly body, yet a purified body can sometimes feel such sighs. They may be felt either in the crown of the head, in the heart, or in other centers; one can feel something like an expansion of these centers, as it were. This can even cause dizziness or nausea, because the physical world cannot easily adapt itself to such a manifestation of the Fiery World. Among the causes of enlargement of the heart may be included fiery breathing. Often the heart expands, but loses the rhythm and thus cannot contract normally. In levitation fiery breathing is of great importance; it takes the body out of physical conditions. Here again we are concerned with thought as a fiery product. You yourselves know that during levitation the body loses weight. You must also remember that the thought about levitation did not occur - it was only the entire being striving toward Hierarchy. Yoga constantly advises "Think only of the Highest, so far as your consciousness can encompass. Imagine this Highest to be the best Aspect. Imagine this Highest to be in the Ineffable Light. Strain your consciousness as if toward something completely tangible. Manifest the best disposition. Gather all treasures of the Good, for the Voice of the Silence said, 'In good we ascend!'" You see once more how clear were the ancient counsels, for application in life. One can constantly advise scientists to reread attentively the ancient Teaching.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 637:
637. He who dares the stream chooses firm stones. He understands to whom and when he may entrust the Teaching. The Bird of Life, the radiant Swan, also reveals straight-knowledge as to where lies the boundary of usefulness. The determination of this boundary cannot be expressed in human language. It can be unalterably sensed, but cannot be calculated by physical measurements. Thus a great test for each treason is created. Another great test lies in the acceptance of homelessness. There may be much mockery over the concept of homelessness. To the earthly mind the concept of a home is an absolute necessity. If anyone dared express himself as to a House of Light he would be taken for a lunatic. Therefore a change of earthly dwelling places is a useful expansion of the concept. Another great test is that of hearing every thought. The pitiable concept of earthly secrecy leads people into many errors. The feeling of pride and egoism rebels against the absence of secrecy, but co-workers of the Hierarchy of Light already understand this degree of cooperation. "I am ready," he says, and hastens to open his heart. The successful mastery of all trials lies within our hearts and consists in our love for the Lord. If we are filled with love, can obstacles exist? Earthly love itself creates miracles. Does not the fiery love for Hierarchy multiply our forces? These forces will help to transform homelessness into a beautiful Home, vast and unlimited! One cannot think of beautiful expanses in the midst of a fog of contentment. It is said that hunger obstructs the path to God, but we will also add that contentment is like murky waters. He who understands the difference between hunger and contentment will enter the current. But he who touches the Light will be transformed into a Bird of Life. So long as the Bird of Life remains a poetic abstraction, that spirit is still unready.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 7:
7. Now you are astonished that the Battle lasts so long, because the expansion of consciousness extends the boundaries of the being. Indeed it would be lightmindedness to think that the One Who revolted against Light were a weakling. One must understand that the Forces of Light refrain from annihilating the enemy not because of weakness but because of a desire not to upset prematurely the equilibrium of the planet. Few are able to realize that the power of the Creator of the planet takes into consideration physical conditions. But one may already see that the harmonious vibrations have been disturbed and that the planet is being shaken in convulsions of heat and cold. Therefore I advise the equilibrium of the spirit. There where the foundation is affected, there a special presence of the spirit is necessary.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 159:
159. Correct is the comparison of the quality of the substance of thoughts to that of gases. Each gas, besides its already disclosed qualities, has many others which lend themselves to investigation by physical apparatus. No one dares to affirm that the effect of a gas has already disappeared, it can only be said that our apparatus no longer registers the effects of the gases. But to what extent a gas transmutes the space into which it penetrates, and how much influence it has on human beings, no one can say. Likewise, the limits of the field of expansion of thought absolutely cannot be defined. Similarly, no one can determine physically to what extent thought can influence life. It is amazing how the life of strongly hated persons sometimes is not subject, as it were, to danger. There are many reasons for this. Perhaps this person is needed for the Karma of an entire country. Perhaps the thought is not strong, and unrhythmic. And finally, perhaps the accumulation of thought will begin to act not immediately, but tomorrow. Earthly measures are in this case also relative. Especially is the thought weakened by the lack of understanding of Karma. Many efforts are needed in order for man to keep in mind the beautiful law of cause and effect. One advice may be given - nowhere to yield to the counsels of malice.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 292:
292. In primitive religions the fear of God was taught first of all. Thus was suggested a feeling which usually ends in rebellion. Certainly, each one who contacts the Higher World experiences a trembling, but this unavoidable sensation has nothing in common with fear. Fear is cessation of creative energy. Fear is ossification and submission to darkness. Whereas turning to the Higher World must evoke ecstasy and expansion of one's forces for the expression of the beautiful. Such qualities are born not of fear but through love. Therefore higher religion teaches not fear but love. Only by such a path can people become attached to the Higher World. The chains of fear are peculiar to slavery. But the creation of beauty is not slavery, but is reverence with love. Let us compare that done in fear with that done in love. The treasure of the spirit is not from the prison of fear; therefore let us counsel people to love and to be strengthened by the feeling of devotion. No one can defend a place that is fearful to him, but achievement is accomplished in the name of love. Apply this measure to the Gates of the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 35:
35. So much is said about cooperation, but so little is comprehended! This is one of the most misconstrued concepts, because in a human community the idea of united labor is so distorted. Life in the community of co-workers has in view no forcing of feelings, of obligations, of constraints, but an affirmation of united work in the name of manifested Good. If the human community would accept the law of united labor as the law of life, to what an extent human consciousness could become purified! For the rhythm of a common task can unite various specialists and individuals who differ in their qualities. The law is simple, bur how many distortions surround it! The manifestation of the human nearness of the spirit is conditioned by many causes, spiritual as well as karmic, but under the ray of labor a community may be organized with the aid of the law of cooperation. Therefore it is necessary to educate the co-workers through labor and by the affirmation that each co-worker is a part of the whole. However, one should exclude incorrect thinking about the personal. Such interpretation can help a community to become affirmed as a single channel. So many sad happenings can be avoided through the expansion of consciousness and by the subtle understanding that it is inadmissible to encroach upon the heart of another being. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World the co-workers should understand that one may advance only through the law of Common Labor - there is no other measure! The subtle is attained only by the subtle; and the subtle threads of the heart resound only in a tension of many thousands of years. Therefore, let the co-workers especially realize this single path. Precisely, the law of united labor permits no infringement upon the heart of another.

AUM (1936) - 166:
The surmounting of limitations is possible only through the broadening of consciousness. One needs to know how to cautiously approach the heart of humanity through expansion of consciousness. Already many boundaries are being erased, but for such new paths a special love of mankind is required. It is necessary to cultivate this quality along with purity of body and spirit. Let hygiene of the spirit have a place in the schools, then lofty communions will become the best hours.

AUM (1936) - 206:
One may observe the expansion of the circle of consciousness, and such an achievement is cause for rejoicing. Likewise, it is necessary to pay attention to any trembling, stoppages, tremors, and digression from the precise forms. They depend upon the psychic condition and upon various illnesses. Therefore, it is necessary to observe both the healthy and the sick. It is possible to continue the same task with manuscripts, with colored surfaces, and in general with objects which have been in human hands.

AUM (1936) - 301:
Books should be written on the different domains of labor. Therein servile, circumscribed toil should be compared with unbounded creative labor. It is necessary to demonstrate in a strictly scientific manner the possibilities which can be reached through a regeneration of the quality of labor. People who are depressed by the daily routine lose sight of the horizon. So, too, the eyes of man cannot at once become accustomed to the light. Let science in all ways aid the expansion of the horizon.

AUM (1936) - 449:
No invocations of magic are needed for love. Nor is repletion necessary there where is Infinity. With the simplest desire it is possible to strive for advancement. The expansion of thinking will already be an immeasurable joy.

AUM (1936) - 500:
It should be recognized that a combination of several occupations is inevitable, otherwise one may fall into a stupor. Only broadening of consciousness can help in a sensible apportionment of the day. But the manifestation of expansion of consciousness results from love of cognition and from striving for higher quality.

Brotherhood (1937) - 15:
15. A powerful energy has been released from a single spark. Likewise, from a flash of nerve force there can be established a constant influx of forces. People long ago realized that an onset of nerve energy is far more powerful than muscular force. It was avowed that the nerve tension is brief and is followed by a breakdown of forces. But such a postulate is not natural. Only the conditions of earthly life prevent a continuous replenishing with psychic energy. It is possible to create such conditions of life that psychic energy will be proportional with muscular energy. After the principle is discovered its expansion will be sought. Likewise, cooperation will not be limited to temporary flashes but will enter the consciousness, followed by Brotherhood. It is unwise to entrust a precious vessel to an inexperienced messenger. Likewise it is impossible for the Brotherhood to summon incognizant people. It is impossible for a balloon to sustain unlimited pressures without testing. Without steadfast realization people cannot take upon themselves the burden of the larger concepts. Even a horse is gradually accustomed to carrying loads. But if the spark of realization already shines, then the bearing of the rest of the load becomes progressively possible.

Brotherhood (1937) - 368:
368. It is actually possible to sense, as it were, the expansion of an organ, or movement in the bell or in the solar plexus. The timid will say, "Better drive away all thoughts rather than admit such manifestations that border upon pain." We shall reply, "Just try to kill thought!"

Brotherhood (1937) - 378:
378. Thought does not die away in space. Horizontally and vertically thought traverses space. There is no limit to its expansion. But nothing can remain in the same state. We know about the inviolability of thought, but apparently transmutation of it is taking place, and one needs to know into what the thought is being transmuted. It flows into pure fire. A beautiful circle results. From the fire arises energy - a creative thought - and through the earthly furnace this thought is again united with fire. The circle is closed, and renewed energy ascends regenerated for new labor. Such consummated cycles can be observed throughout the Universe. But the evolution of thought will be especially sublime. Therefore, does not this realization of the value of thought impel man to intensify his thought-energy? Let each one apprehend what kind of thought will be especially creative. Let man weigh in his heart which thought is fitting for him. Thus a selection of values takes place.

Brotherhood (1937) - 531:
531. Since the worlds are on trial, each particle of them is being tested. One may foresee that someone will be terrified at such a supposition. But only injudicious thought can stand in the way of welcoming the law of evolution. Through expansion of consciousness one grows to love this incessant motion; would it be better to remain in the unchanging prison of errors and delusions? On the contrary, it is much more joyous to sense the constant testing, which engenders the feeling of responsibility.

Brotherhood (1937) - 606:
606. Determine in your consciousness whether the concept of Brotherhood serves the limitation or expansion of your possibilities. If someone feels even the least constricting reaction, let him not come near the Brotherhood. But if the heart is ready to accept the advantages of Brotherhood, then the message will come.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 69:
Many do not understand that the Head of the Brotherhood can depart to the far-off worlds. Nor can they comprehend why certain earthly Leaders, although devoted and enlightened, are willing to leave their Brothers behind. Only man's limited understanding causes him to deny the idea of expansion of the Community to several worlds. It is likewise difficult to imagine that, even in new bodies and in different surroundings, inhabitants can preserve the seeds of their clear, earthly consciousness. Yet the Primal Energy is everywhere one and the same. Such a link is stronger than all existing substances.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 113:
Whoever rejects the idea of the Subtle World is preparing a miserable abode for himself. One must cultivate a broad expansion of ideas, for without it one cannot hope to have flights in the subtle body. A timid subtle body, even if it succeeds in leaving the physical body, will be terrified and will remain motionless. It is not easy to enter the Subtle World without fear, and to calmly observe and study. The crowds in the Subtle World are as unusual as the beings on the far-off worlds. The luminous matter is different from the earthly matter, but even amidst endless differences, one must adhere to the idea of Oneness. Our Abode is One, yet it is multifaceted.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 139:
Often people feel the need to go into silence before undertaking a dynamic action. Thus, an experienced speaker will be momentarily silent and take a deep breath before uttering a decisive word. Some know the importance of such an intake of prana, but others do it quite unconsciously. The potency of one's psychic energy increases with the expansion of consciousness. There is joy in Our Abode when We learn that some great task was performed consciously. Thus, a current of striving can benefit human endeavors.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 176:
The Great Pilgrim advocated the broadening of consciousness, and repeatedly taught, "Open your eyes and ears." Certainly, He did not invite people to open their eyes and ears only to His particular Teachings, but meant that only the expansion of consciousness leads to profound realization. But, alas, one cannot thread a needle with a rope, and a great message cannot penetrate a small ear.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 273:
True science does not prescribe limitations. It is especially distressing that in an age of the expansion of thought there can be such stagnant and stupid pride. What other words can we use to describe the attitude of those who affirm that even Infinity is subject to their judgment? Such people cause great harm because they impede the potential for broadened thinking.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 317:
There should be an attempt to expand the boundaries of human concepts. Present schools are totally inadequate in fostering the expansion of consciousness. Today the average person would consider Our discourses to be insane or foolish! You know of people who scoff at Us because We attempt to teach humanity the purpose of life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 438:
You may be asked if it would not be better to concentrate mentally. But this beautiful state can be destroyed by spatial currents and whirlwinds. Besides, ordinary people do not know how to think, and waver like reeds in the wind. But during such winds one must hold fast to something secure. In labor will people's consciousnesses find this support. The teacher must accustom his pupils to work and must praise the best quality of labor. This perfectment will lead to an expansion of thought.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 439:
439. Urusvati knows how often it is necessary to explain even Our clearest Indications. For example, it has been asked whether a pupil has the right to absorb the energy of the Teacher. Some will find in this a contradiction with the Indication concerning discussion with the Teacher. But it is clear that a conversation has nothing to do with absorption of energy. It includes no pleas, but simply broadens the consciousness, and every expansion is an increase of energy. Such discussion does not consume the energy of the Teacher; on the contrary, it helps to strengthen the aura, which is beneficial for the pupil. Yet some cannot understand that a true pupil will not burden the Teacher with requests. The disciple knows well enough that all that is possible will be done. He understands the state of tension in which the Teacher tirelessly sends out His energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 448:
Even in the poorest environments people dream about the expansion of possibilities, yet man often lives without raising his eyes towards the stars or thinking once about Infinity. How can this be possible? Let the misguided preacher deprive only himself of the higher achievements, for the day will come when he will be asked what right he has to deprive his brethren of the Higher Realms. If people already know of the Subtle Worlds, they will inevitably think of the Supreme Goal, and no one has the right to deprive others of what they already sense within themselves. Indeed, it is pointless to lock a door when the key is already in the hand of the guest!


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