Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 144: 144. Let the happy hunter face his enraged tormenters with courage. It is good to judge seriously and honestly the profound manifestations of creation. Be not content with mediocrity or with the clamor of the passing show. Consciousness grows as life's experience expands. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.17: The subsequent as well as the early events pass utterly unnoticed. The throne, or the cell of a monastery, or the cobbler's nook have no importance; the previously accumulated aura accompanies this last path. Of course the aura expands, and, as it were, shields an unusual sensitiveness; but its quality no longer changes, and from early age one may distinguish these singular children, who carry their own world of manifestations of the spirit. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.1: The manifestation of new images is often distortedly reflected. The mirror either expands or contracts, as when a surface undulates from an unusual pressure. Agni Yoga (1929) - 81: 81. Can thought thunder? The phenomenon of the echo is an example. Thought, like sound, expands in magnetic waves. And the expression "the thunder of thought" is not an exaggeration. Precisely, the nature of thought must be investigated. For instance, is it possible that thoughts of a certain quality and intensity can influence plant life? How do animals react to certain thoughts? And finally, how do thoughts affect "sir man"? How does thought act as an element in chemical compounds? Would it not be advisable to test thought with litmus paper? Could thought not rival virulent poison or music in its power? In general, thought must be investigated as a living factor of existence. Thus it will be possible to build a bridge between the psychic and the material from psycho-technics to dynamics, and even to astrochemistry. Thus should be understood the working of space. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 62: 62. The world of form is unlimited, and a developed receptivity and imagination can add multifold manifestations to Be-ness. If we accept the concept of a whole arc of ascent through all directions of Space, we will be able to attain understanding of the far-off worlds. Why not enrich life by admitting into the consciousness the fact that beyond its earthly dwelling the spirit has treasures toward which to aspire? Those who deny the life on the far-off worlds deprive themselves of their own obvious wealth. Why not accept the thought that the worlds cleave to a chain which leads from conception to unending evolution? Creation, which expands in an ascending arc, proceeds just as the Cosmic Fire. Why should one limit the Cosmos to Earth alone, in the belief that Cosmos provided only the one refuge to man? Let us rise upon the ascending arc in cooperation with the far-off worlds. The spirit knows that creativeness, for the fruits of the next step, must be intensified. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 97: 97. Verily, limitless is the beauty of Cosmos, when by the way of the heart we can penetrate into the consciousness of the Cosmic Breath. The ascent is predestined by the manifestation of all the cosmic combinations under the pure sign of cosmic unity. Observing the occurrences on the planet, We may only say, "Great is your destination; affirm yourself, manifesting ascent!" The heart was always considered as the symbol of the "guiding one." Life expands by that symbol. The guiding one and the guided are affirming the significance of the Cosmic Consciousness. The expected one and the expectant are expressing Cosmic Reason. The calling one and the responding one are expressing Cosmic Accord. All the feelings of the Builder of Cosmos are directing the moves into the higher life. Yes, yes, yes! Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 40: 40. The cosmic pulse governs all manifestations of life. The failure to adhere to the rhythm of this pulsation acts as a diversion of striving. The cosmic pulsation governs the generating of energies as well as their shifting. The cosmic pulsation governs the destinies of nations and precipitates the fate of the planet. Cosmic pulsation designates the path of evolution and the dates of the shiftings. A magnetized spiral asserts itself in streams of Cosmic Fire. The manifestation of imbalance results from the action of the Fire of Space. When the spiral in its motion meets a counteraction, the cosmic pulsation is violated. How greatly does humanity interrupt the cosmic pulsation by its course, which is seemingly toward evolution but is not true progress! The cosmic pulsation creates a straining spiral. Humanity creates as a flattened spiral. Can one then expect progress toward evolution when there is such a great disparity between these manifestations! Only the thought which is saturated with the emanations of pure Fire produces an intense spiral. Thought is the seed of spirit and of action. The labor which expands with the pulsation of Cosmos is affirmed as progress into evolution. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 199: 199. The vibration of the heart expands like a magnetic wave of spirit. The vibration of the heart expands like a ray of light. In all cosmic manifestations, the Magnet of the Perfect Heart attracts. Only the lever of the heart can direct the action toward the true source. When the ray of consciousness contacts the Spatial Fire, the cosmic vibration enters into life. Therefore, the conscious direction of the ray of the heart will lead to creation. Thus, the cosmic attraction is imbued by the Heart of Cosmos. When the vibration of the heart strives to create, the energy of the Cosmic Magnet responds to that striving. Thus conscious attraction will produce a boundless striving. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 247: 247. The cosmic foundation is known to be the magnet of striving. The entire cosmic structure is based on the force of striving; and each step is tensed by a magnet of Fire. The Spatial Fire creates all worlds. The spark expands into a fiery sphere, and all cosmic origins increase in fiery scope, encompassing all aspirations. Thus, the spirit conceived in fire is suffused with the Cosmic Fire. Therefore, the seed of the spirit is saturated with fiery striving. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 414: 414. Yes, only those subtle energies which contact the spirit can give creativeness to humanity. Only the beauty of the spirit can move humanity. The power of creativeness is contained in the fire of the spirit. Thus, the mighty Agni Yogi who breathes in the fiery impellent force of cosmic fires gives to the world much of his heart and the flow of rays. The creativeness of the spirit expands in a radiant orbit. Therefore, when the spirit manifests a subtle assimilation of fires he then gives out the same amount to the world, preserving the equilibrium of creativeness. Hence, there is cosmic creativeness in each fiery assimilation. Thus is the cosmic evolution built. It is therefore that the qualities of the fire of the Mother of Agni Yoga are so sacred. It is thus that We build Our immutable actions. Thus is the future step constructed. Hierarchy (1931) - 356: 356. As the words imply, the evolutionary spiral expands and the involutionary spiral contracts. The very same may be observed not only in personal aspects but also in ideas. It is very instructive to discern how ideas are generated and how they complete their circle. Often they seem to disappear completely, but if they are of an evolutionary nature they appear again in an expanded form. For evolutionary thinking, one should study the spiral of the root of an idea. The task of the gradual containment of an idea can afford a progression toward a higher understanding. One may take for instance the idea of religions and examine it spirally; precisely, not comparatively, but evolutionally, spirally. Thus one can see the one root. Likewise one can study how the ideas of religions expanded through evolution. Thus, the prognosis of the future will not be diminished. Positive signs must be gathered. Hierarchy (1931) - 381: 381. The consciousness that encompasses only the present, without any thought of the future, cannot adhere to evolution, because the chain of centuries disappears for such a consciousness. Hence, when the consciousness expands it encompasses the great leading chain of causes and effects. Thus, while evolution is being established, the manifestation of causes is so important. At present, when the planet is completing its Karma, certainly the retribution for engenderments is greatly reflected upon humanity. Yet that which is engendered by human spiritual striving enwraps the planet. Hence each bright tension and striving will give to the planet the affirmation of the New World. Therefore, the lofty Banner of Peace carries its projectiles of Light and fierily imbues the currents around Earth as a panacea against evil. The consciousnesses blended for millenniums create. Thus Light conquers darkness. Thus a wondrous step is being fulfilled. Thus the preordained approaches. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 461: 461. Meteoric microbes should not be surprising. The assertion that life is in everything merely expands the horizon. If a microbe can come flying out of space, then how many other new observations are to expected! The very fieriness of space affords new conclusions about Fire as a vital substance. One must urge the scientists to live in greater harmony, lest precious observations be dispersed through hostility and denial. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 478: 478. Fiery breathing exists, because the fiery body is alive. Seldom is it possible to observe the flashes of fiery breathing in the earthly body, yet a purified body can sometimes feel such sighs. They may be felt either in the crown of the head, in the heart, or in other centers; one can feel something like an expansion of these centers, as it were. This can even cause dizziness or nausea, because the physical world cannot easily adapt itself to such a manifestation of the Fiery World. Among the causes of enlargement of the heart may be included fiery breathing. Often the heart expands, but loses the rhythm and thus cannot contract normally. In levitation fiery breathing is of great importance; it takes the body out of physical conditions. Here again we are concerned with thought as a fiery product. You yourselves know that during levitation the body loses weight. You must also remember that the thought about levitation did not occur - it was only the entire being striving toward Hierarchy. Yoga constantly advises "Think only of the Highest, so far as your consciousness can encompass. Imagine this Highest to be the best Aspect. Imagine this Highest to be in the Ineffable Light. Strain your consciousness as if toward something completely tangible. Manifest the best disposition. Gather all treasures of the Good, for the Voice of the Silence said, 'In good we ascend!'" You see once more how clear were the ancient counsels, for application in life. One can constantly advise scientists to reread attentively the ancient Teaching. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 109: 109. Relativity expands into Infinity - there is the same law for knowledge. No one in the Worlds can be satisfied with his knowledge. New acquisitions increase progressively the realization of lack of knowledge. The faint-hearted may become frightened before the infinitude of knowledge, but we already know the inevitability of this law, and we labor daily so as to rejoice at this infinitude. Brotherhood (1937) - 61: 61. Experiments with psychic energy will show how much such a symphony expands the beneficial circle. Experienced observers will apprehend easily the correlation of qualities with psychic energy, but for the ignorant such a comparison will be incomprehensible. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 242: The progress of karma can be observed in historic events. We advise the study of biographies and histories, wherein one can observe how karma develops and falls upon people in order to restore balance. People generally regard karma as punishment, but the great law should not be limited in that way. The law acts in the name of equilibrium, and the damage done by the violation of balance cannot be judged by earthly measures. Only from higher planes can it be seen how a crime expands in its effect, once committed. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 271: Let us not assume that when the supermundane battle expands it does not affect us here on Earth. On the contrary, it is reflected upon the entire earthly space, and involves not only the warriors, but also all ordinarily neutral beings. It not only brings illness, but also poisons the mind, and this, of course, is the most perilous. It is no wonder that sensitive organisms prefer to leave! But it is better to be in the thick of battle than to receive passively a rain of splinters and poisoned arrows. I strongly affirm that the events are approaching a climax.