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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EX > EXHIBITS (3)

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 318:
318. The formulation of the principle of goal-fitness is very instructive. If humanity in its striving would manifest greater cognizance of this, our planet could take a new step. Humanity lives on, continuing in this lack of goal-fitness, and the results engendered are so multiple that the human spheres are dark. The period of subterranean explosions is in correspondence with the supermundane accumulations. The countries which are shrouded in clouds of uncomprehension of the Cosmic Magnet, exhibits manifold signs of perturbations. The knowledge of the Chalice very often brings anguish. Indeed, the planet is bathed in human tears. Thus, the Cosmos strains the centers of an Agni Yogi; the subtleness of the organism manifests a responding vibration. Thus do We serve Cosmos.

AUM (1936) - 455:
Thus at different times people have accumulated considerable data, each one according to his own character. Put together similar observations and you obtain very significant exhibits. Besides, it may be seen that peoples of early times displayed considerable power of observation, possibly even greater than at present. It is necessary to investigate how the properties of great energy have been collected and recorded.

Brotherhood (1937) - 60:
60. We strengthen our listeners with all the qualities necessary on the path to Brotherhood. It is not enough to possess only certain separate qualities, it is needful to realize their complete combination. The symphony of qualities is like the symphony of the spheres. If one quality develops beautifully while others are straggling, there results a destructive dissonance. Dissonances can be weakening or irritating, or even destructive. Equilibrium of qualities is achieved through great tension of consciousness. The shepherd must carefully tend his flock, and likewise man must cure an ailing quality. A man himself knows definitely which of his qualities is ailing. Life provides him with an opportunity to test any quality whatsoever. In everyday life there can be found the possibility of application of any quality. If a man begins to insist that he has been deprived of the possibility of applying his best qualities, he will reveal his own dullness. On the other hand, if a man rejoices at a chance to apply his qualities, he exhibits broadening of consciousness. Then comes the next step of joy, precisely that concerning the beauty of symphony of qualities.


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