Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.4: You may write emphatically about simplicity, because nothing so much bars the way as the puffiness of self-conceit. One must exert utmost efforts to reject every germ of self-conceit, and without sinking into bigotry. It seems an old truth, but now it must be reiterated. Everyone must understand for himself where his simplicity is lacking. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.13: One must exert one's aura; it cannot grow otherwise. It should be clearly understood how useless the heavenly rays are if they are not met by the emanations from the nerve centers. I have already spoken about numbness of the tongue and broken arms as the result of heavenly action without earthly response. New Era Community (1926) - 64: I know people who have let the call escape them on account of their porridge. But My arrow is let fly in the hour of need. My Hand is ready to lift up the veil of the consciousness; therefore, co-measurement of the small and the great, of the recurrent and the non-recurrent is needed. Exert yourselves to understand where is the great! I say - time is short! New Era Community (1926) - 112: 112. It is a most useful thing to be able to combine the tenderness of love with the austereness of duty. The new life will not be deterred by contrasts. It will not exert compulsion with one yoke, but will bestow breadth of receptivity. It is not fitting for people to sit in a chicken-coop. It is time to know the planet and to assist it. People cannot lull themselves by calculating how many years are yet left before the sun will be extinguished. A great number of various conditions may upset all calculations. It also cannot be forgotten that people can gnaw each other in two. This consideration must not be forgotten, since malice is deluging the Earth. New Era Community (1926) - 234: 234. The world has been split into two parts. Knowing the imperfection of half the manifestations of the new, foreseeing the cunning tricks of the old, We always remain in a world which is imperfect and new. We know all, We appraise all. You have a personal influence, people come to you with the question, "How to think?" Reply briefly, "With the New World; cast out all limited opinions." Reflect how it is possible to depart from old habits. Exert yourselves to accept the full chalice. Agni Yoga (1929) - 137: 137. People do not want to understand group work, which multiplies the forces. The dodecahedron is one of the most perfect structures, with a dynamic power that can resist many assaults. A group of twelve, systematically united, truly can master even cosmic events. It must be understood that the enlarging of such a group can weaken it, undermining the dynamic force of its structure. Therefore you notice Our formations of small groups. Of course, various karmic conditions can attract more and diverse karmic elements to the group. One cannot expel them forcibly, but one can quickly live through their effect. The duty of each developed participant of the group is to realize who the uninvited guests are, and to exert all will power to settle the old accounts of life. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 109: The higher planets do not exert such gravitational pull. The spirit's striving is a moving force, and a vital and flaming fusion carries one into higher spheres. Onerous is the earthly path for the spirit nearing consummation. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 166: 166. When imbalance takes on the impetus for explosion, all plans of the dark ones crumble. The imminent explosion puts under strain all the schemes of those who have fear. Therefore, the departing ones exert themselves strenuously. Heart (1932) - 57: 57. It is necessary to instill an understanding of the Great Service. Pure hearts can exert themselves for the Great Service without fatigue or neglect. How destructive is the dullness of neglect! And how many even of those who know are unable to withstand it! In ancient times it was called the "grey snake." Let the friends accept the manifestation of alertness and attentiveness. Heart (1932) - 74: 74. The concepts about the will must be firmly realized and distinguished. The will of the brain has become the citadel of the West, whereas the East has maintained its stronghold in the heart. In suggestion, the Western hypnotist uses the will, straining the centers of the extremities and eyes; yet this emanation is not only rapidly depleted but brings fatigue and, primarily, acts only over very inconsequential distances. In transmissions of the will spatial attainment is impossible; but the heart of the East does not need any tension of the extremities, does not needlessly exert the energy, but sends out its thoughts without any limits of place. The suggestion from the heart, as a natural channel for communication, does not bring harm to the one who suggests or to the receiver. The Western method is always apparent externally, but the Eastern act has nothing external about it; quite the contrary, the transmitter does not look upon the receiver, for he has the image of the destination in his heart. There are many numerous advantages in the heart activity, but to encompass it it is necessary primarily to realize the significance of the heart. The power of the heart conquers absolutely everything. The heart may know the significance of far-off happenings. The heart can soar, fortifying the needed links. The heart can unite itself with the far-off worlds. Test it by the transmission of the will alone and you will realize the difference in the will of the heart. Maitreya's is the Age of the Heart! Only with the heart can one evaluate the treasures of Maitreya! Only with the heart can one understand how greatly all acquisitions, all straight-knowledge are needed for the future. Heart (1932) - 212: 212. Patience is the gift of heaven - thus spoke the ancients. Why should patience belong to heaven when in reality it should belong exclusively to the Heart? Yet how shall we exert patience without knowing the Higher World? Only when the silver thread shall be drawn from the heart to the Higher World, will the understanding of patience come. We revere that quality; it is close to tolerance and containment, in other words, to the opening of the Gates. If something is not close to us, but it opens the heart of a neighbor, would we not tolerate it only to kindle someone's heart? Would we prefer to satisfy our own pleasure and embitter the heart of a neighbor? Moreover, would it not be a beautiful test to keenly observe exactly what will open the heart to Good? In the diversity of achievements one cannot fail to acknowledge the general harmony of the spheres. Though it be expressed only in one tone, yet each correct note sounds like a cosmic consonance and must be accepted with care. Therefore people rebel so greatly in heart if this note is rejected. The trial by patience is one of the highest tests. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 93: 93. In general few can understand the glow of the flaming heart. Yet those who have beheld these fires of illumination know how vital is this manifestation. The Fire-bearer himself notices these instants of light, but for those present many conditions either permit or impede seeing the miraculous Fire. Without doubt the natures of those present have an influence upon the character of the manifestations themselves. One can easily imagine such a mass of extinguishers that even the star of Light will be only a glimmer. But at times a simple yet most beautiful heart sets ablaze a new force of the Fire-bearer. Besides human reactions and conditions of the Subtle World numerous manifestations of nature exert an influence. Thus, during a thunderstorm the luminosity can increase at the moment when the electrical mass also intensifies the inner fires. Water that contains certain mineral properties can also facilitate the manifestation of inner radiance. Naturally, the worst atmosphere is the stale, poisonous air of unventilated houses. Surely, if this air can be the breeding place of disease, how much more can it suppress the emanations of the heart! The manifestation of luminosity is more frequent than is thought, but prejudice and sophistry will always draw their own conclusions. The misfortune is that people cannot detect unfettered judgments. The heralded emancipation, about which people like so much to speak, will be primarily not slavery of opinion. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 500: 500. It is especially difficult to explain to people that in the midst of days of extreme gravity there may be no outstanding events, and that the most propitious astrological dates may even be accompanied by misfortune. People will regard such comparisons as indicating the absurdity of astrological laws. They forget that the harvest is gathered after the sowing. Perhaps the best astrochemical currents can relatively lessen the scope of effects, but each effect has its inexorable cause. Therefore, in the midst of grave days one must exert extreme caution, solemnity, and magnanimity. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 654: 654. Let us recall an ancient Chinese tale about the Elusive Decrees. A man passed by the dwelling of eight Blessed Ones and noticed that they were strangely occupied. One of them was rushing about attempting to jump upward. When the passer-by asked the reason for such exercise, he answered, "I am catching the Elusive Decrees" Another Blessed One held his hands over the fire and referred to the same Elusive Decrees. A third stood in an icy stream and spoke of the same Elusive Decrees. Thus eight Blessed Ones strained their forces in striving to the higher Decrees. The passer-by thought to himself, "If even those who have already attained beatitude must strive so vigorously to cognize and catch the Decrees, then how much greater tension must I exert lest the Higher Will escape me!" In this story one can perceive several useful concepts. First, the state of greatest tension can indeed assist transcendental receptivity. Second, having already attained initiation does not necessarily relieve one from the danger of failing to fulfill the higher Ordainments. Third, one must welcome all forms of tension, in order to enter into accord with the Higher World. How often the elusive Decrees flash through space and return again to the treasury of the unapprehended! It is surprising how great a breach of convention it is even to speak about Elusive Decrees. Some smirk of ignorance, some reprove in pride, some take offense in cruelty. Thus each one in his own way ignores the Decrees - subtle decrees, vanishing into the ether. Thus, an old Chinese tale can remind us of the attention due the Elusive Decrees. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 64: 64. Correct is the consideration about mediums that their lymph is a mechanical link with the Astral World. But, limited to mechanics, mediumism is not protected against outside intrusion. It is also correct to understand that the forces of darkness exert all their ingenuity to remain in earthly spheres. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 444: 444. Boldness should be combined with caution. Otherwise boldness will be madness and caution will turn into cowardice. People who can picture to themselves the entire complexity of fiery waves can appreciate the advice of caution. The Yogi does not forget full caution; in it there is respect for the great element and reverence for the Fiery World. One may understand that it is necessary to exert the utmost caution, as when passing between rows of the finest vessels. If these works of fiery labor require such carefulness, the fiery waves themselves enlarge the path of our observation of the heart. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 249: 249. Penetration into spatial depths reveals new forms. It is possible to create with a condensed thought-form a great many affirmations admissible for our life. Each thought-form is in need of spiritualization by the human spirit. Contact with different concepts of the Subtle World bestows the possibility of spiritualizing these forms. Thus, each striving for refinement of feelings will produce fiery manifestations of beauty. One can accept the law of fiery striving for the refinement and the condensation of thought-forms. Construction on the earthly and the superearthly planes can be unified in these manifested aspirations. Broadening of the horizon and of the boundaries of creativeness will be the pledge of new forms and new steps. On the path to the Fiery World let us exert a fiery striving for the refinement of feelings and the condensation of thought-forms. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 332: 332. Man represents in himself a magnet, the qualities of which are quite multiform. Best of all, it is possible to reveal that influence which either the Higher Forces or the dark enslavers exert on man. When the centers and consciousness are correspondingly developed the force of the magnet becomes invulnerable, because this magnetism becomes a conformer to the Higher Force. But the spirit which is saturated with low currents cannot attract. Magnetic currents are directed only by forces which attract them. By losing attraction, it becomes impossible to respond to a vibration. Man is the magnet - thus let us remember on the path to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 566: 566. Often disputes take place about the length of stay in the Subtle World. Long periods have been mentioned, but also there can be noted some very brief ones. How to reconcile this difference? Yet in the great multiform Universe all is possible. The inhabitants of the Subtle World can be divided into several kinds some try to prolong their sojourn from a desire to develop the utmost usefulness - they are the hardest workers. Others try to remain longer in order not to take on the earthly trial. A third group stay on because of their love for the Subtle World. A fourth exert every effort to return more quickly to the earthly experience. It is true, children often incarnate quickly, but they can be observed to be striving toward many different tasks. It is touching to see children who wish to do better and who are afraid of former conditions; they should be particularly helped. Of course such strivings do not resemble those of a pauper who, because of the loss of his earthly treasures in a former life, wishes to become a rich man. But the chief happiness in the Subtle World is to preserve the purity and clarity of one's thinking. One must know precisely what one desires. Brotherhood (1937) - 66: 66. Co-workers and messengers may be either conscious or unconscious ones. The entrusting of commissions is considered honorable, but unconscious co-workers usually do not even know when they have been inspired by a commission. They proceed in accord with a command unknown to them, transmitting something or forewarning someone, but they themselves do not know where is the beginning and where the end of their mission. There are many such messengers; they differ according to their condition, but none the less they do not tarry. Also, there are particular silent commissions, when it is needful to exert influence, not by a word, but by silence. Brotherhood (1937) - 67: 67. Sometimes a fixed silent gaze averts great dangers. Thought needs no words. Suggestion needs no words. Only unskillful hypnotists try to exert influence with a loud cry and to increase it with the hands, but neither one nor the other is needed in thought transmission. Rather can rhythmic breathing be useful, but this too is replaced by the rhythm of the heart. Brotherhood (1937) - 68: 68. People who are expecting a message can also be divided into two categories. The minority know how to wait, but the majority not only do not understand what is taking place but even exert a harmful influence. They abandon their work. They fill space with complaints. They impede those around them. Without noticing it they consider themselves the elect, and they begin to make arrogant assertions about others. Much harm emanates from scant knowledge and still more from a petrified consciousness. Each such person becomes a hotbed of confusion and doubt. He loses the rhythm of work by manifesting confusion. Such people are very harmful for the spreading of knowledge. They wish to receive for their personal gratification the very latest tidings, but little usefulness results from such usurpers. One should not fail to take such weak people into account - they are as nests of treason. Nothing restrains their intrigues. There should be no act of destruction just for the sake of good tidings. Few there are who know how to await messages in complete magnanimity, while working, and amidst difficulties - such co-workers are the ones who become brothers. Brotherhood (1937) - 95: 95. Each manifestation is multiform. It is especially erroneous to think of a manifestation as having one single source and one single effect. Around each action there can be observed many different realms which exert an influence and on which an influence is exerted. One must assimilate the fact that the sphere of each action is far broader than can be defined according to earthly reasoning. Thus, by each action and each thought people contact several spheres. It should not be forgotten that thoughts infallibly impinge upon the Subtle World. They do not always arrive in a state of clarity, but in any case they will produce a certain disturbance of energy. So many currents are refracted in space that it is impossible to call human action a mere muscular reflex. Hence, one must accustom oneself to the complexity of effects. Brotherhood (1937) - 162: 162. Ancient philosophy advised thinking about the far-off worlds as if taking part in the life on them. These indications have been given in various forms. Wherein lies their essential point? They cannot be an abstraction. The insistence in the indications about such participation shows that thought about the far-off worlds has great significance. The rays of the planets are powerful, and they exert influence upon humanity. But thought assimilates powerful currents, and in the thought process humanity can profitably accept the far-off worlds. Indeed, for such perception it is needful to think of them as about something close at hand. Thought creates around itself a particular atmosphere; in it the planetary currents can be transmuted to act beneficially. Whereas, the same currents, when met with a thought of negation, will yield grave consequences. It need not be considered that one must think incessantly about the far-off worlds. What is important is to direct to them a basic thought, and it will naturally flow along in a definite direction. Thought is of two kinds: the outward and the inward. The manifestation of outward thought can be recorded on an apparatus, but the inward thought is almost undiscernible, though it shows color and chemism. Brotherhood (1937) - 196: 196. Be careful with the throat center; as a synthesized central point it can definitely receive spatial influences. Such radio stations can exert an influence on the mucous membranes, many other reactions likewise can burden the centers. Brotherhood (1937) - 211: Let the madmen not be surprised that We give so much attention to improvement of health. It is inadmissible to be an egoist and to think only about self. In both thoughts and actions we must spread abroad concern about better earthly conditions. Let us not hide ourselves in the folds of our mantles when it is necessary to exert all keenness and good will toward humanity. Brotherhood (1937) - 306: 306. There are different kinds of expectation: there is revealing expectancy, and there is also obstructive expectancy. In the first the heart awaits, but in the second the I-self awaits. A thought, even the loftiest, flies with difficulty through a wall of egoism. It droops at the sharpened stakes of egoism. Jagged is egoism, broken up with envy and savage malice. Such an encounter cannot admit a beautiful thought. Much takes place perceptibly in the process of receiving a thought. There occurs an instant of calm before the arrival of the higher Messenger. But can puffed-up egoism sense this most blissful moment? The heart alone knows how to be filled with expectation. Only the heart does not cry out, I am waiting! Very much egoism sounds in such an I . But to await with the heart, this means to already have a premonition. There is much joy in such a feeling. The ancients called it the guide. I affirm that a premonition is already the opening of the gates. The heart is a cordial hostess; it foresees how to meet the guest from afar. It is needful to exert one's best feelings in encountering thought. Brotherhood (1937) - 352: 352. One may hear about lucky and unlucky signs from those who study the chemism of the luminaries. Actually, there cannot be fortune or misfortune for the whole world. Thus, it is vain to think that an unlucky day would plunge the entire world into inaction. Nevertheless, if the chemism is tensed and weighty, one should manifest caution. Observations and cautiousness can yield the best results. It is better to remain circumspect on a day of ill fortune than to lose sharp-sightedness on a fortunate day. Incorrect understanding of astrology has led to many afflictions. Let us not forget that the chemism of the luminaries cannot exert an equal influence on everything and everyone. On the heights, on the ocean, and under the earth there cannot be identical reactions to the chemism. The science of the influence of the luminaries will become great when it shall be assimilated without prejudice. Brotherhood (1937) - 421: 421. Each one has a great many relations with completely unknown people. Also, his name is pronounced somewhere. Let us not forget that such distant contacts often have a greater significance than contact with our near ones. It may be noticed to what an extent remote information is reflected upon all the inner centers. But such an unquestionable circumstance almost fails to be taken into consideration. People assume that bodily contact is especially important. Let us not deny that the physical handclasp also has significance. But a thought, remote, unharmonized, can exert a very strong influence. No one can see these distant threads, but a refined consciousness feels them. Brotherhood (1937) - 442: 442. Without any instructions people know how to care for a beloved object. They will resourcefully discover how to keep it in concealment. They will exert themselves not to break or damage a beloved thing. Someone has said that people are most competent at preserving stones and metals, less so with plants, still less with animals, and least of all with man. You can judge for yourself how just is such an understanding. Man is a most subtle organism, and yet the most cruel treatment falls to his lot. Let us not close our eyes to the fact that the so-called abolishment of corporal punishment is merely a screen for still greater cruelty. When will the abolition of spiritual persecutions finally come! When will people realize that the highest degree of torture is torment of the spirit! As long as they are not conscious of the Subtle World, humaneness will not be realized. Let us not be surprised that some people require the division of the higher worlds into many degrees. Rather, let people, including those who demand the most, understand at least the Subtle World, so that they may know how to enter it worthily. The division will be grasped afterwards when at least the first degree of Infinity shall have been comprehended. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 102: In Our Life there is no such thing as doubt. The attraction to the higher worlds is tremendous, and We must exert great effort not to be torn away from Earth, where Earthly burdens have been chosen voluntarily and consciously. Such sacrifice is forged by love and by the experiences of former lives that kindled love for those who suffer. Experience can either kindle love or sharpen hatred, and who will be the one to burn on the stake of hatred? Will it not be the one who hates? Love must become wise and active. This concept is very subtle and one can easily stumble over it, or fall prey to hypocrisy. Only labor for the good of the world will afford the proper balance. Labor evokes joy and cognizance of Infinity, and imparts a realization of the mobility of the worlds. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 395: The outflow of psychic energy can be of two kinds, intentional or spontaneous. The first is easily understood, for it is thought that sends out the waves. However, the second kind is not always understood: it is the result of the uniting of the power of directed psychic energy with the main magnetic current. The Teacher urges the disciples to turn to Him, and because of this a connection with a powerful current of energy takes place. The Teacher expends a great deal of energy. You can imagine what effort is needed to exert an influence upon many countries, and to unify so many diverse free wills.