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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EX > EXEMPLARY (4)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 457:
457. One can sometimes notice in children strange and fleeting glances, as if they see something unexplainable. Sometimes they may speak of a fire, of stars, or of sparks. Of course, adults usually attribute this to illness or foolishness, but attention must be paid to just such children. As is known, younger children can easily see astral images and, furthermore, especially sensitive ones can even see the fires of space. Such organisms should be carefully observed from their early days. Be assured that in them lie the promises of Agni Yoga, and if placed in pure surroundings, they will freely fulfill these promises in an exemplary way. Chiefly, their minds should not be polluted with outworn ideas, nor should fear of the unusual be instilled in them.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 100:
Nature has the same exemplary existence. Diverse improvements call forth better forms. Higher conditions afford man better possibilities. These possibilities are limitless. The higher, the more subtle. The more vivid the understanding of the far-off worlds, the more vivid the attainments. And the way of ascent, through the kindling of the centers, is indicated to man. The entire transmutation, which is the threshold of the higher, boundless creativeness, is attained in life on Earth.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 660:
660. Discrimination is one of the most pronounced fiery qualities. It is not straight-knowledge, but a glimmer, as it were, of the language of the Fiery World.. Truly, the man with open centers does not judge by words; he understands all the inner meaning of speech. If all judges were at such a level of fiery discrimination, many offenses would appear in a different light. But such discrimination needs cultivation. It exists in the seed of the spirit, but one must evoke it from the storehouse of the Unmanifest. Therefore a sharpening of the consciousness must be urged. Let each approaching one manifest himself as an exemplary judge. Let one begin to judge according to the eyes; another by the intonation of voice; a third according to the bodily movements. It is immaterial where one begins, because the inner fire is reflected on all the nerve centers. And it is instructive to observe how words often fail to reflect the inner condition. With patience one can attain great results and disclose signs of fiery understanding. Certainly, this will be only a glimpse of the Fiery World, but each spark of such cognizance is already an achievement. Upon entering the Subtle World one should firmly bear in mind the resolution to go toward Light, to hasten to self-perfection, and for this each advice is extremely important. If here upon Earth we already approach discrimination, then upon crossing into the Subtle World this achievement will be a benefaction. The principal difficulty is that despair and perplexity hinder the assimilation of the new conditions. But if we remember firmly whither and wherefore we go, we will instantly find many helpers. Yet people are especially disconcerted by the absence of secrecy when the Ineffable Light penetrates all that exists. Blessed are those who do not have to be ashamed of their heart's accumulations. Love everything that can uplift the heart.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 330:
You remember the physician U., who stayed in the Subtle World for a long period of time in order to render great service to humanity, though his mission became clear to him only while in the Subtle World. Such an exemplary man is in stark contrast to those idlers who want to stay as long as permitted in the Subtle World, in order to delay facing the new tests awaiting them upon their return to Earth.


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