Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 172: 172. There is an inner meaning in all things. On your mission point out that neither the cares of the house nor want have kept you from the path to Us. They will make excuses to you that poverty and children impede their way. But children are flowers of the earth and poverty is the gift of purification. They will say to you, "It is easy to serve God when you are rich." But you, too, have known want. They will say to you, "You are fortunate to have friends and helpers." But you, too, have lived among hearts of stone. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 340: 340. Learn to guard the Shield. Be resourceful in your attainments. The new is difficult, and the old unsuitable. The clouds must not conceal the mountains. No excuses or evasions will help. Only creative labor leads to victory. Understand labor broadly. The blizzard blinds the eye, but not the spirit. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.4: It is terrible to see how few are those who respond to the call without evasive excuses and complaints. One may give to men the most precious, but at the hour of the call they will forget all they have already received. Agni Yoga (1929) - 415: We are told about motionless Arhats, but you must know that their stillness is only external. Many people are pleased when they can find excuses for their inertia. Any call to action disrupts their leisurely state of mind. Can such people be allowed to approach the element of fire, which in its very nature requires vigilance? Fire is like a scherzo, a fugue. But glowing embers are like an andante. Of course, the many kinds of flame all have different rhythms, but an Agni Yogi will never be an unresponsive sluggard. Hierarchy (1931) - 137: Let no one take lightly My warning; when victory is weighed and defined, there can be no excuses or haphazardness. Remember, there is one Anchor, there is one Light! And when the greatest battle takes place, it is unforgivable to disturb the formation. I shall be very severe, because the time is at hand, and already some successes have been postponed. The burden is caused only by you. Guard the foundation! Many fires are introduced into action. Remember, the purple star indicates the highest tension. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 105: 105. If on entering a house you noticed a viper on the host's table, what would you do? Would you think the matter over, while the snake attacked your friend, or would you decide at once to crush it? We say - save your friend from evil. Do not becloud your head with perplexity, but act for the good. One cannot put on the same scale a man and a snake. It is impossible to put on the same level the lower consciousness and the temple of consciousness. If we cease to discriminate, where will be our responsibility before the world? He is no hero who spares the snake and loses a friend. Not a hero is he who evades his duty while offering excuses. Not a hero is he who does not distinguish between the great and the small. Not a hero is he who has lost the measuring rod of the heart. The Leader knows the heart measure and the fiery solution. AUM (1936) - 591: Let hermits on the one hand and scholars on the other equally evaluate the light of the heart. Luminosity corresponds to an accepted degree of tension. Let us see how people often observe this luminosity, yet they find many excuses and denials and bashful silences. As if they were worse than a glowing stump! Frequently, people are capable of recognizing a special feature in a most ordinary object, but they deprive themselves of these possibilities. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 202: 202. Urusvati knows how difficult it is for people to discriminate between the essential and the trivial. Moreover, when people sense the approach of an essential event, they avoid it with petty excuses instead of facing it directly. It is interesting to observe how people cling to trivialities as a way of avoiding facing the essential. They do not realize that the essential contains the beautiful. One should learn to distinguish clearly what insignificant details are particularly appealing to the human mind, for only by understanding such insects will one be able to exterminate them. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 321: The worldly-wise advise us to ignore the cruelties that surround us, but these "wise" ones are without life. You will be told many stories about the brilliant achievements of culture, yet the fact remains that slavery still exists. Moreover, it exists under a clever mask of sanctimonious hypocrisy; such a masquerade is particularly shameful. Yet instead of general indignation, one hears excuses for this shame.