Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 69: 69. The quality of observation is one of the principal fiery qualities, but it is not attained easily. It is acquired as slowly as is consciousness. You noted correctly that consciousness is strengthened by life itself; observation is strengthened likewise. There can be no abstract consciousness, nor can there be theoretical observation. But human absent-mindedness is monstrous, it creates a seemingly unreal world. In their egoism people see only their own delusions. In such wanderings there can be no discourse about the New World. Hence, by all means, training in observation should be introduced in schools, even for small children. An hour devoted to observation is a true lesson in life, and for the teacher this hour will be a lesson in resourcefulness. Begin the refinement of observation upon everyday objects. It would be a mistake to direct the pupils too rapidly to higher concepts. If, for a beginning, the pupil is capable of observing the habitual contents of a room, this will already be an achievement. This is not so easy as it seems to an unobservant eye. Later, by a series of experiments we can accelerate the ability to form impressions. We can propose that the pupil pass through an unfamiliar room at a run and yet with concentrated observation. Thus, it is possible to reveal blindness and assert true keenness of vision. It is necessary to outline a program of tests for all the senses. Thus is fiery action expressed in a simple exercise. Children are very fond of such tasks. Such exercises of consciousness carry one into the higher spheres. The most ordinary routines can become the gateway to the most complex. Imagine the exultation of a child when he exclaims, "I've seen more!" In this "more" can be comprised an entire step. The same joyous exclamation will greet the first fiery starlet that is observed. Thus, true observation begins. AUM (1936) - 144: 144. Utter darkness! - thus exclaims a man who falls into despair. The light has gone out - says the man who loses hope. Absolutely everything which refers to the luminous future is connected with Light. But people do not know how to rejoice at Light as energy. In the application of light treatments without using the opportunity to explain the significance of Light the physician and scholar are equally guilty. The ray of light acts on everything - muscles, bones and nerves. The brain lives by means of light; the vital substance of the brain is in need of rays of light. One can enumerate all the physiological conditions, and they will prove the Teaching of Light. Brotherhood (1937) - 485: 485. When a great light draws near to someone's eyes, he exclaims, There is not enough light! Must not the cause be sought in blindness? Many examples can be cited when faulty eyes failed to see the light. Insensitiveness to light does not depend upon the light itself, but lies in poor eyesight. People who have eyes obstructed by dust can often be reminded of this. Can such a person be fit for the path to Brotherhood? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 37: It should not be thought that We are protected in Our earthly lives from all onslaughts of darkness. Those who fulfill an earthly mission do so under earthly conditions. People usually think that We dwell in safety, and think of Us as supernatural beings. Relatively speaking, We can overcome much, but this battle is a real one. We remain victorious, because the Hierarchy of Light cannot be conquered by darkness. When one of Our Sisters exclaims "How terrible!" she does not show fear, but simply understands the tension. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 218: People generally do not know the difference between magnetism and hypnotism. Hypnotism deals with personal forces, whereas magnetism is a cosmic phenomenon. The Thinker often spoke about the significance of these energies, and used to say, "The moment a man exclaims, 'Oh, how unhappy I am!' he immediately increases his trouble. But he who declares, 'I am happy!' opens the gates to happiness.