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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EX > EXCAVATIONS (2)

New Era Community (1926) - 115:
115. No one dares to stand up against the school, but few there are who think about its improvement. School programs are not looked over for years at a time, and meanwhile discoveries are on the march. New data are rushing in from all sides the air spheres and the depths of the oceans and the mountain treasuries all relate wonderful facts about themselves. Haste is needed, else excavations will alter the data of conventionalized history. In the new schools prohibitions must be removed, in order that pupils may see reality - which is wonderful if truthfully revealed. Broad is the field of mental competition!

AUM (1936) - 395:
Many well-thought-out symbols have been left for our interpretation. The study of symbols will provide a conception of the profundity of ancient thinking. Though remains of ancient adaptations are rarely found, such as apparatus, yet in symbols it is possible to see something far more profound than people care to admit. Still, excavations sometimes yield parts of objects which are not understood.


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