Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 388: 388. Examine even the resounding stones under your feet. For on them may be found traces of My Coming. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.15: Let us examine the row of co-workers. Was anyone deprived of anything? No, all have been enriched. Is it not enrichment to become a ruler of a new kingdom? So rich is that kingdom that without too much harm we can break a few dishes. Positively the hands are growing, and the book of gratitude can be examined. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.1: 3.2.1. Be not afraid to examine closely the armor of your brother. Only by fingering with a careful hand all the links of the coat of mail can you recognize which side of the brother is the least defended. An armor that shines from the outside may not withstand even a light arrow. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.1: Therefore, if you detect a weak link you can say: "Brother, in the Name of the Teacher, examine thy coat of mail and finish its tempering; otherwise it is better to fight without any armor at all!" Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.1: Therefore, examine the weapons before each battle. Cruel is the lot of him who holds a hilt only. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.3: If we scientifically and impartially examine prophecies which have chanced to be preserved, what do we see? We find people who, disregarding personal advantage or disadvantage, have peered into a forthcoming page of history, were terrified, and forewarned the people. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.4: 3.6.4. Since Our Central Community does have significance for world structures, them, too, communities established by Us have an influence upon the evolution of the world. Let us examine the principal kinds of these widely scattered communities. New Era Community (1926) - 157: It is essential to examine the programs of schools and to strengthen the line of authentic knowledge. Superstition drives people into the crevices of terror. This straightening out of school thinking must be attended to immediately, otherwise one more generation of brainless ones will disgrace the planet. Natural science must be augmented in cognition of the significance of this term. Biology, astrophysics, chemistry, will attract the attention of the youngest child's brain. New Era Community (1926) - 213: A great deal must be removed from the path. It is necessary to examine everything imbedded. We have become accustomed to accept occasional stumps as guiding landmarks, but, as worthy members of a rational society, all are responsible for each foolish survival. One should not consider oneself the victim of the general senselessness. New Era Community (1926) - 213: One should not reconcile oneself to the thought that someone else is at fault. It were better to calculate soberly one's own feelings. It were better, without a crooked smile, to consider that it is possible to reform beginning with today, and to examine the quality of each one's actions. In this, one should begin checking the most trivial matters. Have you slept too long? Have you spoken with those around you? Have you deferred an urgent task? Have you told false dates? Have you forgotten solicitude about the Common Good? Thus question yourself without hypocrisy. New Era Community (1926) - 228: Life has been divided according to periods and to styles, paying tribute to the measures of imperfect days. Who apportioned the constellations? Who apportioned the dialects? Has anyone called to mind the inheritances of all peoples? Style has determined the peculiarities of the age. The external notches of a design bear the prejudices and conventionalities of falsehood. It is time to divide inheritances only according to the inner potential. It is necessary to know the accruements of life. Coffin shapes must be left to the dead. True, one should sense the steps of culture, but disregard the zigzags of effeminateness. Faint-heartedness shut up in awkward armor did not lead to pan-human joy, but the retort of a modest alchemist has often been illumined by the Common Good. Without superstition must we examine the milestones of the growth of humanity under the sign of the community. We must examine how the victory of the community grew, in the kindling fires of knowledge and beauty. True knowledge and beauty contain in themselves the best community. Agni Yoga (1929) - 15: If modern science would try to examine objectively the nerve channels, giving heed to the astral currents, it would encounter a strange decomposition of the astral substance during the passage of that substance through the nerve channels - this is a reaction to imperil. Only rest can help the nervous system to overcome the dangerous enemy that can call forth the most diverse irritations and painful contractions of the organism. Agni Yoga (1929) - 42: Metalization in the cultivation of plants will yield useful secretions of the roots. Therefore it is necessary once again to direct attention to the vegetable kingdom. Besides, examine the nourishing properties of vegetables and grains and you will have many surprises. The lack of discrimination in the choice of man's nourishment is astonishing. I speak of the quality. Agni Yoga (1929) - 109: 109. The heart knows its friends! Therefore, carefully examine your friends lest you admit into your heart a casual passer-by. The Teacher is your closest friend. Do not add to His burden. Agni Yoga (1929) - 142: All have heard about the coming of the New Era. Can the new arrive in inaction? It is better to welcome a new blind puppy than an aged parrot that repeats old things. Examine the stream of the Teachings of life that have been given to humanity. Each, without affecting the preceding, opens new gates to knowledge. The enduring realities of life are fundamental to each given Teaching. Therefore they should be studied not for learning, but for application to life. Only in this way can you create the current of energy. Agni Yoga (1929) - 164: 164. People talk much about the aid that should flow from Our Abode. But let us examine the ability of people to accept Our help. Each person who yearns for assistance has already decided selfishly the direction and measure of it. Can an elephant find room in a low cellar? But the seeker of help cares about neither its proportion nor its suitability. For him, lilies should flower during wintertime, and in the desert a spring must burst forth; otherwise the Teacher's merit is small. Agni Yoga (1929) - 240: 240. One should examine all ideas about death. Setting aside those who think of suicide, if a life is dedicated to labor, is there any advantage to having a lengthy life in one body? No, it is more useful to divide the time into several experiences. Economy of energy is a fundamental principle of the universe. To enter a new house filled with fresh air is to open the opportunity for new accumulations of experience. Agni Yoga (1929) - 304: Let us examine and apply ourselves fully to resolving the most important problems in life, and leave details to the flow of karma. One can often affect the direction of the main stream, but the details always carry the marks of predetermined karma. Though these details may have no great significance, they are what people usually remember and use as a basis for judgment. Also in the performance of one's tasks and experiments, one should not expect the details of their application and flow to be identical. What is evident means little. Agni Yoga (1929) - 376: 376. How do We define success? Truly, works are successful when their very trail is followed by friend and foe alike. Examine the deeds of those who follow, and say to yourself, "All comes from our fire." All mistakes are burned away by the fire of following. One may traverse life with courage when the beacon-fires light the way, when the dangers themselves are part of the design of the Veil of the Mother of the World. Agni Yoga (1929) - 589: 589. The wise one knows the spoken word, knows the written word, knows the thought, and knows silence - so says the old proverb. Let us examine this from the point of view of psychic energy. Truly, one has to distinguish when a spoken word, a written letter, a thought, or silence is most needed. One can achieve much by directing one's energy properly. Refined straight-knowledge will determine which method is the most needed at each moment. Agni Yoga (1929) - 599: 599. Certainly, one of the main tasks of the coming evolution will be to transform our view of the so-called abstract into a recognition of it as cognizable reality. The study of psychic energy will make possible a completely new approach to one's surroundings. The contrasting results of selfish versus altruistic actions have until the present been seen in an abstract way, but let us henceforth examine them from the point of view of the chemism of the various centers. Different thoughts and actions issue from different centers. Hence, their emanations are chemically different, as is their visible radiance. The effects react on the creator himself and on his surroundings. Thus, it would seem that the most abstract will become weighable and measurable. One of the simplest experiments will be the weighing of an individual under the impact of his different thoughts. A sensitive scale and sharpness of thought will provide clear contrasts. This is not a science for hermits but is knowledge for the improvement of life. Agni Yoga (1929) - 644: 644. You submit to examination by physicians of different kinds. You allow your body to be cut by the scalpel. You permit physical experiments. But when you are spiritually ill and your consciousness is dim and you do not perceive the light of the coming future, still you reject any thought about the shield of regeneration. I have said that your shield is in recognizing Our existence. Accept this advice - heal your consciousness! You who complain about your liver, examine your thoughts! Agni Yoga (1929) - 647: 647. The acceptance of Our Advice must be expressed by immediate, undeferrable action. The disciple must not be satisfied with good intentions, knowing that bad results follow inaction. Light-mindedness, negligence, and the demeaning of Our Instructions weigh heavily on the scales. Even the disciple will examine himself three times and say, "I see no mistakes in my actions." Agni Yoga (1929) - 661: 661. Each thought put into action is a contribution to the fiery creativeness. Each fulfilled thought is linked to Our actions. How carefully must the disciples examine the quality of their thoughts! Has not the worm of egoism, or conceit, or the manifestation of self-love hidden somewhere? The ability to admit this honestly is something that each spirit must develop within himself. Only thus can one fulfill one's mission in the Plan of the Lords. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 506: 506. In the proclaimed law of life the principle of harmony is truly majestic! Often the spirit ascribes his action to a good motive whereas the power of the spirit is impelled in the opposite direction. Thus think those who do not wish to look straight ahead toward the Light. By such thinking the spirit admits lack of will, and lack of will is chaos. Since we know that effects proceed from causes, each spirit must examine his own motives. The entire Book of Life is concerned with the qualities of motives. Hierarchy (1931) - 78: 78. Nothing is neglected in the world. Sometimes we measure by great scales, but often experiments with small units should be performed. The trend of thought should likewise be observed. The giants of thought are as instructive as the small leeches. One may see someone who has overcome a tremendous obstacle stumbling over an insignificant puddle. Rancor, offense, thought of self destroy the possibilities just as do treason and fear. One must discriminate the circumstances; where is the new touchstone? Thus, with sharp-sightedness we reach the realization of joy for each probation. We shall say, "Lord, send Thy Will - give or take. Together with Thee, we shall examine my pitfalls. Together we shall deliberate my decisions of yesterday. Today I am satisfied, and Thou, better than I, knowest the quantity of nurture needed for the morrow. I shall not transgress Thy Will, because only from Thy Hand can I receive." Thus, one must watch oneself in the great and in the small. Hierarchy (1931) - 356: 356. As the words imply, the evolutionary spiral expands and the involutionary spiral contracts. The very same may be observed not only in personal aspects but also in ideas. It is very instructive to discern how ideas are generated and how they complete their circle. Often they seem to disappear completely, but if they are of an evolutionary nature they appear again in an expanded form. For evolutionary thinking, one should study the spiral of the root of an idea. The task of the gradual containment of an idea can afford a progression toward a higher understanding. One may take for instance the idea of religions and examine it spirally; precisely, not comparatively, but evolutionally, spirally. Thus one can see the one root. Likewise one can study how the ideas of religions expanded through evolution. Thus, the prognosis of the future will not be diminished. Positive signs must be gathered. Hierarchy (1931) - 434: 434. Help each other, harken! Help in the small and in the great. Help is a rap upon the future. You know not which is the drop that filled the cup to the brim. I shall remind you of a tale of ancient India King Rishiputra could no longer sleep. He summoned a Sage to restore his sleep to him. The Sage said, "King, examine thy couch." The royal couch was examined, and a stone was found in the folds of the sheets. The King rejoiced, believing that this was the cause of his affliction. But sleep did not return and the Sage repeated his advice. Again the couch was examined, and a dead butterfly was found. Again the King was sure that the cause of his sleeplessness was discovered. But his sleep did not return. The Sage said, "There is no effect without cause. Thou thyself, King, examine thy couch; for nothing can take the place of one's own eye." And the King found under his pillow a grain of gold, small as a mustard seed. "This minute grain could not have harmed me," thought the King. But sleep immediately closed his eyes. In the morning the Sage pointed out to the King, "The downfall of the spirit is not measured by fourths. The treasures of war cannot outweigh a seed taken from a widow. Help, King, wherever help can reach." Heart (1932) - 209: 209. Yet an understanding of the beneficence of tension propels the heart to the highest worlds. Only on this path does the blue flame glow. Parts may be consumed, but the essence will radiate. Do not be frightened when the great days come. When you examine the armor, you know that victory is accorded only by trust and by the heart. Where the forces are assembled one can find true victories for oneself. Heart (1932) - 371: 371. I already have spoken of the significance of rays and currents that pierce space. Such considerations would not be difficult to verify scientifically, it would seem. Why not examine the atmosphere transpierced by every possible ray and forced saturation? It could be proved that a condition of oversaturation of the atmosphere is possible. Of course, this forced oversaturation of the atmosphere must produce abnormal results. Man cannot be subjected to constant strokes of lightning or a constant downpour of arsenic or any other poison. Aside from medical considerations, one should think of the crossing of waves. Even the simple rotation of an object produces strong disturbances. To what a degree, then, must the refraction of waves react upon the human heart! But apparently people do not think of anything beyond their own stature. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 91: 91. Let us mentally collect all the fiery approaches, let us examine the signs of inspiration or illumination. We will find identical signs indicating the common foundation, which actually lies beyond. And so it must be, the fire of the heart comes into contact with the Fire of Space. Only thus can be effected the conception, or more correctly, the impregnation of thought-creativeness. Moreover, one must manifest the highest respect for the complexity of the apparatus that forms the contact with Fire. The most delicate golden networks of nerves are almost imperceptible to the eye. One must peer into them with the third eye in order to remember them forever and be imbued with respect for them. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 271: 271. A fire is not kindled under water. Achievement is not created in the comfort of a hothouse. In the midst of human burdens let us ask ourselves, Is this not already an achievement? In the midst of oppression let us ask, Is this not forcing us toward the gates of achievement? In the midst of explosions let us ask, Have we not sufficient strength within us to ascend by ourselves? Thus, let us examine every manifestation as to whether it leads to achievement. Thus, let us note everything that moves us toward achievement. Who can foresee precisely what counterblow will put new circumstances into motion? But without a blow, matter will not be brought into motion. These blows upon matter are called "hearth-stones of achievement." Only those who understand the creative substance will realize that what is said is not merely encouragement but the just assertion of a law. One may turn the law into a misfortune, but it is correct to apprehend the usefulness issuing from the foundations of being. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 131: 131. Let those who study the Teaching examine more frequently their understanding. Not only those who are just beginning, but all must pay attention to their consciousness. It is said that consciousness has a gravitation toward involution, but this merely means that the consciousness, as a most subtle substance, must be always nurtured. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 167: 167. Examine two stones. They are primitive, cold, they have become congealed in their small life, but even they can give off sparks of fire. The heart of a man is no worse than a stone. The thought of a man, even in a small manifestation, is higher in effect than a mineral. I speak of this because it is instructive to observe how thought evokes sparks of fire from the innermost memory. The most casual thought evokes whole forms from the storehouse of memory, entire epochs in which we have been participants. This is a procession of definitely related fiery contents. Indeed, the spark can extricate related portions from the preserved treasure with instantaneous speed. One may be amazed how securely the treasures lie in the Chalice always ready to be drawn out. Only fiery energy can act so subtly and swiftly. The fiery earthly manifestations give an idea of the tension of the fiery World. If here on earth something can be astonishing in its speed and accuracy, then how keen and swift is the Fiery World! If only people would not forget about the Fiery World, one link could be established. Think what the state of consciousness must be, when one is obliged again to remind about the foundations which are so near. However, let us reiterate, let us be filled with patience. It has been said - affirmation of Truth is a strengthening of the bridge. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 204: As thought at evening is broadened by the light of the lamps, so does morning thought glow from contact with the Subtle World. Morning thought is strong not only as a result of rest, but also from contact with subtle energies. But evening thought is distinguished by the complete exaltation which is akin to living fire. Many suppose that they already know the Teaching when they have read it through once. But the best covenants remain unapplied, because people are unwilling to understand their polychromy. Thus, examine the crystal of the Teaching by sun and by firelight. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 52: 52. Least of all do people understand success. Usually, when the success of a task commissioned by the Hierarchy, and imbued with the help of the Hierarchy, is attributed by the spirit steeped in selfhood to its own merit, the success turns into a heartache of the spirit. When a co-worker requires adoration of himself for fulfillment of the task given him, he closes by this very act the records of the space. The records of life passing on in all earthly glory reveal so many beggars in spirit! A co-worker who presents to the community the idea that the Hierarchy will act in accordance with the affirmation of the successful co-worker introduces truly a belittlement of the Hierarch. How difficult it is to introduce among the co-workers the true concept of success! Indeed, only humility of the spirit and the feeling of gratitude are appropriate. Who gave all possibilities? Who has given the direction? Who has manifested all good? Only the Hierarch, only the Leader, only the Forces of Light. Successful co-worker, examine thy armor; on each link is inscribed - Hierarchy. Not I myself, nor mine, but Thine, O Lord! Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 223: 223. Rotation of the solar plexus can have many other causes besides all the cosmic ones. It is necessary to examine the functions of the center of the solar plexus in connection with the sendings of energy at great distances. Rotation of the center of the solar plexus occurs under compression of psychic energy. The radiations of the solar plexus pass through all the centers, and by this rotation these rays penetrate all the centers, bringing to them nourishment and unification through fiery energy. Rotation of the center of the solar plexus can also coordinate different energies by compressing, as it were, any one center which is in special need of saturation or of strengthening. The radiations of the solar plexus then reach, as it were, the outer circumference of the protective net. During the sendings of energy into a determined place, all radiations are gathered into a seeming conical spiral, and all the projectiles go into space spirally. Thus the functions of the solar plexus are as numerous as are its radiations, since it is also a powerful regulator of the energies emanating from all the centers. Absorbing cosmic fiery energies, the center of the solar plexus distributes the latter according to the respective tensions which are inherent in the centers. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 522: 522. The inner life influences Karma a hundred times more. Examine any crime whatever, and it appears small in view of the inner preparation. How protracted is such preparation! So many nearby consciousnesses have been poisoned by such creeping preparations, and so many better possibilities rejected - yet people do not think about this wrong. Again remote from the consciousness is the fiery energy, which alone can put an end to this crawling corruption. So easy is it to arrest decomposition by timely cauterization. AUM (1936) - 1: 1. Let us examine the rainbow - observe that there is in it no blood-red color, nor black; among the higher radiations we find only a radiance and refinement of color. Certain colors which are reminiscent of the higher spheres penetrate to the surface of Earth. Some people love these echoes of the Higher World, but others, on the contrary, prefer the densest shades, and in accordance with such a distinction it is possible to classify people discriminately. One who does not prefer the subtle quality of color has not yet reached a state of ready understanding of the higher worlds. Do not even try to approach such a man, he is under a blood-red cloud. Often such people perish, for their regeneration is almost impossible, and many remedies will fail to benefit them. AUM (1936) - 122: 122. During communion with the Higher World it is actually possible to observe that bent or crossed legs have a deep significance. Let physicians examine what influence such a position of the extremities has upon the blood circulation and the nerve centers. Let them pay attention also to the respiratory channels. Whoever has understood the lubrication of thepassages of the respiratory organs has already discerned the significance of these conduits. AUM (1936) - 125: Therefore it is necessary to examine so attentively the guiding signs. The manifestation of improvement in understanding such signs actually hastens evolution. AUM (1936) - 255: 255. In many countries, when people wish to express a steadfast affirmation, they solemnly pronounce the word Amen . The origin of many words can be traced to ancient sources. When we examine the meaning of the word Amen in Greek, Hebrew, Egyptian, and Sumerian, through many steps we arrive at the same affirmation of the triune symbol. Brotherhood (1937) - 194: 194. Let us examine in what way Brotherhoods have moved around. Along these paths it is possible to learn about the movement of evolution. It should not be thought that Brotherhoods have hastily withdrawn into impregnable recesses. They have merely concentrated their forces in one strong place, both geologically and spiritually. It may be recalled that there have been hearths of Brotherhood in several countries, but at the approach of certain dates such hearths have been gathered together into one Stronghold. Brotherhood (1937) - 503: 503. Fury - thus is called that horrible state into which fall those possessed by egoism, and who approach the higher Teachings for the sake of gain. Their condition cannot be called other than fury. Let physicians examine their saliva to be convinced of the pathological state of their organisms. Someone may ask, Do they bite? He will be right, for their touch is poisonous. One may name many examples of this madness. It is amazing with what dark intentions such people approach the Sources of Light. It is shocking to realize that man rushes into a hideous abyss without looking ahead further than today. Brotherhood (1937) - 561: 561. It will be asked, Can so-called living corpses wander about on Earth for a long time? For long periods, depending upon their animal attraction to the physical world. Psychic energy will leave them, their radiations will become negligible, and a small apparatus will reveal the signs of death. These walking corpses easily fall under the influence of strangers. They repeat empty words of their bygone days, convincing no one. Physicians may vainly examine their aorta, pointing to a valvular disease of the heart. These corpses are sometimes sensed by certain animals. Often these corpses remain as heads of big enterprises, nevertheless their dead husks permeate everything therein. The walking dead are strongly attached to life, for they do not understand the change of condition. They fear death. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 19: The curiosity of the Western world is not understood in the East. Let us examine why the West wants to know about the Brotherhood. Does the West wish to emulate the Brotherhood in daily life? Does the West wish to preserve the Ordainments of the Brotherhood? Does the West wish to deepen its knowledge? So far they show only idle curiosity and looks for reason to criticize and blame. We shall not help them on this path. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 59: 59. Urusvati, through her straight-knowledge, discerns superhuman action. Let us examine the different kinds of human action. There are actions of free will, karmic actions, and actions performed under the influence of obsession. But there can be special kinds of action that do not fit into these categories. We call them superhuman actions. Chosen people fulfill Our missions, consciously applying their best will and abilities, yet their actions do not originate from free will or from obsession. Nor can they be called karmic actions, for in them karma may have been exhausted, or new karma started. Comparing all these, one may come to the conclusion that such action is a special expression sent by Higher Forces. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 77: 77. Urusvati knows that every physical manifestation reveals some small part of the invisible world. There are photographic films that can record things invisible to the eye, such as a subject's radiations, yet sometimes fail to record parts of the subject's physical body. The powerful radiations of Primal Energy can even conceal someone, completely or partially. Skeptics can ask why such unusual photographs are so rarely obtained. This may depend upon the Primal Energy, or simply be a failure to examine the films with sufficient care. The quantity of so-called spoiled film is great, and no one takes the trouble to look carefully at seemingly unsuccessful photographs. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 108: Let us examine the laboratory of eyes, which differ in size and expression. Some are already awakened and full of luster, and others are half-closed; some remind one of Eastern eyes, whereas others are the eyes of the North. One can see how thought creates inexorably out of the treasures of Akasha and supplies the needs of the worlds. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 165: Now let us examine another path, that of the intellectual leader, the leader in creativeness, after whom a whole century of the highest achievements is named. We refer to the Age of Pericles, an era that is associated with the most refined manifestations. Science and creative power characterize this era. Pericles knew recognition and also the blows of Fate. He was surrounded by the finest intellects of his time, philosophers who left to humanity the legacy of an entire age of thought. The Great Pilgrim was a friend to Pericles, and highly approved of this unforgettable and brilliant era of knowledge and beauty. It is interesting to note how the finest spirits are brought together, so that later they may meet on the field of labor. One should watch attentively the accumulation of diverse qualities that will lead to creative work on a world scale. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 187: The sage descends into the darkest depths in order to raise up those who long for redemption. The wise one will not condemn those who suffer, but will lead them toward the golden ray of the dawn. Amidst the darkness the sage does not examine all those who await him, but cares only to help the needy. Who knows, perhaps he will lead forth even his former enemies? And when the sage brings them into the light he will smile to see whom he has brought out. They will be ashamed, and condemnation is thus extinguished. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 273: There are scientists who boldly insist that in all Infinity there is no life except on Earth! It is not enough to call such a claim impertinence: only the crudest egoism can bring forth such an ignorant concept. These scientists make no effort to examine the conditions that exist in Cosmos, and base their judgments upon their own very limited observations! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 288: Not everything should be blamed on the dark forces. Why make giants of them? Is it not better to analyze the tastes of humanity? What do people enjoy, and what do they reject? Let us analyze the sciences, philosophy, art, and physical culture along these lines and we shall see precisely where the sickness of humanity lies. If we examine every negation and learn precisely what has caused it, it will become obvious that disgusting causes bring disgusting results. How can one struggle for Light while still surrendering to darkness? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 309: Much work is required before one can discern goodness. It is even more difficult to detect all the inner motives of the human mind. One should not judge only by outer deeds, but must examine motives. This art can be learned from the ancient sages. The circumstances of those days were quite different, but the scope of human thought was the same. Legends perhaps exaggerate the facts, but the essence of true achievement remains unchanged. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 323: One may recollect that at the French court letters containing useful advice were written, but conditions were then difficult, and we should therefore respect the fact that even amid the extravagance of the court a voice about the useful life could be heard. Many calamities were thus averted. In this way one should examine the various eras. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 377: Unfortunately, people often make crude earthly comparisons that only serve to increase their misconceptions about the Subtle World. Examine human history, and you will see how the striving for Truth is impeded by human imaginings. The crude descriptions of the Subtle World do not correspond to its true condition. For example, the fury of the subtle entities is quite different from earthly rage. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 402: 402. Urusvati knows that idealism and materialism are illusory concepts. There may be those who will say that the four foundations I have named are idealistic and do not conform to a materialistic outlook. But these learned deniers have not troubled themselves to examine each concept from a truly materialistic point of view. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 402: How can they say that the scientific study of the past, the life of far-off worlds, or of still-undiscovered energies, is not materialistic? And as far as Hierarchy is concerned, each denier has his own "hierarchy" and reveres it even more than We would recommend for the true Hierarchy! If we examine each concept from the materialistic point of view we will come to the conclusion that everything that exists is matter. But what about idealistic convictions? They, too, cannot be outside matter, although they touch upon its highest strata. Thus we see that both materialism and idealism are poorly defined concepts. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 411: Therefore find the balance between action and patience; without this equilibrium you will find no rhythm and no true cooperation. An unbalanced person will say, "I can wait no longer!" and in these words reveals his impotence. The lack of power is lack of will, because will is developed through human power. If we examine all these traits, we shall come to the conclusion that they are subject to human power. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 413: Some scientists will agree, although with reservations, that human emanations transform the atmosphere. No emanations are as powerful as those of man, who is capable both of healing and poisoning everything around him. It is not so much the infectious sickness of people that poison the atmosphere, but their irritation, anger, and malice. Let us examine how few good emanations appear at the earth's crust at one time compared with the multitude of malicious thoughts. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 415: The Teacher will say that it is useless to regret the past, and He will be right, for regrets are fetters. But one should examine why the advice was not applied, and among the reasons we will find fear and selfishness. These vipers can turn the most attentive listener into an unbridled opponent! In his negation he will develop a peculiar bravado, and will cheat in order to justify himself and his deviations. The Teacher knows these human traits, and He will not regret the spilled seeds, for the earth may produce an unexpected yield. We have observed over and over how different listening is from actual application. We look into the future, and in this aspiration We find steadfastness and courage. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 418: The Thinker advised His disciples to examine the consciousness of others by day and by night. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 440: 440. Urusvati knows how people attempt to excuse themselves, claiming that because of their earthly duties they can find no time for higher communion. But let us compare their most important earthly duties with the sparks of even the least enlightenment. Let us examine them from a distance of several decades, and we will find that while the earthly affairs have faded, the enlightenment has remained clear and even grown more vivid into a beautiful affirmation. Such a comparison between earthly affairs and illumination can reveal the true values.