Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 318: 318. A coming achievement upon the scroll of human attainments is the conquest of the spheres of highest tension. When humanity will accustom itself to the realization of the transmutation from the lowest to the highest, then the spirit-understanding may be sent. The meaning of life is constructed according to the patterns of the cosmic rays. Are not the patterns of life woven by rays? Are not the patterns cumulated through millennia? These cosmic patterns direct all the strivings of life. When the rays are fixed by manifestation of the Cosmic Magnet, the pattern is so powerful and unalterable. Thus, in the records of Space there exists the pattern of each spirit. Only that spirit can record his own achievements who by his pattern has adorned the ladder of life evolutionward. If the spirit considers his achievements as a reward, then, of course, a channel of personal strivings is the result. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 331: 331. The combination of the energies with the tensed Magnet presents the power of creativeness. There is not engulfment in cosmically manifested creation; there is only a fusion of the energies in a new combination. Thus, the passage through all karmic steps intensifies the development of various properties and results in a striving, manifest activity. Therefore, the seed of the spirit creates the design of each round which is striving evolutionward. But by reason of the accumulations that are inharmonious with the activity, not every spirit can reach the higher step. In this case, the seed of the spirit is in correlation with the Cosmic Magnet but is physically tardy in outliving its imperfections. Then, the manifestation of imperfection can be redeemed through striving. This is not an engulfment by Infinity, it is the path to the Infinite!