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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EV > EVOLUTION (778)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 199:
199. A miracle is wrought - you perform services important for the manifestation of future life. The difficulties of the task are akin to those of polishing a diamond. A hostile will must be diverted to the good just as a stream is directed to the mill. But how many dams must the miller build before he can control the current! A hand must possess strength, and an eye vision, to perceive new possibilities. The most worthy labor is that performed with one's own hands. By labor do you unlock the Gates to the Land of your striving. Everything is possible, but remember that what has been promised will be manifested at the appointed time. Who aspires will attain. Learn through the manifestations of life. We send you images of persons and events; And both reveal to you the determined plan of a wondrous evolution of the human race.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 423:
423. Cognitions, and solutions to questions of Being, grow, like blossoming plants. Before each new understanding, the heart especially aches; When the heart is pure, the pain signals the coming of new knowledge. Fatigue flies away, and the spirit's findings rise from the seed like ears of grain. Beyond the astral there are worlds in which communication with the many levels of evolution is easier. The legend about ascension into heaven has a scientific basis.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) :
He who has envisioned evolution will approach it carefully, joyously brushing away the dust on the path. Most important, there will be no fear in him. And rejecting the unnecessary he will acquire simplicity. It is easy to understand that the realization of evolution is always beautiful.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.6:
2.3.6. I rejoice at your prophetic possibilities for only through them can the best evolution in the future be secured, Knowledge of the past without foresight does not lead onward.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.7:
2.3.7. The purification of religions predicates a new direct relation with the spiritual world. Christ, Buddha and their closest co-workers did not use magic formulae but acted and created in full blending with the spirit. Therefore, in the new evolution the former artificial methods must be abandoned. Remember cause and effect. The mechanics of yogism are no longer suitable for the regeneration of the world. A teacher who sits under a tree and forbids does not conform to the need.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.8:
2.3.8. Not by accident do bits of the luminaries reach neighboring spheres. They are like a means of communication. These signs are neglected by modern science. The importance does not lie in that an aerolite may contain carats of diamonds, but in its significance as a psycho-magnet. By this means men can enlarge the sphere of communication. In the future coordination of matter, this quality of psycho-magnetism is important; because matter must finally blend with spirit, must become fusible, like glass. Towards the beginning of the new step of evolution a new means of healing may be applied by grouping people according to the rays of the luminaries. To go beyond the confines of the planet is the immediate objective. Not a spectator of the worlds is man, but a conscious co-worker; and his way lies not through puddles, but through the radiance of the spheres.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.1:
The striving towards a true cooperation lies at the foundation of evolution. Only by the awakening of creativeness may the march of ignorance be destroyed. Though its forms be even monstrous, though the sun be made in a back yard out of chips, still the foaming torrent will break through the walls of matter. New discoveries will stimulate the collecting. Instead of stock market speculation let there be striving for discoveries, supported by cooperative societies.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.14:
By a series of historical examples We will show the path of evolution.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.18:
Ages ago the Teacher Mohammed had to promise to the warriors of Islam raptures in Paradise. Will I have to promise the glitter of rubies? One must proceed without expectation; otherwise, deplorable is the waste of the time of eternal evolution.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.1:
2.8.1. The Ray of Christ is just as scientific as the ray of the sun, but to the crowds the simple finding of an object is itself a miracle. Is the change of races a miracle? Is the coming of the Teacher a miracle? Is the appearance of Christ a miracle? Does one prophesy a miracle centuries ahead? A miracle violates harmony, whereas cosmic events only affirm evolution.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.9:
The path of the world evolution proceeding under your eyes requires different conditions, and the time is coming when psychic forces must be strongly restricted for the sake of the spirit. For the last decade the lower strata of nature have taken possession of the lower psychic manifestations to such an extent that a danger to evolution is arising.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.7:
Thus, We have hewed out a picture of the evolution of life of the space, and We can urge humanity to do better and not to besmirch the waves of the beautiful Light.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.10.6:
2.10.6. The human mechanism is complex - a special conscious evolution. From the moment of inception of consciousness there is no common evolution. All is constructed upon an infinite variety of species. General laws are established with difficulty. Even such basic and immutable laws as the law of perfection and the law of compensation cannot be expressed by a single formula.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.10.6:
Book statements are not so simple in practice, and only an especially enlightened mind can penetrate into the structure of the evolution of man. Many lances were broken upon this question, but one may ask for enlightenment.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.12.3:
In so speaking, I have in mind spirits subject to karma and to the law of dates. The evolution of free spirits is a different one.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.12.4:
2.12.4. I affirm that the diversity in the other spheres is great. Name a man and I will tell you his evolution, but to formulate a general law is almost impossible.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.12.5:
Take note that personal karma, group karma, and cosmic karma must be combined - then will the date be correct. Often the development of a personal karma draws after it the group karma. Some spirits are ruled entirely by karma, which means that the knowledge of the spirit is at a minimum and karma is the sole possibility of evolution.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.12.6:
2.12.6. New, new, new ones! There is no place for old ones in the new construction. Why address the old ones, when already the lightnings of a new world illumine the horizon? When the traveler spurs his steed to reach his goal, and even We watch the clock of evolution! Putting an ear to the sands of the desert, We hear far-off voices which speak about an unprecedented Epoch.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.7:
The magnet forges the projection of the evolution of the planet. The magnet manifests immutability. The magnet affirms the path of humanity. There are several aspects to the magnet: either the unsplit body of the leading planet; or a part of that body, connected with other parts; or an extraneous object which has acquired a link with the magnet through contact. The magnet either remains invisible, attracting the flow of events; or it serves as a center of conscious action; or it enlightens the man who found it.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.15:
Each epoch has its own plague. At present it is the epidemic of speculation. It must not be thought that humanity has always been plagued with this disease. But this disease brings promise of a radical change, because it cannot pass gradually and a paroxysm of evolution is needed in order to root out this infection.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.14:
The sixth quality of action is its lawfulness. Only the consciousness of the fundamentals of the world evolution will advance the action immutably.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.15:
The highest expectancy is that of the evolution of the world. The usual expectations are divided into the dark, the sluggish, and the vigilant. The chaos of the dark ones brings only harm to space. The sluggish expectations are like smouldering coals. The vigilant expectations manifest readiness to accept the new at every hour.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.15:
The inner quality of expectancy is its growth in tensity. With what could one best correlate this sign, if not with the evolution of the World? Such expectancy should penetrate your whole life and fill your work with the throbbing of action. For in this union is the best and most beautiful.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.15:
Upon entering a house full of restless people, say to them: "Look forward to the evolution of the world!"

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.1:
How shall we find the words to approach the concept of the universe? How shall we tell about the evolution of forms? How to uplift the consciousness to the study of fundamentals? How to stimulate humanity to scientific cognition of the worlds?

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.2:
Those who perform miracles will be learned magicians. Those who keep their lives in purity will be practical people. Only those who have consciously renounced all the personal and who have transported their consciousness into the conception of world evolution can be called saints in Our understanding. It is imperative that this process be accomplished consciously, outside of fortuitous external conditions.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.11:
Likewise, in creeds and laws theft has been spoken against, but again this sounds like a prohibition. Whereas, it must be pointed out that theft is harmful as a concept which augments the sense of personal ownership. Theft injures world evolution, and not enviable is the lot of those who harm world evolution. They send themselves a long way backward.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.12:
Can we actually cast the treasure away into space? Indeed, this energy will adhere to the elements from which it has been extracted with such difficulty; and instead of cooperation with evolution there results rubbish, which is subject to a reworking.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.13:
Whoever wishes to follow Us must first of all forget negation and freely bear the renewed life without constraint of others. People are attracted by beauty and by luminous knowledge. Only that Teaching which contains all hope, which makes life beautiful, which manifests action, can promote true evolution. Certainly life is not a market, where one can make a fine bargain for entrance into the Heavenly Kingdom. Certainly life is not a grave, where one trembles before the justice of an Unknown Judge!

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.14:
The identical significance of thought and action is spoken about everywhere. This is easily established. Note the effects of a thought about murder and of the act of murder upon the spectrum of the aura - the results will be identical. It is difficult for people to assimilate the fact that the thought has the same effect as the deed. But whoever wishes to take part in world evolution must understand the significance of thought. When thoughts are transformed into physical colors, their action at a distance is just as evident as that revealed by the study of light waves. One must approach scientifically the theory of the force of thought. One should not refer this to exceptional personalities - this law is common to all. Its principal effect will be recognition of the impracticality of falsehood and hypocrisy as well as the need of solicitude toward one's near ones.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.16:
Nations have rebelled, kings are departing - is this by chance? Only the blind do not perceive the movement of evolution. Every youthful heart quivers with a presentiment of new forms. In these movements each new form, though imperfect, is more valuable that the polished old one.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.2:
We have already heard about external blows striking upon the aura. Likewise, there can be created a hothouse atmosphere which heals the aura, but hothouse conditions are the same everywhere and they are not suitable for evolution.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.3:
Only the blind do not notice whither the spiral of evolution has turned! And We, Who do exist, send help to the young in spirit.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.4:
3.6.4. Since Our Central Community does have significance for world structures, them, too, communities established by Us have an influence upon the evolution of the world. Let us examine the principal kinds of these widely scattered communities.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.4:
The second kind of community knows about the plan of earthly evolution, but does not connect this plan with definite action and date. These are circles of political idealists; certain occult organizations; some learned societies; and - rarest of all - clerical bodies.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.4:
The third kind of community knows not only the plan of evolution but also the dates and the action. Of course these communities are rare, and they receive Our Indications.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.6:
I already know how superficially the first book was read by many. Some made of it a dream book and fortune teller. Others took it for a soothing drug. But few are those who took it as an urgent call to world evolution.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.9:
Among the problems of future evolution, remember that after solitary work it is necessary to pass to the organization of far more complex units.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.13:
3.6.13. It can be justly asked how to treat animals. Usually either cruelty is employed toward them, or they are sentimentally made into parasites, or they are used as mediums for mechanical cross-breeding. Indeed a reasonable attitude toward animals must be established in accordance with the unity of world rhythm - this attitude is everywhere the same. Since man must be a co-worker of evolution, animals too must conform to this law. Species which do not conform to evolution become extinct. Those adaptable to evolution must maintain their capacity for labor.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.13:
If a certain kind of men have a resemblance to the hippopotamus, then they are of the same evolution.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.14:
3.6.14. It being necessary for animals to labor, then how consciously must human toil be applied! Let us not differentiate between labors. The only distinction is between consciousness and senselessness. It is necessary to discern also the difference in age of the spirit. One can identify a recent spirit as compared with an old spirit by noting the difference in striving. A recent spirit does not have the deep perceptions that are inculcated by the experience of many lives, but often it has less egotism and is more adaptable to evolution.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.17:
Such a case gives occasion to say, "Your consciousness desired death to the poor; therefore the riches directed to you have departed." Along with this primitive law one can launch a spark about the evolution of distant worlds. The comparison of the evolution of worlds with a small everyday matter can produce an enlightening stroke.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.19:
Growth of spirit does not tolerate compulsion. This explains the slow evolution of humanity. The spirit cannot be forced to grow. One cannot even coerce by unsolicited counsels. One can only respond to the knock of a sensitive heart.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.21:
The time has drawn near for a turn in evolution, and forces for it have been gathered.

New Era Community (1926) - 1:
1. Family, clan, country, union of nations - each unit strives toward peace, toward betterment of life. Each unit of cooperation and communal life needs perfecting. No one can fix the limits of evolution. By this line of reasoning a worker becomes a creator. Let us not be frightened by the problems of creativeness. Let us find for science unencumbered paths. Thus, thought about perfectionment will be a sign of joy.

New Era Community (1926) - 8:
8. Cooperation must be based upon sound rules. This teaches orderliness; that is, it helps the acquirement of a rhythm. Thus even in daily work are expressed the great laws of the Universe. It is especially needed to become accustomed from childhood to continuous labor. Let the better evolution be built upon labor as the measure of value.

New Era Community (1926) - 14:
Without a specialty it is easier to prepare oneself for the current task in evolution - intercourse with distant worlds and the transformation of the Astral World, the world of dark earthly survivals. The adoption of the concept of Community will open the gates for next achievements, and their dates depend upon people themselves. Therefore, let us take up broadly the quest of Community.

New Era Community (1926) - 16:
It is possible to ennoble the conquest by stripping it of all sporting significance and directing it to labor. Hurry to save the unfortunates, fly for the unifying of humanity! Then will these conquests enter into evolution, for people must bring into ordinary usage the supermundane strivings, not forgetting about responsibility. As yet these conquests remain in the stage of ugly centaurs. When people will comprehend whither and for what reason they must fly, then will it be possible to improve the flying apparatus tenfold.

New Era Community (1926) - 19:
19. Master the problem of remaining cool throughout the entire Battle. The Battle of Light is just beginning - millions are in it without knowing the final result. But you know, and this knowledge should make you wise and prompt a worthy decision. Your spirit must take wing in the name of Truth. How is it possible to be uplifted by the achievement of the evolution of the World? My Ray carries My request that nothing be done to hinder its light. Instead of wings of achievement it is easy to grow black horns - wings of false reasoning. The dark spirits have black emanations resembling horns.

New Era Community (1926) - 21:
The better possibilities can be awakened by those who are able to perceive with a spiritual consciousness. But for the preservation of consciousness it is necessary to sense this during one's lifetime. Then the state of the contemporary world of physical survivals will be almost erased. Not the prayer "rest in peace," but "learn in the space of the Light." With all your consciousness remember the problems of evolution. When the striving for repose disappears then are the Gates drawing near.

New Era Community (1926) - 23:
Only a realization of Cosmic individuality can illumine the steps of evolution. Otherwise, in the earthly understanding evolution will remain only profitable investment of capital. You already know that capital deprived of goal-fitness is only a millstone about the neck. And, as a manifestation of infection forms spiritual and bodily ulcers, likewise does a manifestation of the lunacy of covetousness bring harm to the spirit and the body.

New Era Community (1926) - 29:
If all possibilities are stipulated by a community, then their manifestation will take place through the channel of the spirit. It has been said that sound will be the first to reach through. Let these fragments be rudimentary, like the first jagged edges of an eolith. Let whole years pass before the understanding of a complexity of meaning be achieved. Yet it is unquestionable that this conquest will begin not in the observatories and not in the optician's shop. Harkening of the spirit will bring the first tidings; not for master degrees, but for life which forges evolution. The Teaching can point out to the sensitive ones - on awakening, remember the far-off worlds; on going to sleep, remember the far-off worlds.

New Era Community (1926) - 32:
32. The evolution is important not of earthly humanity but of humanity of the Universe. If this simple formula could be adopted by human hearts, the whole starry vault would become tangible. Verily, it would be easier for the beings of other worlds to pierce through the stifling atmosphere of Earth if toward them were coming appeals from earthly incarnates.

New Era Community (1926) - 33:
33. Of what use are miracles, which are contrary to nature? Here is a miracle - when thou canst bestride thy steed and with the manifested sword defend the Community of the World. As simply will the New World begin. Like ripened fruit will facts be collected. The Teaching of magnets is indeed not of miracles, but of a manifestation of the law of gravity. Conceal not the revelation of the spirit, and the sword will be of service to the ascent of evolution.

New Era Community (1926) - 66:
66. The evolution of the world is built on revolutions or explosions of matter. Each revolution has a progressive movement upwards. Each explosion, as a constructive agent, acts spirally. Therefore, it is in the nature of each revolution to be subject to the law of the spiral.

New Era Community (1926) - 71:
71. First of all forget all nationalities, and apprehend the fact that the consciousness is developed by perfecting the invisible centers. Some await a Messiah for a single nation, but this is ignorant; for evolution of the planet can be only on a planetary scale. Precisely, the manifestation of universality must be assimilated. Only one blood flows, and the external world will no more be divided into races of primitive formation.

New Era Community (1926) - 72:
72. The Community, as Fellowship, can unprecedentedly accelerate the evolution of the planet and give new possibilities of intercourse with the forces of matter. It must not be thought that community and the conquest of matter are found on different planes. One channel, one banner - Maitreya, Mother, Matter!

New Era Community (1926) - 73:
73. The essence of the New World contains a vacuum which is called the node of immobility; in it are being collected the sediments of manifestations of incomprehension of the tasks of evolution. When the brain leads close to these paths of incomprehension of the spirit, the access to Our sendings is almost lost. Can people possibly forget creativeness, directed to the adornment of life?

New Era Community (1926) - 77:
Strain the consciousness to grasp the starting point of events, if you wish to be associated with the evolution of the world. One can name numberless examples of pitiful, culpable and tragic misunderstandings, as a result of which dates were jumbled.

New Era Community (1926) - 85:
The Teacher sends the wish that evolution grow lawfully. The Teacher can distinguish those who have liberated their consciousness. Thus said the Blessed One; and He asked in general not to think about ownership of property, for renunciation is a cleansing of thought. For only through purified channels can basic striving make its way.

New Era Community (1926) - 88:
88. We always begin with a very small outline. This is an experiment very many centuries old and is also a basic cosmic principle. A solid and indivisible seed will produce a growth of elements. But wavering and lack of sensitiveness, repeatedly manifesting, result in haziness. The sensitiveness of the vital principle compels economizing with firm seeds. Thus, the chemist values indivisible bodies. Truly, the structural unit must be inviolable when it has been called forth by the necessity of evolution. One should understand the distinction between that which is admitted and that which is incontestably given.

New Era Community (1926) - 89:
Austerity is not insensibility, and immutability is not limitation. Through all the gravitation of the firmament you will sense the vortex of space, and you will stretch forth your hand to the far-off worlds. It is impossible to force the perception of the manifestation of the worlds; but, indeed, through this cognizance do we accept responsible labor and devote ourselves to the real possibilities of evolution.

New Era Community (1926) - 93:
93. I speak about the quality of travels. It is necessary to assimilate the knowledge of how to travel! It is necessary not only to break away from home, but also to conquer the very concept of home. It would be more precise to say that one should broaden the concept of home. Where we are - there is home. Evolution casts off the meaning of home as a prison. Progress in liberating the consciousness will yield the possibility of becoming flexible. And not achievement, not privation, not exaltation, but quality of consciousness enables one to break away from a long occupied place. In a long-occupied place there is so much smokiness, so much sourness and dust. We are opposed to the solitary life of hermitage, but small cottages with moldy atmosphere are worse than caves. We summon those who can give expanse to thought.

New Era Community (1926) - 98:
It were better to understand carefulness within one's consciousness; this will safeguard the concept of the Teacher. Definitely the Teacher, definitely knowledge, definitely evolution of the world - these will serve as paths to the far-off worlds!

New Era Community (1926) - 119:
Precisely like the Pharisees of old, they conceal fear before admitting that which is already obvious to others. We do not love the ignorant, We do not love cowards who in their terror trample the possibilities of evolution.

New Era Community (1926) - 120:
How important it is to be circumspect with inventions in order not to deprive them of direct goal-fitness! Let a consciousness of world evolution help to find the proper arrows. Your ears must harken to the steps of evolution, and resoluteness must not be deceived.

New Era Community (1926) - 120:
We can evaluate the work of the inventor on a world scale through realization of the direction of world evolution. It will be difficult to understand the applicability of the laws of dynamics so long as the fundamentals of matter have not been assimilated.

New Era Community (1926) - 121:
121. The new consciousness, supported by technical means, will give a powerful impetus to knowledge. Indeed, the community must be a most sensitive apparatus for the process of evolution. Indeed, in a conscious community no individual can make affirmation about an already molded world-study. Every dull barrier is swept away by the sharpened vibration of the collective. Even a hint at completion makes sojourn in the community impossible. Who then will assume the stigma of stupidity?

New Era Community (1926) - 126:
In connection with the evening gatherings, it is ingenious to note unusual contents of speech or a very strange expression. But reflect - does there not hang on each letter of this expression a great number of lives? To each one must flash the consciousness of the importance of the hour for which he has been called. When long ago light-mindedness was spoken about, it was necessary at once to take into the consciousness the seriousness of the moment and to compel oneself to accept a feeling of responsibility. Outside of current affairs, outside of individual and group achievements, it is needful to sense evolution with all its peculiarities. Thus, think clearly. Strive to improve your gatherings.

New Era Community (1926) - 143:
143. You are beginning to do a great deal correctly. You abolish handshaking and thus recognize the potency of contact. You avoid handwriting and thus recognize the stratification of living energy. You abbreviate the language and thus recognize the need of cosmic conservations. You establish Societies of Mutual Aid and thus recognize community. You begin a re-estimate of transitory values and thus recognize evolution. You abolish the usage of compulsion and thus recognize the Teacher. You abolish foul language and thus recognize the value of sound. You abolish vulgar dancing and thus recognize the significance of rhythm. You abolish vulgar shows and thus recognize the power of energy. You abolish tardiness and thus recognize the will. If the scientific significance of your actions is not always clear to you, still in manifesting the inevitability of evolution, you are acting properly.

New Era Community (1926) - 143:
Like healing flowers rise the seedlings of the consciousness of peoples! The channel of the people's striving carries humanity to new knowledge. You may express this affirmation by poetic metaphor or by dry formula, but the meaning of the people's current remains undisturbed. One may wish either to proceed by the difficult way or to apprehend the usefulness of cooperation, but the direction of evolution remains unchangeable.

New Era Community (1926) - 144:
How eagerly is each word about the New World awaited! The striving of new consciousnesses will result in new combinations. We await those who pronounce the new day a desired one - who regard the best past day worse than each new one. They are right; for each new day is clothed with prana of the new evolution. The air, actually changed by the disintegration of the worlds, becomes new. How necessary it is to study the composition of the atmosphere by the most sensitive apparatuses! The composition of the air is a vital part of biology. Up to the present we have spoken roughly about the air, forgetting its psychic reaction.

New Era Community (1926) - 147:
147. That man is called hero who acts selflessly, but this definition is not complete. He is a hero who acts self-sacrificingly, unwaveringly, consciously, and who, acting in the name of the Common Good, thus brings nearer the current of cosmic evolution.

New Era Community (1926) - 163:
163. Creativeness is the basis of evolution. With what then is it possible to strengthen the acts of creative power? Only with cheerfulness. Joy is a special wisdom. Cheerfulness is a special technique. This enhancement of vigor arises out of a conscious realization of the creativeness of elements. Truly, creative patience and cheerfulness are to two wings of the worker.

New Era Community (1926) - 173:
Not long ago you conversed about the significance of rays in wireless transmission. Rays do contribute to the unifying of the collective over far distances. Indeed, these rays, which until recently were denied, actually are weaving a new cover for the planet. The rays have a preeminence over other waves in that they pass through more readily, without disturbing the gravity and the atmosphere. Sound, indeed, attracted the earlier attention of humanity. Light and color have not attracted as much study, but, as the sound is only are action of light, the enhanced cognition will be directed toward the significance of light and highest energy - luminous matter. "Materia Lucida" has attracted all the best minds, and even if they did not find its conscious application, yet they have considered recognition of its significance inevitable in the forthcoming evolution.

New Era Community (1926) - 173:
Rays and light waves carry the solution of the next evolution.

New Era Community (1926) - 176:
We know that sometimes the symbol of an individual personality is important for nations, but, for all that, anonymity remains the ideal of true evolution. This is one of the conditions of realization of the brevity of earthly existence, and it is the best way to successful cooperation. The antipode of anonymity will be the self-delineations of ancient kings unknown at present to anyone. These inscriptions evoke nothing but a smile, and most often have nothing to do with the intention in behalf of the Common Good. To avoid such an antipode, the community will indeed strive for anonymity. But without psycho-mechanics such anonymity will be ugly. Only he can become anonymous who has established his own place among manifestations and objects. Only he can give up his "I" who has become conscious of space. Thus can the communities approach indestructibility.

New Era Community (1926) - 179:
179. Let us imagine that you see a man doing harm who yet has a spark of psychic energy. You naturally will begin to speak to him about the better qualities of man, who is in the process of evolving. Your interlocutor, as it usually happens, will immediately agree with you without thinking it refers to himself. It would be of no avail to tell him that he is acting wrongly, but it is possible to say that his action does not follow the trend of evolution. It is not a matter of bad or good, it is only that his conduct is not goal-fitting, and therefore not practical. If your companion pretends to be a community member, the conversation becomes simpler. For then, as adherents of the community you may demand the guarding of the foundations of evolution. Even for breeding pigs there are required definite conditions of life. How then can a man who decides on achieving the social life remain in his former vulgar haunts? How can falsehood or cowardice live under the mask of cooperation?

New Era Community (1926) - 184:
184. Often community members ask whence come the assaults of anguish which they sometimes experience. One must know that without these spasms of anguish no progress is possible. After crossing over a precipice you feel a weakening of the leg muscles. During the expansion of consciousness you cross over many invisible precipices. Nodal growths of the consciousness result in leaps and psychic spasms contract the nerve centers. One should not be afraid of these spasms, a brief rest will right these contractions. Growth of the consciousness is more difficult to trace than the growth of a hair. The consciousness conquers and eradicates. The burning of crossed bridges does not reveal the progressive sign-posts, but it leaves open the one possibility of assault. It is valuable not only to strive forward but also to destroy the rubbish behind one. Just now you perceive how the majority of people could have advanced, but they cling to age-old rubbish. Guard both My signs - the sign of Service and the sign of Community. One is breaking away from the old, the other is evolution.

New Era Community (1926) - 187:
There are earthly ancestors and cosmic ancestors; sometimes these concepts coincide, but because of imperfection they are often separated. Thus, there is a chain of earthly ancestors and also a rainbow of cosmic ancestors. It is not difficult to discern which manifestation will be the path of evolution.

New Era Community (1926) - 200:
200. Community - cooperation - is the sole rational means of human living together. Solitude is the solution of the problem of life outside the community. All intermediate manifestations are different steps of compromise and are doomed to dissolution. People speak about an inherited theocratic power - the very construction is absurd. The words heritability and Theos are incompatible. And who will define the degree Theos? Only consciousness of cooperation - community - affirms the evolution of the biological process.

New Era Community (1926) - 208:
Let slanderers look over the list of everything slandered by them. Will not this be a list of human evolutionary discoveries? No slander has any influence on the effect of evolution. But slander is a devourer of vital fuel, and from the standpoint of goal-fitness must be destroyed. An absurd abusive word is not often accompanied by clear-cut thought, but slander, by nature, is akin to everything reared in darkness, and thought carries it inaudibly like an owl in flight.

New Era Community (1926) - 210:
It is a mistake to picture Our Community as sitting in the shade, singing praises to an invisible Creator. Each construction must be commensurate with the conditions of the step of evolution. We realize what a tensed rhythm the present requires.

New Era Community (1926) - 212:
212. He who affirms the Community contributes to the hastening of the evolution of the planet. Each and every petrifaction and immobility signifies a return to primitive forms.

New Era Community (1926) - 218:
Destroy the beast-man. Men with tails, and centaurs, do not enter into evolution. Needed is active realization of the community.

New Era Community (1926) - 219:
It is necessary to understand the significance of psychic energy in the approaching evolution, and to study scientifically its manifestations. There is no need to test it by the method of spectacular tricks. With all solicitude and responsibility should one approach the discovery of humanity's treasure. There is not much time for turning many opponents into useful co-workers. True, if you approach them with frightening warnings, this will be crude and unworthy of true community members.

New Era Community (1926) - 220:
220. When We speak about the beauty of the coming evolution, We are called Utopian optimists. When We speak about the terrors of contemporary life, We are called visionary pessimists. But We can be neither optimists nor pessimists, We are realists - actualists.

New Era Community (1926) - 224:
Indeed, creativeness is diffused throughout all labor, and some sparks of great "Aum" direct the current of life. That manifestation of creative power forms the nodes of evolution, and through it is fastened the thread of the Mother of the World, fastened in a labor of eternal action.

New Era Community (1926) - 225:
225. The study of psychic energy is facilitated by the identicalness of basic laws. As with the external-physical conditions, so too the psychic are subject to the analogical process of formations and effects. Let us take the simplest example a man goes with the wind or the current and preserves much energy. When the man enters the right current of evolution, he passes over obstacles with miraculous ease. The whole matter is simply one of judiciously determining the construction of evolution.

New Era Community (1926) - 225:
To proceed in the direction of evolution does not at all mean to be dragged along in the tail of the majority. The whole history of humanity indicates that it is the minority that has divined evolution. And these few have drawn from somewhere the strength to surmount the obstacles.

New Era Community (1926) - 225:
Is it possible to discern the real current of evolution if a blinding evidence screens reality and prejudice reign as the established opinion? When will people realize the mirage of prejudice! In every prejudice is contained an evil design upon the human essence. This is not a moral but a practical warning. What sort of an idea about the Community can be conceived by prejudiced people! It is absurd to speak with them about free broadening of consciousness; they have no conception of freedom, yet without freedom there is no finding the channel of the current of success.

New Era Community (1926) - 232:
You have encountered in various countries Our evident, material, members and co-workers. Our discourses contain in themselves nothing abstract. We are at work along the line of great evolution. Each one approaching Our Community becomes an activist. Work for actuality.

New Era Community (1926) - 233:
233. Many times have we conversed about the broadening of consciousness and about the acquirement of may useful qualities. How then does this growth take place? If it is difficult to perceive the growth of one hair, it is much more difficult to detect the growth of consciousness. It is a mistake to think it possible to keep track of the growth of consciousness. As it happens the observing apparatus undergoes the same tension. Certainly, its antennae always search ahead. It is impossible to lose one's attainment if the dynamical factors have not been paralyzed. Thus, it is possible only on rare crossroads to inspect one's fundamental changes - this is a gift of evolution. One should not let dynamics pass into painful self-control. In actions and in results is cognized the right direction. Therefore We prefer even a mistaken action to inaction.

New Era Community (1926) - 237:
237. To renounce or to multiply? Indeed, to multiply sanguinely, joyfully, but for the Common Good. The smallest hint of sectarianism or bigoted limitation will contradict the sunlike evolution of the community. Austere joy avoids darkness. Moles of forbiddance and limitations will never see the sun.

New Era Community (1926) - 239:
Let us speak to those who by night slink along and whisper and by day are silent. Tell them about fitting words; otherwise they will sink into the darkness of the night. Propose to them, without a command of the consciousness, to make progress in a new life. The new life is still badly shaped; the essence of evolution is still not expressed. But he who knows whither he is going passes around the mire of the path.

New Era Community (1926) - 240:
True, you will find mistrust everywhere. Indeed, people will speak about the metaphysics of your reasonings, precisely when you will be referring to scientific physical observations. Pay no attention to the arguments of the ignorant. Only one thing is important to consider World Cooperation as an absolute necessity of evolution.

New Era Community (1926) - 240:
Ignorance, obstinacy, baseness, cannot serve as obstacles to the establishment of the community. It is necessary to accept the immutability of the evolution of cooperation. It is necessary to turn each hour of life into vital progressive movement. Can one live as a blind adder?

New Era Community (1926) - 246:
Notice that he who mutilates the meaning of speech, through senseless displacement of accents will be a man who lacks comprehension of evolution. The sensitive man prefers to use simple expressions in order not to destroy a meaning unknown to him. No one can listen to a messenger who distorts the meaning of his mission.

New Era Community (1926) - 247:
247. When lightning singes the wings, when thunder alarms the ear, when the anchors of earthly well-being disappear, then will Our messenger knock. The smile of contentment does not open the door to him. The wooden beam of self-conceit closes the entrance to him. The obvious will become apparent to him who wishes to receive the guest. Although the path of evolution is unalterable, each one disposes for himself. The sword-blade is being forged, but the pile of dross-contentment grows. Signs of the extinction of light are appearing. In the forge the sword-blade has already been tempered. Affirmed are manifestations of a wonderful New World. There is still much rubbish, but the ashes of the dross is the cradle of the blade. One may know all the imperfection, but slander against the New World will be a stumbling block on the path. The Dragon is still alive. Every blade must be raised from the ashes. The spine of the Dragon has hidden the distant worlds. The enemy has concealed the entrance into the World of Light, but the stars will appear through the rifts in the spine. The pit of refuse does not bring despondency, but the golden spine of the Dragon raises as an allurement. Let us take up all swords directed at the Dragon and count them again attentively.

New Era Community (1926) - 248:
248. First of all, let us keep in mind that it is impossible to retard the process of ripening fruit. Let us review the pages of history The time came for liberation of thought, and the stakes of the Inquisition blazed; yet thought flowed on. The time came for people's rule, and the firing squad began to thunder. The time came for the development of technics, and the retrogrades were terrified; but the machines moved on, pulsating in the tempo of evolution. Now has come the time for realization of psychic energy. All inquisitors, retrogrades, wiseacres and ignorant ones may be terrified, but the possibility of the new attainment of humanity has ripened in all its incalculable potentiality. Inquisitors and retrogrades may build jails and insane asylums which will be fit enough for them later in labor colonies. But to turn back the matured step of evolution is impossible. Just as it is impossible to deprive humanity of all the ways of communication.

New Era Community (1926) - 248:
The denier of evolution can withdraw into hermit life and dream about the delights of regress. But life itself, reality itself, will indicate new, incontestable manifestations. Only the judicious mind of a realist places these manifestations into a scientifically conceived, orderly scheme. All the near-sighted mystics and the petty conventional literati will be in the place of the ignorant. The banner of the newly realized energy is being raised. Each new acquisition must fill every heart with joy. The thinking of the community member must throb at the possibilities of new, useful studies of reality.

New Era Community (1926) - 249:
Tell friends how difficult are the times, and that what is allowed to slip by does not return. Tell them that the Teaching of the Community must proceed in accord with the manifestations of energy. The usual mistake is to try to separate social from scientific constructions. It is difficult to picture the scientist apart from the social structure. During acceleration of evolution is it conceivable to remain in seclusion? Is it possible to sleep through the lightning manifestations? Fearlessly and without self-pity must one take up the burden of vigilance. There is no weariness when devastation is at the gates; when the power of psychic energy can gush forth in an irresistible current. Compare your situation with that in Holland, where the level of the sea is often higher than the land. What vigilance of watch must there be in guarding the canals and dikes!

New Era Community (1926) - 253:
Thus, a case known to you could have taught you how necessary is the study and application of psychic energy. A wave of psychic energy would have restored vitality and bestowed a new joy of being. But for this it is needful to be conscious of psychic energy, that is, to enter into the rhythm of evolution. Instead of that, the sick are stuffed with mixtures and potions. There where help would be easy they begin to prepare submissively for death.

New Era Community (1926) - 253:
When We summon to the realization of psychic energy, We are not thinking of turning people into magicians; We are only indicating the next step of evolution and urging in the name of the community not to let the date slip by. Hasten to supply yourselves with strength and thus assist the proximate evolution.

New Era Community (1926) - 253:
Certainly evolution will take place, but why be crushed when a song of joy has been ordained!

New Era Community (1926) - 254:
254. When you meet with a valuable object on the road, covered with mud, you do not pass haughtily by. You pick up your find and cleanse the mud from it. Likewise when you encounter a valuable man covered with mire, you interrupt your pace and endeavor to cleanse him. It is the duty of the community member to affirm justice. The Teaching cannot reject true values. The community cannot deliberate as to whether he is ours or he is not ours. The community says that either he is valuable for evolution or he is not. The most severe choice is that according to essence. Austere goal-fitness obliges one to preserve the true treasures. Lose not time in defending the values. Each hour counts. And reject expressions of uncertainty. And each value is to you as the sail is to the ship.

New Era Community (1926) - 258:
When falsehood and self-conceit apparently rule, then indeed there has arrived a great turning point in evolution. The whisperer of the night departs into darkness.

New Era Community (1926) - 258:
Let your friends enlighten their consciousness with the lightning of reality. Let us turn no more to the mirage of Maya nor dream of quenching thirst from its visionary lakes. Manifestation of evolution is immutable. The consciousness of immutability will illumine your path!

New Era Community (1926) - 261:
I advise all associations not to let this psychological moment slip by, but opportunely to provide a new task. I see that it is possible to avoid complications through a pledge of victory by the most practical methods. The Teaching of reality must respond to the sweep of the intricate current of evolution. The process of new world structures must be securely shielded.

New Era Community (1926) - 265:
You know about the renewal of the organism every seven years; one may observe the same phases in actions. At present the indicated struggle takes on a new meaning. Humanity is clamoring at the impossibility of remaining in ignorance. The community stands as the only door to progress. Let the interpretations of the community be many and varied, yet its channel is one. Pushing off from the old shore, humanity inevitably will reach their indicated, evolutional, upright cliff of the New World. Only the blind do not perceive the unprecedented acceleration of the symptoms of evolution. Each branch of life points to the development of concepts. Manifestations of dates are affirmed not in the secret laboratory but in everyday life. Entire vortices of world energy illumine the future path. Such a manifestation of energy is naturally supported by all the elements. Gravitation toward evolution will compel all to rise into the struggle of worlds.

Agni Yoga (1929) :
Yoga - that supreme bridge to cosmic attainment - has existed through all ages. Each Teaching comprises its own Yoga, applicable to that step of evolution. The Yogas do not contradict each other. As the branches of one tree they spread their shade and refresh the traveler exhausted from heat.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 6:
The Teacher bids you rejoice at each attainment of the spirit. The way to and from other planets is no more difficult than is the passage between the physical and astral bodies, no more complicated than understanding the process of thought and striving to the stars. Only in striving for the interplanetary can we be assured of the evolution of humanity.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 8:
One can point out two kinds of podvig, the supermundane and the earthly. As an instance of supermundane striving, one can mark a serene passing, such as that of the Great Pilgrim. Let us not attempt to judge acts of podvig, for the understanding of evolution is individual and voluntary.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 9:
Each motion can be transformed into an achievement of the spirit. Commitment to the evolution of consciousness, and the onrushing whirlwind of events, will lead to a new turn of the cosmic spiral.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 14:
To seek happiness through lies and through murder! One may rejoice that degeneracy is hastening evolution. Crimes are fanning the fire of an extinct world.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 15:
He who is afflicted with imperil must repeat, "How beautiful everything is!" And he will be right; because the flow of evolution follows immutable law, it is beautiful. The more refined the nervous system, the more painful is the deposit of imperil. This same poison, by the addition of one ingredient, may contribute to the decomposition of matter.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 19:
19. Of all creative energies, thought remains supreme. What may be the crystal of this energy? Some believe that precise knowledge is the crown of thought; but it would be more correct to say that legend is the crown of thought. In legend is expressed the essence of creative energy. In a legend's short formula are defined both hope and achievement. It is a mistake to believe that legends are fantasies of antiquity. The impartial mind will discern the legend spun through all the days of the Universe. Each great achievement of a nation, each great leader, each important discovery, each cataclysm, each podvig is veiled in winged legend. Therefore, let us not disdain the legends of truth; let us discern keenly and cherish the words of reality. In legend is expressed the will of the people, and we cannot cite one legend that was false. The spiritual striving of the powerful collective spirit imprints an image of true meaning. And the outer form of a symbol is a sign for the world, a part of a world language, which is inevitable in evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 20:
The abolishment of the use of money will free humanity from the blinders that impair its vision. There are moments of evolution when the walls we erect to contain conventional knowledge become obstacles. The time has come for the emancipation of knowledge, and the assumption of personal responsibility for its use.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 32:
The existence of this Government has entered the awareness of humanity repeatedly, under various names. Each nation is warned but once. Envoys are dispatched but once in a century - this is the law of the Arhats. The acts of the Invisible Government conform with the process of world evolution, hence the results are based on natural law. No personal desire is here, only the immutable laws of matter. I do not desire - I know! And therefore decisions, even amidst the turbulent currents, are firm.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 36:
36. Each movement of consciousness must flow with the current of evolution. Each step of life must be considered as inseparable from self-improvement. A form that has congealed can be duplicated, but in the current, no wave can be duplicated.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 40:
40. A blind man dreams of material reward. But, if he were to gain sight, he would be astonished to see that he creates his own reward. Ascending in consciousness, a man progresses filled with joy, and the thought of reward would return him into slavery. In fact, there are many slaves, precisely those who try to conceal the servility of their spirit beneath an icy impenetrability and a seeming renunciation of that which they do not even possess. Each one wanting reward is already a slave. Only by a free consciousness, lacking both self-aggrandizement and self-disparagement, can evolution be constructed.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 43:
43. The pupil must not be obsessive, and the Teacher must not be seen as a dictator. Indeed, there is demanded of the student a realization of Hierarchy and harmony of action - the reconciling of the free will with acceptance of the Teacher. The weak mind is usually confused. Of course, the conditions and limitations imposed by the Teaching contradict the meaning of freedom in its vulgar sense. But through culture and the realization of goal-fitness the great concept of the Teacher is formed. The realization of the significance of the idea of the Teacher is a passing through the first gates of evolution. One should not bring to the concept of the Teacher expectations of anything supermundane. The Teacher is the One who gives the best advice for life. This practicality will embrace knowledge, creativity, and Infinity.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 45:
45. One should firmly tell people that the New World has come into being. People are not prepared to assume their places in the tasks of creation. It is an error to believe that conquest has any connection with the mission of the New World. Whether it is in the conquest of countries or of a special class of people, this belongs with departing ways of thinking. In the process of evolution one can consider only the ascent of consciousness founded upon freedom of opportunities.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 47:
The Teaching of evolution shows that human timidity increases before the change of race. But the date approaches, and those who have not learned to swim must swallow their fill of the brine.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 49:
49. They will ask, "Who gave you the right to dare?" Say, "We dare by the right of evolution. The right of evolution is inscribed in flame in our hearts. We cannot be deprived of the truth of the immutability of ascent. Both amidst the crowds and in solitude we know our inalienable right. We can affirm that only the blind are unable to perceive the direction of evolution. But when the door of knowledge is distinctly outlined, it is not difficult to strive out of the darkness."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 66:
66. Can one reveal to people the truth of the evolution of worlds when they cannot even be certain of having their daily bread? One must avoid even a hint of offering abstractions.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 80:
80. If one can confirm the presence of thought even in a stone, then what a clear rainbow of thought fills space! One must become used to the fact that thought permeates all that exists. Certainly this reality, ponderable and not abstract, remains defined as energy but preserves the potentiality of conscious evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 94:
There is greater difficulty when one's centers are open, for each breath of the old world brings illness and only the breeze of true evolution can restore health. Therefore do not wrap yourself in the old world; attract the young ones to the joy of the New World. In all there is joyous, yet stern goal-fitness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 121:
The Teacher can point out the most necessary channel of action. The Teacher can protect to a certain degree, but the shadow-dance of the past will continue its round. One should concentrate one's thought on finding the right attitude toward these demons. When you see a doorkeeper you do not concern yourself greatly about his mentality. Also, when you meet a condemned criminal you do not discuss cosmogony with him. While on Earth, one must often polish one's treasures, and on this path many demons are encountered. We can recall many encounters with frightful entities during Our past lives. The elements are closely involved in one's earthly attainment. The elements stand guard on both sides. The battle of fire with earth will have its resultant phenomena, and untimely manifestations should be expected. Earth is the guardian of old ways of thinking, but fire is the rebellious outburst of evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 122:
122. That a situation is without solution is only imagined by those who would rely on other people rather than upon the power of their own thought. Grief experienced by others flows like the ripples of a stream; but the images of Truth, which you call ideas, rule the karma of the world. It is astonishing to see how images of Truth participate in the spatial battle. While the multitudes disintegrate in a blind fury of ignorance and betrayal, the thoughts of Truth weave their heavenly nests, which for real evolution are far more vital than any worship by entire nations.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 122:
The ashes of past fires may dim the vision, but the fires of new images of Truth glow in the Infinite. When we have transcended the narrow boundaries of ethnicity and nationality, is it not all the same to us which planet is nurtured by spatial thought? The only important thing is that the thought be filled with a realization of the Common Good. Then the crosscurrents of nations will not distract the eye that is directed toward the inevitable evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 131:
You, who determine the destinies of nations! Enter the laboratories, climb into the observatories, and, though you may not at once discover an analogy with social problems, your searching intellect will grasp the complexity of the structure of reality. You will realize the inseparability of the fate of human evolution from the cosmic processes. Therefore, real unprejudiced knowledge will be the sure guide to the future. He who separates the science of human sociology from the cosmic processes will thereby cut off his own legs and doom himself to a crippled life.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 144:
144. Vessels brimming with spirit! Thus do We call those people who, on the basis of the experience of past lives and their decision to attain, expand their consciousness and thereby enter into an understanding of the foundations of evolution. If this definition seems unscientific to some, say, "Can't one compare a great toiler in the spiritual realm to a Leyden jar?" Of course, for thus is the outer energy accumulated, and in due time a discharge follows. Hard is the strain when the potential is ready but the time has not yet arrived, because the sensitive apparatus has already absorbed especially dangerous particles related to Primary Matter.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 144:
On the one hand, when they are recognized, the sparks of Fohat and the streams of Materia Lucida have a benevolent effect, for they imbue the spirit with an understanding of the necessity of evolution. On the other hand, being parts of the fiery element, they burn and can cause inflammation of the centers. The manifestations of the fiery element can be compared to the most intense colors of electrical discharges; but the electrical light-scale is limited, whereas the variegations of the light-sparks of Fohat are beyond imagination. The light of Fohat is comparable to that emanating from precious crystals. Nurturing the psychic energy, Fohat paves the way to the far-off worlds, whereas Materia Lucida weaves the strengthening of the consciousness. One strengthens, the other leads into the limitless ocean of perfectment. These are the wonderful gifts of Great Aum!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 149:
149. Today Urusvati heard the music of the spheres, the rhythm that strengthens the realization of evolution. It is not the theme precisely, but the rhythm that is the essence of the music of the spheres. And it is the degree of purity of the sounds that determines the quality of the interplanetary conduit. These sounds are heard on many far-off worlds, but on Earth they can be heard only at high altitudes, and only by those who have a musical ear. However, the ear that listens for the music of the spheres must be protected from the wind.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 151:
151. I vouch for health wherever prana is consciously safeguarded. Evolution is inseparably linked with the improvement of the life of the people.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 151:
But even on the heights there have always been ample deposits of combustible materials available, and therefore people of Asia have long been afflicted by hydrocyanic acid fumes. This has been a serious threat to the progress of life in Asia, and to life itself. There will always be health where there are conscious efforts to preserve prana. The improvement of conditions of life must be an inseparable part of evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 153:
153. Everyone who has understood the fundamentals of evolution has the responsibility to transmit his knowledge to some others. In this, the one who transmits the knowledge, whether he is great or not, is subject to the same law: he must pass his knowledge on without violating the freedom of others. The fundamentals of evolution can be realized only voluntarily, and can be applied in life only through the striving of the awakening spirit.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 153:
One must rebuild one's entire life for the new step in evolution. This is impossible for one who is not ready to offer himself in spirit to earthly service. In fact, this offering is of the greatest importance for the completion of one's earthly path. From the most ancient precepts of Vedanta We know of this principle of liberation. Facing this new step of evolution, it is Our duty to repeat again and again about this propelling force.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 154:
154. You have often asked about those spirits who have departed from Earth for the far-off worlds. But, having seen the sallow coloring of our planet, you understand the goal-fitness of crossing over to where the beautiful reality exists. One must fulfill one's obligation to Earth by promoting the foundations of evolution. In this way one achieves the highest cooperation with humanity. But no glass dome can hold back the branches of the growing oak.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 161:
161. Let us see wherein lie the similarities and differences between Agni Yoga and the preceding Yogas. Karma Yoga has many similarities with it as far as earthly realities are concerned. But when Agni Yoga provides ways to the realization of the far-off worlds, the difference becomes apparent. Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and Bhakti Yoga are all separate from the realities of routine life, and because of this they cannot enter into the evolution of the future. Of course, an Agni Yogi should also be a Jnani and a Bhakti, and the development of the forces of his spirit makes him a Raja Yogi. How beautiful is the possibility of being fit for performing the tasks of the future evolution without rejecting the past conquests of spirit! One should not boast of bringing innovation, because only by a synthesis of the old and the new is a renewal of possibilities attainable.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 163:
Let Agni Yoga lead on the path of building the flame, a process equivalent to the unending creation of cosmic formations. This most synthesizing Yoga exacts an obligation to construct one's entire life in accordance with a discipline that is externally imperceptible. If this essential discipline is not seen as chains, but is perceived as the joy of responsibility, we can consider the first Gates open. When cooperation with the far-off worlds is embraced, then will the second Gates be unbarred. And when the foundations of evolution are understood, the bolts will fall from the third Gates. And finally, when the superiority of the densified astral body has been recognized, then will the locks of the fourth Gates fall away. Together with this ascent the fires of the centers of knowledge are ignited, and amidst the lightning bolts of the subtlest energies, straight-knowledge unfolds. Cherish, then, the fire of knowledge and guard the growing power.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 171:
171. An Agni Yogi must renounce the conventional in all national cultures, although temporarily he belongs to one of them. The Agni Yogi renounces narrow specialization in his work, although he can possess a superior knowledge of one thing and the mastery of it. The Agni Yogi chooses spiritual relationship over blood relationship. The shield of an Agni Yogi lies in his consecration to world evolution and in the stern banishment of prejudice from his heart.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 173:
173. The yogi is not given to hypocrisy; the yogi is not given to gossip against those belonging to the Brotherhood. Such gossip is equal to treason in its consequences. The yogi knows how much he himself is affected by his own thoughts. The yogi welcomes each sign of evolution. The yogi valiantly recognizes the evil of cosmic refuse and quickly destroys the sources of untruth.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 175:
175. The confirmation of the yogi in his path will be a full participation in the evolution of the worlds. But one particular quality distinguishes the yogi - he knows not death, for the awakened consciousness experiences no interruption of existence. Thus, not for a moment does the yogi interrupt his service to Truth. Gradually does he who attains Yoga ascend upon the ladder of the worlds. Unceasingly do his mission and his service flow. The retention of consciousness in his varied sheaths makes the yogi's achievement vital to life.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 175:
Until now, only very rarely, and under special conditions was Yoga achieved, but the present stage of evolution of the spirit demands that Yoga be brought into life. And the thoughts of the young generation must be directed to this end. Neither zealotry nor weakness of faith are needed by Us, but each wholesome transformation of life will be noted and supported.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 187:
187. Agni Yoga must be introduced into life, but its bearers must not differ externally from others in life. The Agni Yogi lives unnoticed. He needs no human distinctions. He observes, but will avoid attention from others. For the current of space, the arrows of the crowd's attention are unacceptable, because the work of evolution is not wrought by the crowds. Even the single current at times requires protection from the random arrows of the crowd. This does not mean that there should be even the slightest alienation from life. It is necessary only to evaluate the goal-fitness of one's surroundings.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 187:
No sooner do people call a yogi stern and cold, than he will unexpectedly perform an act of true love and compassion. Most probably, the intent of this act will be falsely judged by onlookers. Being called a deceiver is an honor for the yogi, because evolution is an abomination to the ignorant. We speak both for humanity and individuals. The beast of ignorance, however, is alien to those who build.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 189:
Can a yogi without penalty waste his time and energy? It must be remembered that at times the dissipation of strength and time is equivalent to suicide. Similarly, reading the Indications of Truth without applying them to life is regarded by Us as ignorance. The ray of realization of the tasks of evolution will inspire recognition of the best creations. Therefore weigh carefully the true quality of what has been revealed to you.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 193:
193. A skilled archer, even in this age of firearms, is still a skilled marksman. Likewise with Yogas. Except for Hatha Yoga, all Yogas are beautiful in accomplishment. It would be unwise to belittle any of them. One should only speak of which better applies to the present stage of evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 218:
The same law is evident in other processes. Let us take as an example the way in which people are influenced. A speech is made and the crowd is quickly convinced, but the later effects are much less evident. Nevertheless, one cannot affirm that the first effect was the strongest. It is quite possible that the people's consciousness was changed and thunder was replaced by silence. And the power of silence has already been spoken of. Thus new, quite understandable circumstances are invisibly formed. Ordinary people notice them only in their finality, but a yogi can perceive the entire process of formation in all its subtlety. For a yogi, the saying "nothing is accidental" means that a rainbow of influences exists. The formations are stratified in many colors, and it is valuable to remember this. As in chemical, so also in psychic achievements do we take care to avoid unchanging methods. Monotonous uniformity cuts off a multitude of possibilities. Each seeming unexpectedness produces a new pattern in reaction to the subtlest energies. What benefit can we bring to evolution if we do not understand the multiformity of influences?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 228:
228. Open centers provide a channel for cosmic evolution, but mediums are like rudderless boats. All humanity must pass through evolutionary channels toward perfection. Closed centers keep people far behind. Open centers are symptoms of right development, but with them comes the danger of mediumism. A medium is but an inn for disembodied liars.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 233:
What is so inimical to evolution as the petrified formulas of magic? The astral world has been separated from the physical world most of all by the ways of magic. Of course, possession is often the result of magical invocations. Mediumism is the bedfellow of magic.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 246:
Whence comes this inflexibility of thinking in our race? This kind of moribund process has attended the end of each race. This is old age, this is a dying out, this is a rejection of evolution. Therefore I constantly advise dealing with the few, regardless of their social position.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 249:
If we deal with objects, then we should not treat them with indifference. The quality and meaning of everyday objects in evolution are important subjects to consider. Truly, a new house needs suitable new objects, but to find them is almost impossible. Thus, human thought must be directed in quest of new solutions. However, for the building of new surroundings one must realize the true direction of one's life. But how can people think about a transformation of life when they continue to pass through life like animals, with no idea of past or future?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 261:
Let us manifest the consciousness that is able to distinguish between self-concern and concern for the General Good. Fine is the borderline between self-gratification and labor for the evolution of the world.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 275:
It is quite understandable that Buddha, Who directed humanity toward evolution, taught the nature of that which changes, whereas Vedanta expounded the unchanging foundation. You can add any chemical ingredient to a flame and thereby change its color and size, but the essential nature of the fire will remain unchanged. I do not see any contradiction between the basic principles of Vedanta and Buddhism.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 321:
321. Invocations and incantations can of course help in attuning oneself to the spatial rhythm, but the law of evolution presumes a more direct contact of the human consciousness with the cosmic one. Instead of the rhythm of magic formulas one should comprehend the fiery seed of the spirit and silently build the bond linking the fire of one's spirit with the Fire of Space.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 344:
Understand once again that the time of changes of continents is approaching. Maitreya is coming, in the vanguard of science, addressing its new frontiers. All the problems of science and of the evolution of all that exists are of concern to the Teacher.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 351:
351. You know Our attitude toward the astral world. You know how much the astral world must change in the process of evolution. But, while pointing out the imperfections of the astral world, we cannot reject it, because nothing that exists can be rejected. One must build knowledge, not according to one's personal desires, but according to real meaning. People thus can learn about the astral world, and, even more, can bring it closer to the borders of visibility. In this way, they can aid Our experiments in the densification of the astral.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 392:
392. Mastering one's inner fires is an effort fraught with danger. It is not easy to awaken one's inner fires; but, even after one has accomplished this, it is even more difficult to gain mastery of the multifaceted, all-pervading fiery element. One who has realized the fires becomes responsive, resonating to the call of the flame. The earthquake that occurred yesterday provided an example of this. The heart of Sister Urusvati suffered a dangerous tremor, for earthquakes are a result of Fire. Precisely, the entire being is shaken by its encounter with fires of a quality different from one's own. But so important is the realization of Fire as a step in evolution, that I advise you to be especially careful when striving to master this element. This mastery is necessary, however, for the experience of cosmic communication.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 445:
I have already pointed out the experiment with the astral body that must take place in the process of evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 446:
In losing the bridge to the Higher World, people harm not only themselves but also their surroundings. Their dogs develop harmful habits, and their livestock, their fowl, and their crops become unfit for evolution. It must be pointed out to man what he creates around him! Whether the spiritual foundations of one's life are dead or living is determined by the conditions of one's entire life.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 447:
Certainly, the type of psychic energy most needed for evolution is that possessed by mediators. Possessing true sensitiveness, they always maintain synthesis with the Teaching. This quality of synthesis, accumulated by the experiences of ages, protects them from dark influences.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 450:
450. One may regard a chain of incarnations as a sequence of separate lives, but it is better to look upon the entire chain of incarnations as one life. Truly, life is one; from the moment of mastering the human consciousness, life with all it involves does not cease, and the surrounding cosmic currents evoke the same sensations in all phases of life. This is one of the most binding conditions of life, proving the innate oneness of all principles. One could call the time of incarnation a sleeping dream or a waking day, depending on one's point of view. In the past perhaps it was a sleeping dream, but in the future it will perhaps be an awakening. This depends upon the success of one's evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 453:
453. The cherub was depicted with wings, but without human extremities. This was perhaps a symbol of non-human evolution. Buddha was human, and was depicted as such, but with rays from behind the shoulders. Thus, to the full scale of human nature was added the symbol of mastery of the elements, and in this lies attainment. But people cannot accept the idea of attainment in the human state. When they are told about the rays of the shoulders, they begin immediately to demean the importance of other parts of the body. Thus is created the caricature of a cherub as a lifeless sausage - a complete and senseless isolation from life. Therefore We adopt a tempering procedure, first with a flow of unexpected events, then by uprooting the sense of personal property, and afterward by assigning a mission of particular danger. And after these purifications, We turn your attention to everyday life on Earth, where in the midst of seemingly ordinary conditions, extraordinary challenges occur.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 454:
454. When the astral world is near, many small, illusionary phenomena become evident. We dispel the enchantment of the astral world so that Maya may not impede, and once a right attitude to the astral world has been established, We can again direct your attention to it. In the name of evolution, We always consider the subtle body objectively, with neither rejection nor enchantment. The physical body contains the astral one just as the thick bark contains the sap of the tree. But if the astral is given the possibility of developing and becoming stronger, it will reclaim from the body its balanced conditions.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 477:
If the time has come to speak of the physically visible accumulations of psychic energy, it means that the reality of psychic energy has become evident. It means that people must strive without delay to master this energy. The Fire of Space and psychic energy are linked and are the basis of evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 505:
505. The student of Yoga must become accustomed to one thing - the inevitable suspicion in other people. One should not blame them for this attitude. If the student were an ascetic, in the customary sense of the term, they would more easily accept him. If he were to have the appearance of a magus, he would also be accepted, though out of fear. But his essence cannot be defined in simple words, and his work for the evolution of the world has no place in the customary ways of the world. How will people accept the renovation of their lives, when that is what they dread above all?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 505:
Happily, he who has entered upon the path of Agni Yoga does not worry himself about suspicion. He labors, devoting himself entirely to the cause of evolution. He walks without doubting, knowing that satisfaction is not his lot.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 511:
511. Not long ago thought was directed more toward phenomena, the so-called manifestations of energy. But now one can think of the renewal of life and steps into the future. One has to summon all one's courage to leave behind one's desire for miraculous manifestations and to turn one's idea of energy toward reality. This is difficult, but one must overcome the limitations of conventional ideas. It is difficult to resist sinking into the ordinary, for the impelling motion of evolution, which involves all aspects of existence, is always strangely unfamiliar and does not resemble the past.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 580:
580. It is correct to presume that evolution is propelled at times of great cosmic reaction. But this does not mean that people should not prepare themselves for it. Each conscious, thinking individual seeks anxiously for the future direction of evolution. If this direction is sensed, then common sense will strive to approach the right path more speedily. Our Teaching does not coerce, but indicates the way. Not mysticism, but logic of mind, is offered to the seekers.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 580:
We always underline the concept of refinement, for it is bound up with the growth of spirit. You saw the slowness of accumulations of the spirit; similarly, refinement cannot be developed at once. The process of improvement of any machine shows how slowly perfection is gained. But realizing refinement of thought, we all must command ourselves to move with evolution; then every day becomes a day of victory.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 581:
581. Usually people think that these days are absurd with complexity; but if, without prejudice, we compare these times with others, we shall see that during the last ten years much has been simplified, opening the way to evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 591:
591. I rejoice when you realize the harm of false spirituality. Often a sickly distortion of psychic energy becomes a substitute for a properly expanded consciousness. Where there is fear, where there is self-pity, where there is conceit, where there is passivity, where there is avoidance of self-sacrifice, where there is lack of co-measurement, where there is irresponsibility, can there be service to evolution?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 591:
Those who avoid the labor of the harvest should be made to understand that their groans are less than the rustling of one blade of grass. Also, those who venture into the astral world without an understanding of ascent must know how responsible they are for the polluting of space. Only the consciousness can lead, and permit the discerning of the right direction. Also, those who consider service to evolution as an effort deserving reward may be repaid in coin, but not by expansion of consciousness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 596:
596. Many people have observed the significance of the successive development of the centers. Incomprehensible labels often have been given to real things. Thus, when you hear the word Abramram, it will be a reminder about the center of the Chalice, where straight-knowledge predestined for the future evolution is concentrated. When you hear about "fiery wings," it will mean the centers of the shoulders. Likewise, the "treasures of the five summits" will be the centers of Brahmarandhra, the wrists, and the knees. When a sudden weakness is felt under the knees, or a strain in the wrists, this will mean the sharpening of the Brahmarandhra. Countless observations can be made that will reveal the inexhaustible qualities of the organism, so shamefully neglected.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 599:
599. Certainly, one of the main tasks of the coming evolution will be to transform our view of the so-called abstract into a recognition of it as cognizable reality. The study of psychic energy will make possible a completely new approach to one's surroundings. The contrasting results of selfish versus altruistic actions have until the present been seen in an abstract way, but let us henceforth examine them from the point of view of the chemism of the various centers. Different thoughts and actions issue from different centers. Hence, their emanations are chemically different, as is their visible radiance. The effects react on the creator himself and on his surroundings. Thus, it would seem that the most abstract will become weighable and measurable. One of the simplest experiments will be the weighing of an individual under the impact of his different thoughts. A sensitive scale and sharpness of thought will provide clear contrasts. This is not a science for hermits but is knowledge for the improvement of life.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 640:
640. I shall say that you can become participants in the evolution of Cosmos. You can master the inheritance of the ages. You can manifest understanding of Infinity. You can improve the fate of the planet. But let the fires be set aflame! Do not extinguish the sacred fire of spirit. Do not reject the Hand.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 642:
642. One of the most difficult requirements of the Teaching is learning to speak appropriately - to speak so as to properly direct the thinking of the listener, but without intruding upon his karma. To tell all is to enchain. But to awaken striving and indicate a direction is the true task of the Teaching. Protective care will invisibly watch over the growth of consciousness. As a hand leads in the dark along winding streets, so does the Teacher place His Hand upon the shoulder of the disciple. Not vacuum but vigilance is proper for guidance. The Indication fills space, but does not hit the student on the head. Not for any one person, but for the general evolution is the Teaching given. It is as a ray of the sun. Blessed is the one who acts as a hunter of light!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 653:
653. The thought of obedience to a Teacher is foreign to humanity. But how can a spirit not succeed when the Teacher is the Leading Beacon? How can the disciple lose his fire when the Teacher is the kindler of all fires? How can the Shield of the Teacher be an obstacle to the disciple when it is the Teacher who impels his fiery striving? In the consciousness of humanity lives a germinal desire to strive for a common work that leads all forward, in unity. But humanity must learn independent action, and must implement the affirmed thoughts of the Teacher. Thus does human evolution achieve harmony with Cosmic Reason. Humanity must learn to create by the higher way.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 663:
663. Who, then, creates by the power of the spirit? The Bearer of Fire, the keen servitor of evolution, the creator of men, the one who gives all his fires for the growth of humanity. Humanity must be like these Light-Bearers in its quests.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 664:
664. Certainly creative thought will regenerate the world. He who masters thought creates evolution. Thus We can move human consciousness toward progress. We create by thought.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 664:
Humanity, truly, must realize the significance of thought! The Teaching, truly, must be embraced by sensitive thoughts! Each striving thought can impel the spirit to achievement. Hence We value so highly the ability to shape one's thoughts. Each great thought is joined to the Chain of Hierarchy. Thus is evolution built.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 3:
3. A concept completely foreign to that of Cosmos exists in the human consciousness the concept of the void. How can the labor of evolution, the fiery construction of your planet, be limited by void! It is not difficult to understand that the very smallest beginning is conceived within bounds. Then why not admit that it is boundlessness that permits the manifestation of physical changes? Could one diminish this manifestation? The concept of Boundlessness does not mean complexity; simply picture the earthly undergoing transformation into a higher state. There is no limit to upward striving. It means that the idea of continuity in everything and in all dimensions is not complex. Do not limit the manifestations!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 4:
Often you hear the outcry, the moan, "Why is there leprosy, why calamity, why is the evidence of beauty obscured by a twisted smile?" Poor humanity, We regard your ailments as your own progeny. Evolution does not need so many impediments. The ladder of ascent does not need so many superfluous steps. Our Shield does not need your recognition, but you are in need of Our Shield.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 5:
5. Have you thought about the spirit-creativeness on the future planets? Is it possible that all began with you and will end with you? Does any process cease? The chain of worlds is endless; where one planet crumbles another one is born. Truth wrestles with death, and when skeptics say, "It is the end," We say, "It is the beginning!" Understanding of the manifested evolution will reveal the triumph of Truth. Shall we not share in the triumph? Shall we seal our vessels still empty? Shall we reject the transmission of the power of consciousness? When I say utilize the manifested rays, when I say fill the chalice of knowledge, when I say design the best creations through straight-knowledge, when I say strength lies in the limitlessness of knowledge - it means lend an open ear to the cosmic whirls, it means search the radiance of Fohat, it means manifest understanding of the music of the spheres.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 7:
When the trend of human thought is not toward spirituality, evolution is not accelerated.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 8:
8. The evolution of all that exists is not separate from the evolution of each spirit; it is as one spiral in eternal motion. The spiritual consciousness impelled to Our heights accumulates treasures and offers those gifts to Space. Through spiritual consciousness your planet is enriched. Materialism does not move evolution. Materialistic consciousness, pushing toward immobility, breeds the mosquitoes subsisting in the stagnant waters. The cause of the immobility of thought is terrifying. There is no endless rest. Therefore, do not tarry on one spot; either the shifting will swallow you or you will help the cosmic revolution. The basis of everything is the spiral, and you must understand the essence of the eternal Spatial Fire.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 8:
Many fear to understand Eternity, but how beautiful is the realized grandeur of Eternity! Only the spirit that has contacted the Fire knows the full beauty of its radiance. A spirit deprived of the power streaming from the luminaries is deprived of the essence of the Cosmic Fire and cuts off the current manifested by Fohat. The definition of Eternity lives only in consciousness. The broader the consciousness, the more vividly glows the ray of consciousness. The more clearly, then, resounds Our call to him who has realized the beauty of evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 10:
10. The cosmic Breath of the Mother of the World is all-pervading. Verily, all is imbued with it. From infinitesimal grains of dust to immeasurable magnitudes, life moves and breathes by this Breath. How then not to cognize the power which moves the Universe! How not to ponder upon the essence of Being! Fathom the rhythm of cosmic energy and understand the rhythm of evolution. The essence of evolution is unalterable and is measured by the manifestation of Infinity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 10:
You who fear the end, turn your face to the radiance of the Mother of the World and affirm yourself in the understanding of evolution. There is no limit to the sendings from the Mountains. There is no limit to the warranty of the far-off worlds. There is no limit to the natural treasures of the visible and invisible spheres.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 10:
The Era of Fire is approaching. Find courage and wisdom to accept it. The symbol of the serpent seizing its tail represents the circle of the events of evolution. The spiral is applied to the path of ascent.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 11:
11. Those who know the future walk toward evolution. Those who fear evolution walk the pace of death. They will ask why there are ascents and descents. They will be perplexed by the course of evolution. The realization of cosmic waves will explain the course of evolution. When you realize that even from ashes may emerge a beautiful flower, you will understand that destruction is fearful only to the coward consciousness. The cosmic motion acts in waves. One should explain that the deep curves may be avoided, thus hastening evolution. Apathetic humanity does not discriminate wherein lies progress; it basks in a temporary florescence, evading the realization of that which eventually may become the destruction of our planet.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 12:
12. To reverberate with the rhythm of the Cosmos means to realize the entire magnitude of Infinity. Three principles are affirmed by the way of evolution. Begin to show understanding of the pledge. Do not - indeed do not - manifest indifference to the Source which nurtures you and all that exists! Ponder deeply and you will see that the great Spiritual Toilers of humanity have nurtured their psychic energy by merging with the Infinite. Their striving ecstasy toward the highest beauty was limitless! Their achievement toward the manifested Ordainment was boundless! I have said that the merging with the cosmic rhythm will provide the synthesis of All-being, in the invisible and the visible.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 15:
It is ordained for each one to adorn the path of evolution. The help of the spatial thoughts is ordained for each one. The Treasury of Infinity is open for each one who penetrates into the understanding of cosmic forces.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 17:
17. You are right in speaking of the One Origin. Herein precisely is the core of evolution contained. In this cognition is the Arhat's highest attainment on Earth. When humanity will realize the great unity between Infinity and the particles, and know the mutual relationship between light and darkness, then may it be told of the path of the "Lion of the Desert." So much is imposed upon the cosmic fires, yet recognition is denied them. Where men see a boundary between two beginnings, the Arhat sees only one great Origin.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 17:
The truth of relativity has been accepted in mathematics, and all former calculations have proved erroneous. A like relativity exists in the world of evolution. The concepts of light and darkness, happiness and unhappiness, labor and rest, are likewise subject to the same law of relativity. When We speak of progress in thinking, We foresee the need of accepting this relativity. Precisely, the concept of the steps of ascent is beautiful. The spirit realizes that ascent is the page of wisdom on which is traced the entire power of Cosmos and the manifestation of motion. Progress cannot be affirmed on the lowest point of the great Origin. The temples of Atlantis knew this great principle.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 19:
But there also exists a class of people whose fate is deplorable. These are the consciousnesses which do contain the seed of understanding but which, being obscured through negation, do not perceive the cycle executed by Cosmos and thus retard evolution. That which is predestined will be fulfilled, but those who retard the dates of advancement condemn themselves to regression. He who is unwilling to realize the future is like a crawfish - both walk backward. There is either the sword of achievement or an emulation of crawfish. Intentional arrogance is similar to the call of one who summons in the name of ignorance. The accumulation of cosmic fires may easily sweep away this dust. But, friends, your progress lies in your forging of the future sword. Accept these truths molded by the ages and ponder upon them!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 20:
Upon the summit of consciousness is affirmed the path of the Lord. On the summit of consciousness achievement and evolution resound in unison. Eternal, indefatigable is the labor of ascent! This eternal motion is your karma!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 21:
There are witnesses to the cosmic manifestations in our sphere. This formula may be repeated because the course of evolution is disclosed to the fearless spirit who knows the entire mystery and all the striving toward Infinity. The kindling of the fires of the Lotus is the highest manifestation of the Cosmic Fire. Verily, when the synthesis of affirmation of the cosmic energy is manifested upon Earth, one may say, "Our planet is encircled by a spiral upon which we may also descend, but how beautiful is the spirit that ascends and transmutes life into the radiance of Infinity!" To this bearer of the supermundane scrolls is revealed the entrance into the higher spheres, and he will bring to the lower spheres the key to the realization of Infinity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 22:
Thou, spirit, striving to the Creator of Cosmos, turn to the Mother of the World. Proclaim what thou seest. Space is revealed as manifesting the utmost creativeness. The immensity of Space and the inalienability of the cosmic forces enrich the kernel of our being. The levers of evolution are the finest energies which may become the possession of men.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 24:
Our earthly firmament requires a great deal for the healing of the breaches. Many fountains of formulae of the Lords have been poured out. The help, through the Shield of the Teaching, was sent, but the priceless treasures of spirit were scattered as chips into space. However, space is a great collector and accumulator of all treasures unapplied by you. Nothing is wasted by Cosmos, and there serve is guarded. When you realize this, the sparks of knowledge will reveal to you all mysteries of Existence. The element of Fire is dreaded by him who knows only the decay of contemporary life. But he who sees and welcomes causativeness and the affirmation of results is the evident votary of evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 26:
26. All that contributes toward accomplishment of the task of humanity's advancement in the chain of evolution coordinates its earthly direction with Infinity. The task suggests that creative thoughts be applied toward discoveries in the realm of Space. Great is the loss when designs force the closing of that which induces the perfecting of all forms. Only when the evidence of all spatial riches will be realized will it be possible to give perfection to our earthly forms. Be-ness was affirmed before its full realization by humanity, and all forms of life were then in varying stages. There are as many stages in Infinity as there are steps of consciousness. All things are interrelated. All things are mutually attracted and everything is reflected in the depthless ocean of creativeness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 33:
To each one is entrusted the finding of the path to the higher sphere; but when humanity thinks that the work designated for the transmutation of the spirit and of all accumulations can proceed from without, then the lever of Cosmos will devastate the accumulation. Only by one's own hand, only by one's own will, only by one's own striving, only by one's own work can the spirit become a conscious co-worker of the Infinite. The lever will descend upon the constricted horizon, to devastate that which obscures the course of evolution. But the lever of the actions of the full life, affirmed as a union with the higher sphere, will descend as the regenerating Fire.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 34:
34. Yes, yes, yes! Cosmic dates and planetary movements can coincide. This combination provides the better formula of Existence. You are right in calling the spirit the creator of Cosmos. Subservience to the elements of nature puts man in a corner, like one in ambush awaiting an enemy. True understanding of the elements is not yet alive in the consciousness. The so-called "chastisement by the Lord" reveals itself as a vivid evidence of the great defamation of the Cosmic Fire. Sacrifices are not needed. Evolution needs only quickened steps, The unforeseen factor of unbridled elements is not a chastisement, but only an unutilized afflux of the gigantic forces of Cosmos. As in the small so in the great. Means for the lesser and greater bridlings of the elements are found. How insignificant are these checks! Still, they clearly reveal a direction. Why, then, not move in the opposite direction? The result would be valuable. The manifestation of loss will be replaced by a revealed propulsion of the consciousness. This law is immutable and is one with the universal process.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 35:
Do not think of Fire as an abstract concept. Although we do not summon you to the stake, We do not detach you from daily life. Verily, We see Fire even in the most humble worker, if in his spirit lives the song of the endless joy of labor. We shall say that We value each manifestation of true labor, leading toward evolution. Search for this identity and you will become identical with the higher.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 43:
The non-realization of currents, and the reluctance to accept them, greatly complicates the evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 46:
46. The echo of Space carries the command of cosmic manifestations. And whatever humanity possesses, it draws from the treasury of Cosmos. It is necessary to have full realization of the immutability of our course of evolution. Every beginning depends on the understanding of the affirmation of cosmic evolution. Only acceptance in full faith can bestow the crown of success. The lever of faith will permit penetration into the spirit of man. Only through the lever of faith can one adhere to the Infinite. The great lever of faith will aid the spirit in finding its path. Faith indicates the striving toward the Teacher. Let us take for example the child who conceived in its spirit the love for the Teacher. Faith transformed the child into a warrior of spirit, and the path of solitude was transformed into one radiant with joy. Hope abides, and the wondrous power of Cosmos reveals itself when the spirit manifests faith.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 49:
Condemned one, why does your heart not whisper to you wherein lies the truth? In every action is comprised an energy identical in substance with the energy of Cosmos. Every atom moves in accordance with exact calculation, and energy gathers from each convulsion of spirit. Let each one understand that he is doomed not because of karmic cruelty but by self-indictment. Cosmic Justice is aware of the design of evolution, and the plan is executed in accordance with the design of one and the same law of the Fire of the Mother of the World.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 53:
53. The spatial fires of Cosmos and the elements of nature set atremor the spheres, calling to life all that exists. The Cosmic Fire ignites one manifestation of life and combines it with others in the chain of processes. He who cannot surround himself with the realization of the grandeur of the eternal, limitless labor of Cosmos deprives himself of the greatest comprehension of life. The one to whom the spatial possibilities are accessible perceives how limited the planet is and sees that it is manifested only as a shield for those who regard reality as just the narrow path of earthly life. When the spirit is able to fly to the heights of the spheres and contemplate the life of the planet as a beautiful stage, and not one bound by a curved line, then one may vouch that this spirit will cross the way of fiery evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 55:
The spirit of the one who invokes arouses and summons the cosmic power. The spirit who calls Infinity to the aid of humanity becomes the helper of evolution. The spirit who knows not the call will not utilize the manifest forces of Infinity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 56:
Observations of the primary forms of the glacial period and succeeding epochs demonstrate to what an extent the form of a solid body gave evidence of the density of spirit. Therefore, Fire may be accepted as the creator of the higher forms. The Fire of Space is the pledge of the future evolution of Fire. Evolution cannot pursue its course by way of densification; only subtle understanding and the refined cognition of Infinity will indicate the path of humanity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 59:
59. Evolution needs the guidance of our consciousness. Intensified forces are needed. Readiness and fiery action are needed. The pushing on toward extinction is already a detachment from Infinity. Urusvati is correct in saying that the Teaching of the Blessed One is a fiery torrent. It is verily a torrent which carries all strivings into Infinity. Let us regard an extinct crater, choked with grey, petrified lava. What can the process of extinction convert into life, when to humanity there is manifested a rushing Fire! The force bestowed for creation must not be dissipated.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 62:
62. The world of form is unlimited, and a developed receptivity and imagination can add multifold manifestations to Be-ness. If we accept the concept of a whole arc of ascent through all directions of Space, we will be able to attain understanding of the far-off worlds. Why not enrich life by admitting into the consciousness the fact that beyond its earthly dwelling the spirit has treasures toward which to aspire? Those who deny the life on the far-off worlds deprive themselves of their own obvious wealth. Why not accept the thought that the worlds cleave to a chain which leads from conception to unending evolution? Creation, which expands in an ascending arc, proceeds just as the Cosmic Fire. Why should one limit the Cosmos to Earth alone, in the belief that Cosmos provided only the one refuge to man? Let us rise upon the ascending arc in cooperation with the far-off worlds. The spirit knows that creativeness, for the fruits of the next step, must be intensified.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 64:
64. Cosmos proclaims that life pulsates in all atoms and sets into motion the manifestations of evolution. But Cosmos proclaims not only the organic but all manifestations. It proclaims psycho-life. Psycho-dynamics of the spirit constitutes the foundation of Be-ness. Psycho-vision is the basis of sight. The manifested psycho-spiritual thought of Cosmos is the guaranty of creation throughout the entire limitless life of Cosmos. In all manifestations of the spatial organisms, search not only for the impulse but for the attraction of psycho-life in the atom. Then you will discern not one world alone but all the limitless worlds of Cosmos. We shall find the meaning of all the surrounding worlds and of the Supreme Reason.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 66:
66. Cosmos consists of the several psycho-spatial foundations of Materia Matrix. Macrocosm and microcosm have as their foundations, or, more correctly speaking, as a common foundation, the Cosmic Atom. The separating and unifying energies are one and the same, but the psycho-dynamic force binds them materially. This is the eternal law of Infinity differentiation, mutual tests, and the eternal assembling of disconnected atoms which carry the manifestations of the Origins. Cosmos is designed as the great builder and heart of the cosmic energy. The harmonizing, creative, spatial force, finding the particles which belong to each other, is subjected to the great psycho-dynamics of cosmic evolution. Cosmos, the Builder, and its reflection, the microcosm, live by the same law. An unlimited harmonizing process goes on in Cosmos. He who seeks Truth will discover the beauty of unending Be-ness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 68:
68. Incessancy of cosmic action reigns in everything. One may speak of changes in the processes, but the principle of incessancy creates evolution. The incessancy of cosmic processes is like a flame reflecting itself upon all activities of manifested life. The revealed vital tensity carries with it the thread of incessancy. The principle of tension and that of dissociation are a combined unit of the cosmic foundation.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 71:
We, your Brothers, know that page of life wherein is inscribed the oneness of Cosmos. We affirm that the manifested evolution is created not in dissociation but in a limitless striving of harmony. The more beautiful, the more high. The more powerful, the more high. Why manifest conflict between spirit and matter when they issue from one Source? Why not intensify the power and feel the psycho-life of Cosmos within oneself?

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 73:
When the spirit develops in the direction of Infinity, then the feeling of responsibility acquires the power manifested by the Creators of Cosmos. Begin to realize personal responsibility and strive toward cosmic responsibility. There is the step of personal responsibility, the step of responsibility for human thought, the step of responsibility for human evolution, the step of responsibility for a better future. When thinking will be perfected, it will be possible to say that the time of construction of a better future is near.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 73:
In Cosmos lives that power of reason which is called the cosmic rhythm, and the whole of human life depends on the cycle of this rhythm. But let us assume that the cycle, which generates reciprocally with the Cosmos, has been affirmed, and that the psychic energy is defining the current of evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 86:
86. Man determines his own destination in Cosmos. To say that destination is but the flow of evolution is to make man a ball of fate. Fate, Cosmos, Infinity - define it as you will, but the assertion that man is carried along by the tide of evolution without the participation of his will means separating him from Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 110:
110. In the higher worlds Infinity is regarded as the basic aspect of life. Then the process of thought penetrates to the center of cosmic foundation, which is called "The Bell." If people knew that they live for only an insignificant number of years in comparison to Eternity, and if they would stop thinking that this stage is limited by cosmic ordainment, then the beauty of cosmic evolution would unfold before them. Confining their lives, people limit their activities. People's centers are dormant, and only when the consciousness awakens is it directed to the understanding that all senses can live psychically in the rhythm of Cosmos. Man expresses only a small part of his life and with minor activity of his centers. In limiting his own life he limits the Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 113:
113. The human spirit is raised by Us to the level of the highest understanding of the manifestations of Cosmos. When We call toward Infinity, it is in accord with the highest principle. Did the first man think about such attainment? The Cosmic Magnet of evolution is predestined as an eternal attraction, indicating the way toward perfection. The abolishment of the understanding of a boundless manifestation is unjustified. Each new day offers new possibilities for approaching the limitless growth. The absence of finiteness assures a direct consequence designating the beginning of each completion. The succession of gates which lead to new spheres We shall call Infinity. Creativeness of spirit increases with each new current of evolution. Verily the human spirit is unaware of its treasury, the expression of which spirals upward during an affirmed striving. Find application for each of the fires of Space.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 118:
Centuries have been required for the filling of the clefts which have rent the Earth; instead of new stratifications, it has been necessary to fill in the earthly stronghold. Much did the Lords refill and much did the people destroy. By this principle of alternating construction and destruction, humanity advances in evolution. Realization of Infinity will lend progress to the consciousness, and humanity will advance!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 120:
120. The Cosmic Magnet is reflected in everything existing. Gravitation collects those particles of the creation of Cosmos which in turn reflect the cosmic magnetism. The whirl forges the contacts wherever the psycho-dynamic force is affirmed. Wherever the attraction weakens, severance results. Like an explosion, these breaks disperse the parts which belong to one element. The cosmic magnetism gathers nations, gathers races, gathers parts of the world, gathers aspects of evolution, gathers arcs of consciousness, gathers manifestations of all attractions. At the root of all vital manifestations may be discovered cosmic magnetism, and even behind the karmic law stands the Cosmic Magnet. The very thirst for existence is conditioned by the Psycho-magnet of Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 122:
Astrology is constructed entirely upon the premises of the laws of cosmic magnetism. Life and its cessation are determined by the same cosmic magnetism. So long as the correlating combinations are held together by the power of the magnetism, so long life flows. However, cosmic magnetism can respond to the conditions evidenced by the psycho-dynamics of the spirit. Indeed, the spirit proceeding in rhythm with the Cosmic Magnet can attune itself in full harmony with the attraction of evolution. The death of a man may be defined as the evidence of a powerful attraction of the Cosmic Magnet. It is difficult not to give life and death identical denomination, as they constitute the same attraction among incalculable changes; it is only that the combinations and their destinations are changed. So much could be derived from a realization of the majesty of this law of fusion in the entire Cosmos. The beginning and the end verily meet in Space!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 125:
The changes of races and lives could have been progressing by a different way. At the birth of a man, and at the birth of races, a goal-fit correlation of resistances with the creative tasks is established. The cosmic magnetism foresees all things; the results of the resistance react upon humanity as manifested destructions of overweighted structures built upon false foundations. But in creating in harmony with the Cosmic Magnet, we attain the principles of true evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 128:
128. The very essence of the Cosmic Magnet is potentially so multiform that every principle enters into each of its manifested chains. All principles are based on attraction and are impelled by the power of the Cosmic Magnet. Throughout Cosmos there is being built a life of resistance to the principles which do not lead to manifestations of evolution. Cosmic magnetism combats the diverting force. And if we follow the historical course of the development of races, we become convinced that those traces which have strayed from the path of evolution were thus drawn into dissipation. True, it may be said that races are born and die, but so utterly different are the steps of each succeeding race that it may be said that the departing races include both those who have been wasters and those who have been accumulators. In speaking of races, one must consider also their adjoining sub-races. The course taken by a race is determined by the correlation with the Cosmic Magnet - the acceptance or resistance to the destined.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 131:
131. The self-determination of that formation which is the Cosmic Magnet is called the affirming Will of Cosmos. The quality of self-determination is contained in each generative action. Creativeness propelled in pace with the course of the Cosmic Magnet asserts its will in the direction of evolution. Hence the great diversity of the strivings directed toward the course of evolution, as well as of those which oppose the Magnet. Self-determination leads to many inadmissible steps and imposes upon the Cosmic Magnet numerous combinations of universal problems. Avoiding unnecessary oppositions, the Cosmic Magnet can accumulate all needed combinations, but the waste of magnetism is so great!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 134:
134. Cosmic attraction directs most clearly the movement toward evolution. In the wake of the propelled impulse is that spiral which cannot but evoke a reverberative force. And the thrust of the spiral depends upon Spatial Fire. The manifestation of cosmic attraction, affirming the questing force by the current of positive magnetism, at the same time generates the negative magnetism; the one beginning is to be found in the entire Cosmos. The Cosmic Magnet, evincing the one great and eternal Law, gives to the world the image of limitless creation. Hence, the world may follow this Law.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 134:
The advance of world evolution may be regarded as the expression of the Cosmic Magnet. Creation can progress with the Cosmic Magnet.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 138:
Transmutation of the fires is so difficult in the earthly sphere because man, through negation, has created a special sphere which enwraps the entire Earth. These negations act like needles, and many are the battles taking place on the astral plane. Therefore, the achievement of the fiery Agni Yogi is so great. When each center not only receives the fire but also undergoes a fiery transmutation for the progress of humanity, one may truly call this carrier of fires a server of evolution. He who sacrifices himself for the fusion of the Fire of Space with the planet is confirmed as a link between the planet and the far-off worlds.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 139:
139. The Cosmic Magnet assembles the predestined parts that constitute one whole entering into the chain of evolution. It is difficult to say which of the combinations of the Cosmic Magnet adhere directly and which indirectly to the chain of evolution. Since the earthly sphere admits a minimal part of the currents, a great surplus of energies remains awaiting application. Creativeness is inexhaustible, and when one part of the force is admitted and another part continues on in a searching sweep, the unapplied force must be discharged in time.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 142:
Lawful is the strength of the spirit which advances through beauty, and forces yield before the creativeness of this consciously manifested magnet. The spirit unites with the Magnet of Cosmos, establishing itself as a magnetic power aiming in the direction of evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 152:
We know cases when creativeness was not apparent yet the spirit soared and created. The spirit, in striving to the creativeness of psycho-life, can create an entire world evolution. Verily, it is thus that the spirit of higher manifestations penetrates the spheres. But the spirit discordant with the Cosmic Magnet can create only contrary manifestations. The currents of the higher spheres are inherent in him who affirms the Spatial Fire in his spirit.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 158:
Parallel with departing conditions, the influx of new energies creates new life. Let us manifest joy toward the ceaseless shifting. When the Cosmic Magnet acts, powerfully transmuting the forces necessary for evolution, let us rejoice at the shifting.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 159:
159. We see the creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet as a shifting of the spatial bodies. We see how obviously lands and waters are being shifted. We see what validity there is in the shiftings in the races and in all processes of evolution. Why then not welcome this shifting? How beautiful for the spirit is the change from earthly existence to higher spheres! Those spheres which are so categorically spoken of as unattainable may verily become accessible. The cosmic shifting and the human magnet predetermine the intenseness of new forms. The creativeness of the shifting thus is one with that of the Cosmic Magnet!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 168:
168. Each striving toward action is measured by its tension. Tension gives evidence of the degree of will which underlies striving. The other property of striving is its direction, but for advancement one must direct the energy in step with the Cosmic Magnet. Evolution flows only because of the presence of magnetic action. The complexity of the course of evolution corresponds to the complexity of the dynamics of the Cosmic Magnet. The complex of evolution is likewise conditioned by human striving. The greater the striving, the more power there is. Man does not realize what a power for destruction he carries!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 168:
The measure of creativeness of the shifting is in balance with the effort made contrary to evolution. Therefore, the Cosmic Magnet collects those parts which strive to the endless process of evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 168:
Man strives toward a state of fitful existence. Man holds as inaccessible that to which he must aspire for spatial existence. The two states are in eternal conflict. Thus, let us strive for boundless tension in the direction of evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 169:
169. How seldom does humanity reveal an understanding of true striving! How much energy is unnecessarily dissipated! How many unnecessary strivings stratify the spheres! How many are the manifestations incompatible with evolution!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 171:
171. Homogeneousness and consubstantiality are identical. Thus only can we understand Be-ness. The world is created of One Heart, and that Heart beats through the one pulsation of the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, the principle which affirms homogeneousness in all things affirms unity. Thus, the principle of fusion is ordained by the creative Reason. Therefore, I say that the knowledge of Be-ness can further the cosmic evolution. Many are the beautiful mysteries in Cosmos!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 172:
172. At the first stage of man's development, the comprehension of the nature-elements as a creative force was affirmed. The power was confirmed not only in the worship of the ominous heavens, but in natural instinct. We can similarly acknowledge the same power, but with the guidance of knowledge we can draw on all principles. Just as the elements determine man's nature, so can we apply the knowledge of the subtle energies. Knowledge of the elements in their acting together with the luminaries can delineate the course of the Cosmic Magnet. The science of the elements, and of the subtle energies is the essence of evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 173:
173. The paths of the Spatial Fire are so completely coordinated with evolutionary processes that one may say that it is Fire that affirms evolution. The manifestation of Fire must be studied as the lever of the Cosmic Magnet. And in each human action lies the potentiality of the Fire of Space.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 173:
The cause of extinguished consciousness lies in a decline in the reflection of the power of the Cosmic Magnet. It is difficult to detect the connecting levers which propel striving. Of course, one cannot exclude the waves of the will of spirit. Each human virtue or defect can be measured according to the intensity which impels the action. The precision is very indicative, and thus the forces of movement can be determined - be they with evolution or against the surging current. Thus, let each spirit determine for himself the intensity in the quality of his fire. Only through such measurement can one apprehend the Infinite.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 178:
178. Urusvati is right - a wondrous truth is in beauty. Cosmos affirms evolution by this formula. Cosmos directs the world to the mastery of beauty. Yes, verily, the Mother of the World possesses the Magnet of Beauty. And wherever the Spatial fire has collected the fiery affirmation of its forms, the fire of the spirit manifests itself. When the invisible process is revealed to the fiery spirit, it may then be said that the creative transmutation has been confirmed. Therefore, one may say that the psycho-dynamics of the spirit transmutes as a most saturated fire. When the centers can flamingly reflect the will of the Cosmic Magnet, then the psycho-dynamics of the spirit unites the higher planes with the planet.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 179:
179. The analogy between creation and creator is so clearly apparent that it is impossible not to draw a connecting line. When primitive man revealed the power of his spirit, all the images of his creativeness were expressions of his essence. True, this essence is expressed at present also. But the spiritual step in the progress of man heralds the approach of an affirmed advancement toward the higher spheres, and so fiery is the striving that it leads from the visible to the invisible. Thus, the analogy will always determine the course of evolution; the Universe responds to the Cosmic Magnet.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 182:
182. In this law all existences are affirmed. The beauty of Be-ness is in the guiding principle of the creative Magnet. It is difficult for a narrow-minded man to understand the full beauty of this principle. Only a high spirit can comprehend this power. The guiding principle of the Magnet merges completely with its unifying force. Therefore, creativeness is affirmed by the power of the manifested principle. The same principle verily leads man to evolution. The same principle guides the appointed spirit to the radiant majesty of consummation. Verily, the predestined and manifested spirit advances with the Cosmic Magnet. Therefore, We say that Be-ness is then reflecting the higher laws.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 198:
198. Why is humanity in such a frenzy? The Universe shudders from the manifestations produced by man. And can one expect that man will advance without allegiance to the Cosmic Magnet? For harmony, form must correspond to form. The affirmation of evolution will increase only when man shows affinity with the development of the Universe. Either man will grow and very clearly indicate an advancement by entering the stream of evolution and adopting the process of self-perfecting, in order to win a place of higher tension in the Cosmos, or the realm governed by man will be destroyed. All the strivings of man promote evolution but little. If his striving is not in attunement with the Universe, for betterment, for unity, for the affirmation of the General Good, then the chain of his actions is unworthy.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 202:
Hence, the absorption of the subtle energies is represented by a designated circle coincident with the cosmic circle. Therefore, the synthesis of an Agni Yogi has its circling spiral. Humanity should give deep thought to the creation of its spiral. The Universe is inhabited by such worlds. Man is a world. His striving creates a world; and karma must redeem not only the world - man but also the world - striving, until the world is blended in pure striving. Thus, the world without bounds sustains the course of evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 212:
212. Verily, it is said that the advancing Adept directs the entire stream of the fiery evolution. Only when the ordainment of the new cycle of the Epoch of Maitreya is revealed can the Adept advancing toward Us be manifest.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 212:
In the consciousness of men, a precise distinction must be made between an instrument manifested for diverse purposes and an affirmed Mover of evolution. When We speak of the transmutation of the fires, it must be understood as the assertion of the most intense Fire of the Cosmic Magnet. And when humanity will understand all the creative power of the spirit of an Agni Yogi, it will be possible to reveal how all centers vibrate in response to cosmic events. The instrument used for simple photography cannot possibly be compared to an apparatus reflecting each breath of the Cosmos. Therefore, let all who strive to Agni Yoga search for the higher understanding of the open centers. Many advanced spirits were consumed by their incapacity to contain all fires in an earthly shell. Not easy is the path of an Arhat!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 214:
Astrology, the most ancient science, knows the disposition of each race and nation. When a new race is conceived, the basic principle directs all aspects of its evolution. Therefore, as one can formulate a calculation of nations according to astrology, one can also determine the character of the race to be born. All nuances in this are so delicate that only the highest cognizance can blend these nets of Materia Lucida.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 224:
224. When nations turned toward policies of unbalance, the principle of self-destruction was set forth. Resistance to self-destruction can be established only by balance. Humanity applies incommensurately the principle of creation and thus disturbs the foundations of Be-ness. While there is, in accordance with the law of the Cosmic Magnet, subordination of the lowest to the highest, it concerns only those energies whose essence demands transmutation. But since the Origins are ordained for the creation of life, people cannot do away with one of the Origins without self-destruction. Therefore, humanity will aspire toward conscious development when it will cognize and acknowledge the two Origins. All rules of action lacking the two Origins can increase the unbalance. Humanity must show understanding of the law of the Cosmic Magnet. Great advancement can be shown in the chain of evolution through the realization of the grandeur of the two Origins as the basis of Existence.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 230:
230. In regard to evolution, humanity never has considered what its progress costs the Impeller of energy. It is customary to maintain that the energy expended in the progress of evolution establishes the ascent step by step. But the principle causal action should be pointed out. The Cosmic Magnet provides direction as well as destination. In the entire evolutionary process one must seek this destination, and the central point of evolution must be ascertained. Mere ascent is not the impelling force, as the center of evolution is the core of all cosmic activity. The chain of events accumulates upon the circumference of this core, and unless balance is established between the evolutionary and the devolutionary human striving, it will be impossible to establish a higher step. The center of evolution creates balance, and the center of human thought violates it. Therefore, during the epoch of unbalance between good and evil, prior to the epoch of Satya Yuga, humanity must show exactitude of direction. Therefore, the fiery summons gives the direction to humanity. The center of evolution, in its ceaseless flux, maintains the basis of the Origins.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 231:
231. Indeed, the affirmed new race must aspire to the principle of the center of evolution. The imbalance now manifest on the planet must inevitably provoke a shift, either for continual participation of the psychic energy or for destruction. Hence, the continuance of existence is conditional upon that affirmed force. Thus the Mother of Agni Yogi brings the chalice of salvation to mankind. Thus the Arhat and the Tara bring salvation into the construction of a better future. In the harmonious alliances of the Origins, salvation is borne to mankind. Thus We set the foundation of the new race and the step of highest fusion.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 234:
234. The attractive forces of the cosmic fires correspond to the most intense direct rays of the sun. The creativeness of man is equal in power to the rays of the Fire of Space. Therefore, it may be said that the life-imparting force of man is measured by its own radiation. The measure of impelled spirit-creativeness can furnish the scale which indicates the adherence to or divergence from the course of evolution. The measure of actions can ascertain a precise correlation of the principles, the so-called cosmic truths.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 236:
236. Psycho-spirituality is a property of all aspects of the Cosmic Magnet. The boundlessness of the manifestations of psycho-spirituality creates the cosmic worlds. It is impossible to affirm in the consciousness the creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet without broad understanding of evolution. Consciousness asserts the lever of the Cosmic Magnet so definitely that it is difficult not to make application of it. The causal principle gives impetus to life and to the development of psycho-spiritual energy. The basis of the life impulse establishes the psycho-spirituality, and attraction evinces a correlation with the causal principle. Thus, it is on the basis of psycho-spirituality that the life impulse is asserted.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 248:
248. The correlation of vibrations reveals the creative force manifested in the form of a spatial body. The cosmic vibration is correlated with the attraction of the Magnet. The energy of consonance is disclosed as a creative tension. The tension corresponds to the creativeness of the Magnet. Consonance is in the tension of the two Origins. Polarity is the manifest power of psycho-spirituality. The cosmic vibration is intensified by the attraction of the Magnet and by the basic energy of the fire manifested. Thus, the polarity evokes mutual receptivity. When psycho-spirituality guides the drive of the Magnet, the energy can be directed into the channel of the Spatial Fire. The human consciousness is directed by the currents of psycho-spirituality to its destiny. The acceptance of this principle will mean adherence to the chain of evolution. Its rejection will lead to disaster.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 254:
254. The Fire of Space is intensified by the Cosmic Magnet. The construction impels toward different cosmic manifestations. The attraction puts the cosmic combinations under tension. Thus are the energies controlled by the Cosmic Magnet. The unlimited union of all energies gives an unutterable formula, and the universal energy puts under tension all evolution. Humanity is striving to master the forces of Fire, but the higher manifestation may be bestowed only when psycho-spirituality will be affirmed in a pledge.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 256:
256. The immutability of the Cosmic Magnet is manifested in those creative chains which link the past with the future. This creativeness establishes the balance between the manifestations of life. The cosmic chain of lives regulates those human manifestations which are spatially propelled toward either evolution or regression. Thus, the degree of striving is marked by the boundaries of human achievements. Thus, there exists in the cosmic progress a creative magnetic stream, intensified by the forces of the manifested Magnet. Thus, there exists a taut spiral of the Cosmic Magnet, into which enter all manifestations of life. The immutability of the law of unity of all manifestations evinces the magnetism of the creativeness of Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 257:
257. This law underlies the manifested cosmic forces. Since magnetization affirms the striving toward evolution, it may be said that creativeness, which generates attraction, creates through magnetization, which correlates with the force already inherent. Thus, the magnetization manifesting through centuries creates the future energy. Thus, the magnetization manifesting through many lives inevitably leads to the appointed dates.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 261:
261. The currents of will of the tensed Agni Yogi create in conformity with the course of evolution. When the forces of the fires are thus assimilated, it may be said that the fires which are sent are transmuted by the Fire of Space.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 263:
Evolution is so slow! The concept of action should be completely revised. Millions of people are asleep during their actions! The magnitude of spirit-creativeness is so beautiful!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 264:
264. All cosmic forms are affirmed by the transmutation of the Fire of Space. This complex process is defined as a taut spiral. The currents of the spiral are tensed by the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, the quality of the transmutation is dependent upon the attraction exercised by the transmuting energy. The fires of Space and the fires of spirit together set up this endless chain. The evolution of these qualities depends upon the impulse actually manifested. And the creative power responds to the slightest manifestation of striving. Thus does the attraction of the creative power give life to form. Immutable is the law of creative energy, and the symbol of Be-ness may be defined as attraction. Hence, the Cosmic Magnet acts through the most highly tensified attraction.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 268:
268. The law of transmutation is inescapable and is expressed in all cosmic manifestations. When the fusion of elements creates its formulae, the tensity of transmutation is extremely powerful. In its spiritual and physical aspects life is highly intensive, both in the electing of the vital energies and in the inhaling of those already exhausted. The energies induced through transmutation create the life of the elements. The essence of the transmutation is evolved in relation to various cosmic energies. The records of transmutation assert the power of evolution, based upon the Fire of Space. The substance of the life impulse is affirmed as a transmutation of Fire.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 272:
272. A decrease of energies accompanies the departure of the currents of the Cosmic Magnet. When the tension is increased in one polarity, the influx of energy is increased. The psychic seeds are accumulated by the intensive pull of the Magnet. The will of man responds to the currents of psychic energy. It may be affirmed that when the psychic seeds are scattered over the entire cosmic horizon, only those spirits will resound who are aflame in their striving toward evolution. Those who lack the spark of the spirit certainly cannot sense the vibration which emanates from the psychic seeds. A function of the Fire which is diffused in the entire Cosmos is to transport, through the sparks of spiritual foundations, all psychic seeds. Thus do the subtle energies adhere to the cosmic Magnet.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 276:
276. When the Cosmic Magnet acts with all its intensified forces, all resistance is swallowed up by its power. If humanity would ponder over the forces which lead to evolution it would surely take the direction of the current of power of the Cosmic Magnet. An immutable law governs the Cosmic Magnet, and everything which strains against it is drowned. The formula of the Magnet creates by a directed current. The creativeness of the Magnet is correlated to the power of Be-ness, and invincible is the law which leads toward evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 279:
279. Psycho-dynamics of the spirit governs the psychic seeds. The net of collected seeds determines the course assigned by the Cosmic Magnet. The psychic seed is present at the inception of each consciousness. The net, uniting consciousnesses, establishes the direction of those strivings which lead to evolution. The acknowledgment of the manifestations of the Lords supports the carriers of psychic seeds. The consciousness of mankind is asserted by psychic seeds. And each energy is sustained by the manifested psychic seeds. All so-called tendencies are nothing else but still-unrealized energies of psychic seeds. Thus humanity gropingly progresses.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 280:
280. Fiery evolution is affirmed in the manifestations of psychic seeds. The creativeness of a psychic seed combines energies in space. When the psychic seed is projected into space, the propelling Magnet collects kindred energies. The invisible process of a psychic seed is most powerful. Therefore, the fire of an Agni Yogi creates unswervingly. It is therefore that the centers are so tensed. The Tara creates through divisibility of spirit. Therefore, the creativeness of Fire must be assiduously guarded.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 281:
281. The shifting of the currents proceeds in proportion with the flow of energy of the Spatial Fire. The propelled currents of the Cosmic Magnet intensify the flow which must take the place of the ascending force. Like filings are these energies; not interlinked by the power of the Magnet, they fall apart. Only those energies which are propelled toward the seed of evolution can create and collect new cosmic energies.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 282:
282. The shifting of the centers of spiritual enlightenment of peoples is likewise accomplished by the Cosmic Magnet. When the center of a nation is under tension toward a founding of a psychic center, Our psychic action is directing the psychic seeds. Verily, thus is the life of the planet created. The creativeness of the centers of an Agni Yogi acts similarly, attracting the fires of psychic seeds. Likewise, the centers of an Agni Yogi respond to all spatial events. Therefore, he who knows the seed of evolution bears within himself all principles comprised in Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 283:
283. The direction of the shifting of all currents depends upon the pull of the Magnet. When free currents are manifested, their attraction is directed to identical currents. All energies directed toward creativeness accelerate evolution. When the creative forces are impelled to the construction of a new step, the shifting is comprised in the collecting of psychic seeds. But when the impulsion is based upon attraction to the opposite, the power of destruction is manifested as a separating force. During magnetic attractions the strivings are full of responsibility! Therefore, Space may be considered as the treasure house containing all life inceptions. Thus, Infinity summons all creative inceptions.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 285:
285. The principle of attraction of psychic seeds is called the pull of the Cosmic Magnet. The basis of attraction lies in the spatial current of identity. The one transmitting the current arouses an identical current, and the vibration of the Cosmic Magnet responds to the propelled energy. Hence, the psychic seeds determine the future of evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 294:
294. The fluidic currents sent out by an Agni Yogi are correspondent with evolution. The fluidic current sent forth generates its seed, which produces a corresponding action. All Bodhisattvas utilized these fluidic currents in their self-sacrificing service; hence, We esteem these manifestations so highly. The constantly outgiving Agni Yogi creates the fluidic spheres. Therefore, We value so highly the assertion of fiery creativeness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 296:
296. Nothing can resist Fire. In the sphere of evolution, nothing can impede Fire. The invisible power of thought and its manifestations are intensified by the most subtle energies of Fire. In the sphere of Fire, the stimulus of tension actuates the process of creation. The stimulus of Be-ness is fire, and this element acts in each breath.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 297:
297. When the essential driving force of fire is in tension, the fluidic currents of the Agni Yogi tense the creativeness of the impulse. When the stimulus of fire is projected consciously there is no affirmation mighty enough to oppose it. Thus, the driving force of the almighty fires brings forth the necessary manifestations. All that has been asserted about the astral fire is based upon truth. Thus, the fires of the Agni Yogi, and the fire of the Tara, create the affirmations needed for evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 303:
303. The possession of the knowledge of higher laws confirms the Brothers of Humanity as the Leaders of evolution. When a planet is in the process of birth, the manifestation of all energies is concentrated toward affirmation of new cosmic laws. The possession of knowledge impelshumanity toward better interrelations. Every energy must be intensified by another - the directing and attracting energy. The energies are strained in identical manner upon the physical and spiritual planes; hence, the laws are in mutual correlation.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 303:
The Brothers of Humanity outline the plan for human evolution, working with cosmic energies and in conformity with all courses of the luminaries. Revealing all the chosen ways of progress, We, Brothers of Humanity, confirm the best interweavings. The attraction of the Cosmic Magnet can effectuate Our manifestation and direct humanity in ways of the radiance of Materia Lucida. Thus, the Brothers of Humanity are those Propellers of evolution who teach humanity the conscious attitude toward the Karma of the planet. Therefore, one should understand that there is a uniting power in operation between all manifestations of the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, let us regard the Brothers of Humanity as the link binding us with the universal manifestations. Thus, let us accept the Covenant of the Lords!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 307:
307. In the creativeness of Fire, all strivings for the creation of a more perfect form are manifested. In the creativeness of an Agni Yogi, the strivings to the affirmation of the highest realizations are manifested. Thus, the Brothers of Humanity and Brothers of the affirmed evolution march under the banner of Materia Lucida. These fires are identical with the currents of subtlest energies. A predominance of striving toward refinement intensifies the manifestation of the radiant rays of Materia Lucida.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 308:
308. The Cosmic Magnet is based on the attraction of the particles of all energies; therefore, it is not possible to exclude one energy from the manifested harmonized units. The tipping of the balance is determined by incommensurability or insufficient harmonization of energies. There is either intervention of extraneous forces or a parallel course, which provides direction for the currents of the Cosmic Magnet. The currents present a page of the cosmic creative process. He who receives today will give tomorrow. The scale will dip on the opposite side. The archives of Space are filled with these records. These records are replete with human perversions. Only service to evolution can prove a creativeness which corresponds to the Cosmic Magnet.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 310:
310. The foundation of life is asserted by the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet. The principle which creates in concordance with evolution is so immutable that only the power of Fire can propel it in the channel of action. All other forces can serve only as friction for stabilizing the predestined path.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 310:
Great has been the discussion among scholars as to whether in Cosmos a return to the lowest state follows the attainment of the highest grade of development. It is wise to apply the understanding of karma to everything that evolves in Cosmos; not in the conception of karma customarily applied by humanity, that of a reward or settling of accounts, but of karma as the highest action which furthers evolution. All creative inceptions are predetermined by the law of this karma. Many inceptions do not apply to these laws, but the inception which takes place in realization of the karma of evolution lives in space and is carried forward by the currents of the Cosmic Magnet.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 311:
311. Truly, an inception which is set down as a foundation for the advancement of the General Good must endure. Indeed, the inception which has at base the principle of the regeneration of spirit and the upliftment of the level of consciousness must be advanced by those who strive to evolution. Those inceptions which are propelled toward the principle of beauty must live. Those inceptions which are implanted and affirmed by Us must flourish. Never was there so true and wondrous a fairy tale as that of the constructed step! Therefore, let us say, "We carry a precious Stone for the construction of the Great Future!"

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 312:
312. Karma acts as a life-generative force wherever the course of the luminaries is affirmed. The current of karma which is in line with evolution is revealed as a manifestation of the Cosmic Magnet. The creativeness of the luminaries is so definite that its aspect of immutableness is comparable to that of the impulse that determines motion. All dates are set by these karmic predestinations.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 314:
314. The course that aims toward evolution conforms to the tensity of the task when the rays of the luminaries work in the direction of the Cosmic Magnet. In this way the creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet conforms with a course of the luminaries. Verily, those tasks which are in the direction of the surging Materia Lucida are recipients of all the subtlest energies.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 314:
For this purpose the Cosmic Magnet collects the correlations which correspond to that formula. For this, humanity must keep in mind that one and the same ray transmutes, purifies, and repels. A thought directed toward evolution has similar qualities. The ray of thought is powerful. Hence, creation is boundless!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 317:
317. In the cooperation of all spheres the creativeness of Fire is laid as the foundation. The currents of the spheres are transmitted by the Fire of Space. Those who affirm the creativeness of Fire may say that they serve evolution. Hence, the centers of hearing are connected so closely with Fire. Each manifestation of the striving center discloses clairaudience. In turn, clairaudience affords to humanity an evolutionary move.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 319:
319. The self-sacrifice of the Agni Yogi is recognized by the record of fiery achievements. When We assert that the power of the flaming design of the Agni Yogi impelled toward evolution is identical with that of the Fire of Space, We affirm his manifestation as a cosmic cooperation. The design of the Cosmic Magnet is thus manifested in Space by the rays of the luminaries. When the luminaries distribute the tension of the rays, the Cosmic Magnet absorbs all the attractions. When a country destroys patterns which are laid into the foundation of evolution, the design directs that which is being destructive toward reorganization. When the human spirit is directed to the Cosmic Magnet, it may be asserted that cooperation has been manifested.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 320:
320. Cosmic patterns are distributed throughout the whole of Space, and since the luminaries predetermine the properties of the currents, the striving of Materia Lucida guarantees the intensity of the tide of evolution. The energies of all principles are directed toward a beautiful balancement of the predestined inception. Manifold propelled energies are rushing along in the whirlwind of Spatial Fire.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 320:
When the cosmic design is laid out for the affirmation of evolution, all creative energies are attracted to it. All propelled energies must be applied in Cosmos. In the human creativeness, all energies must be strained. When two concepts will be accepted as the only salvation, one may then stand on the step of ascent. And consubstantiality in Cosmos will reveal the attainment of the Infinite.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 321:
321. Consubstantiality in Cosmos has been affirmed in the words of the Brothers of Humanity and of all Lords. When one speaks of consubstantiality, it must be understood that each Lord is a part of the chain of life which confirms the course of life. Each Lord in the chain which directs evolution suffuses the stream of the Cosmic Magnet with creative emanations. Indeed, each Lord bears within himself all tension and directs the vital emanations; therefore, the cooperation of the Lords with Cosmos is unbreakable, and the entire trend of thought issues from this Source. The creativeness of spirit is immutable.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 326:
326. The seed of the spirit is manifested upon the affirmed actions. Its power is manifested upon the affirmed actions. Its power is most vivid in the manifestation of the fire of the Agni Yogi. When the seed of the spirit of a flaming Agni Yogi is strained for the assimilation of the Spatial Fire, then the course of conformity with evolution is affirmed. Thus is built the creative power of the Cosmic Magnet. It is said that the human spirit contains within itself those energies which are inherent in the planet. True, this formula is interpreted as meaning the correlation of man with the planet upon which he exists. But this conception must be broadened. The seed of the spirit comprises those energies which are inherent in its luminary. The luminary which ordains the birth bestows these affirmed energies and predetermines the development of the seed.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 332:
332. The energies which collect around the seed are impelled along the attraction of the Magnet to the manifested ray of the luminary, and the property of the ray transmits its potency to the seed; hence the affinity between the seed and the luminary. The spatial Fire varies in intensity and in the quality of color of the ray. These basic qualities express the manifested energies which link the various currents correlating with the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, Our Luminary intensifies these currents which flow in harmony with evolution. Indeed, the rays which are collecting a new race are directing to a new world and, naturally, they annihilate everything which does not conform with evolution. And Our Luminary certainly develops the principles of the nascent new race. Hence, the spatial fires are so intensively absorbed by the Agni Yogi. When Uranus strains the rays, a new step is affirmed. Through many discoveries, many shiftings, many perturbations, many researches aiming toward investigation of the highest energies, many astounding attempts of research into psychic energy, investigations of the properties of a ray and of spatial irradiations, humanity will be affirmed in its new researches. The rays of Our Luminary prepare a better step for humanity. Yes, yes, yes! Thus does the ascendance of the ray bring an unavoidable shifting. Thus do the rays create!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 334:
When Uranus draws into coalescence the currents of the subtlest energies, it may be said verily that Uranus confirms all manifested paths and that its currents impel evolution forward. Thus the currents of the luminaries quicken the march of events, and the spirit of Our Uranus accelerates the movement of the chain of evolution. Thus, acute are the angles of correlation. Powerful are the sun's rays at a direct angle, and likewise the attraction of Uranus. A fiery assimilation then takes place. It is a very serious time. Uranus is acting! We are preparing that step.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 350:
350. There is a direct ratio in the correlation of cause and effect. Intensity laid in the cause gives intensity to the effect. The cosmic law affirms that intensity which is at the root of each action. Therefore, each energy generates as much striving as is contained in its seed. On the physical plane there is the same correlating power. The manifestation of the spirit is subject to the same law. The spirit is strained in accordance with its intensity, and it pursues this course as do all energies. Therefore, among the energies one should distinguish those which are intense from those which are passive. the passive ones seek to assert suspense; hence, unestablished causes are very important. When the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet gives the impetus to action, the battle between the passive and the striving energies asserts itself. On the path of evolution, humanity manifests this battle, and it is necessary to give evidence of this intense creative activity in boundless affirmation.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 351:
Our work for humanity consists in ceaseless activity of interweaving and correlating the currents. Therefore, We regard as most low the manifestation of passivity. In passivity may be discovered an antagonistic seed. Everything out of step with evolution is opposed to Our tensions. In the cooperation of an Agni Yogi We have the highest intensity. In the fiery centers We have flaming co-workers.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 353:
353. Humanity should ponder over how it is clothing its monad. With what is this eternal seed being wrapped? People dwell too little upon this problem. Along the stretch of each round, one should trace the current of karma and its reaction. The predestined follows as a result of the accumulations gathered by the past deeds. These wrappings can stifle the voice of the seed, and the path of life can alter the preordained manifestation. The cosmic seed inherent in each being should be clothed with great care by humanity. Upon the aspiring seed is evolution built. And unlimited is the path of the power of the seed!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 355:
355. The consciousness of the creative principle lends consciousness to the entire constructiveness in Cosmos. When the cosmic seed is gathered, the consciousness of the creative principle is made manifest. The compound of the striving seed gathers always in such a way that the impulse shows the quality of striving toward conscious creativeness. The creative impulse always corresponds to the law of attraction. The Spatial Fire generates its seeds. Humanity generates its seeds in each intent. The growth of consciousness will propel humanity toward creativeness with Cosmos and will tense all spiritual levers. When the consciousness of the seed acts against the affirmed Magnet, different currents are manifested. When construction is directed in line with the creative impulse, evolution may be discerned. Hence, the earthly ties must be constructed most solicitously.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 357:
357. Evolution directs humanity through the affirmation of Fire. Upon each evolutionary step humanity advances through different impulses. The power of the intensity directs the seeds of the monads and all the energies toward the creativeness of Fire. When the immutable law prevails in the vortex, the striving of the energies obeys this law. The vortices of creative energy always intensify the affirmation of the energy. When humanity will assimilate all manifestations of the creative fires, the power of the spirit will begin verily to be drawn toward cosmic creativeness. When the human spirit will cognize a part of the cosmic energy as an active force, it will become a co-worker of Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 368:
The free energies are inherent in Cosmos, and they have no definite drive; therefore, the casually entering elements give incidental formulae. As in Cosmos, so also in the human consciousness, the entrance of incidental energies provides a new formula. When the spirit cannot determine its direction, the incidental energies take the upper hand. And the striving of each manifested link of karma is altered by the manifestation of incidental energies. Therefore, humanity on its way to evolution must strive to the cognizance of the seed of the spirit.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 369:
369. The striving to the cognizance of the seed of the spirit is so essential; each spirit must strive toward it. When the direction of one's own fires is clear, then one can strive along the predestined path. The free energies can mold the karma of weak spirits, and the space abounds with such tossing spirits. As in a driving whirl are borne those who have realized their destination. But those still unaware of it are scattered as feathers. Hence, the course of the striving spirits toward that which is destined by the Cosmic Magnet will be as a link of the great evolution. The mighty seed of the spirit provides a new current and a fiery link. Thus walks Our tense Agni Yogi. Thus resounds the fiery, striving Agni Yogi. Thus creates the flaming Agni Yogi. Thus does the Agni Yogi construct the steps of evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 371:
371. The creativeness of the spirit, proceeding parallel with the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet, is manifested as the impeller of evolution. The carriers of fiery energies give humanity the direction. We call them the Guardians of Light. Upon all of humanity's paths stand these fiery Guardians of Light. Upon all paths stand the appointed Guides.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 371:
When the one appointed for an achievement carries in self-sacrifice the Chalice, it may be said that a great step is being accomplished. When the Cosmic Magnet intensifies a new step, true cooperation is displayed; and the Guide, in self-sacrifice, stands at the Gates. Thus, the straining centers endow humanity with the striving for transmutation. Verily, without these subtle energies Our Towers are inaccessible! When the manifested step will come to life, then the page of evolution will be beautiful. Hence, the fires impel the consciousness toward a better destiny. Thus a great step approaches!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 373:
373. Verily, in the creativeness of the spirit is contained the fiery potentiality. Behind each visible act stands the invisible creativeness of spirit. The energy of the spirit possesses the Fire of Space. Creativeness of spirit is affirmed by Us as the psychic seeds. In the seed of each spirit is inherent the striving energy of spirit-creativeness. Hence, one must search the invisible for the stimulus of all manifestations. The creativeness of spirit is verily the constructive force of evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 378:
378. The pull of evolution gathers energies which strive toward the Cosmic Magnet. The creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet is revealed as the Will of the Highest Reason. The fusion of aspiring energies by the Will provides the creation in the forms of the intensified Fire. When the element of driving Fire, speeding toward the vital manifestation, encounters currents in harmony with the cosmic tension, then this element collects more striving fires. But when the energy is rushing to affirm a contrary aspiration, an explosion in the space occurs. The manifestations of Infinity and of human impulse are equal. Thus the ways coalesce.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 382:
382. Hierarchy is lawfully confirmed in the Universe. Since the Cosmic Magnet has set the Higher Power above all, this law is founded on a cosmic pronouncement. How is it possible not to apply the Higher Power which guides the planet? Reason alone can direct the Cosmic Magnet. Hence the Cosmic Reason, which is diffused throughout all things, tenses all elements. The energies, varying in their potentiality, have their destiny in Cosmos, affirming their position according to the degree of their growth of power. Thus, the potentiality of the energy accords a priority or a lower step. Thus, the steps of the human spirit in evolution are designated, and the Cosmic Magnet strains the essence of the spirit into Infinity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 386:
386. Is not the greatest process in Cosmos that transformation wherein all forms are generated in Materia Lucida and are affirmed as the highest creation in Cosmos? The great transformation creates all the highest cosmic manifestations out of the subtlest energies. Thus are the forms of the Infinite generated, and the course of evolution is constructed upon these designs.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 386:
The complex transformation takes place through the cooperation of all energies. The subtlest energies assist the subtlest forms. The human spirit manifests a like striving toward transformation, but there are many who do not assist the course of evolution. The transformation of the spirit can intensify everything which furthers the progress of evolution. But that force depends upon the potential of the seed. Thus, all transformations of Cosmos are intensified as evidences of the Fire of Space. The creativeness of the symbol of Fire brings the confirmation of Infinity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 387:
387. In spiritual striving, the greatest task is the creating of men. Man's material form does not answer the whole plan of evolution. The creation of the human form is regarded as the highest cosmic task. When the whole of mankind will comprehend that tension of the creativeness of spirit must be expressed, the planet will advance. Only the acceptance of the manifestations of spirit as the basis can propel the entire stream of humanity into the direction of Light. Upon the spiritual plane all the subtle manifestations of Materia Lucida may be applied. Matter has definite physical limitations, but the forging of the spirit is so powerful that even a coarse envelope may be transformed.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 388:
There is a law in Cosmos by which it is always possible to direct the energy to a better construction. All destructive energies possess also the creative properties - if goal-fittingly applied. All poisonous gases may be life-giving. All depends upon transformation. The Creator of a cosmic center foresees all things, and even that which seems to be an insignificant factor proves useful. Hence, among the energies speeding through space there are numerous valuable life-givers. These life-givers must also be affirmed by men. But among men they often pass unnoticed, often unrecognized, often rejected. Yet often these Carriers of Truth and of Law create evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 391:
391. When a new mission is confirmed, bristling needles are always apparent. However, these needles of antagonism become but blunted intentions. Those who battle under Our Shield walk courageously and, having accepted the rhythm of the course of the Cosmic Magnet, can verily know victory. True, voices will rise against the great Truth of Agni Yoga. The zealots of the church and the servants of darkness will not prevail against the sparks of Fohat. Certainly, the affirmation of Agni Yoga smites the encumbrances under which people nest. Therefore, Agni Yoga challenges all servants of darkness. Thus true evolution is created. Verily, it is difficult for the quivering Mother of Agni Yoga. Verily, it is difficult for the warrior, the Agni Yogi, but the ascent affords an increase of all forces. Thus, those who turn the rudder of the Cosmic Magnet affirm the point of attraction. Those who walk united in heart assuredly conquer.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 395:
395. The structure of life is based upon the affirmation of the impulse of the Cosmic Magnet. In each epoch a seed is planted which leads to a soaring evolution. That world which is set in the foundation of the epoch coordinates the currents of all energies. Hence, when the Lords were permeating the seed of each epoch, the consciousness of the epoch was established only by its saturation with the spirit of the Lord. But humanity accepted only a part of the Truth and clothed itself in the darkness of denial. By rejecting all the best transmissions, the planet tolls out its own date of destiny.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 7:
7. Cosmic creativeness utilizes all vital impulses, straining the most vital levers. Of all impulses, the most powerful is unification. In it is comprised the entire manifestation of life; by it is created the vital combination. Then why not apply this principle to life! When unification battles with differentiation, a powerful explosion occurs. The fragments from this explosion are often projected far apart and these parts then forfeit their power of mutual attraction. Hence, in repelling the forces to which he is connected by karma man generates explosive forces. The law constructs only through unification. The element of attraction indicates the direction for all striving energies. The Brothers of Humanity designate the path for everything which is affirmed by evolution. Thus, the power of attraction is manifested as the law of Be-ness.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 14:
14. The aspects of self-sacrifice are so varied in human understanding that only the highest measurement must be used in everything. He who in self-sacrifice dedicates himself to Service is confirmed as the co-worker of Light. He who serves Cosmic Fire sacrifices himself. He who serves evolution is affirmed as a bearer of the law. He who serves, he who is devoted to the General Good, is confirmed as a co-worker of Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 16:
16. The Breath of Cosmos compels human creativity to advance in the direction of evolution. A rhythmic succession is provided by this law. Creativity is directed in a designated rhythm, but the rejecting principle cannot construct a bridge to the rays that are sent. The fiery spirit is aware of the ray's vibration. The fiery spirit assimilates cosmic thought and the Breath of Cosmos. Fiery Spirits stand guard!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 20:
20. The consciousness which envelopes the seed of the spirit imbues it with the affirmation of the power of Cosmic Fire. The precise striving of the seed of the spirit determines the construction of the manifest fire. The element manifested in the potential of the seed of the spirit transmits the direction to the consciousness. The surrounding of the spirit with strata of striving fires gives it the power to penetrate different spheres. These fine strata afford to the potential of the spirit the possibility of manifesting its striving. The denser layers hold back the potentiality to a great extent. The properties of the accumulated layers indicate a slow or rapid advance toward evolution. The creativeness of the spirit is measured by its potential and by the strata of Fire. The fiery transmutation is saturated with the emanations of space; and the potential of the spirit, which is contained in each cosmic seed, attracts all energies. Each cosmic breath is limitlessly strained by the consciousness.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 21:
21. The potential of spirit of Our Brothers comprises in itself energies identical with those of Cosmos. When We strive toward evolution it may be said that the currents of Cosmos bring identical currents. The Fire of Space lives by the same impulse. Indeed We always imply Sisters as well, when speaking of Brothers. The Origins are affirmed as the equilibrium in Cosmos. He who denies the principle of balance affirms imbalance. Cosmic creativeness necessitates the spirit impregnation of one Origin by the other. Thus, the Origins are created in Cosmos for reciprocal creation. The manifestation of reciprocal creation is affirmed as the symbol of Be-ness.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 28:
28. The Fire of Space kindles the manifestations of propulsive energies. The manifestation of spatial torches is to be found throughout Cosmos. The human consciousness is kindled by the torches of the Fire of Space. Each spirit bearing fire in its potential is such a torch. The most fiery torch directs humanity to the assimilation of the affirmation of the spiritual fire. The creativeness of these torches intensifies the thought in a spatial scope. The Fire of Space, which imbues the Universe, creates the manifestations of energies as evolution. The torch of spiritual consciousness offers its intensified spiral to humanity. Along this spiral moves the affirmed life. The torch which creates the spiral of thought verily calls to the Fire of Space. Thus, We shall say to the striving ones "Be like torches!"

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 30:
30. Upon the evolutionary path energies strive toward the process of perfection. The manifestations of forms, being subject to the impulse of evolution, fuse in space. In this impulse there is a conscious process. The creativity of the Cosmic Magnet proceeds by way of conscious perfecting. Only by way of the higher process may one approach the creativeness of cosmos. How, then, is it possible not to accept progress by way of perfecting? When the spirit is aware of an infinite path, each movement should breathe with striving.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 31:
31. The one-sided understanding of man carries him into a closed circle from which there is no outlet. Having failed to accept the affirmation of Truth, man has thereby deprived himself of the path of self-perfecting. Hence, when the manifestation of destruction approaches, there is no way out of the closed circle. Therefore, the evolving spirit inevitably attains the striving for the manifestation of Fire. Therefore, those who are imbued with the Truth of Our Teaching establish the affirmation of fiery evolution. Thus, the Carriers of Fire imbue evolution with creativeness. Therefore, the assertion of the fire of the centers is Our manifestation. Therefore, when We say that all which is affirmed by Us is the highest ordainment, it means that the Cosmic Magnet is thus expressing its Will. Thus let us remember.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 36:
36. Reality responds to intensity. When the striving of the energies aggregates around the seed, reality creates. In regard to illusion, this law has been forgotten,. In reality Light engulfs darkness. The fusion of energies is consummated in reality. When cosmic creativeness intensifies reality, the entire power of attraction is applied. Reality is imbued with magnetic currents. The presence of striving affords a powerful flux of attraction. Only these processes give rise to the manifestation of life. Constant striving into a higher sphere produces the tension of reality. The unalienable attraction of the Cosmic Magnet sustains humanity on its path of evolution. The countless courses of reality are confirmed by the law of Infinity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 38:
38. Evolution, directed toward the erection of a new step, is affirmed in the annunciation of Fire. The planet is discarding all outworn energies. The surrounding encumbrances in space may be removed only by the subtle energies. The power that gave life to the energies receives for reaffirmation these energies which it must transmute. Thus are the cosmic energies generated and shifted. So is it also with the human spirit. Humanity eliminates its outworn energies. Hence, when the action of the battle reaches its peak, space carries away the old remnants and asserts the New Truth. Thus are the cosmic cycles established. The fulfillment of the designated dates lies in that replacement, and the rhythm of the cycles is created by the assertion of these alterations. The law of Infinity replaces one by another.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 40:
40. The cosmic pulse governs all manifestations of life. The failure to adhere to the rhythm of this pulsation acts as a diversion of striving. The cosmic pulsation governs the generating of energies as well as their shifting. The cosmic pulsation governs the destinies of nations and precipitates the fate of the planet. Cosmic pulsation designates the path of evolution and the dates of the shiftings. A magnetized spiral asserts itself in streams of Cosmic Fire. The manifestation of imbalance results from the action of the Fire of Space. When the spiral in its motion meets a counteraction, the cosmic pulsation is violated. How greatly does humanity interrupt the cosmic pulsation by its course, which is seemingly toward evolution but is not true progress! The cosmic pulsation creates a straining spiral. Humanity creates as a flattened spiral. Can one then expect progress toward evolution when there is such a great disparity between these manifestations! Only the thought which is saturated with the emanations of pure Fire produces an intense spiral. Thought is the seed of spirit and of action. The labor which expands with the pulsation of Cosmos is affirmed as progress into evolution.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 51:
51. The spirit shudders at the thought of death. But when consciousness penetrates the essence of Be-ness, the conception of Oneness is confirmed. When the spirit understands how ceaselessly the manifestations of life flow, the continuity of all chains may be indicated. The chain of thought, the chain of action, the chain of effects, the chain of strivings, the chain of lives - each chain predetermines the succeeding one. The creativeness of the magnet of life lies in these chains. The spirit must shudder not at the thought of death and change but at the thought of sundering the chain. If one could observe the records of disrupted chains borne in space, the spirit verily would shudder. When the great shifting is brought about, only he will succeed who has adhered to the oneness of evolution.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 53:
53. Since everything is transmuted in cosmic creativity, humanity can apply the cosmic laws very easily. Acceptance of the law of evolution will readily reveal the understanding of the law of cosmic progress of the spirit. It will then be possible to approach the path leading to the far-off worlds. Can humanity, which lives only in the world of effects, make progress? Losing sight of the world of causes, humanity has certainly lost the bond with the law of Existence. Only the chain of lives can give the understanding of the cause of lives. Therefore, when We say that the spirit which is consummating its path has prepared its body through millennia, this is a true assertion. All causes of the spirit's strivings create their effects, and in this law of oneness is comprised the entire cosmic creativeness.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 58:
58. True attainments are attested by the striving to cognize the Will of Highest Reason. It is difficult to accept a cosmic direction without understanding the Will of Highest Reason. Three-fourths of human strivings are directed against Cosmic Ordainments. The human spirit is not penetrating beyond the boundaries of visibility, and the opposition to the Will of Reason is leading to destruction. True, cosmic law ordains the replacement of one thing by another. Certainly, in this ordinance is contained the spirit of renewal. Certainly, the principle of renewal comprises in itself the law of perfection. Therefore, the shifting asserted by humanity advances very slowly into evolution. The potentiality of the past gives birth to the future. Immeasurable is the growth of potentiality! There where the shifting leads to new progress, all forces are strained. There where the past was imbued with opposition, cosmic purification is established, Thus, the shifting of the manifested epoch of destruction will assert its consequences. They are inevitable, and the potentiality will erect its step.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 60:
60. One should seek Truth beyond the boundaries of human understanding. The destruction of the broad fields of vision, the cosmic, has not led to progress. When thought dwelt in the lower sphere, the striving manifested was in conformity with the scope of this sphere. When instead of a striving for expansion there was substituted the striving toward a limited sphere, that of the visible, the horizon indeed was narrowed. Cosmic creativeness aggregates its manifested forms according to expressed affinity. The attraction of correlated particles by the Magnet corresponds to the sphere of the spirit. You spoke correctly about the spheres saturated by the spirit. Only when spiritual striving leads to the realization of the nature of the dimensions of various spheres is the realization of the higher worlds affirmed. One may join in evolution limitlessly.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 62:
62. When in antiquity purgatory and fiery hell were spoken of, certainly transmutation and karma were meant. When the laws were established, their meaning was known. Exactitude of knowledge was expressed in manifestation by the Cosmic Magnet. The knowledge of karma was asserted by the luminaries. Purgatory was put in the place of karmic striving. Purgatory in its present understanding was inherited from the law of transmutation. The fiery hell followed as the law manifested by karma. Karma and transmutation are inseparable! One principle predetermines the other, and the tension of the one evokes the striving of the other. Creativeness of great attraction constructs all cosmic principles. Only striving directed to the manifestation of Fire can yield the formula of reality. Humanity in its heedlessness denies this reciprocal law. Verily, karma and transmutation outline the evolution of the spirit. Space resounds with these laws, and only the law of the Cosmic Magnet directs the striving toward evolution. A sensitive ear will catch these harmonies.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 67:
67. The spirit's creativeness builds like the Cosmic Magnet. The shield of humanity lies in the spirit. Nations are moved by this lever. Only the creativeness of spirit establishes the step of ascent for humanity. Thus can evolution advance powerfully. The striving of the spirit intensifies the destinies of nations.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 74:
74. In the intercourse with the projectile energies, a link of identity is outlined like that manifested between the pull of the Magnet and these energies. Each intercourse sets the foundation of a magnetic spiral, and upon this spiral the world energy is built. The fiery Agni Yogi experiences the adherence to the world spiral. All spiritual leaders of humanity feel the attraction of the world spiral and act in accordance with it. The spiritual leaders strive with the course of evolution. Hence, when intercourse with the Cosmic Magnet is established, cosmic fires are assimilated. Therefore, when the Spatial Fire creates, the spiritual leaders penetrate into the fiery spiral. The sensitiveness of the spiritual leaders allows them to assimilate the energy of the subtle spheres, transmuting it in life. Hence, life cannot flow without these fiery streams.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 78:
78. The regeneration of the spirit is affirmed also by the eradication of old boundaries. Thus, when the creativeness of the spirit is tensed by its approach to the Cosmic Magnet, the spirit then partakes of cosmic regeneration. These regenerations comprise in themselves the entire potentiality of the spirit, and the step of regeneration will provide a new formula. Hence, when the creativeness of the fire of the spirit is strained for the construction of evolution, it gathers identical energies. Thus does the Agni Yogi gather energies for regeneration. Therefore, the flaming centers can create regenerations. Thus, the cosmic fire is assimilated by the centers.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 87:
87. The action of the magnet at a distance is conditioned by receptivity; hence, the sensitiveness of the spirit is most important. Of course, a powerful magnet can overcome inertia, but the dissipation of power is great. Hence, sensitiveness of receptivity aids evolution, and an inert spirit retards it. With sensitiveness of receptivity, the power of the magnet can act at enormous distance.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 108:
108. The manifestation of cooperation with Us affirms the tension of all centers. When the spiral acts, advancing toward evolution, the spirit of Our co-workers is verily strained by pure fire. When the spirit of the co-workers is imbued with pure fire, the spiral of creativity is affirmed. Thus, let us accept the law of spiral tension. We affirm that the spiral of the will carries the spirit on the wings of cooperation. Thus, We see the growth of the spiral of the spirit. Therefore, We affirm the sacred bond of the heart and rejoice when the wings of cooperation radiate in the tension of joy. Yes, yes, yes!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 109:
What action is it that is founded upon cosmic cooperation? Each action of forward striving means a step in evolution. The evidence of forgetfulness of one's own "I" indicates the adherence to evolution. The closed circle of the heart produces an oppressive formation. The Silvery Lotus that is unfolded on all sides indicates the containment of all cosmic fires. Thus is an open heart affirmed in Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 117:
117. Cosmic shiftings are always followed by an increase of new tensions. Each shifting brings in its wake a strained spiral. Hence, each shifting predicates a multifaceted manifestation. States which yield to the law of cosmic forces and shiftings intensify the affirmation of their strivings. Thus, the law of shifting brings into strain diverse sectors. Nothing remains unaffected in Cosmos, and everything is mutually intensified. The creativeness of spirit is similarly strained by varied strivings. The shifting of consciousness carries one onto the path of evolution. The improvement of life upon the planet depends so greatly upon the shifting of consciousness that progress will be expressed chiefly in the direction of thought. Hence, humanity's greatest care lies in the progress of thought. When the guiding rudder will be understood it will be possible to join in the creation of cosmic matter.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 118:
118. The great purpose in Our actions is to aid humanity in the shiftings of consciousness. Our disciples are appointed as such helpers. Each shifting of thought produces its effect. Therefore, Our mission is to lead human consciousness into a shifting, and the mission of Our disciples is to set the pace with the Cosmic Magnet. Our Stronghold contains the essence of the shifting of the consciousness and the directing of it toward the center of evolution. Hence, the shifting of thought is the paramount healer of mankind.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 120:
120. The attainment of a spiritual step can direct humanity to the source of Truth. Only by way of tension and by way of striving may one progress toward evolution. The visible world brings to humanity a concept of the invisible one, and the creativeness of spirit can direct toward cognizance of the invisible. The creativeness of spirit can reach the highest summits. Hence, when the cosmic tension is invisibly transmitted to man, We call it cooperation with the Cosmic Magnet. Spirit-creativeness is attained by cooperation with the Cosmic Magnet. When the spirit verily realizes the tension and direction of the Cosmic Magnet, it is able to build the steps of ascent.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 124:
124. Advancement toward evolution predicates the tension of all centers. All progress of peoples depends upon the striving of the centers. Humanity has constructed its steps upon non-acceptance of the law of the centers and of the true tensions. The ascent of the spirit is tensed by the highest centers. Therefore, movement into evolution can be manifested only when the spirit has realized the greatness of Fire. Manifestations of fire and of the centers will give a new science to humanity. The creativeness of the heart is strained by the center of the Chalice. Thus, the progress of the manifestations of Fire depends upon the tensity of spirit and the accumulations of the Chalice. Having surrounded its established world with thorns, humanity has indeed lost its way. Thus, the manifestation of Our Teaching will give the wings to humanity and open the path to Infinity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 137:
137. The spirit who sacrifices himself to affirm the great principles of the cosmic fires brings to humanity a lofty step of illumination. Thus, each Lord brought the Light of the cosmic fires. Because of these rays humanity lives, and evolution advances by these steps. The Fire of Space removes the unapplied affirmations. The spirit who sacrifices himself for the benefit of evolution bestows his radiant Lotus on humanity. Only the highest Agni Yogi knows the path of illumination, and the directed fires are manifested to humanity as the beacons of salvation. Yes, yes, yes! Thus, Our Mother of Agni Yoga gives the fiery salvation to humanity. Thus, the Guru provides the fiery urge toward Beauty. I confirm the co-workers striving to the fiery transmutation.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 140:
140. Humanity is saturated with cravings. When the spirit yields to the asserted cravings, the step into evolution is limited by the visible. The opposite striving of the spirit establishes the step of affirmed evolution. The two opposites are always mutually confirmed. While one part strives to possess the visible, the other part strives toward the invisible. Thus, in an epoch of cosmic reaction, humanity may be divided into slaves and those who strive for cosmic possession and by those who carry the cosmic fires. Thus, Our Carriers of Fire so battle, and the clutching hands are of the slaves bereft of spirit. Only those striving to Infinity can understand the beauty of Be-ness.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 142:
142. Upon the cosmic scales there are manifested two main causes, which uphold the cosmic organization. Each cause predicates the reorganization of the world. The effects of the cosmic causes are strained according to the substance. Thus, upon the cosmic scales rests the evolution of the world and its dark opposition. When the world is being reorganized, the dark side creates impediments. Let us see how the forces for the accomplishment of world tasks are affirmed across the span of millennia. When the Carriers of Light affirmed the manifestations of the Covenant, the potentiality of their striving was infused into the spirit of humanity. When the striving of despotic conquerors was asserted under the law of egotism, man sank into a sphere of restrictions, and darkness propelled him toward self-destruction. Hence, the self-renunciation of the Lords flamingly leads humanity. It is the principle of self-destruction that brings on a new step of evolution. Thus is the path of the world cleared. Over and above all consequences radiates achievement, and the path of self-destruction leads to the lower spheres. Thus, even darkness affirms the step of Light.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 145:
145. Human accumulations create a network which encircles humanity with a manifested web of denials. This concretely established net of denials acts as an impenetrable covering. The net is punctured by arrows from similar spheres. The spheres which surround the planet are formed in this way. The creativity of Cosmos depends so greatly on the attraction of identical energies that all formations are confirmed under the law of attraction. The law of Light is so powerful that the transmutation of the rays brings into tension the necessary currents. Thus Light engulfs the darkness, and the network which surrounds our planet can be dispersed by the current of rays. The stroke of the rays upon the dark covering sets up the rhythm of Cosmos. The steps of evolution are built upon this rhythm. Thus, the world is manifesting an upheaval, and the cosmic energy stands ready to enter into the course of the world rhythm.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 147:
147. The realization of an attraction tenses the spirit striving to the principle of Fire. When the spirit touches the fiery principle, it is imbued with the power of the Cosmic Magnet. Each contact with the fiery threads effects a link with the higher worlds. Only the principle of consciousness can impart the beauty of the higher worlds. When We speak of the higher worlds, an understanding of every subtlety must be manifested. Creativeness untiringly attracts all the higher elements for perfecting. Thus, the spirit can strive toward the evolution into perfection. When the spirit-understanding will begin to draw in the subtle elements, it will then be possible to manifest to humanity the symbol of true Be-ness. Thus let us build the path to Infinity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 157:
157. Whence emanates the striving to the Cosmic Magnet? A correlation of energies is but confirmed by attraction. Whence emanates heterogeneity and the attraction of dissimilar energies? The affirmation of forms can result only from the fact of differing properties. Only when heterogeneous properties are drawn into the creation does a true cosmic manifestation take place. Only when the force of polarity is asserted does the force of attraction act. Thus, upon all planes the affirmed polarities are asserted. The spirit which serves independently attracts the force of the Cosmic Magnet. The formulation of thought attracts the needed evolution. The participation of the heart brings a constructive vibration. Thus, the foundation of creativeness is the awakening of the vibration of the heart.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 162:
162. The reorganization of the world strains all forces of the dark ones. Each wave of evolution strains the forces of stagnant intent. When the world is divided into Light and dark forces, is it possible that the affirmed resultants will not be born? The cosmic creativeness is intensified through battle, and the battle proceeds upon all planes. Therefore, the manifestations which are closest to Us show themselves first of all as forces which stimulate opposition. Therefore I say, "The predestined will be fulfilled, the preordained will be fulfilled." One should preserve the joy of the future; one should affirm victory!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 181:
181. When a new karma approaches, a better step in the progress of evolution is affirmed. All new steps have been affirmed as an ascent. Only the human hand threatens the affirmation manifested by Cosmos. Only the human hand works its opposition to its predestination. Therefore, the striving to regeneration should be the motive power of the nations. Verily, under our own eyes shiftings are affirmed. Thus, Light smites the darkness. I so affirm!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 182:
182. The nations are seeking the manifestation of the cosmic fires. Only cosmic striving provides the necessary formula. Only cosmic tension provides the necessary formula. Therefore, when these forces in the nations are seeking manifestation, the consciousness is impelled toward the Cosmic Magnet. Thus does evolution mold its steps. The steps of ascent are tautened by the Cosmic Magnet. Whoever opposes the Cosmic Magnet makes a contrary wave. Thus, when striving to the Cosmic Magnet increases, the step toward evolution is approaching.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 186:
186. The striving of the spirit intensifies the courage, imbuing man with the energy of fire. The power of will gives man the most aspiring and harmonious step to beauty. Only during manifestation of the constructiveness of spirit is a form a beauty brought forth. Hence, when the power of courage strains the creativeness, the result is in conformity with beauty. Let us say that only in coordination with the Cosmic Magnet can a form of beauty be created. Thus, each movement of people which is intensified by the power of spirit affords a new step of evolution. Therefore, the beauty of tension corresponds to the beauty of the creativity of the Magnet. All cosmic ordainments correspond with beauty. Thus, the path to the Infinite summons to beauty!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 207:
207. When the spirit is able to strive to the understanding of the purpose of Existence, the torrent of creativity of Our Brotherhood can be shown. When We strive to establish equilibrium, We point to the Cosmic Magnet. Supremacy will not be established where domination is being expressed, nor where the arrested domination is creating its channels, but there where the forces of evolution are being assembled; not where the striving is directed toward selfhood, but there where creative steps are built in the name of the Common Good. Thus, humanity creates its karma.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 208:
208. Verily, all laws are contained in the consciousness. Only the all-containing consciousness can create forms and assert new lives. The all-containing consciousness attracts the knowledge of cosmic laws. The all-containing consciousness affirms that each form is bringing a response into evidence. Only the all-containing consciousness creates through all cosmic centers. The consciousness which holds a saturation of cosmic fires presents a correspondent manifestation. We encompass adherence to the Cosmic Magnet; and only then may it be said that the spirit is living in space. All striving energies bring into manifestation other corresponding energies. Thus, the spirit which contains the power of the Cosmic Magnet builds evolution.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 216:
216. The substance of the cosmic fires is directed by the Cosmic Magnet. There where the Magnet pulls, the cosmic fires are drawn. The space strains the fires in the direction of the Magnet. Therefore, the significance of the attraction lies in the direction of the fires. Each thought in space attracts the creativeness of the fires. It is to be affirmed that humanity must attain the striving toward the cosmic fires; then the epoch of cosmic energies will approach. On this realization depends the approach of evolution.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 217:
217. The centers of an Agni Yogi increase the assimilation of fires which will bring knowledge to mankind. Hence, the centers create with the current of evolution. Therefore, the centers of a striving Agni Yogi serve the Common Good. When the Chalice is filled with fire, the aura attracts the force of the Magnet. The power of the centers must be acknowledged. Thus, the centers spiritually create, and the fiery creativeness shifts the consciousness of humanity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 218:
Only cosmic isolation can impel to destruction. Therefore, when humanity will understand that the whole cosmos breathes by the one impulse it will be possible to bring nearer the new energy. Thus are the new steps of evolution laid.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 220:
220. When the shifting of the countries is being affirmed, all energies are strained. As threads, all the tensed forces are gathered and the various strivings are forged; hence, every spatial thought alarms the adversary. Each thread has its defined boundary, and each force has its orbit. Thus, cosmic thought which is woven from the vibrations of the Cosmic Magnet forces the invincibility of action. The demolition of energies contrary to evolution is saturated with self-destructive opposition. Thus, limitless creativeness proceeds above the destruction.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 221:
221. When striving leads toward the Cosmic Magnet, the course of the spirit is imbued with Fire. The so-called errant strivings create so much destructive karma! When the spirit breaks its karma into parts directed to different spheres instead of utilizing the channel directed by the Magnet, this spirit must pass through many steps. When the direction is in line with the Cosmic Magnet, the striving proceeds by the steps of evolution. Thus, the nations which are in step with the Cosmic Magnet approach the higher striving.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 225:
225. The accumulations around the planet are so very dense that it is difficult for the rays to penetrate this mass. Therefore, the spatial ray can contact only those who have rarefied the sphere by their striving. The spirit, by straining its aura, attracts the cosmic rays from the space. Thus, records are borne in space in these attractions of the cosmic rays. The spirit who has rarefied the cumulations about him proceeds forcefully toward evolution. Thus, those attractions which are saturated by striving are tensed by the Cosmic Magnet.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 229:
229. Vibrations of the tensed force of the Cosmic Magnet reach the energies of striving. The manifestation of striving attracts all vital energies. Therefore, when We elect for an achievement, We gather all striving spirits. The creativeness of the spirit is greatly strained. When the cosmic fires draw one into the vibrations of the Cosmic Magnet, the fire of striving strains the spirit into creativity. Hence, when the Cosmic Magnet determines the step of ascent, the Cosmic Magnet strains all levers. Thus, the spirit of the Agni Yogi carries in itself the impelling force of the fires, and the course of evolution is directed by the fire of spirit.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 230:
230. When thought attracts from the space a driving manifestation of Fire, the Cosmic Magnet tenses the spirit. All Lords walked under the guidance of the tensed Magnet. Only an intense Bearer of the General Good directs the fires to achievement. That is why the striving Agni Yogi is so tensed. In Cosmos the manifestations of a fiery spirit is immutable. Therefore, when Our Envoy walk in tension new steps of evolution are being laid. Therefore, the centers must be carefully guarded. Great steps are being laid.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 250:
250. When Our constructiveness is brought into tension, all cosmic forces create. Light engulfs darkness. Our constructiveness is strained cosmically. Therefore, Our constructiveness proceeds abreast with evolution. Verily, We act through the intensified Magnet.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 255:
255. The condition of our planet is determined by human deeds. The manifestation of Spatial Fire creates spheres around the planet which protect it from suffocation. The fiery attraction is so powerful that it can be likened to a magnetic manifestation. Thus, when the forces of Cosmos drive toward a shifting, saturation of the space proceeds by the assertion of the Magnet. The planet is unable to separate itself from the Cosmic Magnet, and the chain of strivings toward the construction of evolution inseverably links all worlds. Thus, all actions of cosmic forces create in powerful cosmic coordination, and all worlds serve the law of unity. Therefore, humanity must include itself in this law!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 257:
257. The consciousness of humanity cannot be affirmed upon the visible world. Accepting correlation as a main cause in the visible and invisible worlds, one can disclose spheres of cosmic concordance. But humanity bases results upon the visible; therefore, it is difficult for the spirit to aspire to the higher spheres. Every striving spirit knows that the separation of the worlds can arrest evolution, because where the link between the Primary Source and life is severed, there one must expect destruction. Cosmic creativity is based upon eternal unification.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 267:
267. The element of Fire attracts all energies toward creation. When a striving creative thought imbues the space and the Cosmic Fire intensifies the creativeness of the thought, the forms then attain life. When the purpose of existence takes on its due significance, it will be possible to endow humanity with the Spatial Fire. When existence will be established upon a higher step, the realization of the Cosmic Magnet can be affirmed. Thus, each step of evolution carries its own new energy. Verily, the consciousness of humanity is developed in conformity with the forces of Cosmos. But the will of man predetermines each step. Thus does humanity forge its cosmic boundaries, because the awareness of an attraction can create a sphere for it.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 273:
273. The lack of commensurability of humanity sets up the alleged barriers. Each instance of incommensurateness forces a current which obstructs the path to Truth. Each stoppage sets up its consequences, and this creates fetters on the manifested ascent. Therefore, one must intensify all thoughts for the General Good, and the path of commensurateness will become the path of evolution for the spirit.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 275:
275. The great law of harmony moves the entire Cosmos. When the forces unite in conscious creativity, the cosmic striving brings into tension all sparks of the Spatial Fire. Creativeness, moved by the Cosmic Will, is strained by the power of the Perfect Heart. But where the Perfect Heart is not perceived, there is no construction. Verily, construction by the Will of the Perfect Heart affirms evolution. Therefore, only the cosmically affirmed law of the Heart lives in Infinity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 291:
291. Each new step of evolution requires a shifting. When the straining elements tense the Cosmic Magnet, the new steps are defined by Fire. Thus, the departing forces activate the new energies.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 293:
293. Cosmic thought is intensified by the impellent Cosmic Magnet. Spatial thought is strained by the lever of the Magnet. All human thoughts are impelled through harmonization with the Magnet. All forces which accompany the Magnet in all actions are intensified by the process of striving. Therefore, all oppositions to the impellent Magnet derive their strength from the realization of reverse currents. One can affirm the tension of energies through the concordance of all centers. Oppositions call forth tension in Cosmos, which aids creativeness Thus, all conscious energies create evolution.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 295:
295. People are afraid most of all of expansion of consciousness. Everything within the boundaries of the customary is very close to man, and each new thought arouses opposition. Therefore, when We send someone for an achievement, We first impart the urge toward a new consciousness. Only limitless striving toward expansion of consciousness and reaching for the unusual can advance the consciousness toward evolution.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 297:
297. Human constructions correspond very little with the foundations of Be-ness! The course of evolution can be affirmed by energies still unmanifested. But the fact that man has applied the revealed forces of Cosmos with such lack of commensurateness attests the retardation of evolution. The human understanding makes each formula given so inapplicable that its manifestation verily clogs the space with its issue. States, governments, families have become so distorted in human understanding! Thus, the expansion of consciousness will provide a new step of Infinity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 303:
303. In each instance of human reception there is so much striving to blend with the cosmic energies that it is difficult to isolate a spatial manifestation. Besides the evident manifestations, humanity has had to create the measure of time, because without the creation of steps humanity cannot confirm itself in its growth. Thus, each measure of construction provides a step of evolution.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 304:
304. The ways of action differ in their tensions. The spirit striving to a cosmic action always displays the acceptance of cosmic measures. The ways of action of the spirit impelled to egoistic intensity always further measures that retard evolution. Thus, all the ways of action are strained by the human lever of intentions. Our planet is battling in a vigorously asserted tension, and the ways of action thus are turning the karmic effects. Therefore, the field of human ways clutters the sphere with dams.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 306:
306. The measure of service to humanity impels the spirit to means of striving. When the spirit knows the measure of tension in the name of Good, then he consciously directs his possibilities. The circle of the spirit surrounds the aura of man with powerful striving. But the sick aura and the aura surrounded by a tortuous line create corresponding saturations in space. Such auras react in a dual manner upon those around them. In identical auras they evoke an increase of negative potentiality. In contrasting auras they evoke a double striving; to smite darkness and to serve the Good. But these sick auras are nurtured by the emanations of the healthy auras. How important it is for a sick aura to be conscious of its armor! It is most important to realize this law. Evolution progresses through Light.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 315:
315. The undertakings of man show potentialities of all degrees and direct all strivings into a center of tensity. The manifold human undertakings are strained by various essences. In evolution, the battles for the treasures of Space are clearly defined. Thus, the advancement of the grades of energies is within the power of humanity, and the degree of retardation of evolution rests also in the hands of man. Verily, two categories intensify the world of action. The Carriers of Fire and the opponents of evolution both assert the evolutionary battle. Thus, the progress of humanity proceeds by way of the battle of evolution.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 316:
316. Our principle of Fire is so intense that creativeness is precipitated toward the Source of Fire; and the Mother of the World directs Her rays into Our spheres. Only Our approaches will grant evolution to the planet and will determine the construction. Therefore, the evolutionary battle will resolve in Our victory, and every stone brought by the enemy will provide a step for the victory. Thus, We truly utilize each obstacle. Verily, a great creativeness! The Tara of Fire will impart a new science to humanity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 322:
322. Who, then, creates by the power of spirit? The Carrier of Fire, the sensitive servant of evolution, the spiritual creator of man, who gives all his fires for the advancement of mankind. Humanity in its quests must strive to emulate these Light-Bearers. How, then, does a Hierarch create upon Earth? By uplifting everything that surrounds him. Thus, by the pure flame of spirit the Hierarch elevates the spheres.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 325:
325. The earthly strata are greatly tensed because all earthly centers are atremble in the effort toward shifting. Every step of the cosmic shifting evokes tension. Thus, both matter and spirit are acting. The spirit immerging into the affirmed sphere of evolution is under the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet. How, then, can a spirit who does not carry the fires be affirmed? Each step of evolution is constructed by the Cosmic Magnet. Only when the spirit can build the step of cumulation of the Chalice can he become a co-worker of the Cosmic Magnet. Every effort to go beyond the limit of the usual pertains to constructiveness. Having stepped beyond the earthly strata, the spirit understands the needs of Earth. Thus, verily, will the spirit realize the Infinite.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 331:
331. When the world is in convulsion, how is it possible not to realize the cosmic shifting? When the world exists for evolution, how is it possible not to strive for true construction? In the great construction everything is predestined to be reworked, and the chief concern of humanity should be the quality of its contribution. Therefore, when We intensify all creative impulses, how then is it possible not to cognize the constructivity of Cosmos? The beauty of Be-ness is contained in the realization of all the subtle energies. In this principle is comprised the entire limitless creation.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 332:
332. When the world is atremble the subtle energies are being attracted to the planet. Therefore, humanity must realize that this is the hour of destruction and shifting and that a New Dawn glows upon the horizon. The creativity of Cosmos is incessant, and incessant is the replacement of some levers by others. When old conceptions of world evolution are becoming extinguished the dawn of the fires is kindled. Verily, the time is a fiery one, and Agni Yoga takes the place of all the departing energies. Thus do We kindle the New Dawn, and the waves of cosmic reconstruction are most powerful. All the centers vibrate, reverberating with the cosmic reconstruction. It is a great Dawn, and humanity can find in it the path to evolution. Thus, the light of Our fires will give humanity a new impulse. Yes, yes, yes! I so affirm!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 335:
335. The predetermination of the future is greatly intensified when there is affirmed a consequence of striving to the Cosmic Magnet. When this consequence comes into force, each of its steps achieves its own form. The chain of epochs is molded by the way of predestination. Thus, knowing the present, one can predetermine the future. One may determine every magnetic vibration that produces the striving of a nation. The study of causes will produce definite results. Thus, let each nation trace the fundamental quality of its aspirations and yearnings. The best indicator will be spiritual progress. Thus, through limitless striving there is established an intensive advancement into evolution.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 347:
347. When there is cooperation with the cosmic forces the sensitive receptivity affords union with the manifestations of Cosmos. The Spatial Fire can impart creative tensity to the spirit which affirms its concordances. Therefore, since the spirit of an Agni Yogi senses all cosmic perturbations, the link with the Cosmos reveals to him all paths to knowledge. Thus, all cosmic forces resound upon the solar plexus. The subtlety determines the quality of each reception. The whole of evolution is built upon this law.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 351:
351. Certainly, creative thought will regenerate the world. The king of thought creates evolution. Thus, We can move human consciousness. We create by thought. How deeply, then, should humanity realize the significance of thought! How completely, then, should the Teaching be assimilated by sensitive thoughts! How strongly each striving thought can impel the spirit to an achievement! Every great thought coalesces with the Chain of Hierarchy. Thus is evolution created.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 356:
356. What might is contained in the creativeness of the heart! All cosmic tensions can be discharged by a light-bearing ray. How can one melt a projected arrow? Only by a smiting ray of Light. Therefore, the smiting ray of Light must penetrate into all arising difficulties. All the dark corners where ignorance is hiding must be illuminated. All erections based upon ignorance and cleavage should be demolished, because they do not further the growth of the construction. When We construct We manifest pure striving. All harmful accumulations of which humanity is unaware breed impediments to evolution. Thus, the smiting ray of Light will illumine all dark corners.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 373:
373. The harmonious plan of Cosmos is saturated by various currents. These currents seek contact with the spirit. Only a small quantity of the currents has been assimilated by humanity, and the main channel of vital actions is that of the currents set up by subtle assimilations. Only where there is conformity can the levers be tensed. Only where the Spatial Fire can reverberate to the subtle harmonies can a cosmic concordance be established. Therefore, a step of evolution is introduced into life through the subtle receptivity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 374:
374. The Spatial Fire is assimilated by the centers of a Agni Yogi. Great is the laboratory when the subtle currents are assimilated. Who can transmit to humanity the subtle currents? Only an Agni Yogi through his high thought. If during the process of evolution instinct has developed into feeling, then refinement will lead to straight-knowledge. Each refined sensation means contact with the Spatial Fire. Therefore, only the highest Agni Yogi transmits to humanity the subtlest receptivity. The entire evolution is based on refinement.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 376:
376. Each thought given to humanity is for execution. Otherwise, why saturate the space? The lack of executors complicates the creation. Each thought given for saturation of the consciousnesses must find executors. The great spirit is a creator and each thought must enter into life. Vital action is the application of the thoughts of the great creators. Therefore, when humanity will be imbued by the realization of the application of thought, it will be possible to affirm that all the principles of higher dimensions have entered into life. Thus, the manifestation of shifting is commensurate with the application of thought in life. Only striving to a vital action produces shifting. Thus, the step of evolution is built by the thought of creators and its vital application.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 380:
380. When a great structure is built, each page has its significance. Each affirmation of the cosmic evolution is impregnated in conformity. It is correct to say that humanity builds its cosmic steps in its strivings and assimilations. Humanity either receives or gives out the manifested forces. Precisely, its Service to the Cosmic Good gives humanity its ascent. When the transport of human aspiration is limitless and endless, a cosmic coordination can be affirmed. How wondrous is the realization of the link with cosmos! How beautiful is the building of cosmic evolution!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 381:
381. When the spirit understands that Service to Cosmos means bringing into life the higher principles, it strains its best levers. An aimless existence is the result of the slumber of all the higher centers. When the thought of a great spirit awakens the consciousness toward a higher understanding of Service, it can be affirmed that cosmic striving is being conferred upon humanity. Therefore, it is most important that the thought of Service should permeate humanity. The carriers of the higher thoughts of evolution affirm Our Will. Thus is being established the higher cosmic cooperation. Thus, We carry the Cosmic Service together.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 383:
383. The degree of consciousness is intensified according to the quality of the fires. When the consciousness is capable of subtle assimilation each fiery energy can be consciously sensed. Hence, the striving thought of an Agni Yogi is always in contact with the fiery current. Every thought of an Agni Yogi carries a fiery striving and imprints a spatial record. Therefore, the creativeness of thought gives powerful impetus to evolution.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 393:
393. Correct is the term cosmic dross! Cosmic striving encompasses all cosmic manifestations but the spirit limited by the idea of isolation cannot create in step with the pulse of Cosmos. Hence, when a step of evolution is being built cosmic dross acts like dams. Certainly, each dam creates a heavy karma. Therefore, We distinguish the manifested Carriers of Light from the cosmic dross. The fire of spirit brings to humanity the striving toward higher principles.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 395:
395. When a thought saturates the space, its power is in conformity with Cosmos. Every rational energy reflects upon the thought. Verily, thought and consciousness bring forth all cosmic principles and creativeness. Hence, humanity must broaden its understanding and strive to the realization that each energy can receive life and form only through the impulse of thought. Thought is the mover of evolution. Each one who has dedicated himself to Service saturates everything with his fire. When a thought is straining forth with an inner fire, the centers are aflame.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 397:
397. He who is desirous of realizing the creative Magnet must understand the power of striving. He who has accepted the Chalice of Amrita knows the striving thought. Only when a powerful assimilation can be affirmed is the tension in step with that of the Magnet. Verily, the centers then resound with the Cosmic Magnet. The Carrier of Fires imparts to his desires a tense striving. Hence, each fiery thought conforms to the tensed Magnet. Therefore, the thought of the Carrier of Fires is in itself of cosmic creativeness, and wishes of the Carrier of Fires powerfully advance evolution.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 400:
400. In essence, each action in the world has a meaning. In essence, every object has a meaning. But if the thought which colors the objects and actions springs from nullity it does not touch the cosmic current. Upon the essence of each manifestation life is built. Therefore, when Service calls for the creation of evolution, then there exists only the principle of Essence. Little do people know about discriminating in the Essence; little does the coloring by humanity correspond to the principle of Essence. Is every human thought affirmed in goal-fitness? Cosmic creativity is built upon the orbits of Essence. Thus, the ever-living is saturated by the subtle fires of the Essence.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 403:
403. Each striving thought directed to cognizance of the Universe leads humanity into the higher dimension. Hence, each thought saturated by the fire of a striving Agni Yogi leads to the affirmation of evolution. Therefore, as the purpose of Existence points to the expansion of consciousness, each substance in the Universe points to the law of cooperation. Thus, each fiery thought leads to the affirmation of Essence in Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 404:
404. The essence of construction is contained in consciousness. Only when the meaning of cosmic construction is understood can one apply the highest dimensions. Therefore, when the consciousness does not encompass the essence of cosmic construction it constitutes only a partial cognition. But a partial consciousness can grasp only a partial construction. Every integrated striving to cosmic construction is therefore most important, for in it there is evolution and evolutionary creativity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 407:
407. Construction awaits. Construction summons. Humanity must be affirmed in the understanding of this great call. The one who is a responsible recipient of Fire is a mover of humanity toward evolution. Hence, the subtle thinker is a mover of evolution. Thus is the cosmic striving being built. Thus thought moves humanity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 411:
411. Humanity gives much attention to the manifestation of the visible, whereas, every transitory energy is not a main impeller. How imperceptible to a limited sight are the main impellers! Only when the benevolent creativeness of Cosmos can be applied to construction will the striving for knowledge open the gates, disclosing the possibility of cooperation with Cosmos. Hence, each invisible might must be sensed by the spirit. Verily, thus are the steps of evolution built.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 414:
414. Yes, only those subtle energies which contact the spirit can give creativeness to humanity. Only the beauty of the spirit can move humanity. The power of creativeness is contained in the fire of the spirit. Thus, the mighty Agni Yogi who breathes in the fiery impellent force of cosmic fires gives to the world much of his heart and the flow of rays. The creativeness of the spirit expands in a radiant orbit. Therefore, when the spirit manifests a subtle assimilation of fires he then gives out the same amount to the world, preserving the equilibrium of creativeness. Hence, there is cosmic creativeness in each fiery assimilation. Thus is the cosmic evolution built. It is therefore that the qualities of the fire of the Mother of Agni Yoga are so sacred. It is thus that We build Our immutable actions. Thus is the future step constructed.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 419:
419. The law governing the function of saturation is applied through attraction and identity of energies. When the impelled creative impulse gathers the affirmed energies in space, the law of the function of correspondence gathers the manifested fires. Humanity must understand that each force that enters into life creates upon the visible plane but is intensified by an invisible lever. Hence, one must seek in space for the saturating Fire and accept the law which serves as a link between striving and the creativeness of Fire. Thus, We strain the spatial manifestations into conformity with cosmic manifestations. The laws of spatial fires and human actions have identical driving force. Thus, the lowest attracts the lowest and the highest attracts the highest. But the law demands striving, and evolution is built by the manifestation of the higher attraction.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 420:
420. When the attraction of fires is intensified, all cosmic energies reverberate. Therefore, each principle acts through an impelling magnetism. Cosmic fire itself is diffused through all that exists. Therefore, each cosmic wave strains the human consciousness. In this law is contained the entire power of creation. All earthly and cosmic fires can respond to the same law. Never has it happened that human spirit has remained untouched by a cosmic wave. But only a spirit striving toward evolution can cognize the whole unity of Cosmos. Therefore, these cognizant spirits are the chief impellers of cosmic creativity. Thus, the key of knowledge creates a better step. Thus, Our Carriers of Fire affirm a better epoch. Thus, the invisible attracts the visible into the higher sphere. Thus, We fill life with the new quests. Thus, We create the manifestation of evolution.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 421:
421. Each manifestation of the invisible must be accepted by humanity as that of a principle leading to creativeness. In the entire Cosmos the manifestations of the invisible alternate with the visible. Therefore, when the space is saturated by a live interchange of Fire, a demarcation line does not exist. If the spheres were separated, transmission of cosmic power would be impossible. The vital threads cannot be separated. The All-Existent is in all and we are in it. Limitless is the vital potentiality, and the particles assimilated by humanity can conform to a cosmic striving only when consciously assimilated. Thus, in the cognizance of Cosmos one can strive to evolution.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 422:
422. Who, then, knows the requirements of evolution? Who, then, will gather the vital threads? Only the spirit understands how the invisible is interwoven with the visible. Only an expanded consciousness can understand how spirit and action are interwoven. Only a striving consciousness can impart to humanity the understanding of the higher energies. Hence, each thought conducive to the saturation of space brings to humanity the cognition of Cosmos. Therefore, when the thought of a Carrier of Fires saturates the space, it intertwines with the higher energies. Our vital threads are the interweavement of all consciousnesses and vital currents. The great past and the great future are interwoven in a radiant change of lives. Thus, Our orbit gives to humanity a new step.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 423:
423. When the shifting takes the visible form of manifested perturbations, the tensity of the cosmic fires brings all forces into action. Only when the thought attracts the Fire of Space does a discharge occur through the Cosmic Magnet. The magnetic waves aggregate all conscious energies. Humanity does not wish to realize the unity of the entire Cosmos. Cosmic creativeness fierily propels all elements, manifesting the one law; therefore, each wave strained forth by a people is but a link in the cosmic chain of evolution. Hence, when striving tautens the national wave, a shifting is then asserted. Thus, thought confirms the shifting, and the law of interchange motivates all impulses. The thinking of humanity thus produces the saturation of Space.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 424:
424. When Space thunders with the shifting, one must protect well those centers which respond. When the creativeness of Cosmos gathers the higher tensions, one must battle for the affirmation of Light. There is mutual intensification between humanity and the beauty of Cosmos, and only thus can one affirm a cosmically united power. Such striving has constructiveness in it. The creativeness of thought has continuous inner blending, and the spirit of a cosmic creator knows the thought of Cosmic Reason. Thus, a sensitive Agni Yogi knows the flow of evolution, and each spatial thought finds corroboration. Each thought manifested by the fire of a creator imbues consciousness. Thus, We create the shifting of the spirit and affirm an enlightened cognizance.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 425:
425. The attainment of great cosmic steps can be assured through a conscious cooperation with cosmic energies. Conscious interchange can impart a full understanding of all the higher energies. Each striving to the orbit of the Cosmic Magnet will afford an achievement of a higher step. Thus, the law of great conformity is immutable. In building the cosmic evolution one must remember interchange. The space and the human spirit are saturated with these energies. It takes millennia to accumulate the impellent forces which proceed in a tense rhythm. The creative spirit knows these true impulses; and each will that conveys to the Cosmic Magnet the interchange manifested in striving gives to humanity the law of real correspondences. Therefore, it is so important to apply striving. The interchange impregnates all creative impulses.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 428:
428. Knowledge, knowledge, knowledge! If people would ponder upon the fact that knowledge is the only salvation, there would not be a particle of the present suffering. All human sorrow is the result of ignorance. Therefore, every expansion of consciousness is cooperation with evolution. Every manifestation that obstructs the expansion of consciousness is antagonistic to evolution. Hence, the actions of the enemies are criminal and their karma is dreadful. Knowledge, let us reiterate, will put an end to the suffering of mankind.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 429:
429. Again one has to remind the scientists that the theories of Einstein do not upset the laws of Euclid but encompass them. Just as the third dimension does not nullify the laws of the plane, but is infinitely larger than the latter, so also the laws of spiritual knowledge encompass all your laws, being infinitely broader. Therefore, lay antagonism aside as an impediment to evolution..

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 435:
435. The affirmation of cosmic attractions is accepted by humanity in connection with great manifestations. Each attracted energy draws along with it a corresponding circle. Only an impenetrable mind cannot accept the property of correspondence. The attraction of cosmic forces gives to the planet all the powerful impulses; therefore, the construction of one's own orbit depends upon striving. Thus, each orbit which concludes the life paths is the creation of the properties of attraction. Thus one can advance into evolution on a limitless path.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 473:
473. The cosmic reconstruction intensifies all spatial fires. Therefore, each will is subject to intense influences. Thus, when thought seeks a channel of action, its quality has the seed of an intense quest at its base. Hence, when thought is strained by the impellent force of the Magnet, the results can be assured. Thus, every energy that reaches the tensity emanating from the Magnet will be most powerful, for Light engulfs darkness. Thus, the building of evolution depends upon an inspiring trend of thought.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 477:
477. Each wave of Common Good is intensified by the Forces of Light, and also by counteractions. The manifestations of light and shade pertains to the whole of Cosmos. Hence, each wave of Common Good induces a saturation with various currents. Each propelled wave intensifies the creative impulses, and the human task is to find the direction of the Cosmic Magnet by propelling the thoughts toward the Common Good. Thus, thought creates in space. Limitless are the ways of evolution.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 485:
485. Each possibility that is set aside is subject to cosmic tension. The Cosmic Will saturates all tensed possibilities, and each wave attracts multiple propelled energies. Therefore, the contact of the Magnet with the cosmic orbit attracts new energies from the Space. Thus does the cosmic transmutation intensify all creative forces. Only by this great law can evolution be impelled forward, Thus is the vast cosmic evolution constructed.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 486:
486. The expansion of consciousness comprises all conceptions which lead to evolution. Faith in the transmutation of all energies provides the understanding of all new movements. When the spirit is imbued with the significance of cosmic transmutation it can be conceived to what an extent cosmic evolution depends upon the shifting of the degrees of consciousness. The significance of all shiftings must enter into the consciousness. The tension of the striving spirit results in an intense quest for new paths. Thus are the steps of evolution built.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 489:
489. The orbit of the Cosmic Magnet comprises the entire cosmic evolution. The creativity of the Cosmic Magnet depends on those tensions which are imbued by Fire. Thus a fiery saturation is implicit in each action, and in the coordination of the fires and the striving the entire creative process is laid. Hence, the spirit must strive to the cognizance of his fires, and if he finds a conformity between the cosmic course and his own striving he may become a co-worker of the Cosmic Magnet. Vigilantly must the spirit follow the magnetic course and direct his own fires. Thus, the spirit must strive consciously to create his own fiery orbit.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 490:
490. Beautiful is the orbit of the spirit which knows its own destination. The direction of each spirit must be goal-fitting, but each spirit must know the affirmed law of evolution.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 501:
501. The law of sacrifice demands of humanity the offering of its best elements. When the spirit of man will grasp the fact that striving for the higher achievement is the most essential action, he will cling to the Cosmic Magnet; and the concept of sacrifice will then take on the meaning of service to the Highest Reason. Cosmic creativeness applies the most powerful levers for evolution, and the spirit senses the application of the best energies. When the affirmation of life consciousness awakens all subtle faculties the law of sacrifice is then understood as the highest achievement.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 509:
509. The entire evolution proceeds in cosmic tension. The great Universal Mystery is fulfilled in cosmic tension. The cosmic action can be created only in the attraction of correspondences. Thus, concordance intensifies all cosmic actions, and the maximum of tension gives the maximum of action.

Hierarchy (1931) - 1:
1. So much has been said about doctrines; yet humanity does not know how to accept the doctrine of the Brotherhood. How many distortions have been accumulated about the Truth! How many principles have been destroyed! They will ask, "On what is the Stronghold of the Brotherhood built?" Answer, "On the doctrine of the heart, the doctrine of labor, the doctrine of beauty, the doctrine of evolution, the doctrine of tension - the most vital doctrine."

Hierarchy (1931) - 1:
We are Votaries of the Infinite. Where the all-encompassing striving cannot penetrate, the Brothers of Humanity do not affirm their manifestation. We suffuse space with the flux of evolution. The Brothers of Humanity willingly renounce Paranirvana for the affirmation of human evolution, in their desire to lay the foundation for a better step. The goal is not divested of labor. The goal is not divested of sacrifice. Thus, point out the closeness of the manifestation of Maitreya.

Hierarchy (1931) - 4:
4. Our Hierarchy lives and grows by the fiery law. We Arhats rejoice at the fire of life, and even more at the growth of the flame of evolution. Future Arhats, completing their earthly accounts on the planet, are co-workers with Us, the Arhats. When Hierarchy is enriched, there is a comic festival. The law is one and eternal. The law is confirmed by Cosmos.

Hierarchy (1931) - 22:
To bring about the advance of evolution, to bestow affirmed truth and knowledge, and to link humanity with the currents of evolution - this stimulus inspires each move of an Arhat. This tension sets into motion all feelings and subtle energies. Thus proceeds the manifested Friend of humanity. These spatial strivings are the foundations of Our cooperation. Similarly sustained are the centers of the fiery Agni Yogi as a friend of humanity. Yes, yes, yes! Thus We serve the progress of humanity.

Hierarchy (1931) - 24:
The evidence of enlightenment is the best gift to evolution. The Command of cosmic life is a summons to light-sustaining achievement, and this mission is affirmed only by Light.

Hierarchy (1931) - 30:
30. The thought of obedience to a Teacher is alien to people. How can a spirit be the loser when the Teacher is the leading Beacon? How can the disciple lose his fire when the Teacher kindles all fires? How can the Shield of the Teacher hold back the disciple if he is already inspired by the Teacher? Thus, in the consciousness of humanity dwells only a faint desire to strive for mutual cooperation. But humanity must learn to act independently and to embody all the thoughts affirmed by the Teacher. Thus Cosmic Mind achieves evolution. Thus humanity must learn to construct by a higher way. Verily, by emulating the Teacher you assimilate his Image.

Hierarchy (1931) - 82:
82. The Sons of Reason - We proclaim them as Hierarchs upon Earth. The Daughters of Reason - thus, also. We proclaim them upon Earth. Those who strive to the evolution of the spirit must follow in the steps of Hierarchy in order to progress. Who, then, will nurture the spirit of striving disciples? Who, then, will affirm the path of ascent? Only the Daughters and Sons of Reason. In whom are contained the fires of attainment? In the Daughters and Sons of Reason. Thus We proclaim Our Carriers of Fire. Each realization of Our Will proceeds, revealing the fiery law of Hierarchy. Only the conscious adoption in life of the law of Hierarchy affirms the right path. Verily, space resounds with the affirmation of Hierarchy. Thus the wondrous life is being built. Thus the predestined enters into life. The Sons of Reason, the Daughters of Light can make manifest the power of the higher laws only by obedience to the Hierarchy. Thus Our Hierarchs manifest Our Power of Reason and Heart - thus unto Infinity.

Hierarchy (1931) - 88:
88. How greatly, then, must the disciple realize the power of perception and the comprehension that there exists only one law which governs the entire Cosmos - the Higher Will; along this line the evolution of the spirit is created. This law unites all related and manifested magnitudes. Striving toward fulfillment of the Higher Will leads to sensitiveness of perception. Only this path affords a decision in correspondence with realization and fulfillment of the Higher Will. Thus, We also offer Our creative striving to the Higher Will, and thus the arcs of consciousness blend in the One Flaming Heart. Yes, yes, yes! Thus the great cosmic step is created!

Hierarchy (1931) - 98:
98. How wondrous are the sparks of spirit that manifest fire and striving! The fiery Service will bring to humanity so many signs of new evolution. Hence, Agni Yoga has so vitally entered life, and many signs regenerate and threaten our planet. One should accept all that is sent to humanity. Therefore the sensitive organism of the Mother of Agni Yoga responds to all Our sendings. Therefore the health should be guarded. Verily, fires are raging! Much is attested, much is propelled, much is ahead!

Hierarchy (1931) - 104:
104. For the evolution of the spirit the fusion of consciousness and heart is needed. When the forces are disunited, the spirit cannot act. Therefore striving for fusion of the subtle energies is so needed. In the entire cosmic constructiveness forces are in correlation, and by dissociation one can only suspend the preordained development. Therefore, the blended consciousness is being affirmed. Each force is in need of manifestation of a strained action, the more saturated, the more powerful. Hence, the fusion of the levers of heart and consciousness should be intensified.

Hierarchy (1931) - 105:
105. The word that issues from the heart saturates space. Hence, thoughts that flow in an impetuous torrent form a sphere which becomes a defense against the poisonous gasses of the planet. Thoughts become a defensive net for humanity. Only these luminous emanations give the strength to withstand the darkness. Hence it is so important to stratify space with words of the heart, they contain light. Thus humanity is uplifted upon the wings of thought. Thus evolution is being built.

Hierarchy (1931) - 128:
128. Therefore each striving leading to the unification of the disciple with the Teacher leads to cognizance of the higher laws. The disciple in rejecting the Teacher acknowledges his own ignorance, because he arrests his development. Each force attracting the spirit upward is a force of development. How shall we broaden our consciousness and uplift the spirit if we do not accept the Hand of a Hierarch? Conceit very harmfully retards progress! Hence it is urgent to point out to all those who speak against extreme devotion to the Teacher that only by the force of devotion can refinement of consciousness be achieved. The culture of the spirit and thought are to be followed, thus manifesting an unconquerable devotion to Hierarchy. Only thus is the spirit uplifted; only thus can one be affirmed in the evolution of the spirit. Hence, the beauty of Service is contained in the blending of consciousnesses. When the arcs of consciousnesses are blended, Light reigns, and the highest ordainment is affirmed. Only thus is the highest Law attained. Thus We create!

Hierarchy (1931) - 159:
159. One can see the unity of all manifestations when the spirit can reflect the best strivings. Space requires observations, and each manifestation is in need of conscious assimilation. Only when the foundations of creativeness are firm can one build for evolution.

Hierarchy (1931) - 164:
164. In cosmic creativeness everything is built upon succession, since the roots of each structure are held by the law of Hierarchy Each task and plan is built in goal-fitness, and they are affirmed by the great plan of evolution. Thus, all Our affirmations bring beneficent manifestations. Only attraction to the Chain of Hierarchy can reveal the path to Infinity. Thus, the power of blending verily rules the world.

Hierarchy (1931) - 165:
165. The physician who has an opportunity to study the sacred pains and does not do it is guilty. In studying those pains and comparing them with the actions that cause them, he could prepare the steps for the coming evolution. In reality, during the spiritual development of the world, sacred pains should not exist, but the surrounding imperfections create these pains. Thus, in comparing the conditions and causes, one can foresee the direction of evolution. Certainly, much can be improved in the human consciousness if we know that even earthquakes are called forth by the spirit of humanity. One can gradually gather many manifestations of which man is the creator. Thus, the sacred pains are the indicators of the next race in the clutches of the underdeveloped; hence, I say, Guard your health. I say, Do not burden others by unnecessary sallies and irritation. The echo of errors resounds not only around you, but is carried along the entire Chain of Hierarchy. However, each caution is beneficial not only to you but it also strengthens space unto far-off spheres.

Hierarchy (1931) - 170:
170. Construction requires intensified tension. Without this impulse it is impossible to build the steps of evolution. Each orbit is saturated with conscious striving, and each step requires its own affirming strength. Therefore, when creativeness assembles forces, identical energies are drawn to the focus. Therefore, the more conscious the attitude toward the focus, the greater will be the action of correspondence and the more powerful the attraction, Cause and effect are predetermined, and the creative impulse is saturated by the fire of conscious striving. Thus the entire Cosmos is built.

Hierarchy (1931) - 174:
174. Certainly the path of Service can bring one to higher knowledge. Only ignorance could bring the planet to its present condition. Humanity has lost the understanding of the beauty of aspiration, and construction has been established upon the stupidity of isolationism. For this reason, unity of Service has been revealed as salvation for humanity. The entire power of constructiveness is based on Hierarchy. Thus the mighty thread unites the entire Cosmos. Verily, only in full realization of Great Service can the beauty of Spirit and the Might of Hierarchy be understood. Space summons to the fulfillment of the great Law. Yes, yes, yes! Thus the steps of true evolution are built!

Hierarchy (1931) - 180:
180. Disunion from the Guide stops the evolution of the spirit, because the disruption of the chain leads to isolation and impedes the creativeness of the spirit. Verily, only union with the Source of Light moves the spirit onward. Thus, striving to the Highest Hierarchy gives all possibilities and saturates the spirit with the power of Service. The orbits of Light are built by correspondence and by the power of fulfillment of the Higher Will. Thus is the path to Infinity built.

Hierarchy (1931) - 209:
209. The affirmation of the Teacher intensifies all creative forces. Without the Teacher there can be no link in the great chain of creativeness. Hence all the forces of Cosmos which manifest the course of evolution can be affirmed on the principle of Hierarchy. How can one build without the focus of attraction? Each force has its own tensions, which call forth creative strivings from the source of cosmic fires that gathers Light and spreads Fire around itself. Verily, thus is the Cosmic Focus affirmed, and life must be built around a focus. Creativeness is limitless!

Hierarchy (1931) - 217:
217. One of the mighty qualities of spirit is steadfastness. How can one develop and expand one's consciousness when steadfastness is lacking? How else can one verify intentions and actions if there exists no such mighty impulse as steadfastness? For each one on the path there is but one immutable Might - Hierarchy. Upon this sacred Principle one may construct; from this sacred Summit one may contemplate the world; upon this Stronghold the spirit becomes winged; upon this Summit can be built a mighty evolution. Therefore, when the spirit tries to create an illusory world of selfhood, it is certainly difficult to advance. Thus, in limitless creativeness there is the beacon fire - Hierarchy. Thus, by steadfastness in Service one can broaden one's consciousness and encompass the law of Fiery Hierarchy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 227:
227. The vitality of all origins is affirmed by the fiery principle of Hierarchy. Only the principle of the Highest Hierarchy affords balance and striving to each affirmation. Therefore, in establishing cosmic principles the main impulse is the Chain of Hierarchy. The creativeness of humanity depends upon these affirmations, and only adherence to the Highest Chain affords the necessary force. Thus, each chain is a link of a greater chain, and the might of this Chain reigns in Cosmos. Hence evolution intensifies each smaller chain, linking it to the great, limitless Chain of Hierarchy. Thus the Might of the fiery Hierarchy soars high. Yes, yes, yes!

Hierarchy (1931) - 235:
235. Hence, each spirit must understand the Hierarchy as Protectors of humanity. Thus evolution is built, and creativeness is fierily affirmed. Thus the law is affirmed; only thus is life suffused by the great might of unity. Thus is life created.

Hierarchy (1931) - 249:
249. Certainly, the evolution of the spirit requires refinement, without which it is impossible to build. Each one who considers himself a server of culture must accept the affirmation of the revealed synthesis, for how are the steps of culture to be built without a cautious attitude? Therefore, each foundation must be guarded for affirmation to the world. Culture is built, not with an attitude of coarseness toward the subtle energies and thought, but by a creative attitude of caution and responsibility. Hence, while constructing, one should remember about refinement and about striving to the higher spheres. Thus the evolution of the spirit is achieved.

Hierarchy (1931) - 258:
258. In cosmic constructiveness all shiftings are tensed, and each nation predetermines its Karma and its place in evolution. According to each instance one can judge what step in our evolution was occupied by the departed nation and what step will be occupied by the nation that is being shifted. Thus the historical steps of our time are discerned, and one can trace how differently the tensions of the shiftings of peoples proceed. What holds back a nation in its historical progress? How can a nation preserve its drive to ascend? Only through Hierarchy and an understanding of the Highest Will. These levers can propel humanity to the predestined affirmation. With this consciousness one can approach cooperation with higher spheres. Only thus can the nations shifting be evidenced as an ascent.

Hierarchy (1931) - 268:
268. People hear about the application of the inner fires for future evolution and overlook the significance of the fires for the present time. It will be asked, "What is the most striking significance of the fire concealed in us?" It is difficult to conceive, but it is certain that our fire is the chief regulator of earthquakes. The kindled centers, the conductors of the Fire of Space, quench the subterranean fire. One can trace how the Great Teachers sent their apostles to the places threatened by a disturbance of the fiery balance. In the future, many experiments could be carried out in this direction. Besides, the magnet of fire reacts also upon the human consciousness; in other words, fire has the greatest application. Fire is the most powerful conductor. Certainly the kindling of the fire is not easy, especially when the currents are so tense; but one may be sure that it is just this fire that is the talisman of the alchemists, so carefully concealed by them.

Hierarchy (1931) - 279:
279. During the construction of great steps one can observe how the central power gathers around itself all that is needed for evolution. Like a focal magnet, the leader of progress attracts everything to himself, sweeping away the old accumulations and creating new currents. Thus, throughout history, countries have been built by such leaders. It can be stated that by evidencing full adherence to Hierarchy any cosmic task can be fulfilled. Humanity has suffered most through its severance from the Higher Will. Only through affirmation of the great unification with the Higher Power can the fulfillment of Higher Laws be achieved. It is impossible for the acceptance of the powerful Hierarchy to be established without an understanding of the Higher Will.

Hierarchy (1931) - 283:
283. During the hour of human injustice, recall spatial justice. Verily, there exist maps of the highest mountains, but none of the deepest abysses. Even those who are far from flights of the spirit prefer summits to abysses. If a caravan is maintained according to the weakest member, history is based upon the most powerful ones. Thus, let us remember about this wondrous substance which selects that which is most precious for evolution. If we are certain that we serve evolution, we can rely upon the justice of space. Yet the same justice prescribes necessary caution toward the black forces. Usually they do not approach directly; they choose not less than three intercessors. They know their auras can easily be detected, and therefore they choose a consecutive chain of succession, establishing the gradation very subtly. Not casually do We speak of the varieties of treason.

Hierarchy (1931) - 285:
285. Cancer can be treated by psychic energy, since lack of psychic energy in the blood generates the disease. Often psychic energy is exhausted as a result of spiritual outpouring, as was the case with Ramakrishna and other spiritual Teachers. Certainly, they possessed an enormous amount of it, but, dispatching it to far-off distances, they could remain for a while without its protection. Precisely closeness to Hierarchy is needed in such cases, because even great Spiritual Toilers, in their self-abnegation sometimes expend their forces beyond a legitimate extent. Thus, for evolution We reiterate about Hierarchy, in order to affirm a goal-fitting application of one's forces to the Chain of the Highest Ones. Therefore, I say, Guard your health, in order to adhere to the Hierarchy even by this means.

Hierarchy (1931) - 286:
286. The Higher Will - who remembers it? Who will ponder upon what is affirmed by the Higher Will? Many reiterate that the manifestation of the wishes of the Higher Will is comprehensible to them. But humanity perceives only its own direction, not considering the course of evolution. Hence there are so many accumulations of opposite courses. And humanity has lost its defense, because it proceeds contrary to the Higher Will. Thus, the entire cosmic significance of the Higher will should be understood.

Hierarchy (1931) - 292:
292. The building of the great steps of evolution takes place through unusual ways. Each new step always brings to humanity an affirmation which impels thought to new and mighty possibilities. Thus, the Highest Will also intensifies each energy in accordance with the Cosmic Magnet. There is no affirmation that would not be fulfilled if sent by the Highest Will. There is no striving that would not be acknowledged if sent by the Highest Will. Therefore, humanity must strive only to Hierarchy. Verily, in this cosmic concept are contained all possibilities of constructiveness.

Hierarchy (1931) - 293:
293. Humanity grows weak to such an extent, because it evidences disunion with the Highest Will. Therefore We so powerfully affirm the focus, for without the center the Highest Will cannot be accepted. Therefore We summon so powerfully to Hierarchy. Verily, we must sacredly guard the treasures. They underlie the foundations of Our Work. Each sacred creativeness is a contribution to evolution. Let us ponder upon the significance of a great thought; let us ponder upon the great might of the fires of the Tara; let us ponder upon the devotion of the heart; let us ponder upon the invincibility of those who walk in the name of the Lord.

Hierarchy (1931) - 296:
296. Thus, humanity is an accumulator and transmuter of the high energy which We have agreed to call psychic energy. The significance of humanity consists in its transmutation of this energy through consciousness and propelling it by way of Hierarchy into the higher spheres. The loss of the understanding of one's own predestination has thrown people back from the understanding of responsibility. Therefore, We remind again of the foundation of Existence. One must prepare oneself for the next evolution. Once again, one must draw closer to the great current and realize the principles of the renewal of life. You notice how greatly opposed We are to spiritism, but We often speak about the subtle bodies. We smile at contemporary hypnotism, but speak about rays and magnets. We advise re-examination of your pharmacopoeia, but offer a few fundamental medicines.

Hierarchy (1931) - 297:
297. Where, then, is attention directed? It must be understood that the process toward perfection lies at the basis of evolution. It summons one to simplification and to direct communion with higher worlds. It can be seen how pranayama and other artificial methods of various yogas can be replaced by a simple, fiery heart. Certainly this simplicity is relative. The flaming fiery path leads to it. Yet it brings into life precisely that which was rejected as abstraction and fiction. I consider that each striving to knowledge should be speedily brought to fulfillment. People ask why We do not compel the striving toward evolution. But even a plain nurse tells a child, "Be like a grown-up, find by yourself!"

Hierarchy (1931) - 310:
310. When the Forces of Light and darkness are strained, health must be guarded, because the Fire of Space is raging and darkness is tense. But in all Our manifestations one should perceive victory. When everything crumbles that is old and not applicable for evolution and for the Epoch of Fire, one anchor remains, which will save humanity - the anchor of Hierarchy, which will unite the entire chain and give the entire power. Thus, one should become limitlessly affirmed in Hierarchy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 320:
320. What undertakings enter into life without great tension? Each creative step is the affirmation of great battles. Each battle has its predestination, and each design its significance. Thus, those who walk along with the Powers of Light must know that without a tense battle there is no victory. Thus, when the step of great victory is being affirmed, the disciples of Light must feel entire invincibility of the spirit and entire steadfastness of actions. When the affirmation of great foundations was given to humanity, each tension was accepted as a further impulse for new structures. Thus, in evolution each banner has been affirmed by the greatness of the steadfastness manifested. Verily, only thus can one conquer!

Hierarchy (1931) - 322:
322. Hierarchy and the creation of a new consciousness are affirmed as the cornerstone of evolution. Each day one can observe the evidence of such progress. But people seldom synthesize these many-colored petals of the Fire Blossom. Courage is lacking to acknowledge oneself as living upon the ruins of the old world. Yet even a wood-cutter knows in what direction the tree will fall, for he does not want to be crushed. On the contrary, he quietly calculates the amount of new building material and fuel. Thus, one must rejoice at the cosmic battle!

Hierarchy (1931) - 323:
323. If people would understand upon what the earthly priority is built, verily, the highest principles could be given. But who has pondered upon the principle of creative impulses? When isolation takes place, and the law asserted by the right of the great Be-ness is infringed, then, indeed, the main foundation is destroyed. Even insects know the greatness of Hierarchy. The knowledge of the foundations of life can transform life, hence only the greatness of the law of Hierarchy will give to humanity the striving to the highest steps of evolution.

Hierarchy (1931) - 331:
331. Without culture there can be no international agreement or mutual understanding. Without culture the people's understanding cannot embrace all needs of evolution. Therefore the Banner of Peace comprises all subtle concepts that will lead to the understanding of culture. Humanity does not understand how to manifest reverence for that which comprises immortality of spirit. The Banner of Peace will bring the understanding of this lofty significance. Humanity cannot flourish without the knowledge of the greatness of culture. The Banner of Peace will open the gates to a better future. When countries are on the way to destruction, then even those who are spiritually depleted must understand in what the ascent consists. Verily, salvation lies in culture. Thus, the Banner of Peace brings a better future.

Hierarchy (1931) - 346:
346. When a step of evolution is being built the dark ones intensify all their cunning, because Light is unbearable to them, and sensing their doom, the dark ones cling to the measures most stifling for them. During each new great Epoch the same pressure of forces is repeated. But a more teeming period has not been known to history, for the Epoch of Fire comprises all cosmic actions. Thus, the vigil must be fiery.

Hierarchy (1931) - 353:
353. Verily, the sacred concept of an Arhat has been distorted. It is violated, being bereft of beauty. How dimly the understanding of the Teacher of General Good burns in the consciousness of the world! But Truth lives, and in the name of Truth We create. Therefore, for the transformation of life one should accept Hierarchy as the beauty of Truth. Thus the subtle heart creates for cosmic evolution. Thus, one should realize the significance of the focus within the heart; thus, the great process of the subtle heart must be understood through the heart.

Hierarchy (1931) - 356:
356. As the words imply, the evolutionary spiral expands and the involutionary spiral contracts. The very same may be observed not only in personal aspects but also in ideas. It is very instructive to discern how ideas are generated and how they complete their circle. Often they seem to disappear completely, but if they are of an evolutionary nature they appear again in an expanded form. For evolutionary thinking, one should study the spiral of the root of an idea. The task of the gradual containment of an idea can afford a progression toward a higher understanding. One may take for instance the idea of religions and examine it spirally; precisely, not comparatively, but evolutionally, spirally. Thus one can see the one root. Likewise one can study how the ideas of religions expanded through evolution. Thus, the prognosis of the future will not be diminished. Positive signs must be gathered.

Hierarchy (1931) - 363:
363. During cosmic perturbations purifying fires are accumulated, which intensify the atmosphere and propel the fires for the construction of the New World. Thus, upon the ruins of the old world there rises a new evolution and the Epoch of Fire which terminates Kali Yuga and saturates space with the fire of the New World. Thus, the all-encompassing Banner of the Lords summons to pure creativeness. Thus, the avowal of Hierarchy enters life. Thus, We welcome everything that is directed to Good. Thus, We welcome everything imbued with a pure striving to walk the higher path.

Hierarchy (1931) - 381:
381. The consciousness that encompasses only the present, without any thought of the future, cannot adhere to evolution, because the chain of centuries disappears for such a consciousness. Hence, when the consciousness expands it encompasses the great leading chain of causes and effects. Thus, while evolution is being established, the manifestation of causes is so important. At present, when the planet is completing its Karma, certainly the retribution for engenderments is greatly reflected upon humanity. Yet that which is engendered by human spiritual striving enwraps the planet. Hence each bright tension and striving will give to the planet the affirmation of the New World. Therefore, the lofty Banner of Peace carries its projectiles of Light and fierily imbues the currents around Earth as a panacea against evil. The consciousnesses blended for millenniums create. Thus Light conquers darkness. Thus a wondrous step is being fulfilled. Thus the preordained approaches.

Hierarchy (1931) - 389:
389. The dark forces attempt to battle with Light. They try to affirm their dark deeds, strengthening themselves by treason, but the Forces of Light are greatly strained and bestow so many manifestations necessary for creation! The shifting of forces is strained by the dark counteraction. Thus, Hierarchy faces all tension in the name of the great creation. Hierarchy bears the plan for the shifting. Thus, evolution advances powerfully.

Hierarchy (1931) - 403:
403. Can you indicate any disparagement in the Decrees of the Teacher? You cannot, for then the Teacher would not be worthy of this title. But can you vouch for your own actions, since disparaging is contrary to the Brotherhood? Disparagement is involution, whereas upliftment is evolution. We serve evolution. One can find Commands, warnings, and even indignation, but there is no disparagement in Our Works. Even Our adversaries are not belittled. Two types of people differ especially - some will create something great, even out of a small hint; others will create a repulsive image, even out of a beautiful vision. Each one judges according to his consciousness. One is great in heart; the other has a heart like a dried mushroom, which one must soak in water before it is of use. Verily, one must redeem all mistakes. Remember this law.

Hierarchy (1931) - 414:
414. What thorns people weave into their wreaths of life! What strength people dissipate to counteract those principles upon which life itself is maintained! How many unnecessary thorns surround people, transforming their lives into regress! People will not understand the higher Wisdom if they do not first of all understand the law of Hierarchy - that upon which the entire life is founded; that by which the world progresses; that upon which evolution is built; that upon which the best steps and pages of history have been constructed. Thus, humanity cannot evade the great law of Hierarchy. Self-destruction is the only direction along which those bereft of the understanding of Hierarchy proceed; thus, the thorns directed against Hierarchy turn into a dark path. Thus, the great law of Hierarchy must be safeguarded as a leading principle.

Hierarchy (1931) - 422:
422. If you know that an exalted, self-denying thought physically changes one's aura and even induces rays from the shoulders, then you already know one of the great mysteries of the world. Each visibility is the reflex of a material reaction. Thus, if irritation generates imperil, then each exalted thought must create an opposite beneficial substance. And so it is. Certainly Bliss is a complete reality. It is generated in the cortical system and reacts upon the brain matter. The Tibetan Ringse has a deep significance, being the sediment crystallized by the manifestation of Bliss. Certainly it is difficult to investigate the substance of Bliss while alive, for the heart and brain cannot be touched. The manifestation of imperil is much easier to approach, in the nerve channels of the extremities. But at the same time it would be unjust to disclose to humanity the negative substance and to presuppose only theoretically the existence of the most salutary substance. Of course, in the laboratory which is being created both substances will be demonstrated. We shall not assist the usual experiments, but where the steps of evolution are being built Our Hand will be on guard! First, We shall give attention to establishing the fact of imperil. Afterward, We shall define the ways of the manifestation of Bliss. If ancient science preserved fragmentary memories about the sediments of Bliss, then, certainly a biochemist can show more contemporary proofs of it. Later, these experiments upon the substance of the organism will be transferred to spatial energies. And again we shall understand why Bliss has the closest correlation to Hierarchy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 430:
430. How much significance people attribute to their ego! How people dread that their personality may be intruded upon by something incomprehensible to their consciousness! How people dread to adhere to the Highest and prefer to remain on the boundary of darkness! Each intention brings one closer to a better decision if the spirit strives toward the Hierarchy of Bliss. Man can ascend each step in evolution if he accepts the Leading Hand and each Command of Hierarchy. History is built by the Hierarchy of life. The best steps of humanity were built by Hierarchy. The best achievements were affirmed by Hierarchy. Thus one can attain only through Hierarchy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 432:
432. How, then, does humanity hope to save its Karma and advance its evolution? Certainly not by denial of the great foundations, not through disparaging the highest principles, not by destruction of the affirmed and manifested Origins! Still, humanity continues to base its principles upon destruction, not realizing that breaking away from the great Hierarchy carries it to the abyss. Thus, self-destruction is the fate of all servitors of darkness. Thus, as long as humanity directs itself to the limitations established by darkness it will not find the path to the Highest Light and salvation.

Hierarchy (1931) - 444:
Thus, humanity must realize all the best strivings. Only thus can one progress in evolution. Verily, only by adhering to Hierarchy can one advance. Hence, in the great time of shifting, humanity can be saved only through Hierarchy. Therefore it is so imperative to realize the greatness of the Leader as the Savior of nations. The time is austere, but great. Thus we shall construct the great future.

Heart (1932) - 17:
17. Unceasingly and during all times, the Teaching of Life is poured upon Earth. One cannot imagine one's earthly existence without this link with the Invisible World. As the anchor of salvation, as the guiding light, the Teaching strengthens our advance in the darkness. But amidst the shower of Beneficence, as with sea waves, one can notice the rhythm, with special definite expansions, then the Teachings appear. Thus, one can explain the rhythm of this entire world by growth and submergence, in other words, inscribing the evolution of existence.

Heart (1932) - 78:
78. At first, the boundary between the physical and Subtle worlds was not so defined. In the most ancient scripts fragmentary indications can be found about the close cooperation between these worlds. In physical condensation the focus of the heart was needed as a balance for the subtle energies. The material world was necessary to transmute the substances for the multiplication of energies. But, as you know, the mind strove for insulation and thus made evolution more difficult. The time of Kali Yuga has been difficult, but Satya Yuga must again bring closer the worlds, which were forcibly separated. One must await this time solemnly as the return to a predestined perfection. Thus, let us decide to apportion sufficient attention for spiritual creativeness. One should become accustomed to thinking from this point of view. Thus, it is necessary to refer to that which is most significant in the direction of life. Whoever learns the balance between the worlds will considerably ease his path.

Heart (1932) - 117:
117. Intolerance is a sign of ignobility of spirit. Intolerance contains embryos of the most evil acts. There is no place for the manifestation of the growth of the spirit where intolerance breeds. The heart is unlimited, which indicates how poor a heart must be in order to deprive itself of Infinity! It is necessary to uproot every means that can lead to the idol of intolerance. Mankind has invented various obstacles to ascent. The dark forces are trying by all means to restrain evolution. Of course, as the first assault there is an action against Hierarchy. Everyone has heard about the power of Blessing, but because of ignorance they have transformed this beneficent action into superstition. And yet the power of the Magnet exists in strengthening through Blessing. Much is spoken about cooperation, but at each creative act it is necessary to affirm the consciousness. And what strengthens the power more directly than the Ray of Hierarchy!

Heart (1932) - 143:
143. The spark between the poles of the magnet illustrates how thought is transformed into a physical transmission. Untiringly We send the details of the heartfelt flaming experiment. Moreover, much that concerns the superusual plan becomes more physical, thus following evolution.

Heart (1932) - 224:
224. When We pay attention to details, it means precisely that these can ameliorate a situation. The quality of work depends upon foreseen correlations. The broad lines alone recall to us the work of the giants, whose evolution had to be arrested long ago because of their crudeness. But the spirit does not recognize either giants or dwarfs. It knows only striving for perfection, in which all the chimes of Cosmos ring out. Thus, we shall recall the conditions of perfectment. If we began with the Asuras, let us conclude with the Devas.

Heart (1932) - 245:
Thus, it is indispensable to establish the significance of achievement in spirit. Autos-da-fe are already rare, but martyrdoms of the spirit are increasing especially; and so it should be when the Subtle World approaches the physical. There is nothing astonishing in a physical act being transformed into a spiritual one. Let us not forget the symbol of transfiguration, in which the transformation of the physical existence into the subtle one is shown. A multitude of symbols are manifested as milestones of evolution, yet humanity accepts them abstractly.

Heart (1932) - 246:
246. Many errors have occurred because of a false understanding of the evolution of laws. When humanity approached the fundamental laws based upon ancient findings, it usually forgot to take into consideration all the stratifications of the ages, which are so important. Thus, if you describe a circle in the air with a stick, it will return to its primary position already altered and full of new sediments. The philosopher who maintains that the planet is regenerated with each rotation is correct. In any case, it alters with each rotation; so, too, does the law, which, remaining impregnable at the core, is constantly encircled with the spirals of evolution. These coats are very significant, hence it would be erroneous to adopt the law of millenniums ago in its complete scope. Hence, we insist upon constant study. One cannot be satisfied with a law that governed the planet during the glacial epoch. Similarly, one cannot compare the spiritual balance of a millennium ago with the present hour. Even chemically the strata around Earth have altered. Unapplied energies have been evoked, and thus chaos obtains new approaches.

Heart (1932) - 273:
273. The karmic husk recalls another shell, the shell of the subtle body that also brings many disturbances into existence. Actually, though neither of these shells should exist at all. Only human imperfection permits these borderline formations. Of course, the physical body assists the transformation into the subtle body, but if the spirit does not free itself in time from earthly attractions and carnal desires, the subtle body cannot separate itself in a pure condition. It bears upon itself a special sediment of earthly passions. Even though the subtle body frees itself from these vestiges, the shell nevertheless endures for a long time, swaying like a scarecrow, and frequently a very negative one. Human ignorance confers these sediments upon the beautiful Subtle World. If people would think of the link between the worlds and of the destined evolution, they would not dare surround themselves with such harmful debris.

Heart (1932) - 446:
446. At the end of Kali Yuga all processes are actually precipitated; therefore one should not regard the past dates as unchangeable. Even a half century at the end of Kali Yuga represents not an insignificant period. Thus, Agni Yoga becomes the bridge to the future. One should firmly realize that the forces of the spirit which heretofore demanded decades, now, through the way of the heart, are accelerated to the highest degree. One can accept Agni Yoga as precipitating the evolution of the forces. Where for whole years one exercised refinement and tempering of the body, the heart can move the spirit almost immediately. Of course, the education of the heart is needed, but this lies in the sphere of feelings, not of mechanics. Thus, let us hasten to invoke the heart for service to the New World.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 105:
105. If one can distinguish between the strata of thought, one can also sense various kinds of activity. At first all activity seems to be taking place on the earthly plane. Later, in so-called dreams, straight-knowledge becomes separated, as if it were an independent activity which takes place not on the earthly plane alone. Thus comes the first realization of an entry of other worlds into our existence. Then, in a state of complete wakefulness, instantaneous absences may be observed which have no connection with any ailment. Thus the bond between the worlds and our participation in them can be traced still more profoundly. It is not easy for the consciousness to assimilate the concept of the invisible worlds; due to our dense shell we can realize only with difficulty all the possibilities outside our vision. One should become accustomed to thinking of entire worlds which actually exist. The Subtle World is not only our state of being, it is actually a complete world with its own potentialities and obstacles. Life in the Subtle World is not far removed from that on Earth, but it is on another plane. All the fruits of labor do not disappear, on the contrary, they multiply. However, if it is difficult here to preserve clarity of consciousness, there it is even more difficult because numerous manifestations are encountered of orders of evolution new to us. Thus, one should preserve especially the covenant about clarity of consciousness. This is expressed as true synthesis. And if consciousness is so greatly needed for the Subtle World, how imperatively is it needed for the Fiery World!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 126:
126. In place of the Diplodocus, kangaroos leap; in place of the Pterodactyl, bats fly; in place of the dragon, lizards. What is the meaning of this? Can it be degeneration? Actually, it is only adaptation. Similarly, the club of Hercules would be only a museum rarity nowadays. Thus, also in life, evolution should be understood, not as the growth of the fist, but as condensation of the spirit. From the swinging of the club let us turn to a new understanding of everyday life. The element of fire is majestic, yet even this must be learned in daily routine. It is not right to clothe heroes in a toga alone, depriving them of other forms of garment. Evolution should be accepted from life, amidst life, and for life. The beauty of evolution is not an abstraction, for each abstraction is a misconception. One should well remember this concept of evolution as a vital capacity; thus we shall approach the most complex formulas, where the symbol Aum will not be an inscription but the expression of the highest ingredient. Let us exercise our consciousness toward this.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 128:
128. Many animals live up to three hundred years. But if there should be discovered a means for prolonging their life, even for five years, it would be of no benefit for evolution. The life of the spirit is the basis of evolution.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 158:
158. Psychic energy, that is, to say, fiery energy, or Agni is manifest in every living being. Everyone can discern in himself dense, subtle, and fiery elements. Wherever we sense a manifestation of psychic energy, there already is the fiery domain. From these fragments an entire fiery conception of the world can be formed. Each one, through attentive observation of the reflexes of his being, can note a great number of characteristics of the fiery domain. This should be observed, because in such manner we cease to think of the Fiery World as something abstract. Such a conception of the Fiery World is especially harmful, nor do all abstract interpretations assist evolution.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 168:
168. Fire has as its antipodes earth and water. Unfortunately these two elements are too tangible, and thus they avert fiery perception. That is why it is so difficult for people to comprehend that Fire does not have a constant state; it is eternally in evolution or involution, and both movements are subject to the law of progression.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 178:
178. Only through conscious striving can human evolution be advanced. When you think about particular measures for evolution, it is necessary to invoke all cooperation. A teacher says to a pupil, "You will not solve the problem as long as you have no desire to solve it." Thus, too, in life one must voluntarily wish to move with evolution. Let each one understand this in his own way, but positive action contains at least a small possibility. Mobility of thought already belongs to the fiery domain.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 183:
183. Soulless beings are known to all. This is not a figure of speech but a chemical reality. It may be asked, Do these people incarnate in this deplorable state? The question indicates ignorance of the fundamentals. No one can be incarnated without a store of fiery energy. Without the torch of Agni, no one enters the physical world. The squandering of Agni takes place here, amidst all the wonders of nature. To dissipate Agni it is not at all necessary to commit any violent crimes. From various Teachings we know enough about even the reformation of robbers. Ordinarily the dissipation of Agni occurs in everyday life when the spirit slumbers. The accumulation of Agni is arrested by trivial actions. It must be understood that the benefaction of Agni grows naturally, but when darkness blankets the process of perfectment, then the Fire imperceptibly - though it can be chemically proven - departs from the worthless receptacle. Beautiful is the law of eternal motion, either evolution or involution. Beautiful is the law that permits each incarnate being to have within him eternal Agni, as a Light in the darkness. Beautiful is the law that, even in spite of karma, issues Light to each wayfarer. Beautiful is the law that does not prevent the growth of the fiery garden within one, even from the age of seven. Though these first blossoms be small, though they bloom in very small thoughts, they will be a true inception of the future trend of thought. What a multitude of beautiful thoughts are born in the heart of a seven-year-old when the dim images of the Subtle World have not as yet disappeared from the brain and the heart! Dissipation may also begin then if the soil of the plant proves to be rotten. In case of such depletion it is possible to help much, or, as it was said long ago, to "lend Fire." This lending takes place also in the very smallest actions. Thus, already thrice have I reminded about crumbs. From these sparks grow huge fires.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 249:
249. About one of the Rishis it was said that even at the mention of evil he felt pain. One should not consider such a Rishi an idler, but rather be amazed at his dissociation from evil. Indeed, each one who realizes Fire feels evil with especial keenness as the direct antipode of his being. One must, I say, one must develop in oneself this counteraction to evil, the opponent of progress. One must, I say, one must recognize this boundary which impedes advance for the good of evolution. One may hear about the complexity of such boundaries, but the manifestation of Fire will reveal where is evolution, and where the decrepitude of decomposition. The Fiery World is a true symbol of uninterrupted evolution.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 254:
254. To speak according to the level of consciousness of your listener means to be already on a lofty step. Various dogmas are especially harmful in that they propound a rigid formula regardless of the level of consciousness. How many negations, how much anger and confusion arise merely from disparity in the degree of consciousness! And not only the degree but the mood of consciousness is so often the deciding factor. Enough has been said about the harm of irritation, which beclouds the consciousness; but in addition to this principal enemy one must remember about all small distractions of thought. One must become accustomed to carry the fundamental thought of existence unobscured. Thus, when schoolteachers learn how to deal with pupils according to their consciousness, true evolution will begin. It is impossible to divide humanity merely according to age or class. We continually see how certain children are in need of adult speech, and elderly people, sometimes in government positions, can understand only childish expressions. Not for the latter children is the Kingdom of Heaven! The new consciousness does not come from mechanical formulas. Thus, one must learn to speak according to the consciousness of the listener. This is not easy, but it constitutes and excellent exercise in sagacity. Furthermore, this also applies to fiery occupations.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 260:
260. If have just watched a pupil of Bekhtereff experimenting with the transmission of thought to a distance, but he could not master even the simplest condition. He could not dissociate tension from the irritation that clogged his apparatus. While he thought that he was exerting himself, in reality he was only irritated, presupposing that nothing would result. While his thinking was theoretically correct, he could not separate his emotions. Moreover, pseudo-materialism which assumes that everything is for everybody under any circumstances, interferes. Certainly, this may be possible after the evolution of two more races, but now it may be likened to an elephant's load on the back of a cockroach. The understanding of psychic energy is confused. Even though it be called a material hammer, let it at least be realized. The name does not matter. One can cite a mass of names, but crudity will not diminish because of them. The increasing coarsening of psychic energy is the most terrible epidemic.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 269:
269. Freedom of choice is predicated in everything. No coercion whatsoever should obstruct the path, but it is permitted to give a torch to everyone on a long journey. Enlightenment alone can help one to comprehend freedom of choice, therefore enlightenment is the affirmation of being. From the earliest years every school should provide instruction in linking reality to the essence of that which is predestined. Only thus can we link our existence with self-perfection. Freedom of choice, enlightenment, self-perfectment, are the paths of Fire. Only fiery beings can independently perceive these abutments of ascent. But everyone must be led through these gates, otherwise destructive disturbances arise which, together with the chaos of the elements, throw the planet into tremor. Thus, unbridled human confusions are added to the agitation of the elements. I consider it necessary to reiterate about the confusion which crushes all inceptions of evolution.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 291:
291. One should not be diverted from the various stages of human evolution. Much may appear strange from our point of view, but let us bear in mind that all conditions have relatively changed. Then we shall arrive at an aspect which, though alien, is not too strange. It is fallacious to imagine all the lives in the worlds according to our contemporary understanding. We so easily forget yesterday, and so meagerly imagine tomorrow, that many of our judgments are like autumn leaves. It is fitting to feel one's insignificance before every cosmic law. However, fiery wings are bestowed for the approach to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 303:
303. Dreams about the future are widespread. Prophecies are disseminated by the thousands, and people in various countries are becoming accustomed to definite dates. In this way the course of evolution is being affirmed. So, too, the awesome dates are being called to mind. One might say that never before has humanity had to so cast its lot. It is impossible to violate free will more than is now being done. You yourself see how the dates are being brought to mind in the most unusual ways, but blind are those who do not wish to see. You yourself also see how difficult it is to establish a solemn unity, even as a salutary remedy. Yet you also see how a great many destructions may be mitigated. Where there would have been a blow, only a slight shock occurs. But do not rest in the belief of a secure existence. Everything is unstable; the Ladder of Hierarchy alone is firm.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 304:
304. People love to discuss evolution and involution, but avoid applying these concepts to themselves. Not following their own evolution, people attract similarly insignificant satellites from the Subtle World! The Subtle World is really striving toward the earthly one, but in full conformity. Consequently, if people would strive toward evolution, they would attract evolving beings. Thus, the betterment of world conditions would be in the hands of humanity itself. Thus, each striving for the Good creates a response not only in the Subtle World but also in the Fiery World. If for some reason such striving remains unexpressed, it nevertheless remains in space in full measure. The potential of Good is like a pillar of light. A carpenter, shoemaker, or physician can think equally of the Good. Constancy and steadfastness in Good is already a conquest. Some may regard the time spent in the Ashram as imprisonment, but with the development of the spirit it will be the most salutary of all sojourns. You know how time flies, and in this flight one becomes accustomed to Infinity.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 396:
396. When I indicate the beneficialness of gratitude, I do not mean that someone is in need of it, but that in itself it contains the chemism of bliss. One must analyze the chemism of various emotions; such observations will help in finding psychic energy. Not vitamins so much as the fiery energy must occupy the imagination. The revelation of the essence of human existence cannot be regarded a something occult! One should attract many minds to these researches; they will also observe in passing other useful peculiarities of feelings. Thus, one should first establish the direction of evolution. There cannot be two directions of progress. There can be but one true direction, and all other efforts will be errant. This should be remembered, because many confuse individuality with the general stimulus of the epoch. If a given epoch must strengthen in the consciousness the power of psychic energy, no machine can screen the imperative advance of the world.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 399:
399. Evolution is independent and voluntary, this is a fundamental law. It is not only the basic elements of karma but also the Fiery World which constitute a manifestation of conscious evolution. It is impossible to force people to evolve spiritually. A sleeping heart cannot be forced toward good. One can point out, one can set milestones, but to break the consciousness means to kill the root of the future tree. Millions of years may seem long, but neither years nor centuries exist. People have divided existence into seconds and have drowned themselves in zeros. Therefore the psychology of the Subtle World is so important, since here hours are not needed and only results are important. People are often indignant at the ordainments of the Teaching, exclaiming, "Why does not the book give the final formulas?" But such a demand proves an ignorance of the foundations. The Teaching gives the precise direction and kindles the fires along the entire path of labor. One can proceed by these beacons. One may find solutions already cosmically ripe. One may hear exact things, but the spirit must by its own will combine them into a mosaic. To affirm the path is the Ordainment of the Great Architect. As in legends, we must put our ears to the ground lest we miss a single step or whisper. Though people read much they apply but little. Yet the dates are so close!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 408:
408. The Great Architect builds eternally. It is senseless to suppose that certain parts of the Universe are completed and remain static. A great deal is made of the term evolution , but people have absolutely no conception of this process in its actuality. There has been much argument about the social structure, but it always has been presumed that human society exists in something inflexible and finite. The stories of the Deluge and of the glacial period are regarded almost as merely symbolic. and it is not proper even to speak of Atlantis, despite the testimonies of the Greek writers. One can see how the human consciousness evades everything that threatens its established comfort. Likewise, the concept of evolution is turned into an abstraction, thus not disturbing the consciousness of the petrified heart in the least. But does not the heavenly vault evoke thoughts about eternal motion? Only through such evolutionary concepts can one absorb the beauty of the earthly pilgrimage as the sojourn for ascent. The very briefness of the path should not disturb one, on the contrary, it should give one joy, as does the rotation of the sun. It is urgently necessary to expound to what extent evolution is incessantly in the hands of the Great Architect of the Universe. One should feel that the planet is in space, just as seamen know that the vast ocean is beneath their ship. At first seamen were terrified by this suspension over an abyss, but reality and experience accustom them to this truth. Every inhabitant of the planet is on a similar ship - below him is the abyss. The seamen cannot depend entirely upon their ship and scientific calculations, if they could there would be no shipwrecks. Astronomy knows a few heavenly bodies, but it does not know the starting point of the comets, and it does not anticipate the gigantic meteors. Only upon their obvious appearance are people notified, The destruction of entire worlds is sometimes noticed, but more often it occurs without attracting any attention. Astronomy is a night watchman! But what about the events taking place by day? Thus, we observe only approximately half of that which is evident. How much that is unexpected is concealed from the sleeping heart!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 411:
411. The language of the spirit is essential for the Subtle World. Its essence lies in the subtle nature, but it is possible to become accustomed to it even while in the earthly state. Such orientation is a useful fiery test. The school must discover the resourcefulness of pupils by test of giving one word, and later on comes the task of understanding at one glance. The later experiment will be closest to the Subtle World. In addition one can develop a sense of relativity by addressing one's interlocutor according to his nature. Thus, in an earthly conversation each one adopts the best language for his companion, taking into consideration his state of consciousness. Every schoolteacher knows how multiform must be his language in order to make friends of his pupils. But besides the school, in any home one learns to discern the thoughts of the mistress of the house. Thus, in the midst of daily life, characteristics of a subtle order are manifested. One has only to take note of them, to penetrate into them, and to expand these observations. But for this, one should be imbued with reverence for the future and learn to love the principal factor of the Subtle World - Agni. I insist on the expression, "to love fierily," only thus can one assimilate this element which is so difficult for Earth. Our discourses should first of all lead to an understanding of the Subtle World and, as its apotheosis, bring one fearlessly to the radiance of the Fiery World. We rejoice when, amidst the earthly sojourn, the dimensions of the Subtle World are established. Through this, we bring Earth to a closer cooperation with the far-off worlds, in other words, we participate in the process of evolution.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 554:
554. He who says that heroes are not needed expels himself from evolution. Observe that on the border of mediocrity, lack of faith, and egoism, lies self-annihilation. Decades may pass before the process of self-devouring becomes evident, but it grows from the very hour that Hierarchy is denied. It is impossible to imagine the affirmation of a progressive action without Hierarchy. One must repeat this most simple Teaching, because people are headed toward the abyss. The rays from the shoulders are causing pain not because of the convulsions of the planet but because of the raging of humanity. As waterspouts divide water into columns, so disunited humanity whirls about. It is a very significant year of the revolt of the human spirit. Fire can be held back only up to a certain point. Inevitably it will break through all manifested obstructions.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 613:
613. Thought creates; the extent of thought in space is unencompassable. Thus, many experiments serve only partially to broaden the understanding of the power of thought. People are astonished at the inexplicable character of clairvoyance pertaining to the future, seldom realizing that the fire of thought kindles and constructs an image of the future. Thoughts of various times and content construct Subtle Worlds which are accessible to clairvoyance. Among many causes of evolution, thought-creativeness has a primary significance. Therefore I so often repeat about the quality of thought.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 616:
616. Thought-creativeness cannot be definitely discerned on the earthly plane; herein lies its difference from the Fiery World. The Higher Beings perceive the effect of their thoughts immediately, whereas here we can know only their direction, and the ultimate result is disclosed only after a certain lapse of time. Thus, one can gradually form an idea of the differences between manifestations in various worlds. Likewise, one can gradually approach fiery consciousness, eradicating the barriers between worlds. One can imagine the state when death will be no more, and the transition will be a usual attainment. It is impossible to understand how such separation between worlds came about, since it is not necessary for evolution, unless people have created a prideful concept of Earth. It can be discovered that in remote antiquity there was greater understanding of the spherical form of the planet than after the post-glacial period. True, many ancient traditions have been confused, and only now people begin correctly to extend their estimate of the continuity of the life of our Earth. It is amazing how apparently learned people discuss the greatness of God, yet at the same time seek to disparage his creations. If scientists two hundred years ago had dared to hint at the great antiquity of the planet, or to suggest other inhabited worlds, their contemporaries would probably have resorted to the well-tried remedy of the stake. And one may be equally sure that even now some moderate theory, though based on experiments, will be assailed as a fraud. Thus, people regard the destiny of this planet as the alpha and omega of the entire Universe. Much persuasion will be required to remind humanity that in all the promulgated Covenants the Era of Fire was foretold.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 620:
620. Furthermore, it is the greatest infamy that humanity even now practices witchcraft, precisely the blackest sorcery bent upon evil. Such conscious collaboration with the dark forces is not less horrible than poison gases. It is incredible that men who consider themselves to be in the religion of Good perpetuate the most dreadful sorcery. I would not mention this black peril if it had not reached such terrific proportions at present. The most intolerable rituals have been re-instituted in order to harm people. In their ignorance the crowds have been inveigled into mass magic. It is impermissible to allow such disintegration of the planet! It is impermissible to allow the dark forces to succeed in annihilating all evolution. Sorcery is not permissible, being a pressure on space contrary to nature. Everywhere, stress the danger of sorcery.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 630:
630. They will ask, "How can we best serve on Earth to effect the utmost benefit at present?" One must restore the health of Earth. By innumerable ways, one must carry out the world task of regeneration. One must bear in mind that people have destroyed the resources of Earth without mercy. They are ready to poison the earth and the air. They have laid waste the forests, these storehouses of prana. They have decimated animal life, forgetting that animal energy nourishes the earth. They believe that untried chemical compounds can take the place of prana and earthly emanations. They plunder the natural resources, unmindful that the balance must be maintained. They do not ponder over the cause of the catastrophe of Atlantis. They do not consider the fact that chemical ingredients must be tested over the course of a century, for a single generation cannot determine the symptoms of evolution or involution. People like to calculate races and sub-races, but the very simple idea of calculating the plundering of the planet never occurs to them. They think that by some act of mercy the weather will clear, and people will become prosperous! But the problem of restoring health does not enter their thoughts. Hence, let us love all creation!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 129:
129. I do not advise middle measures. To affirm the transitory state as a completion would be contrary to evolution. When a prayer is uttered about rest with the Saints, it reveals ignorance in regard both to rest and to the Saints. You know that rest is a purely temporary state, and in addition is relative. The so-called Saints have no rest. It may be said that the expression used is a relative one, but by respite people understand a state of repose. But if people were to be told about tension in the Fiery World, only a few would comprehend such an attribute of the higher condition. When We speak about a state of continuous explosion during the highest tension, it does not strike the imagination to recognize such tension, so We say - not tension, but splendor! The path to such grandeur is through the beautiful. If man will not develop within himself an aspiration to the most beautiful, he will close his own eyes, but the Highest can neither be repeated nor imagined. The manifestation of splendor is absolutely infinite. Still, let us not hold open the middle measures of sleep and rest. I affirm that repose would not produce the manifested Universe.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 173:
173. Let it not be thought possible to deny the Invisible. It has been said that there does not exist action which can produce no consequences, but this is particularly true of negations. One may often ask oneself - why is the evolution of the world so slow? Negation will prove to be one of the principal causes, for it is deadly. Like doubt, it cuts off all the ordained possibilities. People given to denial eventually have to outlive its consequences. Truly, negation is like a millstone around one's neck. Enough has been said about it in the Teaching. But now, especially, the Earth is infected with negation. Let multitudes of people imagine that negation is only a sensible criticism, but negation is not a judgment, it is like ashes banking a grate fire. It suppresses, but does not elevate. Only broadening of consciousness can shame the denier, but as a rule such a torpid state terminates in a grave illness. In many cases a physician should attentively converse with his patient prior to treatment, in order to ascertain his mode of thinking. Each illness from negation reveals the need of suggestion in order to arrest the destructive process. Some may ridicule the fact that for the treatment of cancer and tuberculosis it is necessary to begin with suggestion. Of course, physicians who do not possess the power of suggestion will protest in every way, and they will be highly provoked upon hearing that diseases of the liver, stomach, kidneys, the gums, and rheumatism depend largely upon the state of consciousness and require suggestion first of all. It therefore follows that it is necessary to regard suggestion and autosuggestion seriously. Both processes are of a fiery significance. Thus negation is in opposition to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 175:
175. The young generation too often leans toward coarseness. Such a situation is highly deplorable, when tension of all the best forces is required. It is most necessary to reiterate that any coarseness is unsuitable for evolution. When there are so many cosmic dangers men must understand that coarseness is ignorance.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 294:
294. It is precisely necessary to understand the sources of antiquity. When their significance is revealed, then will also come new discoveries. There is much to be found, but a savage inclination must not touch the treasures. Let us not reject the logic of evolution.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 432:
432. Written meditations about the Teaching are useful. It may be proposed to co-workers that they accustom themselves to such work. They can select portions of the Teaching near to them, and compare them with other Covenants. In this way there can be observed the imprint of the times upon the very same truths. The task of investigating this evolution will in itself be a much needed labor. We are opposed to condemnation, but the comparison will be, as it were, the polishing of the stone. Through love for the subject one can find new comparisons and beautiful points of contact. Such meditations are as flowers in a meadow.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 447:
447. The embryo of the spirit actually does not begin with human evolution; its manifestation refers to an indescribable fiery process. That is why you apply to man the words - kindling of the spirit. Precisely, given to man was the kindling of fire, which dwells in all the manifestations of creativeness. One should remember that powerful energies have been entrusted to man; therefore, whoever does not kindle the spirit does not fulfill his destiny. Precisely, self-perfection itself is first of all attained in the consciousness of the manifestation of spirituality. There can be no approach to the Fiery World without the manifestation of spirituality. This must be remembered by all.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 44:
44. If people would ponder deeply about the steps of evolution, they would come to the conclusion that the laws are infinitely multiform. It is so simple, it would seem, to investigate the process of all growths and refinements, but humanity notices only that which can be traced within a frame of everyday understanding.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 44:
Can people then grasp the magnitude of laws which balance the entire Cosmos? Earthly measure is not applicable to the grandeur of Cosmos; and the lack of success of all the investigations can be attributed to this lack of understanding. It is impossible to limit the Unlimited! Thinking can penetrate the depth of Cosmos when the spirit is imbued with the understanding of the essential nature of Fire, its infinite power and unlimited properties. If humanity could grasp the essentiality and magnitude of fiery constructiveness, then all the steps of evolution would lead to the affirmation of great laws. Everything movable travels a spiral path toward great refinement. Therefore on the path to the Fiery World one should know about the infinitude of the laws.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 45:
45. If humanity would understand evolution, then indeed it would arrive at the comprehension of the Fiery Right. Only the Fiery Right can create cosmically. Thus can be accomplished the steps of a mighty evolution. The entire equilibrium of Cosmos is maintained upon the fiery unification of the First Causes.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 65:
65. All statecraft and social order can be affirmed upon cosmic law. Science gives all the directions, and only sensitivity of application is needed to reveal the many aspects which are for construction. If instead of so-called innovations and new statutes humanity would turn its attention to the cosmic laws, it would be possible to establish equilibrium, which now is being violated more and more, beginning with the law of conception and extending up to cosmic consummation. The affirmed laws are one. Upon all planes it is possible to affirm unity. The path of evolution crosses threadlike through all the physical and spiritual degrees. Therefore, in the state and in the social order all the cosmic laws could apply toward perfecting of form. On the path to the Fiery World one should be imbued with the power of the unity in the Cosmos.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 78:
78. In the idea of traditions, one should be very subtly discriminating. If they are understood as stratifications coming from the ancestors, then indeed we arrive at the same emanations, which came from all the surroundings; the traditions will contain all the imprints of the time. But for evolution a constant renewal and broadening is required. It is correct to think about the spiral, because eternal growth affirms infinity. Creativeness is intensified in continual renovation, and infinity shines truly by the creative power of diversity. Thus traditions cannot be looked upon as a guiding principle. Usually the so-called traditions, affirmed by people, degenerate into customs. Customs pass into habits. Thus, habits will express all the stratifications of the past. Therefore, having faith in the Fiery World, one should accept all renewal as a movement of mighty time in evolution. Thus, traditions go with the passing time, but the eternal breath of motion leads to Infinity. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember about the saturation of space by great and powerful energies.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 87:
87. Verily, the Invisible World explains everything visible - from the Unmanifested to the manifested, from manifested to the Subtle. Thus, all energies are saturated by the One Fire. Thus, the transmutation of that which is manifested through Fire is the eternal process of evolution of Worlds. Actions invisible upon the Earth are just as vital as earthly processes, and they can affirm the bond between the Worlds. Often those who have approached the Light are perplexed as to why difficult trials do not cease. One may answer that each process invokes in the Invisible World a tension, manifested by the Forces of Light and by the hordes of darkness. Humanity is then made manifest as a useful conductor when the force of the spirit can attract the Power of Light. But it is not easy for a wavering spirit to overcome the hordes of darkness. Thus, let us remember on the Fiery Path that the spirit summons Forces from the Subtle World and from the different spheres.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 162:
162. The Fiery Servitors can affirm new principles. Before each great Epoch, space is filled with fiery formulas. Thus is fierily affirmed each great beginning. Thus will be fierily affirmed each great manifestation of unification. Cosmic Construction affirms the very highest for the New Epoch. Therefore, on the loftiest principles will be erected the future evolution, for that which was destroyed must enter anew into life, as a great guiding foundation. The manifestation of the law of Cosmic Right sets forth the origin of the New Epoch, the Epoch of Equilibrium, and of Beauty of Existence. A striving for the creation of new formulas will give to humanity a wonderful new step.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 167:
167. Before the great reorganization of the World, a manifestation of all the dark forces is displayed, for a better transmutation. What is taking place in the World cannot be called a step of evolution, but it can indeed be said that what is being manifested is the lowest, the most intense, the most saturated by the forces of darkness. But great is the work which gathers together everything helpful for the great reconstruction. Just as the condensed strata of the earthly spheres are being made ready for battle, so does a manifestation of the Forces of Light stand on guard. The stage which the planet is going through can be compared with a furnace of Cosmic Fire. All dense energies are aflame in tension, and on guard stands the Fiery Right. Fiery creativeness is assembling all fiery energies - thus the World is being reconstructed by the tension of two polarities. It is necessary clearly to discern these turbulent energies.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 191:
191. The different Epochs enter as succeeding steps in the evolutionary ascent of humanity, and it is necessary to understand how each Epoch has developed. A determination of the subtle currents which saturated the Epoch will give the key to understanding of its essential nature. If spiritual achievement has imbued the national spirit, it means the ascent of that Epoch was affirmed. But never before has the World been so in need of the sword of the Spirit! Always, at the time when energies have manifested their potentialities in movement, the wavering magnetic needle has indicated the agitation of the cosmic magnetic poles. Thus, the Epoch of the Sword of the Spirit brings out flamingly the Highest Principle. Therefore, the Cosmic scales are weighing the very highest Fiery Right. The Epoch of the Sword of the Spirit will affirm the Principle which has been proclaimed for evolution to the Higher Worlds. Space is saturated with the fire of the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, at the threshold of the Epoch of Fiery Right, the Sword of the Spirit stands on guard.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 240:
240. The Equilibrium of the World rests upon the foundation of Being. So powerfully is life affirmed when the higher manifestation is kept in the consciousness. Each lofty thought will be a pledge of the spirit's striving. And in an endless chain of action and thought can be expressed all new trends of evolution. Space affirms its tensions which conform to the actions and thoughts engendered on the Earth. The more responsible is humanity for all its engenderings, for the Subtle World is thus held back in its development, just as is the whole chain of evolution on the Earth. Therefore thought about spirituality must enter into life, but as a true understanding of the Fundamentals of Existence. The Equilibrium of the World cannot be established without true understanding of the First Causes. Thus, each fiery word of the heart proceeding towards purification of the Teaching is a fiery stimulus which will give impetus to the consciousness. Therefore, let us be affirmed in the consciousness upon the power of Equilibrium, as the stimulus of Existence, of the First Causes, and of Beauty.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 278:
278. To affirm that the World can continue on in a state of happy comfort is equivalent to an affirmation that existence can be prolonged without a regeneration of the spirit. Indeed, only the obscurity of dissolution can affirm that dissolution does not exist. But the Forces of Light, standing on guard for evolution, affirm precisely the danger of destruction. The trend of the World's Karma is revealed in all events. On the path to the Fiery World the consciousness must be saturated with a fiery understanding of purification through the path of spiritual regeneration.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 306:
306. The consciousness which is impelled to the Higher Worlds, is able to draw from the treasury of the Cosmos. Those who affirm that man has a limited capacity for revelation shut out by this all possibilities. The fiery consciousness affirms measures which make for the evolution of the Cosmos. The attraction of energies from Space is the basis of creative power, for records and manifested energies can be mutually intensified through conscious attraction. Man is a source of knowledge and is the most powerful transformer of cosmic forces. The symbol of the transmuter must live in the heart. On the path to the Fiery World let us strive for the attraction and transformation of spatial energies.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 319:
319. Action depends upon the tension of that sphere in which the spirit abides. As intensity of striving affirms the power of action, so does resistance saturate action with the essence of the consciousness. The different planes require different measurements in the expenditure of energies. Where the dense World requires exertions, the Subtle World not only does not require them but allows easy locomotion. The dense World affirms that force which overcomes all resistance. But in the Subtle World the principal lever is the accumulation of spiritual aspiration. To overcome opposition in the Subtle World is possible only through spirituality. It is wrong to think that the Fiery World is merely a reflection of the Earthly World. For, while the strata of the Subtle World represent the reflections of the earthly strata, in the Fiery World there are strata which preserve earthly spheres in their evolutionary growth. In these strata are marked out all the currents of evolution. They are not only the Treasury of the records of space but are also the Cosmic Laboratory. Such strata occupy the loftiest spheres. The ascent of man depends upon his attraction to these spheres.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 360:
360. Human construction is in need of true foundations. The way construction is proceeding at present, the World is threatened with destruction. All Cosmic Reconstructions require higher foundations, for the creating spiral is affirmed in ascent. But, the foundations of humanity are found to be in a state of intense dissolution. All cosmic processes manifest transmutation upward, but the will of mankind has steered into a blind alley, for the circle of selfhood is reaping its harvests. Therefore, cosmic fire is not being utilized in transmutation by humanity, and instead of evolution involution is the result.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 361:
361. Transmutation is inevitable, in the whole Cosmic Plan. Only fiery reconstruction will yield new creative energies. The Cosmic Magnet creates and intensifies all that exists, for dates are approaching which will compel everyone and everything to participate in the Cosmic Battle. Space is in need of a discharge. The Cosmic Scales affirm the process of agitations; throughout all space resounds the call to a final tension. I affirm that the transmutation of energies will produce new steps in evolution. Therefore one must strive with heart and spirit toward the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 365:
365. The destruction of the contact with the higher energies actually isolates humanity from the Cosmos. How is it possible to exist in the Cosmos without any comprehension of world evolution? Thus, a conscious relationship to world evolution includes indirectly an understanding of Hierarchy as a life-giving Principle. Precisely, psychism and mediumism turn man away from the Higher Spheres, for the subtle body becomes thus so saturated with lower emanations that the entire being is altered. In reality a most difficult process is contained in purification of consciousness. Man does not precisely differentiate between the fiery state of spirituality and psychism. Thus, we must overcome the terrors of psychism. Actually, the ranks of those instruments are filled with the servants of darkness. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World one must contend with psychism.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 387:
387. The most frightful bane of humanity is self-destruction for the sake of obvious selfhood. A man who affirms that in serving his own ideal he must destroy all others not coinciding with his path, is a destroyer of the fundamentals of evolution. The Cosmos requires expression of all that exists, and on the spiritual plane equalization cannot take place. All the higher Teachings have in their foundation the same Source, and will not destroy that which serves as spiritual food. Verily, he who demands the equalizing of all fundamentals, of all Teachings, reduces each great fundamental to dust. The scales do not waver much between atheism and hypocrisy. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us remember who tears down the foundations of construction.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 459:
459. In ancient Teachings the Fiery World was far more often mentioned than at present. The peoples have a concept of fire not as a higher element but as a most ordinary circumstance. Science and the newest discoveries proclaim much about the fiery power. It is a matter of complete indifference by what paths will the cognizance of the Fiery World again return. But in evolution it must be revealed as the basis of further advancement.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 600:
600. A hermit wished to progress further in his training in the matter of silence, and, not trusting himself, he patiently and firmly bound his mouth. One day he saw a child on the edge of a cliff, but he didn't succeed in removing his complicated bandage quickly enough to warn of the danger. By the time he unbound his mouth the child had been already carried away by the current. Not in invented bonds lies achievement! Only then do we attain when we cannot but do. He who does not because he cannot, attains nothing. Thus it is in bodily and in spiritual existence. In addition to not doing shameful things, one must also account to oneself why such doings are inadmissible. Thought must be at work. In such creativeness the force of thought is needed. Evolution without thought is impossible. If in the nearby Subtle and in the Fiery World all is moved by thought, then it is not difficult to recognizes the preeminence of thought. In Infinity, spiral rings, whole cycles of thought, are engaged in manifestation. The most insignificant earthly object represents a transformation of thought. Cannot the very same thing take place in space on a large scale? Thought is Fire. Thought is the engendering of the creative vortex and explosion. Thought is Light and radiance. Thus must Fiery Thought be respected.

AUM (1936) - 68:
68. The spiritual principle precedes each action. There can be no bodily action without an antecedent spiritual fusion. Thus, whoever denies the spiritual principle thereby divests his actions of meaning. Evolution cannot continue if the primary motive force is repudiated. The Dark Age has among its characteristics the denial of principles and fundamentals. Yet precisely such darkness is transitory. Man must prepare himself for the acceptance of Light, and, lest he become like a mole, he must realize within himself the essence of Light.

AUM (1936) - 97:
One should not deny the statements of children about their past lives. Essentially they know what has taken place around them. Especially nowadays there often will be rapid reincarnations. Many dwellers of the Subtle World are hastening to return, and herein is expressed the growth and acceleration of evolution. And in such quickening may be seen a rapprochement between the worlds.

AUM (1936) - 124:
124. In the face of danger human forces are multiplied in tension, likewise the state of ecstasy produces an influx of superearthly forces. If such a tension has been established, it is then possible to prolong this moment, in other words, man may receive a continuous increase of forces. It is only necessary that the Source of Forces become constant and near for him. Thus, the question of realization of the Higher World becomes urgent, and science itself will approach it as the impelling force of evolution. One may not only dream about such a bond of closeness but it is also possible to approach the Higher World by earthly measures. Each rapprochement of the worlds is already a victory over the flesh.

AUM (1936) - 125:
Therefore it is necessary to examine so attentively the guiding signs. The manifestation of improvement in understanding such signs actually hastens evolution.

AUM (1936) - 211:
211. It is necessary for people to free themselves from any arrogance in relation to all that is unknown to them. Thus, one can observe continually that the ignorant ones express themselves offensively about everything inaccessible to them. It is indispensable that the foremost scholars make themselves worthy examples of broadmindedness. Evolution is completely excluded where people do not recognize the possibilities of infinite cognition. I repeat, the success of perfection begins with self-perfection.

AUM (1936) - 229:
229. Let people evince a desire not to vegetate but to become better. They forget the beautiful law of improvement. The world evolution is often understood as imposed obligation, but the joy of improvement comes not from a thing imposed, it is indissoluble from the seed of the spirit. Only with this understanding is it possible to cross over all the chasms of darkness.

AUM (1936) - 230:
230. I always advise writing down various observations; from them, in time, a valuable chronicle may be compiled. Such writings are helpful in the study of the history of evolution. For example, I will remind you of one such writing. An experienced observer relates his meeting with a prominent leader: "During the conversation I observed that the latter seemed to be in a drowsy state. At the same time, around him could be distinguished an indistinct cloud which waved and moved about. One could understand that the subtle body had almost emerged from my companion; yet he was imperturbable, making plans for his coming departure. Upon saying farewell, he drew a ring from his finger and suddenly asked me to take it in remembrance of him. Within three hours my friend was killed by an evil plotter. The question arises - if the subtle body witnessed the preparations for the murder, and the spirit already gave me the ring as a token, then why did not the consciousness also give warning of the plot? Evidently we have to do with a very complex law of the Higher Wisdom." Thus an observer wrote in the French language.

AUM (1936) - 236:
236. The Higher World is incorruptible, but instead of self-purification through thought and labor, people still try to bribe the Higher Grace. In such ignorance is expressed a complete unwillingness to reflect upon the essential nature of the worlds. The history of prayer shows that at first hymns were chanted, then prayers were spoken for all beings, and only later did man dare to importune with demands for himself. Sufficient evidences have been given as to how worthless for evolution is everything engendered by selfishness. One cannot purchase favor and justice. Is it not shameful that such words must be repeated?

AUM (1936) - 239:
239. Everything in the world is unrepeatable. Hence it is possible to realize how much of the unusual there is. Without such understanding people will not discover their own earthly position. It is impossible to think about evolution if the impelling causes and the unattainable goal are unknown. Earthly existence has no meaning without understanding of cause and effect. Yet if people would even partially realize the unusualness of their surroundings, they could more easily focus their thoughts upon the Higher World. It is impossible to persuade people to turn without a transitional step to so different a sphere as the Higher World. But if the eye gradually learns to distinguish the multiformity of its surroundings, it will more easily become accustomed to the discernment of subtle manifestations. Verily, everything must be cultivated.

AUM (1936) - 240:
240. It may be asked why people do not, in the material world, remember their subtle sojourns. One of the reasons why it is impossible to recall everything of the Subtle World is the impossibility of its being assimilated by our physical envelope. Indeed, the spirit could not undertake physical evolution if it could preserve within itself a recollection of the expanses of the Subtle World. Of course, it is sometimes possible to catch from the Subtle World a glimpse of the fiery grandeur which the world of flesh can realize only in the rarest cases. Only at times can even the best spirits recall their earthly existence, and extremely rarely do they remember their conditions in the Subtle World. Sometimes the projection of the subtle body brings back a certain realization of life in the Subtle World. But to remember subtle existences is very difficult and it is incompatible with earthly conditions.

AUM (1936) - 283:
283. Evil should be opposed, as a manifestation of chaos. Entire countries protect themselves against the ocean, which would otherwise inundate them forever. The unified labors of the whole nation construct imposing ramparts of protection. So, too, chaos can engulf the entire wealth of a people. It should be understood that the waves of chaos are penetrating the consciousness of mankind. Evolution is the antipode of chaos. Let us not be deaf to the rumblings of chaos!

AUM (1936) - 291:
291. Decidedly, all unbalanced conditions must be eliminated naturally. Each passionate unbalance cannot be arrested by command or by compulsion. Striving will build a firm bridge on the foundation of a refined consciousness. One must recognize the usefulness, and then comes true evolution. But without realization it is impossible to overcome the lower earthly passions.

AUM (1936) - 301:
301. Nor can any of the other domains of human labor disown the Higher Principle. If the tiller of the soil is only a daily slave, his labor will never expand. Each form of work has a creative domain. Earthly thought binds one within earthly limits, but evolution contains the Higher Principle.

AUM (1936) - 316:
316. Correct is the thought to note down the different regulations and institutions useful to humanity. Evolution requires new forms in everything. Useful deductions should be discovered in already crystallized circumstances. The limits of knowledge are expanding. New interrelations are being created between the branches of science. Much which once appeared separate is now proved to issue from a single root. A need for new cooperative combinations is evident. It is imperative to study former subdivisions, replacing them with more goal-fitted ones. Such a need exists in all the domains of life - from philosophy and creed to the most practical sciences.

AUM (1936) - 316:
In using the word practical, I speak not literally but merely to apply the accepted expression. Of course efficacy is far removed from so-called practicality. The ability to discern how greatly efficacy outruns the mechanistic conception of life enables one to understand how great a regeneration humanity needs for evolution.

AUM (1936) - 323:
323. After labor the worker is better and more tolerant. A great deal of perfecting takes place in work. In toil lies evolution!

AUM (1936) - 414:
One should understand the most proximate gifts of evolution: first - psychic energy; second - the woman's movement; third - cooperation. Each of these gifts must be accepted in full measure, not abstractly. We have many times pointed out the power of psychic energy. Now, just as insistently, should the qualities of the next two distinctions of the age be indicated.

AUM (1936) - 415:
Whoever is first in carrying out such an action of universal import will be proceeding in harmony with evolution.

AUM (1936) - 416:
By their own hands women of all races and beliefs will help to mold the steps of evolution. There should be no delay!

AUM (1936) - 417:
417. You will encounter two types of opponents of equal rights - one, an admirer of the rule of the harem, who says that age-old customs should not be disturbed; the other, indignant at the past, will demand supremacy for herself in everything. Both will be remote from evolution. It is impermissible to drag past offenses into the future. It is impermissible also to preserve the ossification of an outworn way of life.

AUM (1936) - 417:
It is impermissible to erect obstacles to free cognition. Affirmation of true equality of rights might better be called full rights. The obligations attending the recognition of full equality will liberate life from coarse customs, from foul speech, from falsehood, from dusty routine. But the new evolution must be begun early in life if thoughts about it have not flashed out independently.

AUM (1936) - 420:
420. Fullness of rights involves full obligation. Lacking such understanding, full rights will change into arbitrariness. Among women can be found that conscientiousness which will provide the quality of evolution.

AUM (1936) - 446:
446. There are many touchstones. It is possible to test the consciousness of people by the most fundamental concepts. Tell them - evolution and development, advancement and achievement; and without any apparatus you will perceive how such a call is received. It must be accepted joyously, courageously, and with inspiration; but most often you will note faltering, doubt, and self-pity.

AUM (1936) - 449:
449. Each man experiences the manifestation of inspiration, but these sparks of lofty elation occur as isolated flashes and do not transform the whole life. But for all that, such states of the spirit are possible even amid trying conditions,. Let us imagine such an exalted state as continuous, it will then bestow still higher inspiration. Of course, all existence shall likewise be elevated and Nature herself will resound to this evolution.

AUM (1936) - 449:
People assume that evolution results, or rather should result, over long periods, but this progress can be accelerated in accordance with human desire for it. If people so will, they can advance by the speediest means. All other elements are ready for such development, but people must have the desire for it. They must not kill each inspiration. They must grow to love it as the higher communion.

AUM (1936) - 478:
It is beautiful to feel that such inexhaustible force has been given to each individual. With such a force we can move physical objects. Since the force is inexhaustible, the size of the objects is relative. Today we can move small objects, tomorrow we may move something larger. In this progression lies the success of evolution.

AUM (1936) - 513:
It is impossible to rescue humanity from such scourges if it does not turn its attention to the condition of psychic energy - it is growing in pressure. Similar to firedamp, it presents the danger of an explosion. It remains for us to direct it into the powerful ordained channel, otherwise it will terminate evolution. But such influences upon the fundamental energy cannot be casual. Throughout the planet scholars and cultural groups must arise, who, linked in cooperation, will occupy themselves with the cultivation of psychic energy. Such a network can produce the bases of scientific discipline.

AUM (1936) - 595:
595. Aum, unharmonized, turns into an instrument of destruction. The Highest Communion turns into blasphemy if it be not purified by fire of the heart. Often the concept of the fire of the heart will be called superstition, but let us ask scientists and we shall see that the best of them agree about radiant energies. By no sort of forbiddance can any one interrupt the path of evolution. The ignorant can create convulsions in cognition, rebellions, and destructions. Precisely by forbiddance the ignorant evoke waves of chaos, but the universal law will overcome all the dark stratagems. Ignorance must be eradicated.

Brotherhood (1937) - 21:
21. Any food containing blood is harmful for the development of subtle energy. If humanity would only refrain from devouring dead bodies, then evolution could be accelerated. Meat lovers have tried to remove the blood, but they have not been able to obtain the desired results. Meat, even with the blood removed, cannot be fully freed from the emanations of this powerful substance. The sun's rays to a certain extent remove these emanations, but their dispersion into space also causes no small harm. Try to carry out a psychic energy experiment near a slaughterhouse and you will receive signs of acute madness, not to mention the entities which attach themselves to the exposed blood. Not without foundation has blood been called sacred.

Brotherhood (1937) - 113:
113. Any scientific knowledge is beautiful so far that it does not terminate in an impasse. A true seeker for knowledge recognizes no situation as issueless. He can gather constantly by developing new branches of cognition. For manifestations of preparedness for Brotherhood, such an infinitude of knowledge is the best step. It is not very easy to cognize such infinitude, yet for one who knows the trend of evolution it will be the natural and only path. But do not let the heart grow hard in such premises. Let rapture be preserved at each approach to new consciousness. A hardened heart will not ascend to the Tower. It will not give strength to the subtle body. Such a stony heart will remain within the confines of Earth. It is very important to understand the life of the heart. One should not permit it to revert to primeval stone. One should watch over the manifestations of the heart. Without it Brotherhood cannot be built.

Brotherhood (1937) - 148:
148. People are vainly seeking new remedies and medicaments without making use of the old ones. Even milk and honey are not sufficiently in use. Whereas, what can be more beneficial than vegetable products reworked through a succeeding evolution? Milk and honey are to be had in infinite variety, and they constitute the best prophylaxis when employed rationally and scientifically. The point is not simply to drink milk and eat honey; first of all, one must consider what kind of milk and what kind of honey. It is right to assume that the best honey will be from places that are replete with curative herbs. It may be understood that bees bring together not mere chance combinations of their extractions. Nature lore about bees has importance in the way of directing attention to the particular quality of the honey.

Brotherhood (1937) - 159:
159. Truly, the path of compulsion is like the path of narcosis. He who has been taking narcotics must increase the quantity of the poison taken. In the same way compulsion must be constantly increased, reaching the point of madness. Interruption of a compulsion carries the threat of domination by the dark forces. Therefore, compulsion is worthless for evolution. A conscious awareness contradicts compulsion. But lack of awareness is the ruin of the whole structure.

Brotherhood (1937) - 194:
194. Let us examine in what way Brotherhoods have moved around. Along these paths it is possible to learn about the movement of evolution. It should not be thought that Brotherhoods have hastily withdrawn into impregnable recesses. They have merely concentrated their forces in one strong place, both geologically and spiritually. It may be recalled that there have been hearths of Brotherhood in several countries, but at the approach of certain dates such hearths have been gathered together into one Stronghold.

Brotherhood (1937) - 213:
213. From wherever good may come, let it not be rejected. The step of evolution must incorporate containment. And the good, too, must not be one combined with selfishness. Such a lower degree of good must be replaced by a higher. There is so much joy in one's feeling when one can be exhilarated at the good of one's neighbor. But there is so much darkness in a personal appropriation of the General Good. Let the cruel ponder about what has been said.

Brotherhood (1937) - 223:
223. The primary energy seeks admittance into all the nerves of humanity. It is, it does exist. It has been tensed by cosmic conditions. It is unfitting to ask whether one should develop it. It is impossible to develop the primary energy; one can only safeguard it against the waves of chaos. One should manifest great solicitude toward the treasure of evolution. Much was said in antiquity about the time when the primary energy would begin to be intensively manifested. People must not deny that which so imperatively claims its goal. Who is filled with such arrogance as to fall into denying the tidings of the epoch? Only the ignorant and those vaunting a false wisdom will begin fighting against the evidence. But let us not take to heart the attempts of the ignorant. They only make a wreath to each advice about helping humanity.

Brotherhood (1937) - 265:
265. An ancient adage says, "He who thinks about death summons it." Likewise, physicians also have sometimes noticed that thought about the end brings it near. Much of folk wisdom contains a particle of truth. But one must first of all reflect - is it possible to be occupied with thought about that which does not exist? It is time for people to recognize that life is uninterrupted. Thus the attitude toward earthly existence will be completely altered. For proper evolution it is necessary to speedily affirm the right point of view toward a continuous life. Science must come to the help of dispersing gloomy fallacies. It is not for man to think about the grave, but about wings and ordained beauty. The more clearly man instills in his consciousness the beauty of the worlds, the more easily will he be receptive to new conditions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 299:
299. You are becoming convinced that people are open to cognition. Such a step of evolution is not accidental. Many shocks and much trepidation have compelled hearts to shudder and begin to resound. Verily, heavy must be the burden in order to enter the Beautiful Garden.

Brotherhood (1937) - 378:
378. Thought does not die away in space. Horizontally and vertically thought traverses space. There is no limit to its expansion. But nothing can remain in the same state. We know about the inviolability of thought, but apparently transmutation of it is taking place, and one needs to know into what the thought is being transmuted. It flows into pure fire. A beautiful circle results. From the fire arises energy - a creative thought - and through the earthly furnace this thought is again united with fire. The circle is closed, and renewed energy ascends regenerated for new labor. Such consummated cycles can be observed throughout the Universe. But the evolution of thought will be especially sublime. Therefore, does not this realization of the value of thought impel man to intensify his thought-energy? Let each one apprehend what kind of thought will be especially creative. Let man weigh in his heart which thought is fitting for him. Thus a selection of values takes place.

Brotherhood (1937) - 401:
401. It is time to understand that the human path has been directed toward cooperation. No government will be enduring without affirmation of cooperation. This is not dream beyond the clouds, but the requirement for a date of evolution. Thus, let us not consider it an abstraction when the saving measure is proposed to us.

Brotherhood (1937) - 406:
406. Unbelief does not belong to spiritual discussions only; it belongs to all domains of knowledge. A particular type of people is subject to unbelief. They deprive themselves of any creativeness; they cannot be inventors; they do not know inspiration. Such unbelievers can impede the movement of evolution. There are many of them, and they are capable of condemning everything not encompassed by their consciousness. Let us not take an example from these walking corpses.

Brotherhood (1937) - 407:
407. And yet, how to deal with unbelievers who try everywhere to cause cleavages? There are very many of them, and owing to their ignorance they are very clamorous and meddlesome. One should muster a few scientific arguments against them. They cannot brook having the extreme irrelevancy of their opinions pointed out to them. Fortunately, science in different domains helps to illumine the paths of evolution. Of course, the ignorant will insist upon long outworn concepts. They do not like it when they are asked for proofs. Their attempts to screen themselves with scientific terms merely prove their narrowness of conception. Sometimes it is useful to come in touch with stagnation in order to perceive the entire extent of the obstacles to freedom of evolution. One need not be distressed at the existence of such branded consciousnesses. Each word which serves as a challenge to them will be a useful sowing. Let them even become abusive, nevertheless an agitation of matter will result.

Brotherhood (1937) - 492:
492. A great number of cells of the organism are to be found in a dormant state. It has been pointed out that their awakening would make a man luminous and able to fly. Is it conceivable that people in their present state could achieve such an awakening of light within themselves? Reflect that people are fully equipped for the furthermost evolution, but the treasure must be left asleep. The state of consciousness does not permit rapid advance. Only in rare cases is an organism illumined and, with help from the Subtle World, temporarily realizes the preordained possibilities.

Brotherhood (1937) - 519:
519. Do not think that many understand the beautiful consonance of labor. Moreover, not many understand the distinction between joint and individual labor; for most it is merely a contradiction, whereas it is but evolution. People must not lose individuality, yet in a chorus each voice contributes to the common success; and with this realization one must keep in mind the fundamentals of Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 529:
It is Our custom to test those who are approaching the Brotherhood on liberation from habits. Such testings must be unexpected. It is best to begin with small habits. Man is often concerned with defending them more than anything else. They are considered to be natural qualities, like birthmarks. Yet the newly born have no habits. Atavism, the family, and school foster the growth of habits. In any case, a routine habit is an enemy of evolution.

Brotherhood (1937) - 531:
531. Since the worlds are on trial, each particle of them is being tested. One may foresee that someone will be terrified at such a supposition. But only injudicious thought can stand in the way of welcoming the law of evolution. Through expansion of consciousness one grows to love this incessant motion; would it be better to remain in the unchanging prison of errors and delusions? On the contrary, it is much more joyous to sense the constant testing, which engenders the feeling of responsibility.

Brotherhood (1937) - 532:
532. Evolution, being the beautiful law of motion, must be understood also in relation to the centers of the human organism. As a symphony requires changes of keys, so does the organism rely upon different centers. Such a change does not signify the dying off of one of the centers, but it is a sign of the development of the next possibility.

Brotherhood (1937) - 543:
543. Let us comprehend likewise how essential is the elimination of injustice. It is necessary to be fortified in a firm resolve that injustice will not be admitted. If such a decision is firm, a new accumulation of strength will result. It is not easy to safeguard oneself against injustice; it can make its appearance in any of the details of everyday life. There should not be any small injustices; each of them already violates the basis of evolution.

Brotherhood (1937) - 559:
559. Throughout the entire history of the world, waves of attention to the inner forces of man could have been perceived. These waves are linked with the periods of evolution. In any case, a growing attention to the essential nature of man will always be indicative of an especially significant period. If, at present, there are observed particular strivings for cognition of the essence of man's forces, such aspiration corresponds to cosmic conditions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 566:
True evolution will deliver humanity from madness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 9:
The northern tundra and the Gobi desert guard treasures; should one hasten to reveal them? Only a high level of consciousness can deal with such valuable treasures; and with knowledge of the spiral of evolution, diamonds will not be cast under the wheels of chariots. Even for a proven patience it may be hard at times to await the approach of a caravan that brings joy. "Perhaps the date has already passed," pulsates the heart. But wise experience whispers, "It is still too early." The struggle between the heart and reason is an amazing spectacle. Happy is the one who can understand the command of the heart.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 38:
38. Urusvati treasures thought about the Mother of the World. Women's movements have a special significance for the immediate future. These movements should be understood not as an assertion of supremacy, but as the establishment of justice. Much has been said about co-measurement and equilibrium; precisely for the realization of this principle must the full rights of women be strengthened. One should not think that this will benefit only women; it will promote world equilibrium, and thus is necessary for harmonious evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 77:
Knowledge about the invisible world should be spread by all possible means. The success of evolution depends on it. Afterwards will come cognition of subtle energies. When We speak of the visibility of many subtle manifestations, some people regard it as a fiction. Such people cannot be brought to Our Abode, for they would be too frightened! All subtle signs would seem to them to be unbelievable and inaccessible.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 82:
82. Urusvati knows how unexpectedly great manifestations can occur. Thus, she has seen the strata of the Subtle World, not in her subtle body, but in the physical one, with open eyes and fully awake. She has seen the crowding in the Subtle World, and was astonished at the crowds that roamed idly with no work to do. True, she was shown that stratum of the Subtle World which especially concerns Us. In it were seen the contemporary clothes that reinforce an earthly way of thinking, and people crowded together as in the square of any modern town. We are greatly saddened that such crowds are the least accessible for evolution. It can be observed that their thinking is so egocentric that they cannot see beyond their own crowded and motionless circle. They contaminate each other and, as on Earth, fail to look up. Urusvati can attest to how densely crowded these strata are.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 97:
97. Urusvati knows the balance between harmony and evolution. These correlative concepts are often taken as being contradictory, but, in reality, can evolution ever be inharmonious? And how can harmony be created without evolution? Yet people prefer to understand harmony as an immobile and inactive state, and use it as an excuse for their irresponsibility. While the world is in convulsion people prefer to sit in sweet oblivion, and call their benumbed condition by the lofty word "harmony."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 97:
However, the strong chords of harmony are tensed, and as they expand they contribute to evolution. Similarly, the benefit of evolution is in its continuously accelerating motion. It is beautiful to realize that the world is perpetually evolving, in ever-increasing striving and motion. People do not look into the future, but secretly dream about an impossible static condition. But there can be no static evolution. The spiral of evolution is an eternal ascent that even the convulsions of chaos cannot arrest.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 97:
Thus you realize the two foundations of Our Life. We live in harmony for the sake of evolution. We must evolve, otherwise We shall be transformed into mummies. One must be able to love the movement of evolution, for in it eternity is realized.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 102:
102. Urusvati senses the correlation of the worlds, whose limits are not usually perceived. The worlds exist in many forms, and interpenetrate each other. Only straight-knowledge can recognize the borderlines of such subdivisions, and it is even more difficult to realize their evolution. If all of life is in motion, then the condition of the worlds also depends on motion.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 113:
Blessed are those who, while in the gross body, are already prepared to accept the manifoldness of the worlds. Do not think that such acceptance comes easily, for one must be spiritually experienced to be able to accept Reality. The word "accept" signifies the very essence of evolution. There are even cultured and educated people who cannot comprehend the many and varied worlds, and therefore do not have access to the Subtle World. Subtle feelings can never be forced.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 120:
What We are speaking of here is something else, the diamond moment between sleep and the waking state, at the moment of the return of the subtle body into the physical one. Each human being has the power to experience this moment that connects the two worlds, but for this one must develop a subtle awareness. All recollections of the Subtle World are extremely useful for human evolution, and even reminders about the lower strata of the Subtle World serve as a useful warning. Human thought moves in the direction of cognition of the various realms, and even the fiercest Armageddon is helpless to prevent the predestined knowledge.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 121:
One should remember the myths about Icarus and Simon Magus, which suggest flights into the Subtle World. Some day man will again develop the power of levitation, but first he must understand psychic energy. Similar predictions can be traced in other fields. We do not fail to remind people about those possibilities that are knocking at their doors and can accelerate their evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 126:
Our Inner Life is conditioned by definite methods which are based upon immutable laws. Our Abode can exist only in fulfillment of the laws of evolution. You have witnessed how, quite unexpectedly, scientists sometimes confirm what the Teaching has already proclaimed. It would be appropriate to point out that in addition to the given Teaching certain unexplainable impulses are received by scientists. Our thought-messages fly all over the world, and We sow the seeds generously in space. Space is full of ideas. This condition is called the "digestive power of Infinity."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 130:
A heroic attitude should be maintained in all circumstances. This is a test that must be passed if true evolution is to be supported. We divide heroes into the unconscious and the consciously determined ones. Those who understand what they labor and suffer for are truly heroic. Knowing the truth of their situation they still do not turn from danger. Amidst the currents of space, amidst evil will, amidst terror, courageous heroes labor and create. Heroes know that their earthly life can end at any moment, but they do not reduce their efforts. They realize that their selfless podvig will continue even under the harshest circumstances. Nothing can stop their will from manifesting itself in any sphere.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 133:
We warned Napoleon more than once, and he admitted that he "heard voices," yet he continued on his path of error. Over eons it has been Our duty to warn those in high places who are in a position to hinder evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 138:
Do not think that it is easy to reject the past. Great knowledge must be acquired before one can recognize the spiral of evolution, which perpetually surges forward. Usually people dwell on yesterday, not realizing that each tomorrow brings new knowledge, and the day that is hardly over has already engendered new accumulations. Night brings communion with the Subtle World and the renewal of energies. In the morning people seldom remember their experiences of the night just passed, but they feel the increase of energy. Scientists explain this phenomenon in a narrow materialistic way, but more experienced observers perceive different causes.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 152:
152. Urusvati has heard both the majestic music of the spheres and the uproar of chaos. Out of confusion and wailing the Great Teacher composed harmonious symphonies. Only the ignorant assume that celestial harps will sound at the first request. From the abyss of chaos to celestial harmony the way is indeed long. This is why the Great Teachers are also the Great Toilers, and only those who have heard both extremes can judge the extent of this evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 164:
It is time for people to realize that all events are connected and that unity reigns throughout Cosmos. Many different manifestations follow each step of evolution, but during those solemn times of transition people become particularly stubborn, reminding one of travelers who refuse to alight from the carriage when their journey is over. Similarly, during the consummation of the achievement of the Great Pilgrim, people did not want to leave their carriage, and were unable to perceive the significance of the events that were taking place in front of their eyes. An incredible injustice was being committed, and no one dared tell the people how dreadful was the crime.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 172:
The Great Pilgrim loved children and saw in them the evolution of mankind. It is they who will carry life forward, and each of us must share his experiences with them. But it is still wiser to awaken in them recollections of the Subtle World. The most profound spiritual life will be formed where the consciousness is opened to the perception of the Subtle World, and the Invisible becomes accessible.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 177:
The Great Teacher openly emphasized the foundations of faith as a vital cause of evolution. The Teacher was filled with great knowledge and transmitted it in simple words.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 185:
The Teacher can create a better future, but the disciple must realize and accept it. It is not easy to recognize evolution. Sometimes it comes in silence, but at other times the outcry of the masses can be a sign of the advance of humanity. Why should you limit yourselves to silence or the influence of noisy crowds? Certainly the Higher Will does not restrict itself in this way.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 187:
It is also possible that by criticism one may retard the evolution of those beings, some of whom may be at the point of overcoming their unrighteousness. It is cruel to surround them with vibrations like the barking of dogs. In addition, people are unable to judge the motives for another's actions, and unjust criticism will only burden his karma. People judge in ignorance, and thus deprive themselves of joy, and loss of joy is a great misfortune. The Thinker took the idea of care for the Subtle World from Anaxagoras, who said that in tearing its fine texture, we also tear our own garment.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 204:
Fools assume that thought can be strengthened by the use of narcotics, but the mental spasms that result do not contribute to evolution. Even the emanations of drugs attract dangerous entities, which pick up fragments of thought and weave harmful tissue out of them. Everyone can remember how their useful thoughts were sometimes distorted. Look for the cause in your surroundings, and you will surely find it.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 206:
We have mentioned that powerful Beings can transmit a part of their Ray to someone on Earth who then receives illumination. Such a Ray has an effect on the recipient that is the equal of an earthly incarnation. Divisibility of the spirit can be utilized, and the transmissions will then bring spiritual enlightenment to several people simultaneously. This is an even higher service to evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 226:
There is nothing new in this. "New" does not really exist - there is either forgotten truth or still unrealized truth. No one can claim that he has brought something new to the world, because only the moment before someone may have projected that very thought into space. People should not compete to be innovative, but should train themselves to think about the useful and the Beautiful. It would be better to think about essentials and how one can contribute the utmost good to the world. The most useful thoughts are those dedicated to Beauty. Ugliness is not fitting for evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 233:
And so it may happen with incarnations. People may have to return just to find a little ring that is of great importance to them, but of no value to others. People cannot understand why some great incarnations are followed by seemingly insignificant ones, but who can tell what valuable object must be found during the difficult journey? Often, in the course of general self-perfectment, a small, precious stone is required that seems insignificant, but is of great value. Various incarnations indicate that an important task must be performed for the sake of general evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 237:
Thus We remind people that any disharmony is ruinous. Lack of understanding of harmony makes life ugly and such ignorance is criminal. One cannot think about evolution when people themselves destroy the very foundations of life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 242:
We speak of a drop of poison, but one small word can be equally poisonous. It is lamentable indeed that people do not consider the words they utter. The process of evolution is long, but it does not seem to improve the quality of human thoughts and words. Let us recall the high standard of Hindu and Greek philosophers. Can the twentieth century take pride in an equal refinement of thought?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 246:
246. Urusvati knows that We do not approve of artificial or mechanical methods of achievement. All the best things come naturally. In ancient days, when man's nature was coarser, certain artificial methods were sometimes needed to discipline the free will and to create and support the bond with the Higher World. But it is certainly very clear that man may know all numbers, memorize all sacred names, and learn all the secret meanings of the alphabet, yet by doing so he will contribute very little to the evolution of mankind.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 246:
The gifts of nature are more precious when they are received naturally and as the result of previous accumulations. Science will approach Higher Knowledge through such observations. It is essential to acknowledge to what extent nature assists evolution. To force is to act fanatically, or in other words, against nature, and only the consciousness can reveal when one learns and works for all humanity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 246:
We hear many letters. Each recorded amity gives Us joy. Let all letters carry the great message about the evolution of humanity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 249:
249. Urusvati knows that even an accelerated evolution must go through lawful stages, or chaos will inundate it, and under such conditions it is particularly difficult for a person to cope with his own free will. Even intelligent people cannot always reconcile the personal with the evolutionary. They cannot grasp the idea that there are dates destined for the world that they cannot separate themselves from. Such lack of understanding would be harmless if it were not for the rebellious action of the free will, causing harmful conflict. Man stubbornly persists in his own perceptions and does not admit other solutions. Much energy is required to tame such a free will, therefore, when We speak about alertness and flexibility of mind, We want to prevent the harm that comes from such stubbornness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 249:
Urusvati is rightly interested in preserving Our letters about unification. There are many of these. If you only knew how often We keep repeating the same thing! These letters should be sent as reminders to various countries. People should hear about unification as they do about their daily bread. And if someone insists that he has heard enough about unity, know that it is a sign of his irresponsibility. In time, every word about unity will be applied literally, and the great, voluntary unification will come as a stage of evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 259:
You can observe the rapid advance of evolution. Not only by generations, but even by decades, one can measure the considerable progress of life. Experienced observers should carefully and objectively collect facts about the progress of evolution through the decades. Truly, one can declare that the New Era is approaching! Even if many things are misunderstood and distorted, new possibilities are entering life, and will in time influence humanity's level of consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 259:
Let us not be shortsighted when speaking about the destruction of the world. It is true that Armageddon is raging and incredible crimes have been committed, but it is also true that against the background of these terrors a speedy evolution rushes onward. Is it possible that people do not see how much of the new is entering life? We should not permit the doubting worldlings to proclaim that the dark forces are victorious. That which belongs to Infinity cannot be conquered.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 272:
Who, then, are the heroes and the martyrs and how can they be described? From the scientific point of view, like living volcanoes, they throw out the intense energies needed for evolution. In this we can see an example of how subtly ethics and biology are entwined. The Teachings of the New Life show that exaltation is a blessed intensifier, and people cannot exist without these explosions that open the way. If cosmic explosions can be creative impulses, then human explosions are likewise needed for evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 273:
Many so-called phenomena are being observed on Earth. Unusual human abilities are manifesting themselves and are beginning to be studied. However, as soon as negation and prohibitions appear, obstacles to evolution are created. Truly, free will can cause disasters.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 279:
279. Urusvati knows how difficult it is for people to accept the diversity of evolution. Each one insists that there is but one law, and cherishes a different notion about cosmos. When they find contradictions in the various scriptures, they accuse them of inaccuracy. These disputes and misunderstandings arise because of the inability of the ordinary intellect to imagine a scheme with infinite possibilities, and a universal law with many aspects.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 279:
Individuals of much older stages of evolution coexist on Earth with the people of the sixth race. One can observe that the outlook of people varies from the most primitive to the enlightened. We meet with contrasts not only in the earthly realm but in the Subtle World also. It is important to know about these intrusive influences of distant systems. They act like explosions and storms, and can bring a form of revolution. Therefore, do not assume that the Subtle World is strictly and forever ordered. One must become accustomed to the idea that even in the higher spheres there can be collisions of psychic forces.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 279:
Only an awareness of the great manifoldness can save one from the perils of limitation. One must feel oneself living in the Infinite, and then gain strength by directing one's consciousness to the far-off worlds. In this way, the idea of the manifoldness of evolution will become clearer.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 280:
Some still believe that Earth is stationary, that it is the center of the Universe, and that human life exists only here. But if people continue to believe that Earth is the center of the Universe, and that they are the only crown of creation, there will be a new convulsion of ignorance. Such misconceptions are absurd and harmful for evolution, and even without them, people are hopelessly unaware of Infinity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 280:
There are certain attitudes that should be assumed with the utmost caution. For example, self-confidence is an excellent concept, but conceit is the grave of evolution. The planet Earth should not be belittled, but her true place amidst the grandeur of the Infinite should be realized.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 286:
To all these insanities will be added the most shameful - the intensified competition between male and female. We insist upon equal and full rights for women, but the servants of darkness will expel them from many fields of activity, even where they bring the most benefit. We have spoken about the many maladies in the world, but the renewed struggle between the male and female principles will be the most tragic. It is hard to imagine how disastrous this will be, for it is a struggle against evolution itself! What a high price humanity pays for every such opposition to evolution! In these convulsions the young generations are corrupted.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 286:
It is near-sighted to think that if war is prevented all problems will be solved! There are those who think so and imagine that they can cheat evolution, not realizing that the worst war is in their own homes. However, there do exist places on Earth where evolution develops normally, and We are always there.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 295:
It is deplorable to see how such make-believe concepts can lead to demoralization and mass lies. People put these lies into the very foundation of life, and there can be no evolution based on lies. Such lies produced by the make-believe mentality are sheer perversion, and should not be mistaken for Maya, which expresses the relativity of concepts.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 298:
While on Our Path We always implemented the betterment of arts and crafts; We taught new chemical combinations; We encouraged ceramics and carving. We even taught people how to preserve their food. I speak of all this so that you will understand the variety of approaches to evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 300:
Unfortunately, these hearts exist in great numbers, but are not easily recognized. They show no evident symptoms, though they are in a state almost identical to the recognizable condition known as coma, in which the organism is neither alive nor dead, nothing is remembered, and the subtle body is immobile and as numb as the rest of the organism. In this condition man ceases to be really human. Stone-like hearts are similar, and so numerous that they are a great burden to the world, and impede evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 300:
To resist evolution is to oppose the inevitable and commit a dreadful crime. It is amazing that after millions of years of existence humanity fails to understand that the process of evolution takes place in all the kingdoms of nature. It can be clearly shown that outlived forms are dying away and new outlines of life are coming into existence.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 300:
Please understand that the spirals of evolution can be accelerated only if senseless human opposition ceases. People do not always know how to create, but they do indeed know how to oppose, and ugliness, discord, and calamities come into being.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 300:
We are now witnessing the disappearance of entire countries, but does this always happen in the name of evolution? Indeed not. People often either become like stone or attempt to sink into the old ruts, but Nature does not permit delay.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 301:
People fear being cursed, but in fact bring curses upon themselves whenever they commit an injustice. Try an experiment; send the purest man to perform important work or a heroic deed, then see how he will be slandered. The majority will criticize without considering his task, and only a few, who are themselves persecuted, will think about the aim of the podvig. This lack of good will is a major obstacle to the progress of evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 305:
305. Urusvati knows what We mean by "life." We say that life is service for evolution. One might find it simpler to say that life is evolution, but We emphasize the idea of service. Indeed, everything is in the process of evolution, but life's full expression can come only under conditions of voluntary service. It is the voluntary quality of service that indicates the rightness of the path.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 305:
People cannot understand that We use singing not as a pastime, but as a method for achieving harmony. It is hard for them to understand that art is a refined aid for evolution, and that We recommend the mastery of any art or craft as a rapid approach to service. A master will willingly agree to perpetual service in the perfection of his art, and feels no need to count the hours of labor.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 305:
Our life is a voluntary mastership and is not concerned with limits. Even on Earth it is possible to almost forget time, and service becomes joy. I affirm that one can prepare oneself for such service under all circumstances. One need not be a sage to accept life as something important and responsible. There are examples of even simple farmers who were ready to devote themselves to the idea of service. It was the loss of this concept of service that turned earthly life into slavery and insanity. But the time is approaching when people will be looking, even unwittingly, for the purpose of life. They will first refer to evolution in scientific terms, but the next step will be the acceptance of service as the right approach to life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 311:
We affirm that the conditions of life must be continuously improved, and thus We contribute with Our thoughts to the evolution of nations. But bear in mind that the difficult conditions at the end of Kali Yuga require special measures, and understand how hard it is to resist the attacks of chaos. People underestimate this and simply want to gratify their personal desires. Very few try to comprehend the complexity of the counterattacks, which, unfortunately, people provoke by themselves.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 314:
An important book could be written about the fluctuations of human understanding. The psychic realm is not understood any more now than it was in antiquity, and this fact deserves special attention. It is logical to assume that man's evolution would result in a broadening of consciousness in all spheres; why then has such an important realm as the knowledge of the Subtle World remained so misunderstood? The reason is that man fears everything that lies beyond the boundaries of the material world. The consciousness strives to knowledge, but the earthbound mind will whisper that it is not necessary to know about the hereafter. Sometimes even well-informed people will begin to doubt, and thinking that the Subtle World does not exist, they undermine their previous accumulations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 319:
The matter of peace is a standard by which one must test oneself. To test oneself is to know how to draw upon new forces and achieve a new consciousness. It is a self-examination that must be performed within a context of absolute dedication to human evolution. Only then will peace be rightly understood; true peace will include the defense of the treasures of humanity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 325:
Much wicked talk takes place at the threshold of evil, and dreadful curses originate there to the great delight of the dragons. We warn you to remove the dirt from your threshold. It nourishes the dragon, and he may grow so fat that you won't be able to squeeze past him through the door! One must realize that an evil environment is an obstacle to evolution. I can hear someone already exclaiming, "An old truism! We have known it for ages!" Friend, if you really knew this, your threshold would be cleaner.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 326:
Some may shrug their shoulders and ask whether a book about good behavior is needed as part of the Teachings of Life. It is indeed, for you must acquire subtlety of understanding if you want to refine your consciousness. We are now speaking about concepts that are almost impossible to express in human words. Many basic principles are indeed inexpressible, and must be intuitively perceived. Such silent understanding and receptivity are bridges to future achievement. Not words, but an inner feeling will be remembered and will help lay the foundation of evolution. Thus, he who is refined in his feelings will never be coarse.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 331:
331. Urusvati is aware of foretold dates. People may be surprised to learn that events in China and in Spain were predicted ten years in advance of their happening. The evolution and involution of other nations were also indicated. At times these indications were given in symbols; for example, the coarsening of Germany was pointed out in visions relating to the Thirty Years' War.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 332:
332. Urusvati knows that the law of the spiral is the basis of Cosmos. This is confirmed not only by physics, but also by evolution. The simple example of a screw will illustrate this idea. The more threads there are on the screw, the better it serves its purpose. Similarly, from an evolutionary point of view the spiral must have many turns.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 332:
People usually are amazed that human consciousness appears to experience again and again the same achievements and the same failures. The question arises, why must one return if it is possible to move forward? But this "returning" is only illusory. Evolution never returns to previous points, but passes above them. People complain that they fall back into coarseness, but they do not realize that this state is not as before, for many new factors have entered their lives. It would be wrong to look upon life from one angle only. Life is a complete synthesis, and only in its multiformity does it reveal that the spiral has completed its turn.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 332:
It may seem that humanity has not shown any substantial progress during these millions of years. The point is that evolution proceeds, but the circle of its turning is enormous.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 344:
Urusvati can provide many convincing details to researchers, but it is essential that her testimony be listened to and correlated with that of Our Sisters and Brothers who have lived in the world. In such correlative studies one will be able to trace the evolution of knowledge about the subtle energies.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 345:
345. Urusvati knows how many subtle feelings and influences fill one's life. Imbalance, that dreadful scourge, is the obstacle to appreciating and understanding life's precious gifts. After millions of years of evolution humanity is still ignorant about the art of achieving harmony.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 347:
The same is true about most mass manifestations. Certainly a multitude intensifies psychic forces, but only rarely can the ecstasy of a crowd be of high quality. During quiet, constructive periods the manifestations can be very intense, because there is nothing to prevent the subtle energy from approaching the physical world. Moreover, people of a quiet and balanced nature create a more suitable atmosphere and intensify the phenomena. Thus, one may observe entire eras of evolution and involution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 356:
Defense and Nirvana are two mercilessly distorted concepts. People try to make them into something amorphous, vague, and passive, but such distortions are harmful for evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 360:
We have repeatedly condemned the dark obsessions that lead to evil and crime. It should be understood that it is the influence of subtle energy alone that results in the healthiest state of mind. The benevolent influence of subtle energy is the great blessing that inspires man to ascend the ladder of evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 360:
Only by observing human actions can one discriminate and sense the subtle differences between good and bad people. You will see that the one who labors for evolution is filled with ideas. But who would call these ideas fixed? It would be right to call them leading ideas. Pay heed then to all the manifestations of nature.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 361:
There was an ancient practice of sending observers to certain places, to stay for a period of time and then return. With the coming of the new generation, the same observers were sent again to these places. We use the same method, so that Our Messengers may witness the formation of a new generation. Only in this way can We acquire a fresh and correct impression regarding the evolution of a particular nation.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 361:
Many will doubt the very possibility of such evolution, for they themselves are stagnant. But evolution is a law of Nature. The difficulty is that people see only from their own point of view and are therefore unable to progress. They imagine that everything ends with their demise, and cannot understand that life has its own continually changing, vivid waves.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 366:
The time will come when people will be compelled to turn to a more subtle mode of thinking. Evolution is created by man himself and nothing can impede it. Even the present state of evolution will in the long run serve a good purpose as a unique tactica adversa, for in his attachment to technology man will drive himself into such a dead end that no way will be open to him but to turn to the joy of the Subtle World.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 369:
369. Urusvati knows that there are certain individuals who can foresee the direction of evolution. Such co-workers of Ours can be found in different countries and ages. We use them as channels through which We transmit the varying degrees of aspiration that correspond to the needs of evolution. But it should be understood that such striving individuals are rare, and will feel out of place in any generation. It would be correct to think of them not as dwellers of Earth, but rather as guests, filled with memories of better worlds. Indeed, earthly life is not easy for them. They are filled with the spirit of service to humanity, but this concept is little understood on Earth. These toilers cannot find a common language with coarser earthly people. It is to be lamented that time so distorts their ideas, although eventually their words find some degree of recognition. All that I have said here is also true about Our own work, but through the centuries We have become sufficiently aware of the turning of the Wheel of Life. We understand that in motion much is consumed; even huge meteors are burned away, yet some of them succeed in carrying their diamonds to Earth. Only a calm understanding of earthly processes can reveal the whole range of accumulated knowledge. We call such observations a clarification of consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 372:
Also remember that a large number of useful instructions are distorted. Let us take, for example, the question of food. We are decidedly against a meat diet. The normal progress of evolution has been retarded in part because of the eating of meat. Yet there are instances, such as a shortage of food, when dried or smoked meat may be eaten as an emergency measure. We are decidedly against the drinking of wine. As an intoxicant it is inadmissible, but it can be used in the treatment of certain illnesses. We are decidedly against all narcotics, but there may be cases of such unbearable suffering that a physician has no choice but to use them. There are those who may object to this, and ask if it is not possible to use suggestion against pain. Of course, it can and should be used, but it is not easy to find a person with sufficient power of suggestion.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 381:
381. Urusvati knows that tolerance is a fundamental necessity for evolution. Every sign of tolerance must be valued. We, Ourselves, could not help people without the highest degree of tolerance. All one's inner fire of enthusiasm must be used for the Common Good, for dull indifference is most deadly. Truly, fierce opposition is often more justified than unfeeling indifference.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 392:
It is particularly important to understand how human thought can cooperate with the Highest Spheres. One should not forget the old saying that a man's nature is created by his thought. We preserve many tablets on which it can be seen how people have created their own evolution. Urusvati frequently saw how the future history of various nations was recorded. We do not advocate the artificial unification of countries, but look into their future, where We can see the consequences of past mistakes. When people begin to project the idea of peace in their thought, it is possible that an entirely different formula will be recorded on these Subtle Tablets.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 406:
We can provide many examples from life, when the apparent destruction of something actually assisted in its regeneration. Take for example the knowledge about Our Tower. Humanity seems to acknowledge it at one moment, and in the next almost forgets about Our very existence. These waves are not accidental, and each wave of evolution has its pralaya. Only such changes produce the spiral of knowledge.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 416:
It is astonishing that many experiments succeed in spite of this obstacle. I have in mind primarily the transmission of thought to a distance. True, the energy of thought is penetrative and not bound by distance, but even it is subject to disturbance by gases. People do not know what harm is inflicted upon evolution by their creation of destructive gases, and no one can estimate how far these gases spread and what compounds they form.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 417:
Yet, how can we understand evolution if our consciousness has not accepted the principle of motion? People know about the movement of the planets, but do not apply this law to themselves, and while Earth rotates, humanity clings to the idea of immobility. Thus every word about the beauty of motion is undermined by the inertia of human consciousness. In such a state of discord with Be-ness how can one expect speedy development?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 433:
433. Urusvati knows that even the Great Ones have manifested different qualities in each incarnation. Observing a whole series of incarnations, one can see clearly the necklace of accumulations. In this regard it is particularly instructive to note the great variations, succeeding one after the other. It should not be thought that qualities are accumulated by any earthly way or that each incarnation is a continuation of the preceding one - the law of evolution is far more vast in its outlines. From the supermundane heights it is easier to see just how the spirit must perfect itself. There is no contradiction in the fact that the spirit develops in accordance with supermundane processes.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 437:
Let friends rejoice with Us when somewhere a branch of knowledge has already blossomed. Even if the gardener is not close in spirit to us, let us seek the best that is in him. Let us not reject anything in which there may be a seed of evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 441:
Certain views of the caste system must likewise be reformed. In ancient times its restrictions were wisely applied, but evolution has since taken many turns. It is now wise to reevaluate the conditions of life, and we must not allow prejudiced thinking to be an obstacle.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 448:
It is essential to preserve unity under ordinary, earthly conditions in order to attain at least an approximation of Our unity. May people rejoice, knowing that somewhere there exists the Ladder of the Worlds! This very idea will serve as a bridge for evolution. It is the ignorant preacher who teaches indifference towards the highest unification, but such limiting advice will certainly not help anyone on the earthly plane, for every limitation closes doors and deprives one of fresh air.


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