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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ES > ESTABLISHMENT (16)

New Era Community (1926) - 111:
111. Many warnings were given against selfhood. This deadly sister of ignorance smites and extinguishes the best fires. Do not consider a reminder about egoism out of place during the establishment of cooperatives. On the contrary, each statute must be written not for oneself but for others. Among various appellations the word "friend" will be a most hearty one. Indeed, the heart does not admit egoism. The heart lives in self-abnegation. Thus, strong is the heart when it is concerned about the future, not thinking about self.

New Era Community (1926) - 133:
133. The community, being a fellowship first of all, sets as a condition for entrance two conscious decisions; labor without limit and the acceptance of talks without rejection. It is possible to eliminate faint-heartedness by means of a two-fold organization. As a result of unlimited labor there may be a broadening of consciousness. But many people, not bad otherwise, do not envision the results, being frightened by incessant labor and enormous tasks. And yet they have accepted basically the idea of the community. It would be harmful to include these yet weak people in the community; but in order not to extinguish their striving one should not cast them out. For this it is useful to have a second organization - friends of the community. Herein, without forsaking the customary order of life, these newcomers can become more deeply conscious of the community. Such a two-fold organization permits the preservation of a far more concentrated sincerity in the work. If however, a formal entrance into the community itself be allowed, one will be obliged periodically to eject the unfit ones. In other words, the community will cease to exist altogether. It will be simply an institution under a false label, beside which the Sanhedrin of the Pharisees would be a highly righteous establishment.

New Era Community (1926) - 240:
Ignorance, obstinacy, baseness, cannot serve as obstacles to the establishment of the community. It is necessary to accept the immutability of the evolution of cooperation. It is necessary to turn each hour of life into vital progressive movement. Can one live as a blind adder?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 101:
101. I am witnessing an experiment involving the transmission of human force over a distance. By this one can move any object; for example, one can move the bolt of a door by applying the energy of one's thought to the corresponding energy of the object. This experiment has been known since the distant past. But one should remember that with the establishment of general cooperation among all that exists, the energy of thought unites all spheres of being. Not by using a hammer, but by penetrating objects with our thought, shall we unite them.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 277:
277. In the establishment of planetary equilibrium, the shifting of the luminaries is effected with the aid of the Cosmic Magnet. When the driving force is intensified in a constantly accelerated current, the shifting takes place. The quality of the energy is directed toward a new force when the power of an unbalance is set up. Therefore, one must say that only the subtle energies can push on toward regeneration. The spatial currents in departing from one center vouchsafe the rising of another. Thus the creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet intensifies all energies. The shifting becomes the step for a regeneration of energy. All planetary perturbations are results of a shifting of energies. In creating a new step we advance along the evolutionary chain into Infinity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 356:
356. The creative principle directs the currents of Fire and propels the energies. Therefore, all cosmic manifestations are reflected upon the centers of the Agni Yogi. Each fiery manifestation resounds upon the centers, evoking varied sensations. Often anguish and depression are due to the fiery tensions. The reason for these sensations is a discordance of the currents. These unharmonized currents beat upon the centers, which resound in a dissonance. When the unharmonized currents are borne in space, a great deal of creative power is used by the energies for the establishment of equilibrium. The manifestation of unharmonized currents calls forth in an Agni Yogi a reaction, as it were, on a level with the opposing energies.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 311:
311. Verily, the process of human thinking creates correspondences with the cosmic treasures, and thus each thought generates an affirmed page. The centers of thinking depend on the evidence of receptivity. Human needs bespeak plainly the direction humanity has taken. The principle of correlation is directly established. Therefore, an identicalness demands the establishment of evident striving.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 93:
93. Humanity does not wish to realize the power of its own radiations. It dimly keeps on repeating about its likeness to God, but does not understand the unity of the energy of all worlds. The establishment of even a weak unification of energy can provide a defensive armor for the planet.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 93:
93. A construction of new fundamentals will be contained in the establishment of equilibrium and of coordination between science, art and life. For an equilibrium is needed based on a survey of all affirmations. Thus, the World is in need of a great manifestation of equilibrium. Coordination is to be affirmed upon a new understanding of all the subtle principles of Hierarchy. One may even foresee how a transmutation of all affirmations will take place; how in science there will be no great division between spirit and matter. Indeed, it will be possible to build on new principles when the spiritual and the physical are united. It will be possible to secure knowledge of the body by means of the coordination of the centers, their functions and qualities. Such a unity of all functions leads to knowledge of life as it actually is. For example, one could study the various precipitations of the kidneys and the functions of the eyes. It is possible to coordinate the functions of all organs which have double branchings. It is possible to compare the organs which act by one channel. It is possible to be convinced of many unities of functions, which are highly indicative. Thus, new structures have their great principles, and a great ascent in the world of knowledge is indicated. Thus the Fiery Bearers of the synthesis bring good and happiness to the World. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember about the great affirmation of equilibrium and coordination.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 331:
331. Those vibrations which saturate the World respond to the qualities of lower manifestations. Improvement of the planetary vibrations can take place only through the tension of humanity. The center of all manifestations is mankind, which reflects all strata. Vibrations are so disharmonious that it is difficult to establish a connection with the Higher Worlds. Vibrations which contribute to disunity have the lowest quality. Therefore the lower strata can admit the infiltration of low vibrations, while higher radiations do not reach the Earth. The saturated World awaits the great epoch of Regeneration of the Spirit. The permeation of space with vibrations which assist the establishment of higher radiations is the task on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 339:
339. The process of the creation of a pure atmosphere parallels the creation of a channel for the reception of fiery energies. Each manifestation of life is filled with poison created by human society. This poisoning is equal to the most terrible hotbed of diseases. Often people are amazed as to why there are so many difficulties; why so many misfortunes and miseries. The human mind does not grasp the fact that dissolution is far more powerful on the spiritual plane than on the physical. The physical world has its visible symptoms, but the infection on the spiritual plane is so strong that often it indicates how the processes of existing evil are maturing. Therefore, traitors and agitators and doers of dark deeds are most frightful violators of Cosmic Equilibrium. Therefore, on the path to the Fiery World let us develop within ourselves discernment of faces, and let us strive for the establishment of Equilibrium.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 346:
346. Spiritual development must inevitably open the eyes of man to those frightful errors which are roots of evil. Inadmissible are discussions about the stronger or the weaker principle, for such discussions lead to lack of co-measurement. Cosmic Equilibrium is not maintenance of stronger and weaker principles. In fact, this human division is what has brought the Cosmic Scales to such a condition. And only atonement by humanity for the violated law will result in new constructiveness; for it is possible to divide mankind only according to established potential. Often man does not even understand what has affirmed the equilibrium on Earth. Cosmic Laws must be looked upon as prophetic Commands. Therefore humanity must learn to adapt the small to the great. In the reconstruction of the World a most important care will be the establishment of the cosmic laws, precisely by the Cosmic Will, not by the earthly. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World only equilibrium reveals the Gates.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 417:
417. The establishment of equilibrium in the growth of psychic energy can be attained by different means, but the chief one will be spiritual conditioning. During the assault by hostile forces, one can observe how a spiritual transport begins to focus psychic energy, and the process of concentration of fiery manifestations is multiplied. But there may also occur an attack wherein, as it were, the entire store of psychic energy is depleted. This is usually connected with inability to raise the fiery sword of purification. Amidst manifestations of cosmic growth of psychic energy one should distinguish growth from within, and particularly when it is accentuated by self-activity of the centers. The condition of the fiery centers corresponds to that Cosmic power which condenses prana. Thus Macrocosm and microcosm are expressed in the fiery action. Through fiery transmutation the properties of the centers come to resemble the subtlest manifestations in the Cosmos. Through the compression of psychic energy the heart becomes sunlike.

Brotherhood (1937) - 146:
146. Many sowings will sprout in a year's time. The essence of Armageddon lies not only in the exhaustion of old causes but also in the establishment of new ones. It is correct to call to mind what was indicated ten years ago. The causes have begun to give rise to effects. Perhaps someone did rashly utter some decisive word, and over a period of ten years it has resulted in either flame or water. Thus does thought work.

Brotherhood (1937) - 428:
428. Knowledge is the gateway to Brotherhood. Let us not be surprised that the establishment of Brotherhood begins with the synthesis of the sciences. Though each one master but one subject, nevertheless he will know how to render respect to the countless branches of knowledge. In such respect is born the understanding of Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 38:
38. Urusvati treasures thought about the Mother of the World. Women's movements have a special significance for the immediate future. These movements should be understood not as an assertion of supremacy, but as the establishment of justice. Much has been said about co-measurement and equilibrium; precisely for the realization of this principle must the full rights of women be strengthened. One should not think that this will benefit only women; it will promote world equilibrium, and thus is necessary for harmonious evolution.


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