Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 164: Sparks of the far-off worlds reach Earth, and the possibilities of studying the radiance of the worlds shine with especial brilliancy. Communion with the spatial fires will afford a light-bearing science. It is impossible to conceive all that can be bestowed by the power of the far-off worlds! The psychic life is affirmed there as the action of the Cosmic Magnet. The psycho-life guides all expressions of existence, and it is impossible to separate the shadow from the light. If people could but understand that light force which impels each action, they would regard the creative sources with great solicitude. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 241: 241. Indeed, in the activity of the Agni Yogi, the result inrooted in each action is affirmed most fierily when the fire begins to radiate his own color. With especial intensity glows the synthesized force. The energy of the Agni Yogi is directed into varied channels of creativeness as a transmuting force, as an integrating force, as a piercing force opening the path where all locks are bolted. Thus is the creativeness of the Tara affirmed. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 71: When the center of the lungs is kindled, each kindling successively strains a new current. The affirmed receptacle of fire thus correlates with the Fire of Space. That is why the centers must be so greatly protected. Before consummation the centers resound with especial subtlety. Hence, the separation from Earth makes itself very keenly felt. The heart is the receptacle of all the finest energies. The subtlest currents resound upon the heart. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 290: 290. The creativeness of the centers is strained by the cosmic fires. When a cosmic shifting occurs the fiery process can be manifested with especial vividness. When the fire of the spirit coalesces with the cosmic fires, it creates cosmically. Hence, Our flaming Mother of Agni Yoga must manifest Fire to humanity in the Epoch of Maitreya during the great period of shifting. Thus are We fulfilling a great ordainment. Hierarchy (1931) - 364: 364. It is generally known that before the beginning of Satya Yuga the scroll of karma rolls up with especial rapidity. It may be asked why, then, many crimes and blasphemies remain seemingly unpunished? There are many reasons. The first, people prefer to judge by thunder rather than by lightning. The second, one may not notice how gradually the circle of events revolves. The third reason lies in the motive and in old karmic bonds. Thus, only a subtle consciousness can feel how, behind some undesirable action, there is concealed not a bad motive. But the reverse also happens when an action which is not apparently bad is the result of an inadmissible thought. When I speak of spatial justice, I have in mind the law of equilibrium. The Chalice will reflect each wavering of the spirit. Heart (1932) - 142: 142. I wanted to show you how, during the division of the spirit, the cosmic pulse becomes stronger. It is impossible to absorb the entire tension of the surrounding energies in the physical body. Only sometimes, for a short period, one can utilize propitious conditions in order to give an idea of the complexity of the surroundings. Only ignorance presupposes a primitive growth of the cosmos! The process of the subtlest interweaving of energies provides the necessary field for investigation, but the chief obstacle lies in impatience and mutual distrust. How can the unrepeatable manifestations be sensed if the one who senses them forgets to give the sign and the investigator does not keep the instruments ready? We advise strongly the construction of a biochemical laboratory, but of course for the purpose of serious and lengthy experiments. All signs here on the heights must be observed with especial attention. Nowhere else are there so many specific conditions assembled; nowhere else is there a coordination of the Highest Ways with the large numbers of people at the base of the mountain. Nowhere else are there such glaciers and underground hot springs. Nowhere else are there such deep canyons or such eruptions of gases and magnetic currents. All broad thoughts must be displayed in order that scientists, even without knowing the essence of psychic energy, may apply their experiments to all the kingdoms of nature. Thus one can find many forgotten treasures and can purify life. Special attention must be paid to psychic energy as the key to the future. Many experiments are carried out on a false track. One must accept the general situation and apply the details to it. Heart (1932) - 174: 174. The flaming pentagram is a shield in time of battle. In the midst of special tension man represents such a pentagram - the larynx burns as if aflame, the extremities of hands and feet are ablaze; thereby, like an unconquerable shield, he rises, protecting the manifested works. Of course, such a condition is especially dangerous in life, where so many petty betrayals occur. I advise silence in order not to ignite a number of centers, especially the heart. Such a self-sacrificing and flaming heart is an especial joy for the Highest World. Like torches, these hearts radiate above all the pressures of the world. Heart (1932) - 422: 422. People have apprehended with difficulty the idea that radio flashes simultaneously throughout the world; yet the velocity and infiniteness of thought are virtually beyond the reach of the consciousness. The simplest and most beneficial truths are accepted with especial diffidence. The very methods of investigation of such laws often merit pity. Indicators and operators, that are completely incapable of any receptivity, may be posted for observation in the experiments and transmission of thought. On the other hand, people with sensitive hearts will not be questioned. The present difficulty is that people who are not entitled to any confidence gather seemingly in the name of science. One should not be afraid of making mistakes, and the masses should be widely questioned. Naturally there will be contradictions, but the honest inquirer will nevertheless receive truly vast material. The social sciences must occupy themselves greatly with the dissemination of thought as the basis of human welfare. Thus, in the era of the discovery of energies investigations in the domain of thought are necessary. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 249: 249. About one of the Rishis it was said that even at the mention of evil he felt pain. One should not consider such a Rishi an idler, but rather be amazed at his dissociation from evil. Indeed, each one who realizes Fire feels evil with especial keenness as the direct antipode of his being. One must, I say, one must develop in oneself this counteraction to evil, the opponent of progress. One must, I say, one must recognize this boundary which impedes advance for the good of evolution. One may hear about the complexity of such boundaries, but the manifestation of Fire will reveal where is evolution, and where the decrepitude of decomposition. The Fiery World is a true symbol of uninterrupted evolution. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 277: 277. Everyone agrees that books should not contain too much preliminary material. But even average builders agree that the site of the construction must first be cleared and the necessary materials assembled. You yourselves know what it means just to clear the site - one must raze veritable jungles of envy, doubt, and all kinds of rubbish. One must apply all tolerance and magnanimity in order not to be bent under the load of weeds. Of course, all the forces of darkness and ignorance will revolt with especial vehemence against Fire. Therefore each book about the successive steps of life will not be brief. Let the last part of such a book appear separately, otherwise everyone will wish to read the end before the beginning. This habit is especially pleasing to the servants of darkness. Thus they create a quicksand for the weaklings. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 376: 376. Also, let us make an end to the confused conception of a group soul. The spirit of concordance is expressed with especial force in animals before individuality has been actualized. But it is incorrect to call the concordant soul a group soul. Translations and commentaries have produced this confusion. Plato's conception of twin souls not only was closer to the truth but was expressed beautifully. Thus, let us not use this erroneous term group soul ; let us replace it with the term spiritual concordance . Also among men such concordance is a valuable achievement; it builds individuality. Let us not complicate what can be readily understood. Before a long journey it is necessary to provide oneself with only the most essential. It would be unfortunate to load oneself with elaborate laces and forget the key to the gates of our Father's house. Our Father is not in need of laces and furbelows. Remember the simplest paths of the Light of Agni. Of course, read books, for one should know the paths of former thoughts, but for the future provide yourself with the lamp of Agni. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 420: 420. Sparks and other manifestations of light produce much of the connective tissue with the Subtle World. One can even notice streams of sparks issuing from the mouth and eyes when the fiery tension is strong. It can be asked whether these are electrical phenomena. In answer one must say they are rather phenomena of Fohat, which are related to the energy of the Fiery World. Thus, those who have eyes and ears not clogged with the dross of ignorance can observe much not only of the Subtle but also of the Fiery World. One must not, in self-depreciation, think that for us on Earth the Fiery World is inaccessible. The Covenants relate that certain persons of no especial learning instantaneously and directly approached the most Fiery Summits. Every religion speaks of such assertions. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 499: 499. Is not fear of Fire caused by the fact that only its destructive aspect is apparent to the physical eye, whereas its fiery creativeness is not realized in the physical state? One must with especial conviction disclose to people that by reason of their very nature they have a unique path to fire. Can the physician who has an aversion to his patient be a good physician? Or will the warrior whose spirit trembles with fear be victorious? Hence, we shall set before us the highest task, and in this way we shall not notice the steps of transition. Each element primarily precludes fear. To overcome fear momentarily does not mean to eradicate it. We must not be like small children, who are courageous today but may tremble with fear over an empty phantom tomorrow. Nor must we be like the pampered ones who seek daring adventure today but on the morrow will bury themselves in downy pillows. Let us not be under the threat of tomorrow, for of all the elements precisely Agni will not tolerate fear. We must comprehend Agni not as a destroyer but as a creator! In these two aspects of Agni lies the true touchstone of our nature. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 566: 566. Let us pay especial attention to the battle in the Subtle World. Innumerable hordes are battling on all planes. A stout heart is needed to realize these forces. And even on Earth the shoulders can ache from these battles. One must warn people about the extent of their dependence upon the Subtle World. People often search for answers. Whence comes a seeming inner shock? Its cause may lie in some manifestation of the Subtle World. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 641: 641. Economy of forces distinguishes him who has entered the current. No senseless dissipation is possible where the value of energy is appreciated. If we have a precious remedy that cannot be replenished, should we destroy it senselessly? One must accept Agni as verily the most precious substance. One must realize the difficulty of developing this energy, and that it is impossible to compensate for the excessive expenditure of it. One must simply guard this Divine Fire with especial care. He who can admit dark whisperers does not safeguard Agni. Even in moments of especial consternation one must preserve self-control, of which We have already spoken. Much has been said, but one should apply it in action. No one desires that time should be spent in idleness, but sleep and the waking state are both parts of the same activity. Thus, in this connection also, one should not judge by earthly measures alone. Let people become accustomed without delay to thought about the two worlds. Thought - one and ever-existing - must not be confined to the earthly plane alone. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 662: Thus, once again let us understand why the heart's striving to the Highest is so necessary. Simple maxims must not be arrogantly scorned; in them the most essential is attested simply. When a warrior is ready for battle, his leader examines him. Thus, especial caution is needed when I speak of that subtlest element, fire. One should not understand fire as a chemical formula. One should fittingly understand its utter indefinableness. Already in antiquity we can find all kinds of descriptions of the characteristics of Fire; how it permeates all objects; how all heavenly bodies, without exception, are permeated with fire. Thus, we cannot escape this most luminiferous element; and it is wise to prepare oneself to meet it and to know that the cognizance of higher Fire is useful in overcoming the lower fires. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 94: 94. The heart in its full significance is a transmuter and a condenser. Often these processes happen to be so strong that human strength cannot suffice to contain and endure the tension. From antiquity has come the prayer about resigning one's spirit to God. One should understand truly this surrender of the spirit. If you feel an unbearable anguish of the heart, transfer it mentally to the Lord. Thus you may join your heart with the Inexhaustible Source - Hierarchy. Such action may be particularly needed when the tension of the entire planet is great. One must be prepared for the most diversified influences, both cosmic and human. The adherence of the heart to Hierarchy is a continuous action, but at present We are pointing out particular instances when it becomes necessary to strengthen the heart with the manifestation of Hierarchy with especial clarity of consciousness. Many will not understand how one can strengthen the heart by thought, because for them the heart is but a physical organ. But whoever has felt Our currents will understand the meaning of this bond. The World is living through such a tension that it is timely to remind about the necessity of readiness for such communions. The Fiery World must be evoked in full consciousness. In case of need one may even orally address the Lord. Upon all steps of Hierarchy there is the same transmission and communion. And how majestic is this Ladder of Immeasurable Help. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 245: 245. Our assistance is extended in the essential directions. It would be erroneous to think that the most petty details could attract Our energy. True, We always safeguard, but it would be absurd to think that every sneeze occurs by Our Command. One must distinguish where are the most essential currents of life; only thus is it possible to learn to respect the fundamentals of Communion. Precisely likewise do We regard the Highest Ones. Evaluation of and respect for the energy will be a sign of understanding of Infinity. Reflect upon this deeply, as precisely at present fiery labor requires understanding of Our fundamentals. Is it sensible to turn away one's weapon before the blow is struck? Is it possible to turn aside the directed telescope without spoiling the observation? So too, when We bring cooperation near, especial solicitude is needed. Observe how I gradually deepen the conditions of Our joint labor. No repetition is ill-advised. We require what is reasonable to be required. Gradually We enter into dangerous spheres, and only thus may one expect victory. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 610: 610. Especial attention is paid to dwarfs. As a special race they appear everywhere. One may observe in them not only bodily peculiarities but also a special psychology. No one discerns the cause of appearance of such small creatures; the more so since side by side with them, in the same conditions and families, appear people of lofty stature. But it has already been observed that there do occur unexpected materializations of very tiny beings. Even a clumsily embellished story from the life of Paracelsus recalls how he tried to preserve such small creatures. Of course the experiment was unsuccessful. But even now imprints of very tiny extremities are known. They must be looked upon purely scientifically. The solution will lie in a property of the ectoplasm - hence come both giants and dwarfs. But giants have already been forgotten. Few of them are of interest to anyone and few exceed two meters; and the materialization of giants is rare. But the tiny creatures reveal definitely their similarity and singularity. The dwarfs of southern India and Africa, and the Eskimo pigmies will be very reminiscent of their European brethren. When ectoplasm shall be diligently studied, then its specific properties will be discovered. And in relationship to the Fiery World such study will be a great attainment. AUM (1936) - 558: 558. People know about the electric eel, but the same discharges in a man seem to them something phenomenal, so extremely difficult is it for the consciousness to absorb the fact that man contains within himself absolutely everything. Such qualities in man ought to stimulate especial cautiousness in him, but this universal containment in man has not been recognized. The words Macrocosm and microcosm are repeated senselessly, without any inner realization. Brotherhood (1937) - 7: 7. Rightly has it been observed that certain rays are apprehended with especial difficulty, as is also everything connected with these rays. That is why We do not try to coerce an alien consciousness that has been attuned differently. Compulsion is not an attribute of conviction. It is impossible to command friendship, and especially does this apply to brotherhood. These concepts require selflessness and an understanding of fundamentals. Brotherhood (1937) - 463: 463. It will be pointed out that many Communities and Brotherhoods have fallen into ruin, but they are not the ones We speak about. Moreover, they could have been moved elsewhere, but to a stranger's eye it might seem that they disintegrated. Do people know much about life in a neighboring house, much less about that which they are not supposed to know? Each one can recall from his own life the most significant events about which no one has known. Especially if transmitted by thought at a distance, who could learn about them. True, thought can be intercepted, but for this special conditions are necessary. If a thought has been directed with especial clarity to a definite person, it will unfailingly contact his aura. Thus communities can be kept together by the force of thought. But some are so afraid of thought that they decline everything relating to this domain. Such people should not be attracted, their approach ends in treachery. More than once Communities have been moved away in order to free them from undesirable people. It is easier to announce the dissolution of a Community than to disclose those who can do harm. From such a situation one can more easily comprehend why the Brotherhood is to be found in an inaccessible place. therefore, too, each one who knows about the Brotherhood will be careful in giving out his information. People cannot bear it when they are unable to understand something. Such understandings are stratified slowly. Very rarely is the Chalice filled to overflowing. As a synthesized center, the Chalice preserves the most essential, indescribable accumulations.