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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EQ > EQUIVALENT (20)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.3:
2.2.3. The law of the transition into the spirit world is not complex. The one condition may not be likened to the other. As the dust of a volcano, so countless are the spirits who return to the spiritual world. Of course, matter is a condition of spirit. But blood differs so greatly from its equivalent in the spirit, which is nurtured by prana, that the boundaries are broken throughout all Worlds. It is with difficulty that the spirit realizes its release from matter. The spirit attached to Earth clothes itself in the astral body, which creates for him the illusion of Earth here in the hearth of cravings and remorse. But the spirit which speeds out, in upward striving only, can avoid the astral plane, because the astral body is but superfluous rubbish. The less liter the purer the consciousness. On Earth it is difficult to conceive of forsaking matter without despising it, abandoning it for a new formation. But you have the best example in the giving away of any objects. The best donor will devise the best gift. Therefore, the matter which has garbed a lofty spirit affords the greater usefulness because nothing is wasted. Of course, a conscious communion is accessible to lofty spirits if the appeal is sufficiently freed from questions of matter and blood. The spirit, nurtured by prana, does not assimilate blood. "Therefore, one may divide the world on the basis of blood; no other demarcation exists.

New Era Community (1926) - 272:
272. Peace is the crown of cooperation. We know many equivalent concepts - cooperation, collaboration, community, cooperative - these are most hearty, unifying fundamentals, like beacons in the darkness. People must not become afraid at the thought of a good fortune of their near ones, but must rejoice, because the happiness of a near one is our own happiness. The Great Helpers of humanity do not abandon the Earth so long as sufferings go unhealed. Whole-hearted fellowship can easily heal the wounds of a friend - but it is necessary to develop the art of thinking in the name of Good. And this is not easy amid the day's hustle and bustle. But the examples of the Great Helpers of humanity can encourage and infuse new forces.

Agni Yoga (1929) :
Sanskrit and Senzar lend a special flavor to the exposition and do not always find their equivalent in other languages. Nevertheless the meaning of the expressions is preserved exactly. And those who take part in contemporary life will read attentively this wise Teaching which emanates from the experience of centuries.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 163:
Let Agni Yoga lead on the path of building the flame, a process equivalent to the unending creation of cosmic formations. This most synthesizing Yoga exacts an obligation to construct one's entire life in accordance with a discipline that is externally imperceptible. If this essential discipline is not seen as chains, but is perceived as the joy of responsibility, we can consider the first Gates open. When cooperation with the far-off worlds is embraced, then will the second Gates be unbarred. And when the foundations of evolution are understood, the bolts will fall from the third Gates. And finally, when the superiority of the densified astral body has been recognized, then will the locks of the fourth Gates fall away. Together with this ascent the fires of the centers of knowledge are ignited, and amidst the lightning bolts of the subtlest energies, straight-knowledge unfolds. Cherish, then, the fire of knowledge and guard the growing power.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 189:
Can a yogi without penalty waste his time and energy? It must be remembered that at times the dissipation of strength and time is equivalent to suicide. Similarly, reading the Indications of Truth without applying them to life is regarded by Us as ignorance. The ray of realization of the tasks of evolution will inspire recognition of the best creations. Therefore weigh carefully the true quality of what has been revealed to you.

Hierarchy (1931) - 130:
130. During construction one should develop all strivings toward synonymous understanding. Each task carries equivalent strength. One should strive toward finding this key. One cannot demand that a great manifestation be gauged by small measures. A small thought cannot be embellished. Small thoughts cannot make a hero. Only a subtle identity affords correspondence. Therefore the highest to the highest. The higher, the more affirming; only thus can one grow and introduce the predestined into life. The Highest Plan requires application of the highest measures.

Hierarchy (1931) - 139:
139. The thread binding the Teacher with his disciple is the most powerful current and provides an evident defense. How, then, can one manifest one's striving without the Teacher? Those faint-hearted ones who say they will go alone do not know the significance of the protecting net. Hence, the non-acceptance of the Chain of Hierarchy gives a result equivalent to destroying the principle of construction. Thus, only with a powerful Hierarchy can one be affirmed in construction.

Hierarchy (1931) - 191:
191. But again I shall turn to Hierarchy. Nothing can so greatly strengthen the nerve substance as the Chain of Hierarchy. But how to strengthen man in the importance of accepting Hierarchy? Even those who hear about it do not accept it as a vital condition, and thus harm themselves and the great Plan. The harm inflicted upon Hierarchy has no equivalent and cannot be expunged. I cannot even call it an error. It is already apostasy - not levity, but treason.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 405:
405. The idea of having at least a half-hour daily for thought is good. I do not mean some special concentration. It is useful to think about the best aspect of everything that is taking place. Even small signs reflecting the best in life afford a glimpse of Light. They also stimulate the flow of gratitude and magnanimity. Such fires are equivalent to a dose of musk. Thought about the best generates aspiring tension of the nerves. The nerves should also be given work, but only Good will strengthen the nerves.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 646:
646. Churning is a symbol of cosmogony. He who has accepted so simple a process as the symbol of a great action, has verily understood the correlation between microcosm and Macrocosm. On the physical plane spiral rotation is the basis of the accumulation of substance, and thought also acts in an identical way. From the Summits down to chaos, Space is intensified by the spirals of consciousness. Thought spirally transforms itself into substance, permeating all Cosmos. One must understand and accept the transformation of thought into substance. This welding preserves the supply of substance, for thought is inexhaustible. On Earth much benefit may be reaped from the realization of the substantiality of thought. People are especially fearful of overtiring the brain, but this is absurd because thought cannot cause excessive fatigue. Mental disease is caused by numerous other excesses. Smoking, drinking, sexual overindulgence, lack of sleep, overeating, irritation, a wearying depression, envy, treason, and many horrors of darkness cause the overstrain which is ascribed to mental labors. As a prophylactic force, thought not only does not occasion fatigue but contributes to the interchange of higher substances. To blame thought for overfatigue is equivalent to expulsion of Agni from the heart. Both conductors connect humanity with the Higher Worlds; one must value these threads without which one can sink into chaos. In the West, religion signifies the link with God, with the Highest Principle; this means that every tie must be cherished, and the most important intercourse will be through the fiery thought process. Therefore, one must free oneself from the fear that thought can cause fatigue. But if you notice fatigue during the process of thinking, seek other causes; usually they are nearby. Perhaps the cause is not in you. Perhaps poisoned air has entered through the window or the firewood is not pure. Petty causes often produce grave consequences, and it is especially deplorable that a light-bearing thought should be regarded as the source of fatigue. Thought is health, renewal, interchange of substance - thus let us understand the salutary quality of thought.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 278:
278. To affirm that the World can continue on in a state of happy comfort is equivalent to an affirmation that existence can be prolonged without a regeneration of the spirit. Indeed, only the obscurity of dissolution can affirm that dissolution does not exist. But the Forces of Light, standing on guard for evolution, affirm precisely the danger of destruction. The trend of the World's Karma is revealed in all events. On the path to the Fiery World the consciousness must be saturated with a fiery understanding of purification through the path of spiritual regeneration.

AUM (1936) - 272:
272. It is vain for some one to affirm that the invisible world does not exist, such a falsehood is equivalent to denying the existence of thought. Thought also is invisible, but only ignorance denies the mental process. Accordingly, it would be possible to begin the rejection of all energies, for they too are invisible. Besides, is the unseen world invisible for all? Let the deniers not judge by themselves. Judging by oneself creates a hotbed of egoism.

AUM (1936) - 294:
294. Nothing can vindicate the self-generation of poison, it is the equivalent of murder and suicide. Even the most undeveloped people sense the approach of such a poison-bearer. Distress, anxiety and fear enter with him. Many physical diseases break out as a result of the infiltration of imperil - just as if a firebrand had worked its way in.

Brotherhood (1937) - 301:
301. In view of the expanding growth of the domains of labor, quality has become especially essential. Cooperation of different fields requires an identical lofty quality - this refers both to mental and to physical work. In the province of mental labor a divergence of strivings is noticeable. Opinions may be diverse, but their quality ought not to be ugly. There can be great knowledge and small knowledge, but both can fraternally follow along in perceptive striving. This will not be murdering knowledge. Indeed, such killing is equivalent to taking away life. So many embryos of attainments can be strangled by killers of knowledge.

Brotherhood (1937) - 518:
518. He who wishes to damage a stringed instrument bangs upon the strings with malice in order to break them and bring the instrument into complete disarray. Does not the same thing take place when a hostile force intrudes for the purpose of upsetting the rhythm of labor? Only true workers understand the significance of rhythm; they know how difficult it is to attain such rhythm. Its violation is sometimes equivalent to murder or poisoning. The enemy's hand actually stretches forth to destroy this, one of the most refined achievements of man.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 7:
People who bring discord are truly creators of chaos and the consequences of their malicious abuse are grievous. We are constantly forced to battle with them, and it is not surprising that this battle is often more difficult than a collision of spatial currents. Wherever one must deal with the free will of man a great waste of energy should be expected. The power of free will is great, equivalent to the most powerful energies, and in their malice, people can bring about the destruction of strata of the Subtle World. How much the efforts of experienced Physicians are needed to close these spatial wounds!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 113:
113. In her flights to far-off worlds, Urusvati sensed their differences. It may seem strange that in spite of their foundation of Oneness there are so many differences, even in manifestations that seem to resemble earthly conditions. In addition, the inner atmosphere of those worlds is wondrous! The colors at times may remind one of earthly colors, but their substance is entirely different. The colors of the oceans of Earth cannot compare to the depth and transparency of the waters of the Subtle World. The atmosphere of the Subtle World resembles a rainbow, but its subtle colors are totally unlike the colors of earthly rainbows. The fish can fly, but their coloring has no equivalent in fish of Earth, and the most luxurious feathers of earthly birds cannot compare to the plumage of the Subtle World. The people resemble earthly people, but amaze one by the subtlety of their features and tissues. Their voices remind one of the finest singing on Earth, yet the meaning is entirely different. Such differences are striking to the human consciousness, and one must become accustomed to them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 154:
154. Urusvati is aware that the Great Teachers converse with animals. The Great Pilgrim was remarkable in this respect also. One should understand such contact with the animal kingdom. Although human beings do not pay much attention to animal sounds, they can understand them, since psychic energy can contact its equivalent energy in animals and thus create a bridge of understanding.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 157:
Because the heart is very tensed during the dividing of the spirit, it is dangerous to disturb the body during these absences, which are almost equivalent to flights of the astral body. But people pay little attention to these conditions and can sometimes cause much damage.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 327:
Always remember the potential madness of free will. In this malady, one imagines that his will is unrestricted and begins to violate the fundamental laws. Such madness has been known since ancient times and can lead to great destruction. But the will is of value only when it is strictly in harmony with the laws of life. Most people do not understand this, for to them the will is equivalent to wilfulness, but a wise man knows that will and freedom are united in the Law of Be-ness. Unless we understand this harmony of will and freedom we shall distort facts and hear a joyous pealing of bells in the sound of a fire brigade!


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