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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EP > EPIDEMIC (24)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.15:
Each epoch has its own plague. At present it is the epidemic of speculation. It must not be thought that humanity has always been plagued with this disease. But this disease brings promise of a radical change, because it cannot pass gradually and a paroxysm of evolution is needed in order to root out this infection.

Heart (1932) - 219:
219. There is much tension; one must understand how closely the world situation is bound with the work. It is impossible to divide them when the general situation is equal to an unprecedented battle; therefore I command you to remain undivided, imbued with the tension of the moment. There must be no retreat; it is necessary unitedly to press the obsessed ones. If a jest be permitted, one may call this phase of the battle, the battle against obsession. Verily, the dark ones try to strengthen themselves through obsession. But their methods cannot be of long duration, for they disintegrate themselves precisely through obsession. You know how obsession gradually destroys the organism; the paralysis of certain nerve centers is inevitable. Hence, physicians could do so much useful work by directing attention to obsession. Ask the physician whether he did not notice special peculiarities in the eyes of obsessed persons. For one can judge duality of existence by the eyes. But I do not refer to a purely superficial manifestation such as a dull or shifting glance. Other symptoms must be observed. One can also observe symptoms in the walk, the voice, and even a change in the weight. Do not ask psychiatrists about it, because their theories are fossilized, but physicians of the new type can observe impartially. And yet, how greatly such observations are needed, now when obsession is becoming epidemic! Sensing the weakness of human hearts, hordes of sly spirits avidly rush to capture the flavor of Earth.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 58:
58. Pulmonary plague, in certain forms, is a striking evidence of a fiery epidemic. From time to time it has visited Earth, preparing the consciousness for the possibility of calamity. Also, the type of strange coughing about which you have heard is symptomatic of this ailment.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 260:
260. If have just watched a pupil of Bekhtereff experimenting with the transmission of thought to a distance, but he could not master even the simplest condition. He could not dissociate tension from the irritation that clogged his apparatus. While he thought that he was exerting himself, in reality he was only irritated, presupposing that nothing would result. While his thinking was theoretically correct, he could not separate his emotions. Moreover, pseudo-materialism which assumes that everything is for everybody under any circumstances, interferes. Certainly, this may be possible after the evolution of two more races, but now it may be likened to an elephant's load on the back of a cockroach. The understanding of psychic energy is confused. Even though it be called a material hammer, let it at least be realized. The name does not matter. One can cite a mass of names, but crudity will not diminish because of them. The increasing coarsening of psychic energy is the most terrible epidemic.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 278:
278. The physician should not be surprised to observe that symptoms of obsession are assuming the proportions of an epidemic. They are far more numerous that the human mind imagines. Moreover, the varieties are highly diverse - from almost imperceptible eccentricity up to violence. I commend the physician for noticing a connection with venereal diseases. Truly, this is one of the channels of obsession. It can be said that the majority of those suffering from venereal disease are not strangers to obsession. However, in one way the physician has proved too optimistic - although venereal disease facilitates the entry of obsession, its cure does not lie in an eviction of the obsessor. Thus, also, irritation in extreme forms may invite an obsessor, but one must not expect that the first smile will eject him. A complete science is contained in such observation. The physician is correct in wishing to visit not only insane asylums but also prisons. It would not be out of place to visit the stock exchange also, or the deck of a ship in time of danger. One can observe chronic, protracted or temporary symptoms. Likewise, the perspiration can be observed. Many characteristics will gradually become evident to the observer. Among them, details of the Subtle World will be traced. One thing, however, remains incontestable - the ejection of the obsessor does not depend on physical methods. Only Agni, only the pure energy, can oppose this human calamity. I repeat the word calamity, because it is commensurate with the extent of the epidemic. A great number of physicians will regard Agni as a superstition and belief in obsession as ignorance. People so often endow others with their own qualities. But, at the same time, obsessors of all degrees will be troubled by these investigations.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 362:
362. You have read about the epidemic of hearing voices. The organism acts like a radio receiver. Such acute sensitivity could have been of use, but the trouble is that while certain precise cosmic dates draw near, human consciousness lags far behind. Therefore, instead of a beneficial result, there is a harmful one, contributing to obsession. Many such abnormalities occur also in other domains when the consciousness, strangled by mechanization, drowns in madness.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 372:
372. The epidemic of tetanus belongs to the fiery illnesses. It can be asserted that such an epidemic can spread as widely as cancer. The condition may be alleviated by mountain air, but the chief requirement will be the assimilation of the fiery energy. Any shock can cause either cancer or tetanus; this indicates that the organism may be fundamentally unbalanced, so that even the slightest shock induces disease by opening all entrances. He who spoke of the treasure of consciousness was a great physician. One should urgently introduce fiery prophylaxis. Today you have heard of cancer, tomorrow perhaps of tetanus, the day after, cramps of the larynx, then bubonic plague, after that a new brain disease; thus a veritable chorus of terrors will thunder out, while people ponder about the cause. Of course, they would rather ascribe it to gasoline than to the action of Fire, which is neither understood nor accepted by them.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 466:
466. The epidemic dryness of the throat indicates not only dryness of the atmosphere but also fiery tension. There is a heavy accumulation of many signs, but surprisingly little attention is paid to them. On the contrary, with the superficiality of ignorance, the strangest explanations are given of them. The shallowness of these explanations indicates that people prefer to remain with their illusions rather than deal with reality.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 67:
67. One must pay attention to the origins of various epidemics. The manifestation of this or that epidemic is reflected upon the general conscious forces. The poisoning penetrates deeper than one may think, and regenerates and creates new microbes. Physical and psychic epidemics are very pernicious. Many degenerations of entire families originate from such regenerated microbes.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 236:
Each epoch has its expressions. One should not cling to old methods when it is possible to apply new understanding. Even in the Ancient Covenants we see prophets who were always saturated with spirit. And much later, formulas, numbers, and rhythms were studied. But some have considered such methods too near to invocations, and thus belittling to the Higher Principle. Especially at present, during the epidemic of obsession, people must seek heart communion.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 274:
We have often forewarned about the possibility of a fiery epidemic. It has already begun. Of course physicians have not noticed it, for it appears in different aspects. The change in many symptoms of illness does not arrest their attention. Human judgment is too much attached to illusory forms which someone has accidentally observed. To alter their horizon is most difficult, but one should remind people that it is necessary to fulfill obligations. Often We send thoughts of magnanimity there where previously they were not even dreamt of. But even such unexpected good remedy is of timely assistance.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 256:
256. When the consciousness stands still, its condition can be likened to petrifaction. In such a state people resemble stone idols. These idols of spirit affirm the perdition of the planet. On all paths are encountered these idols of spirit. Judging by what is obvious, one may affirm the manifestation, as it were, of life, but no life surrounds the idols of the spirit - verily, only death and dissolution. Who, then, will assert that such ossification can give the planet its needed equilibrium! Verily, idols of the spirit engender cataclysms and catastrophes. This ossification infects the atmosphere just as does the most frightful epidemic. That is why it is so necessary to purify the space and each affirmation of life. Only purification will help save the planet. Seldom is understood the manifestation of the fiery Bearer of the Sword of the Spirit. But the "Lion of the Desert," the Sun Spirit, travels the way of the great Light, and with him go We.

AUM (1936) - 163:
One need not be surprised at the continual attempts to rebel against the law of order. The force of chaos is like a maelstrom, and weak consciousnesses easily fall victims to such an epidemic. Indeed, one should look upon the influxes of chaos as infectious epidemics.

AUM (1936) - 506:
From the first years of childhood the best prophylaxis against doubt should be employed. A healthy, rational, inquiring mind does not engender doubt, but any ignorance can be the source of the most ugly doubts. Doubt is primarily ugliness, and finally, it leads to betrayal. The epidemic of betrayal is already a planetary calamity.

AUM (1936) - 513:
It has long been established that criminality is a psychic disease. Sadism, cruelty, and violence likewise result from the same psychic epidemic.

AUM (1936) - 553:
553. Fatigue is increased by external conditions. Such observations are also needed. The manifestation of depression or weariness can take on an epidemic character. Whole districts, even countries, can prove to be in a zone of tension.

Brotherhood (1937) - 370:
People often talk about an epidemic of images, and right now you can observe how nations have identical obtrusive ideas. The more identical the thoughts in space, the more powerfully can vortices of energy be formed. But do not think that in them is contained that salutary unity which We have repeatedly prescribed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 210:
Even clear indications of new types of diseases do not stimulate research. It is essential to observe all one's surroundings. Unusual developments will be observed in the animal kingdom, and the vegetable kingdom will also offer many confirmations. Diseases of animals and plants will remind us of epidemics among people. We have acquired the ability to protect ourselves against the known scourges, however, it is not the plague, cholera, or even cancer or meningitis that will threaten us, but new types of nervous ailments, which may become fully epidemic. These ailments are maladies of psychic energy, and can be contagious. Yet, it will take a long time for physicians to pay attention to these new kinds of disease. They could be called fiery fevers, but whatever we call them, it is important to understand their cause. Changes of race will not inevitably bring disaster, but it is important that the psychic energy should be kept in a pure condition, since polluted energy produces disastrous spatial manifestations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 435:
435. Urusvati knows that, as the increasingly poisonous atmosphere attacks the tissues, inflammation of the mucous membranes has become the scourge of humanity. It is impossible to imagine how multiform are the symptoms of this sickness of our times. People attempt to relate these symptoms to previously-known types of disease; they do not understand the unique characteristics of this epidemic. Often the symptoms seem to be harmless, and physicians cannot determine the cause or the course of the illness. It is therefore important for physicians to study the human organism by all available scientific methods.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 435:
Remember that this epidemic was foreseen long ago. When We spoke about Armageddon, We had in mind not only war, but all the devastating consequences of humanity's confusion. But one should not fall into despair, for a depressed state opens the door to all that is poisonous. It is wise to know that Armageddon is accompanied by epidemics. We cannot limit our awareness to known forms of illnesses, but must be ready to face the most complicated and unusual symptoms. Physicians must be able to recognize these new diseases, which are now appearing everywhere.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 436:
Keep in mind that during the epidemic of which We speak there may be an accelerated development of symptoms, and one should be able to recognize them. Strong vibrations should not be used by insufficiently experienced people. Each new method should be tested on mild illnesses rather than dangerous ones, and one should verify which of the three aids is necessary, for their application and the reactions to them will vary with the individual.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 445:
I beg you to pay attention to this epidemic of psychic madness. We cannot attribute what is taking place to any particular group of individuals, and must recognize that the people of all nations contribute to the world's upheavals. One should not think that events are born and die of themselves. Perhaps the seeds that were sown two thousand years ago are now sprouting. So carefully does space guard the phenomenon of thought.


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