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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EN > ENWRAPMENT (2)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 242:
242. Light out of darkness - this truth continues to appear to many as a paradox. These multitudes have not seen Light, and do not understand that Higher Light is inaccessible to the eyesight, either earthly or subtle; even its sparks tire the eyes. H. was enwrapped by waves of these sparks, and the eyes of Urusvati were especially fatigued. This enwrapment was necessary for Him, it was an example of mental sending to a great distance. Thus We send indications, but due to various tensions much is distorted. It can be affirmed that irritation requires tenfold energy, and such shafts of sparks can sever one's head. Therefore when I advise you to refrain from irritation, it means We are seeking the best results. Fiery energy surpasses all belief. People oppose this power and thus give rise to many calamities. The manifestation of enwrapment with fiery sparks depends upon many different causes. Fiery armor protects one from hostile arrows.


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