Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.1: Needless are conjurations, needless are entreaties, needless is the dust of humbleness, needless are threats, for we alone transport ourselves into the far-off worlds, into the treasuries of possibilities and knowledge. We feel that they are predestined for us, and we approach them daringly. New Era Community (1926) - 129: 129. Beware of obtrusion, not only in relation to alien entreaties but be careful that you yourselves do not become obtrusive. It is impossible to calculate the harm of obtrusion, and one cannot view without contempt the selling of the Teaching in the bazaar at a discount. Learn to understand that the Teaching, conscious of its knowledge, will not expose itself in the bazaar. Only an exceptional ignorance in the followers can place the Teaching in a cringing position of falsehood and ignominy. One may pity those who, scantily informed, have taken on this purposeless labor.