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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EN > ENRAPTURED (7)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.15:
Christ advised to distribute spiritual wealth. But, as the keys to it are far away, people have applied this advice toward the distribution of pillaged money. First to steal and then to give away with a tear and become enraptured by one's own goodness. As if in speaking of distribution the Teacher could have had in mind chairs and old coats! The Teacher meant imponderable wealth. Only the spiritual gift can move the cup of the scales.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.8:
3.4.8. People will ask: "Who is greater, Christ or Buddha?" Answer: "It is impossible to measure the far-off worlds. We can only be enraptured by their radiance." The Ray of Christ feeds the Earth as much as the Rainbow of Buddha bears the affirmation of the law of life.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 240:
240. One receives communion from a Fiery Chalice; another swallows a goblet of inflaming wine. The first is enraptured in spirit, the second shudders in the flame and is destroyed. The first can receive communion endlessly; the second quickly reaches the limit of poisoning. Is not the solution in the spirit? Quality of thought employs the fire for Good. Drunkenness is deplorable, as a perversion of the sacred Fire. Least of all can Fire be coupled with egoism.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 322:
322. Many desire to know details of the Subtle World, but many will be sorely perplexed. The entire perceptibility of the Subtle World is relative, depending upon the development of the consciousness. One can be enraptured by the light, or one may find oneself in fog. One can build beautiful structures by will power, or, one may remain on piles of rubbish. One can instantaneously assimilate the language of the spirit, or one may remain deaf and dumb. To each in accordance with his deeds. Each perceives in accordance with his consciousness. The Subtle World is a state of true justice. One can observe that a consciousness, even though simple, progresses if illumined by love. The bazaar-colored emotions of Earth-dwellers bear little resemblance to love. Love often remains unrealized. But in the Subtle World love is the key to all locks. For many people imagination is an unattainable abstraction, but in the Subtle World each grain of the accumulations of imagination is a path to possibilities. For Earth-dwellers, offense, bitterness, and vengeance constitute the bases of the bile and liver; but in the Subtle World, even for an average consciousness, these infamies fall away as worthless husks. Therefore We emphatically repeat about the fiery consciousness, in order that one be directed immediately into the higher spheres. One should indeed strive by all lofty means toward the fiery consciousness.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 143:
143. What is love of good? It must be understood that it not only includes the performance of good deeds, but also the ability to be enraptured by good. The latter condition is usually not assimilated, and remains misunderstood; it must be inculcated and cultivated in people. Only delight in good produces warmth of the heart. The manifestation of love of good reveals a multitude of details of good which are touching in their essence. Many useful comparisons may be overlooked which can refine the heart. Such refining will guard against inflicting of an offense. Each offender has already closed the Fiery Gates; he has made an attempt against human dignity, and thus, first of all, has belittled himself. When I spoke about the Fiery World, then love and good was naturally to be understood as a firm foundation for ascent. And how beautiful it is to be able to distinguish the petals of the Lotus of Good! And We rejoice at each manifestation of such joy. Surely such joy about Good is pure! Thus, let each one who dreams about the Fiery World first of all supply himself with love of good.

AUM (1936) - 325:
325. Among secret things, especially undiscoverable remains the knowledge as to who reaps the most benefit from the good sent forth. No one knows whom his goodness has helped. It may be assumed that a thought of good reaches a definite person, but this is only a supposition. It may be that this thought has greatly aided someone unknown to us. Such a thought is a messenger of good, and the rescued man may not know his savior; so his gratitude is turned toward the Higher World. When he wishes to express his enraptured gratefulness, he looks upward into the eternal furnace of creative thought.

Brotherhood (1937) - 470:
470. The consciousness of adults sometimes dies away for a certain time, whereas children are acutely perceptive of precious qualities. Adults often fail to resound to the concept of heroism, but children are fond of popular heroes; they are enraptured by great deeds, and they dream of seeing themselves among the champions of the truth. It is inadmissible to deprive children of this living source of inspiration, which will remain a luminous glow throughout their lives. This aspiration is not sensuousness, but the growth of consciousness which has come in contact with a beautiful image. It is necessary to preserve by all means such contacts; from them is born also the concept of Brotherhood.


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