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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EN > ENRAGE (1)

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 534:
534. Note this remarkable fact when a man begins to notice around himself a manifestation of spiritual life, he never fails to call himself an occultist. Whereas it is simpler to consider oneself able to see. Occultists are rather those who remain in darkness, in secrecy. Hence, there should be given an essential cleansing to some concepts. Otherwise many may fall into the abyss of conceit and insanity. Affirm everywhere that the spiritual signs are a part of natural existence. But those ignorant of them deny them, for they are blind. Much have those who see had to endure; the blind cannot stand talk about the Light. Therefore do not enrage those who do not see. So much is taking place just now that only those completely blind are paying no attention to the fiery signs.


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