Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 29: 29. Water cannot extinguish the Fire that will purify the world, Nor wash away the rivers of blood. By new scourges will the world be purged of its evil. I expound happiness. I shall designate the path for the battle against the bazaar that is the present world. People have reached a dead end, but lightning will reveal the way out, And thunder will arouse the slumberers. Mountains have crashed to earth. Lakes have been drained of their waters. Cities have been engulfed by floods. Hunger shows its face. Yet has the spirit of humanity remained unmoved. Go, teach, stretch out the hand of aid! Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 249: 249. Let Us speak scientifically, but with kindness. Not for Ourselves, but for you, do I speak of trust. But Our messages shatter themselves against the heart that is barricaded. When needless words are uttered, the currents are mixed. Emanations of irritation deny entrance to the thoughts We send. Even a touch cannot be sensed by a hedgehog! In this, discern the difference between the quills of a hedgehog and Our feathered Shield. The benign arrows, like feathers, outline the circle of salvation; But if the needles of doubt do not permit the entrance of Our Message, special difficulties arise. The Higher Ones send Us Bliss. We transmit it to you. But if We and you reject the Bliss sent, We all shall be engulfed by the wave of evil. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 327: O Lord named the Compassionate, Behold Thy sons engulfed in human darkness. Darkness, darkness, darkness. Light, light, light. Without the darkness there would be no light, For only in darkness may we behold the light. But where abideth Thou, O Lord, There is nor light, nor darkness. All is One. Mystery of Mysteries. Holy of Holies. Not comprehended by men, It remains clear; But grasped by human minds, Its clarity dulls. Such is the law. Follow the banner of battle. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.9: Since memory is for the past, consciousness is for the future. Therefore We replace memory by consciousness. By means of memory I cannot penetrate within the boundaries of the sun, but consciousness opens the gates. For Us, the museum and library replace the memory; therefore, disciples should not grieve over the loss of the old memory. It is simply that a small thing is replaced by a great one. Consciousness is akin to the spirit understanding; it grows until one's whole being is engulfed as in a flame. During this process the chips of memory, like dross, impede the burning. To know does not mean to remember. He who attains hastens on without looking back. Humanity must remember the transmutation of consciousness. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.1: There is no ugliness which will not be engulfed in the rays of the rainbow. There are no fetters which will not disintegrate in the freedom of Beauty. New Era Community (1926) - 20: How may one approach the above-mentioned Absolute. It cannot be done through technical means or earthly science, nor by descriptive art. It is possible only through the expansion of consciousness, when the earthly being is engulfed by the emanations from the distant spheres. Thus, those who are approaching Us, or rather the boundaries of the orbit of Earth, lose their specialty. Only in the realization of all-comprehensiveness may one endure the brilliance of the luminaries. But in order to contain this scintillation, one must set alight one's inner fires. New Era Community (1926) - 246: Condemning one, turn to yourself! Unfair owner, do not forget that someone else's infatuation for possession is only a reflection of your own! First of all, be concerned with the scope of your own consciousness. If the beast of ownership has not been forever engulfed by your consciousness, you remain not free, enticed by the mirage of Maya. Learning, one may solve the difficult problem of possessions in the joy of enlightenment. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 151: True, it may be said that humanity has been struggling arduously for millennia. We recognize this, but the evidences of destruction have engulfed all strivings. The manifestation of the true rhythms of life is comprised in infinite motion. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 80: 80. Each cosmic action carries in itself the impulse of Fire. The creativity is divided, going both into the physical and into the psycho-life. In psychic creativity the ray of pure fire is affirmed. The manifestation of psycho-life is so powerful that the insignificant part put into physical creation is engulfed by it. We affirm that spiritualization creates. Hierarchy (1931) - 250: 250. Forgetfulness, distraction, duplicity, curiosity, belong to the imperfections which must be eradicated. Any of these qualities may be regarded as treason, for out of them issues the lowest. One should understand how unavoidable for oneself are their consequences. A small consciousness is engulfed in mistakes and, trying to justify itself - in other words to lie to itself, actually sinks to the bottom. It can be observed through many lives how the garden of effects blossoms. Sooner or later one must be convinced of the harm of mistakes. The main touchstone will be the question, "Is there no treason?" One must in the end realize how manifold is treason. Besides the classical kiss, there may be found many subtle aspects of treason. Hierarchy (1931) - 354: 354. Some people cannot tolerate Our frequent reminders about battle. For them let it be not a battle, but the opening of the Gates. The process of opening also requires energy; but for you, without need of hypocritical palliation, it may be said that the battle of Light against darkness proceeds incessantly. Many warriors help in this battle, otherwise we again would be engulfed in Chaos. Often the participants in the battle ask why, in their physical shells, they do not remember the achievements of their subtle bodies. But it would be criminal on Our part to permit such consciousness. The heart could not bear the realization of so gigantic a battle. Only an especially flaming heart retains the black missiles in its consciousness. The heart is stopped, either because of realization or through sclerosis. But the cosmic battle can strike at the strongest heart. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 298: 298. Agni is eternal! The fiery energy is imperishable! Folk sayings often speak of eternal joys and sorrows. The indestructibility of joy and sorrow sent into space has been observed very scientifically. Many bear the sorrow of another, and many grasp at joy that does not belong to them. Thus, one must always remember about eternal sowings. Thought, if not powerful, can be engulfed by the currents of space; but the substance of sorrow or joy is almost as indestructible as the fiery seed. It is useful to impregnate space with joy, and very dangerous to strew the heavens with sorrow. But where can one find the store of joy? Certainly not in the bazaar, but near the ray of Light, in the joy of Hierarchy. The increase of sorrow is one of the causes of fiery epidemics, but when physiology shall teach men about the debilitating consequences of sorrow, the quest for joy will begin. Gradually the rock of joy will be affirmed and an exalted solemnity will begin, recognized as the most healthful factor. Not without reason have We pointed out the benefits of the presence of healthy people. Joy is the health of the spirit. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 575: 575. When people find themselves in the state of Preta-loka, they begin to regret that they did not discard their outworn rags earlier. The Fire of Space must consume painfully that which should have been dissolved by the light of Agni. One can get rid of unnecessary burdens long before the transition. One's own vital Agni can purify one of harmful filth. The ability to turn in time to Agni is a goal-fitting action prompted by the experience of the heart. The manifestation of the oneness of life may elicit the inquiry, "If life were to be endlessly prolonged, how could the cognizance of its many sides be arrived at?" Indeed, if the body prevented penetration into the many strata of space, one would have to have recourse to the most artificial measures, which by their nature are contrary to free will. Only by direct fiery aspiration of the heart to Hierarchy, can one truly unite oneself with the higher spheres. One should not even divide Hierarchy according to personal criteria, but one should strive along the fiery thread to where the human word dissolves and is engulfed by radiance. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 463: 463. So let us expel any feeling of prosperity, and let us evoke all vigilance, realizing how unfitting is the thought of comfort in Infinity, and let us adopt vigilance as an eternal prayer. Thinking about the Fiery World, one should be especially conscious of these concepts. Thus, let each writing about the Fiery World end with advice about unceasing watchfulness. People are so carelessly engulfed in an everyday routine of life, that even the most striking thing appears dull to them. Ingratitude, laziness, unwillingness to respond to the heart, all are engendered by darkness of existence. But the fiery path shines with the fire of the heart. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 137: 137. The Living Ethics contains laws for the manifestation of Truth. Life is affirmed in all the higher concepts; thus, the creativeness of the Living Ethics directs thought to the construction of the essential. All strivings in the name of the Living Ethics will direct thought to future constructiveness. Indeed, not by words but by actions will be molded the steps of the future. Each life-giving fire must evoke its own forms. Therefore, the creativeness of the Living Ethics can direct humanity to the Light. The Subtle World affirms its creative power which is manifested for the betterment of Existence. How great is the responsibility of mankind for all the engenderings which have caused such destruction! Each engendering in its turn produces its destruction, and the planet is engulfed in stifling gases. Therefore, it is so important to assume a higher destination of life as a striving toward the true Living Ethics. It is impossible to bring into order the earthly and supermundane spheres without this purification. The present is revealed as the time for introspection and adoption of these great designations, for the battle between Light and darkness is at hand. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us intensify our energies in the name of the Living Ethics. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 175: 175. Each Epoch leaves its impress in Eternity. These manifested remains of time are just as vital as life itself. Each Epoch leaves its echo, as a repetition of spatial records. But never do the records manifest a repetition, because to them are added always new energies and new decisions. An identicalness of time can be affirmed, but the reconstruction of the planet has its own new levers, and into the change go new energies. Thus Babylon fell, thus Rome fell, thus sands have covered civilizations, and waters engulfed empires. But for the change of our Cycle there approaches the most fiery, and the greatest, destruction and construction. Space is saturated with fiery energies for reorganization. Extraordinary is the time; the Fire is raging! On the path to the Fiery World let us manifest understanding of the approaching Fiery Cycle. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 247: 247. Life is brought into balance only through spiritual attainment. Spiritual ascent is the only way to individual attainment and to attainment of the Common Good. When humanity is engulfed in its desires and its engenderings, how can one attract energies out of the Subtle World and reconcile them with human actions and aspirations! An impetus toward attainment does not result in an accumulation of energies if the will does not act in affirmation of the origins of Good. It was spoken with reason about the distorted mirror. Precisely humanity distorts each great concept in its warped mirror. Purification of consciousness and of the Teaching is the greatest problem of our time. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us remember the necessity of restoring the equilibrium of vital concepts. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 309: 309. Much has already been said about psychism, nevertheless this scourge of humanity is insufficiently understood. Psychism blunts each aspiration, and higher attainment remains inaccessible. The sphere of activity of a man engulfed by psychism is limited within a charmed circle in which all the energies which retard growth of the spirit find their fitting place. Psychism embraces the manifestation of the lowest energies, and the fires of the centers are extinguished by these precipitations. With psychism there is inevitably to be found disorder of the nervous system. In addition, the breaking away from vital functions closes the path to self-perfectionment. Creativeness is blunted, and there is established a passive state which makes a man an instrument for the influx of all kinds of forces. By reason of relaxation of the will, control is weakened, and by this the attraction of various lower entities is increased. He who wishes to approach the Fiery World must battle with these forces of evil. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 363: 363. If the consciousness of humanity could compare the eternal with the transitory, then would be made manifest flashes of understanding of the Cosmos, because all the values of mankind are based on an eternal foundation. But humanity has been so imbued with respect for the transitory that it has forgotten about the Eternal. Whereas, it is demonstrable that form changes, disappears, and is replaced by the new. Transitoriness is so obvious, and each example of the transitory points to eternal life. Spirit is the creator of each form, yet it is rejected by humanity. When the fact is grasped that the spirit is eternal, then, too, will infinity and immortality enter into life. Thus, it is imperative to direct the spirit of peoples to the understanding of the Higher Principles. Mankind is engulfed in effects, but the root and principle of everything is creativeness - and it has been forgotten. When the spirit shall be reverenced as sacred Fire, then will be confirmed the great ascent.