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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EN > ENFEEBLED (2)

Heart (1932) - 69:
69. The complaints against insufficient guidance are customary. People are accustomed to cover their idiosyncrasies with complaints. But, precisely, humanity is not bereft of Guidance; it should pay attention to all that is given! Many impulses that arise through spiritual influence are lost not only without benefit but even become injurious by remaining misconstrued in the storehouses of consciousness. It can be stated that a minimum fraction of suggestion finds fitting application; especially obstructive are the habits that impel the consciousness into conventional paths. They also deplete the abilities of the heart when it is prepared to re-echo to the Highest Guidance. It is exactly the heart which knows the highest from the lowest; but the enfeebled, obscured heart will itself be at the lowest level, where even the lowest will appear to be the highest. Purity of heart is the most essential possession. Wisdom, courage, self-sacrifice cannot be contained in an obscured heart. But Guidance will suggest deeds of heroism, and such counsel must not seem extreme or austere.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 221:
221. At the start of a physical illness the ethereal body is naturally quite enfeebled, and only within the fiery centers does it remain strong. This explains why people who manifest life of the lower centers only are so afraid of death. The fiery spirit manifests joy, repulsing the dark manifestations with fire. Lower spirits feel their separation from the astral due to the injury of the ethereal body.


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