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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EN > ENCOMPASSING (4)

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 24:
24. Indeed, the vessel that assimilates the finest energies differs greatly from the usual manifestations, but people are compelled to apply that measure which has the force of their own judgment. The subtle receptivity of hearing is the affirmation of the link of that center with the Fire of Space. The subtle receptivity of the eye is the link of that center with the Fire of Space. The subtle receptivity of all the centers is the link with the Fire of Space. Each manifestation of the Fire of Space can respond to all vibrations of the centers. Cosmic creativeness comprises in itself a help to humanity. Each concordance confirms a new step for humanity. Therefore, the centers of an Agni Yogi, encompassing the help for humanity, are strained. When a Agni Yogi feels the quivering of the Earth, it means that the process of the movement of the Fire may be traced.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 247:
247. The cosmic foundation is known to be the magnet of striving. The entire cosmic structure is based on the force of striving; and each step is tensed by a magnet of Fire. The Spatial Fire creates all worlds. The spark expands into a fiery sphere, and all cosmic origins increase in fiery scope, encompassing all aspirations. Thus, the spirit conceived in fire is suffused with the Cosmic Fire. Therefore, the seed of the spirit is saturated with fiery striving.

AUM (1936) - 88:
It is said that growth of the consciousness is similar to the growth of a blade of grass. Man cannot notice the growth of grass by the hour, and just as imperceptibly appears a budding blossom. Only by periods is it possible to observe changes of consciousness; such a change will be indescribable. Consciousness grows by synthesis, it cannot move forward in a narrow manner. Advancement of the consciousness will proceed from the center encompassing successive circles of new understanding.

Brotherhood (1937) - 120:
120. Independence of action is an indispensable quality. It is likewise not easily acquired. It may slip into arbitrariness or weaken to the point of dissolution. Every Teacher exerts his efforts to instill effective independent activity in the disciple, but how is one to reconcile this with Hierarchy? There are many misinterpretations impeding the encompassing of this concept. Whole treatises can be written about the contradiction between independent action and Hierarchy. There will be found very cunning whisperers who will try to prove that in this manner the immutability of Hierarchy is being shaken. The whisperers will try to conceal the fact that the independent action must be accompanied by attunement, or, as is said, by harmony, with all the degrees of consciousness.


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