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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EN > ENABLED (4)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 75:
75. When the development of a variety of forms is predestined by Cosmos, how is it possible not to apply this law to the higher spheres? The beauty of life is in the affirmation of multiformity. Cosmos does not favor uniformity. Cosmos is diffused in the consciousness of billions of forms. Eject from life the fear of acquiring varied currents. The law of manifoldness provides for all forms of Be-ness. Do not create for yourself the karma which results from repelling the joy of multiformity from the existing life. Accepting in consciousness the principle of multiformity, humanity will be enabled to accept new forms in the comprehension of the far-off worlds. New worlds are built with new forms. Renovate the concept of the new worlds, realizing that they will be unlike yourself and your issue. Construct a new stronghold upon better principles.

Heart (1932) - 201:
201. Courage can be acquired only in the heart. In the cerebral sinuosity of the brain, one can find an intelligent distribution of forces, but the courage that proceeds by the straightest and most luminous path cannot exist outside the heart; judge it by the antipode of courage - fear. First of all, fear reacts upon the heart and from there proceeds to the extremities. Verily, all qualities are measured by the heart. A physician will be enabled to study all the qualities of human nature through the heart, through all the nuances and tones of the pulse. Of course, a dual pulse will not be the common rule, because the fiery condition of the heart is not comprehended at all by contemporary science. One can supplicate physicians to pay attention to the obvious manifestations which demand only watching. Let them be angered, but let them perceive who supplicates. In ten years the blows of fate will force one to venerate the Book of Life.

AUM (1936) - 261:
261. You have observed that the psychic energy stratified upon an object can be eradicated neither by distance nor by other conditions. This but imposes the greater responsibility on man as the bearer of such power. This was told long ago, but the occult expressions have not enabled people to realize the significance of the force of psychic energy. What right has man to defile the surrounding space with his impure thoughts!

Brotherhood (1937) - 483:
483. In ancient communities each one undergoing testing was hailed. He was dealt with solicitously since it was known that it was inadmissible to forcibly interrupt the process of this experience. It was considered that each testing is a threshold to progress. No one could twist the path of effects, but brotherly encouragement enabled him not to slacken his pace, even before the most frightful images. Of course, chaos in its terrible ugliness inevitably tries to impede the path of each one being tested. But let these images be dreadful; the manifestation of the most horrible one will be in itself the forerunner of the end of the test.


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