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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EL > ELUDE (8)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 93:
93. The rebellious spirit shatters the bolts of the prison doors. You may teach others to read the Book of Wisdom as disclosed in the happenings of life. The wonder of Our Participation in the manifestations of life will not elude you. Shun the imperfections of your spirit, and ascend with a sense of spiritual freedom. Be firm in your assertion of happiness in life, and the thread of the path will not break.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 342:
And now my invocation: "O Lord, Thou shalt not elude me. I will find Thee. I know all Thy Abodes. Thou art in all!"

Heart (1932) - 481:
481. When I speak of the touches of the Subtle World, I do not refer to the sensation of a handclasp or a touch which calls attention. These manifestations may be unexpected and hence elude observation. But the invisible web and the so-called intrusive thought can be analyzed. Naturally, not in insane asylums, but precisely on healthy people can the Subtle World be studied. Obsession, of course, provides a succession of manifestations, but the lower spheres must not be made manifest for they are dreadfully contagious.

Heart (1932) - 557:
557. The time has gone by when the battle could be imagined as the trumpets of angels. You already understand that darkness is evoking the unmanifested forces of Chaos - in this is the particular magnet of the forces of darkness. Against this, all rays and currents must be reinforced. You already sense this reinforcement. One must apply seemingly coarse currents which can penetrate Chaos. There are few who can discern this distinction, for their attention is not propelled in this direction. Even the grossest manifestations that elude the human brain are inaccessible to the consciousness. How much easier the battle would be if humanity could respond to the most essential foundations of Existence!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 237:
237. Do you not think, when words elude you, as it were, that a considerable portion of your fiery energy has been directed elsewhere? One should not be astonished that fiery energy must be considerably expended when people are in widely separated countries. The fiery substance of musk can with difficulty make up for this expenditure. Thought about distant actions augments the sending of energy. One can think confusedly, as if in a drowsy state, and energy is hardly generated by this weak pressure; but the power of thought is like the lever of a pump, and the action of the pump's piston will produce a distant attainment.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 365:
365. Notwithstanding all the attainments of science, people grasp with special difficulty the fact that space is completely filled. They talk about microbes, about entities which elude detection, but, for all that, it is almost impossible for them to think about a filled space. They regard it as a fairy-tale if they are reminded that so-called air is filled with creatures of different evolutions. Likewise it is difficult for man to conceive that each breath of his, each thought of his, alters his surroundings. Some elements of the latter are strengthened and draw near, others burn out or are carried away by a vortex of currents. Man is unwilling to understand that he has been endowed with powerful energies. He is truly the King of Nature and the Master of immeasurable legions of entities. It is sometimes possible through powerful microscopes to demonstrate to children in schools the fullness of space. They must become accustomed to the influence of psychic energy. The gaze of an intelligent man reacts upon entities; even under the lense of a microscope small creatures begin to feel uneasy and to sense the currents of the eyes. Is this not an indicator of the living eye, as distinguished from a dead one? On the fiery path one needs to understand the filling of space.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 6:
6. In the actions of the hostile ones there can be observed an expenditure of superfluous energies. Perplexed, these people can only look upon the facts as if reflected in a distorting mirror. Thus, motivated by an evil will, they employ an improper focus of vision. Only the followers of the Hierarchy of Good can harness all energies into a channel of good. Indeed, only the fiery consciousness can take in the horizon of the World; therefore the events which are sweeping away the old accumulations elude the enemy. The manifestation of foresight really can be applied only through the focus of vision of the builders. Thus, the Fiery World has been predestined by the Bearers of Light.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 341:
People do not understand that the way to harmony is in the art of thinking. Deep contemplation is needed for the realization of harmony. Truly, only the art of thinking can refine one's feelings. But how does one acquire this art, which can sometimes be possessed by an illiterate person, yet elude the most learned? How can We teach man the art of thinking? Many will take this to be a clumsy aphorism. How can We explain to people that Our philosophy is based upon thinking about Infinity? With such ideals, earthly tribulations become bearable and manageable. Do not fear the lofty concept of harmony. It can be applied in all aspects of life, and every human being can develop a sense of it within himself. This state can be called by different names, yet it is the property of all. Everyone sooner or later will achieve harmony if the art of thinking is cultivated.


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