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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EL > ELIMINATE (20)

New Era Community (1926) - 31:
31. The Teacher values the desire to wash the dust from the great Images. The Teacher values the desire to affirm the simple expression of great words. The Teacher values the desire to eliminate verbosity. In order to isolate the essence, it is necessary to approach from the fundamental.

New Era Community (1926) - 133:
133. The community, being a fellowship first of all, sets as a condition for entrance two conscious decisions; labor without limit and the acceptance of talks without rejection. It is possible to eliminate faint-heartedness by means of a two-fold organization. As a result of unlimited labor there may be a broadening of consciousness. But many people, not bad otherwise, do not envision the results, being frightened by incessant labor and enormous tasks. And yet they have accepted basically the idea of the community. It would be harmful to include these yet weak people in the community; but in order not to extinguish their striving one should not cast them out. For this it is useful to have a second organization - friends of the community. Herein, without forsaking the customary order of life, these newcomers can become more deeply conscious of the community. Such a two-fold organization permits the preservation of a far more concentrated sincerity in the work. If however, a formal entrance into the community itself be allowed, one will be obliged periodically to eject the unfit ones. In other words, the community will cease to exist altogether. It will be simply an institution under a false label, beside which the Sanhedrin of the Pharisees would be a highly righteous establishment.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 227:
Countless are those who want to impose upon people their most degraded thoughts. But in order to save the endangered one it is sufficient to have power of will and to find the right rhythm of command. It is the duty of the yogi to eliminate harmful influences.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 512:
512. With each experiment, resistance caused by the presence of lower matter can be noticed. By purification or expulsion one can eliminate this harmful lower matter. Human existence is subject to universal laws. Does not the dullest opposition appear with every progressive step? Is not one forced to destroy irrationality and decay through the tension of fire? Just as in laboratory experiments, one must separate and remove all dead by-products.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 622:
If yesterday you did not attain, it means that the accumulations were not correct. One should not repeat one's mistakes, for it is impossible to cross at the point where the bridge has been destroyed. Often people eliminate their minor faults, while their greater ones are kept, hidden in the dark. May the fires dispel the darkness! Therefore We ordain: Light the fires! Do not regard the Teaching as abstraction. Repeat to yourself the words of the Wise Ones!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 92:
92. Innovations in all domains of science and in the schools are indispensable. One cannot go far in the future world with the old science. On one hand, one must eliminate all the useless accumulations; on the other hand, one must penetrate more deeply into all manifestations, augmenting contemporary achievements. At present, too many years elapse before the achievements of laboratories, researches and discoveries reach the schools and the people. It will be necessary to establish information departments in schools, with popular presentation of the latest discoveries. A greater speed in communicating these informations is indispensable, because newspapers fail to give some of the most important information.

Hierarchy (1931) - 275:
275. Contact with the spatial current manifests a powerful resonance of the fiery centers. The contact with the Spatial Fire calls forth new tensions. Thus the greatness of consonance can be affirmed in Cosmos. How is it possible for humanity not to ponder over the great principles that guide life? To eliminate the Guiding Forces means to sever the silver thread and to exclude oneself from the Chain of Hierarchy. The planet is sick because it has lost the highest principles. Thus, one must manifest the most vital understanding of the great principles and of the silver thread which binds all worlds. Thus We affirm the principles of Hierarchy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 325:
325. A poorly developed mind always stumbles at a seeming contradiction, it cannot reconcile Hierarchy with resourceful independent activity. Certainly, without synthesis the most monogenic conceptions will fall apart like brickwork without cement. The realization of synthesis will be like a step toward the transformation of the race. The remark about the immortality of unicellar organisms is correct. But with what can one bring into unity our heterogeneous elements? One can eliminate a multitude of artificial means, bringing to life the dormant crystals of psychic energy. One may think of it as our origin. Only united understanding of conscious striving toward the affirmation of ascent generates the power of transmutation. Do not think this an abstraction; I advise accepting it as necessary for the ascent of the race.

Hierarchy (1931) - 395:
395. Humanity has sunk in the mire of outworn survivals, in old thoughts, beyond the realization of affirmed Existence. Thus the spirit of the shifted nations smolders under the departing energies of bigotry and superstition. The basis of this smoldering - the church that sows terror - is intolerable. A state that acts by means of treason cannot live. Thus, the regeneration of the spirit must eliminate these horrors which engulf the planet. Hence, only the Chain of Hierarchy can restore the human image. Thus, a new affirmation is being built by means of eternal Hierarchy.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 315:
315. The Chinese method of healing by means of a puncture of the corresponding centers, of which you recently read, is not curing but only a temporary relief. The ancient Egyptians produced the same reaction by pressing upon the corresponding centers. And even nowadays cupping glasses and hot poultices are in the same category. Thus, throughout life one should eliminate irritation by means of corresponding complements. The Teaching of Old China also contained the process of healing by means of heightening the vitality. Precisely China has valued ginseng and a prolonged use of musk. Therefore, it is not to be wondered at if the latest medical research discovers aspects of the higher vitality. Likewise, one can notice the fieriness of the manifestations of vitality. May the best of physicians learn how to discern the fiery origin of the vegetable and animal life-givers. Such experiments should not be deferred; when fiery epidemics threaten, let us not forget that like cures like.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 361:
361. Those who plan their diet for a long time ahead act unwisely. Being fuel, food should be determined primarily by requirements. But these requirements are manifested in accordance with cosmic currents. The manifestation of certain cosmic currents may almost eliminate the need of filling the stomach, or the contrary. During a tension of the currents food is especially harmful. It can cause illnesses of the liver and kidneys, and intestinal cramps.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 402:
402. Unexpectedness paralyzes all human senses. Hearing, sight, smell, and also touch are lost. But this is not the result of fear, only of turning away from a preconceived path. Actually, of all the elements fire offers the greatest amount of unexpectedness. People limit their consciousness to merely a few formulas of Agni. Therefore, all other varieties of the element of fire are simply not contained in the consciousness. This means that there is much still to be assimilated, and the unexpected can thus be turned into the expected. One should also deal similarly with hitherto unfamiliar manifestations of life. One should arm oneself spiritually in order that nothing in the Subtle World may surprise one. Many hope to meet relatives and a Guide; even films, devoid of spirit, have disclosed impressions of such meetings more than once. But in all worlds it is best to rely upon one's own consciousness and strength. Therefore one should eliminate every possibility of shocking the narrow consciousness. One must free oneself from being shocked by the unexpected. There are numerous unexpected concepts, forms, and combinations which make the consciousness shudder, but the more we admit and imagine, the less we are bound. Thus, develop your imagination on a world-wide scope. People refuse to believe that the unexpected, in other words, ignorance produces a paralysis of the nerves. Though it be ever so brief, such a reaction arrests the work of Fire. Wherever possible, one should accustom oneself to the concept of unexpectedness. This advice should be remembered especially.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 446:
446. It is correct to surmise that improvement in the chemical influences of the luminaries does not eliminate established causes. Much may have been sown, but lightning does not destroy all the crops. Thus, one should not leave off sowing, nor should one lean too heavily on a staff when walking rapidly. The ability to proceed is a habit retained from former experiences.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 520:
520. The vulnerability resulting from injury to the aura is terrible. One can imagine how one breach in the aura leads to the mutilation of its entire structure. Drowsiness, which can be noted when the aura is rent, originates from the consistently increased activity of the fiery energy when directed toward external radiations. During the process of restoration, the organism, and especially the heart action, is in a state of depression. For this reason I deem caution necessary in one's actions as well as during the counterblows. During the battle why should one burden the hearts of friends? One could perform numerous experiments revealing how the violation of the radiations has actually been reflected upon the heart. People accept with reluctance advice about observing caution in regard to their own radiations; but even prior to their being photographed, science is already aware of the existence of these radiations from every object. One should have full respect for the human organism and understand that each shock harms the astral body primarily. Besides, if organisms have worked together for a long time in unity, they can injure each other even more severely. And such injury will be not only of each other, but also will be reflected upon others near to them. One should therefore most assiduously eliminate all conflicts. One can visualize a dark legion which makes an onslaught upon each break in the aura. It is dreadful to feed such vermin with the inner layers of radiations. The protective net alone blocks the attack of the dark forces. Each breach in the aura also threatens one with obsession. Let us therefore be even more cautious.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 59:
59. Education in the primary schools and secondary schools must be the same for both sexes. It is inadmissible to impose upon a child some specialty, when it is not yet able to define its own aptitude. It is sufficient to begin in high school to map our programs according to students' abilities. Thus one may plan the education of children who cannot yet express their inherent capabilities. It is very important that the program should not differ for the two sexes. This alone will eliminate a very harmful attitude towards sex.

AUM (1936) - 387:
Likewise, one should avoid the saturated effects of quarrels and of any irritations. Imperil will be the chief enemy of development of psychic energy. Also harmful is an atmosphere permeated with emanations of foodstuffs. Likewise harmful is the presence of animals. Thus, each one within his own possibilities will eliminate that which is not useful.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 50:
First of all one should help on Earth, but help is equally needed in the Subtle World. Epidemics of horror shake the Subtle World. There are battles, and serious illnesses spread. People on Earth are accustomed to fearing contagion and they bring this fear into the Subtle World, where thought about terror is then created. Is it possible that people do not realize that they bring all their earthly prejudices into the Subtle World? If it is hard to eliminate all kinds of pernicious growth on Earth, it is far more difficult to do so in the Subtle World, where the earthly accumulations are crystallized. I think that the condition of Our planet would be much improved if the load brought into the Subtle World were of better quality. One thought alone can destroy a multitude of microbes.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 65:
Sometimes We ask people not to burden Our Work with such sendings, and not to trouble Our co-workers by heaping physical or spiritual pain upon them. Multitudes cry for help in their sickness, even though they themselves might have created their conditions only the day before. Physicians should be asked to probe more deeply into the study of the causes of illness in order to eliminate them at their source. Many illnesses are contagious not only physically but also spiritually. One can see that spiritual contagion occurs more often, and the transfer of the pain is thus intensified.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 71:
Our Abode strives to deepen the consciousness in order to eliminate the influence of Maya. This is not easily achieved, but it liberates one from being susceptible to false sensations. Efficiency in work increases when one is freed from the burden of doubt engendered by mixed currents. Every refraction of currents produces a kind of electric discharge. Only a refined consciousness distinguishes these discharges from painful sensations. So many times one may observe a sudden rise of temperature, a chill, prickly pains, or a contraction of muscles. The discharges of refracted currents can act in this way, but those who know what these phenomena are will not mistake them for the beginning of some disease.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 186:
186. Urusvati knows that humanity itself has created and increased its illnesses. The Thinker said, "Nature does not require the suffering that people have brought upon themselves. Even childbirth need not be painful, and some women prove it. But countless generations have brought into life all kinds of illnesses, and it is difficult to say how many generations will be needed to neutralize them. Not only medical authorities, but everyone should try to eliminate disease.


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