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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EL > ELECTRON (4)

New Era Community (1926) - 118:
Point out to friends what happiness it is to be eternally new. And each electron of the New World will give new power. Apprehend the power of the new call. You can apply it in the life of every day. You know well enough that My words are for application.

New Era Community (1926) - 263:
Whither then have dissolved privations and gloomy testings, when one electron of a substance can pour out an entire stream of blessing?

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) :
Therefore, we shall offer the radiance of the rays of Infinity, into which there is carried not only the spirit but even stones, in a blending, as it were, of loftiest creation with grossest matter. But in the whirlwind of Eternity the stone and the spirit are imponderable, for they are drawn into the same magnet. The very realization of the magnet increases the attraction, focusing it upon intensification of currents. These same vortices conquer space, and you do not know from what spheres the indivisible electron - nucleus of Tamas and Teros - reaches you.

Hierarchy (1931) - 241:
241. Atma must be understood as the energy of space purified by unceasing rotation, like a great churning. One must understand how the spirit and Atma cooperate like electron and proton. It is not Our custom to deliver a course on the chemistry and biochemistry, but Our task is to provide the impetus and to direct attention to the greatest need and danger. Just now is perhaps the most dangerous time! One can withstand it not only by the strength of the spirit but also by means of one's organism.


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