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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EF > EFFICIENCY (5)

Hierarchy (1931) - 71:
71. One may prosecute ignorance, but one should especially chastise superstition and hypocrisy. Like a leprous film, superstition covers weak brains. We are not against laboratories and Western methods, but We ask that honesty, efficiency, and the courage of impartiality be added to them. How can one think of cooperation when birdlike brains impede each experiment? One can produce the most stupendous manifestation if the horns of the devil do not impede in the test tube. People believe more in devils than in saints!

Hierarchy (1931) - 212:
212. Call Hierarchy your touchstone, upon which you can test the efficiency of quality; for if you do not admit the existence of the best and the most luminous, then there is no need to safeguard and perfect your own Monad. The existence of Hierarchy is the foundation of the entire life. Remember that Hierarchy acts through the legion of Service. Do not delay in assembling these legions, for there is no task more successful than Service to Hierarchy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 71:
Our Abode strives to deepen the consciousness in order to eliminate the influence of Maya. This is not easily achieved, but it liberates one from being susceptible to false sensations. Efficiency in work increases when one is freed from the burden of doubt engendered by mixed currents. Every refraction of currents produces a kind of electric discharge. Only a refined consciousness distinguishes these discharges from painful sensations. So many times one may observe a sudden rise of temperature, a chill, prickly pains, or a contraction of muscles. The discharges of refracted currents can act in this way, but those who know what these phenomena are will not mistake them for the beginning of some disease.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 87:
Thus, let us be cautious with all surrounding objects without losing efficiency of action!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 430:
430. Urusvati knows that it is possible to see not only the human aura, but also the ectoplasm, which is an essential part of our subtle nature. It is well known that subtle beings make use of the medium's ectoplasm, and weave from it their visible garments, but I wish now to remind you that everyone possesses this immutable phenomenon. Subtle beings circle about all of us and use pieces of it, with the result that the atmosphere around man is filled with shreds of this substance. Many people often notice misty spots that float past in space and assume varied forms. Physicians explain these manifestations as resulting from the imperfection of human vision, but they actually demonstrate the efficiency of our eyesight!


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