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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ED > EDUCATIONAL (2)

New Era Community (1926) - 104:
104. Each school must be a complete educational unit. In schools there must be a useful museum in which the pupils themselves take part. There must be a cooperative, and the pupils must also be taught such cooperation. All phases of art must be included. Without the paths of beauty there can be no education.

New Era Community (1926) - 251:
251. Contemporary industry and the entire production of objects has become so unbalanced, in quantity and quality, that for the time being they preclude the possibility of a proper distribution of things. Forcible and indiscriminate distribution engenders craftiness and lies. Can one expect new possibilities in inaction or should one deepen the consciousness in its essence? You remember the words of Buddha about the disciple surrounded with things yet consciously renouncing personal ownership. It is useless to try to take away objects forcibly and thus create a passion for trash. The most important thing is to carry out rationally an educational program on the debasing significance of possession. It is not important that someone remain in his own armchair, but it is important that youth realize the absurdity of having its own chair. It is necessary that this consciousness be manifested not as a denial but as a free conquest. When, liberated from craftiness, people will learn of the impracticality of personal ownership, then a collective of co-workers will grow up.


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