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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ED > EDGED (1)

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 246:
246. The correspondence between Worlds is manifested by the action of affirmation of the firm foundations. Violation of this conformity produces an effect in every direction. By placing the emphasis upon the visible World, humanity has rejected the Invisible Worlds. Living in an external World, man has edged aside from the inner strivings which intensify the spirit in its quest. The separation of the Worlds is thus affirmed by each act of man! The manifestation of disconnection penetrates all the foundations and acts reciprocally, because negation is a confirmation of the force of destruction. The Invisible Worlds manifest all the powerful energies. How, then, to affirm the Kingdom of Divine Fire? How to reestablish the law of Existence? How to affirm conscious striving for the manifestation of unification? The World trembles from violation of the Foundations, and their reestablishment and unification is required. On the path to the Fiery World let us accept the law of Conformity of Worlds.


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