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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EA > EARTH-MOTHER (2)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 75:
75. People are ready for every kind of spiritual incest. People are only too willing to unite elements that are incompatible. They try to unite the father element, fire, with the daughter element, water; and the earth-mother with the air-son. If their progeny is burned to ashes they will not blame themselves, and will lay the responsibility on the Heavenly Father.

Hierarchy (1931) - 102:
102. The self-sacrificing heart of an Agni Yogi contains the pain of the world, but it is a rare manifestation. As is said in a most ancient psalm, "I shall encompass within my heart the sorrow of the world. I shall incandesce the heart as the womb of Earth. I shall saturate it with lightnings. The new heart is the shield of the world. I shall inscribe upon it the sign of the Earth-Mother. The Cross of the Mother will be the sign of My fire." Thus knew the ancients.


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