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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > EA > EAGLES (10)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 319:
Help to you, who are rushing into the path. Help to you, who have forgotten both time and body. Help to you, who have responded. A watchful Eye is over you. Eagles soar aloft as messengers. And turtles bring their gifts for shields. Miracle, miracle, miracle is wrought. And warriors will hear the Call.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.17:
3.2.17. Know how difficult it is to reach the hearts of people. The spirit does not pierce through, and the carnal envelope is becoming dense. How much more, then, should one welcome those who look around like eagles, and to whom the mist of the future is like a clear mirror.

New Era Community (1926) - 9:
9. And another absolute condition must be fulfilled. Labor must be voluntary. Cooperation must be voluntary. Community must be voluntary. Labor must not be enslaved by force. The condition of voluntary agreement must be laid into the foundation of advancement. No one may bring dissolution into the new house. Workers, builders, creators, can be likened to high-soaring eagles. Only in a broad flight does the dust and rubbish of decay fall away.

New Era Community (1926) - 187:
Learn to understand how lofty is the concept of the Teacher. Draw this line from horizon to horizon, from arrival to departure. Know how the Teaching of Light has been revealed to you, and remember the silvery thread of the bond. The bond with the Teacher is light as the eagle's wing, and the eagle's eye looks ahead. What else could you prefer, if your consciousness has been opened? The building of the community can help in gathering thoughts. Of course, not caravan donkeys but eagles have been indicated in the comparison.

New Era Community (1926) - 206:
206. Indeed, the battle is against the evident. Reality is not the obvious. The evidence presented by outward signs does not represent actuality. The old teaching of positivism replaced authenticity with evidence, and for them there is only one excuse; they had no microscopes nor telescopes - neither downward nor upward. But the inquiring mind is not concerned with the conventional evidence; it wants reality in the setting of cosmic laws. It understands that the pearl is invisible in the depths and that layers of air can conceal a flock of eagles.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 16:
16. Of no great merit are those who cannot distinguish the swallow from the vulture. But of what merit are those who believe that by plucking the eagle's wing they can turn it into a helpless duck? Beware of hypocrites, especially those immersed in greed - those cunning ones who stir their "spiritual" stew. The manifestation of the inviolability of the world's laws flashes like a sword. There is no spot for the hypocrite to lay his head. The teacher who has not assimilated the Indications of the Teaching is like an ass under a too-heavy load of grain. Likewise, the fisherman who has prepared his baskets for fish he cannot catch is like a fox outside a well-locked chicken coop.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 201:
Those who seek Yoga only for their health should instead partake of a glass of wine and discuss lofty ideas without applying them to life. For the health of a yogi rises and falls like the wings of a soaring eagle. The eye of the yogi sees like the eagle's eye, which you already know. The calm of the yogi is like the tensed power of the ocean.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 481:
481. The student who is not afraid to continually reassess the foundations of the Teaching for the purpose of refining his knowledge is on the right path. The one who is not afraid to be misunderstood by others is with Us. The one who is unafraid to build links among the great currents of the teachings is Our friend. The one who is not afraid to see the light has an eagle's eye. The one who is not afraid to enter the fire is of fiery birth. The one who is not afraid of what he cannot see can pierce the darkness. The one who is not afraid to travel the world is ready to strive to the far-off worlds. The one who is not afraid to know the teachings of wisdom is with Us.


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