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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DY > DYNAMICAL (1)

New Era Community (1926) - 233:
233. Many times have we conversed about the broadening of consciousness and about the acquirement of may useful qualities. How then does this growth take place? If it is difficult to perceive the growth of one hair, it is much more difficult to detect the growth of consciousness. It is a mistake to think it possible to keep track of the growth of consciousness. As it happens the observing apparatus undergoes the same tension. Certainly, its antennae always search ahead. It is impossible to lose one's attainment if the dynamical factors have not been paralyzed. Thus, it is possible only on rare crossroads to inspect one's fundamental changes - this is a gift of evolution. One should not let dynamics pass into painful self-control. In actions and in results is cognized the right direction. Therefore We prefer even a mistaken action to inaction.


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