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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DW > DWELL (71)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 1:
1. By holiness in life, guard the precious Gem of Gems. Aum Tat Sat Aum! I am thou, thou art I - parts of the Divine Self. My Warriors! Life thunders - be watchful. Danger! The soul hearkens to its warning! The world is in turmoil - strive for salvation. I invoke blessings unto you. Salvation will be yours! Life nourishes the soul. Strive for the life glorified, and for the realization of purity. Put aside all prejudices - think freely. Be not downcast but full of hope. Flee not from life, but walk the path of salvation. You and We - here together in spirit. One Temple for all - for all, One God. Manifold worlds dwell in the Abode of the Almighty, And the Holy Spirit soars throughout. The Renovation of the World will come - the prophecies will be fulfilled. People will arise and build a New Temple.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 51:
Powerful, exalted visions require pure surroundings, and prana. Christ's deeds were consummated amidst the beauties of nature. Never did He dwell for long in cities.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 95:
95. I have called you for a great task. The Teacher has entrusted its success unto you. The strength needed to follow Me is bestowed upon you. Arrows, shields, swords have you received, and with My Helmet shall I protect your head. Fight in My Name, may love dwell with you. The promise will be fulfilled in due time. Keep the flame alight - I teach.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 294:
294. Some dwell in cellars, some in attics. Others are content with a room in another's dwelling. And some possess an entire house. I wish to give a house to those who dwell with Us. It is not bad to own a house. Glorious is it to admire the sunrise from the terraced garden. And cheaply do We sell the house. A word from the heart and a beautiful deed - Not high is the price. Understand the advantage from this. Understand it at least in a worldly sense.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.1:
One may have at one's disposal powers not for demonstration but for progressive actions. When the essence is invisible to the crowd and arouses no attention, being veiled by the result, such essence will penetrate into the consciousness of the people, accustoming them to the fact of achievement through human hands. Thus, actions will be achieved by human hands as a result of the highest spirit-creativeness. It behooves the spirit to dwell in spirit. Let the hand manifest the earthly direction; creation by human hands does not arouse hatred.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.16:
Religion says: He who goes to his fathers will dwell with them; he who goes to the angels will dwell with them; and he who goes to God will dwell with Him. It means that he who has ordained for himself the utmost progress arrives at the best attainment. Therefore, the best bidding to the one who departs from Earth will be - "Hurry, without looking back."

New Era Community (1926) - 206:
Indeed, as We say, the Community battles for reality. You have another kind of ally; those who strive for the truth, for whom evidence is nothing but an unclean glass. If chemical and biological evidence is complicated, then still more complex is the evidence of the planes of structure of life and actions. Without the development of consciousness we shall dwell in a continuous mirage; as in catalepsies, we shall be twisted in frozen terror.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 43:
43. Hail the triumph of the prophecy of the herald! The victory is proclaimed by fires and by psychic energy. Each century brings forth its pronouncements. He who has proclaimed the victory of Infinity is the carrier of Truth. Like stones on the path lie the derisions, and persecutions grow into impenetrable thickets. We will not destroy these thickets, but the conscious spirit will cover all manifestations of ignorance with its wings. To some, Infinity will seem an impossibility. To some, the thought of death will seem beautiful. To some, the evidence of labor will seem horrible. To some, labor itself will be a terror. To some, the rhythm of endless cosmic labor will seem like an old encumbrance. But the hand of wisdom points to where there is no end; there where all is incombustible, yet where all is both destructible and indestructible; where all is visibly formless yet where all great and beautiful forms dwell.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 353:
353. Humanity should ponder over how it is clothing its monad. With what is this eternal seed being wrapped? People dwell too little upon this problem. Along the stretch of each round, one should trace the current of karma and its reaction. The predestined follows as a result of the accumulations gathered by the past deeds. These wrappings can stifle the voice of the seed, and the path of life can alter the preordained manifestation. The cosmic seed inherent in each being should be clothed with great care by humanity. Upon the aspiring seed is evolution built. And unlimited is the path of the power of the seed!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 487:
487. When the spirit is able to dwell in the spheres void of earthly pressure, he can indeed reveal all acquisitions. Earthly conditions are so encumbered that it is impossible to reveal all qualities of the inner energies. When manifesting an urge to an earthly battle, the subtle centers must be protected. Therefore, such tension must be lived through in all caution.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 518a:
At so dark a moment, let us dwell upon the Light!

Hierarchy (1931) - 29:
The Arhats, who bestow on humanity the concept of the full Chalice, cannot deprive humanity of freedom. Not in renunciation or in seclusion does the Brotherhood dwell. Each spark that kindles the consciousness is recorded; each striving arrow is recorded. Not abstraction, but fiery striving endures. Those who know the attainment of cosmic strivings may verily say, "We create with fire". We strive with fire. We live in fire. Not miracles these, but the transmutation of life into the garment of Materia Lucida."

Hierarchy (1931) - 158:
158. Without the bond with the Teacher one may give access to a dark dweller even by one pinprick of denial. Levity does not dwell far from betrayal. Thus one may imagine the consequences of the disciple's severing himself from the Teacher. It is time to pay attention to insane asylums and to verify the causes and conditions of such illnesses, especially now when this scourge is more dangerous than the plague.

Heart (1932) - 281:
281. Thus, feeling gives birth to energy. Energy can create so-called possessions. How, then, to deal with these possessions? We know about renunciation, but if something already exists, how is it possible to designate it as non-existent? Besides, would this not be destructive? Thus, let us again invoke the Teacher and, in thought, transfer to Him this burdensome load. And He will transfer our mental gift still higher. Thus we solve the problem of possessions. Thus, the very name disappears, and we remain the guardians of the property of the Hierarchy. For we may read the Teacher's books; the Teacher grants us permission to dwell in his house, to admire his things, and to be nurtured by the fruits of his garden. Thus, the name of the Teacher will always be with us, and we shall smile as we dust the objects entrusted to us by the faith of the Teacher. People do not know how to deal with possessions because they do not care to understand the meaning of mental transmutation of the earthly plane into the subtle one.

Heart (1932) - 389:
A certain hermit emerged from his solitude with a message, saying to each one whom he met, "Thou possessest a heart." When he was asked why he did not speak of mercy, of patience, devotion, love, and other beneficent foundations of life, he answered, "The heart alone must not be forgotten, the rest will come." Verily, can we turn toward love, if there is nowhere for it to dwell? Or, where will patience dwell if its abode be closed? Thus, in order not to torment oneself with blessings that are inapplicable, it is necessary to build a garden for them, which will be unlocked to the comprehension of the heart. Let us stand firmly upon the foundation of the heart, and let us understand that without heart we are but withered husks.

Heart (1932) - 456:
456. Verily, the unyielding, never-deviating power of the heart creates the tempering that is befitting for the Fiery World. Not a spasmodic, convulsive striving, but the flaming heart leads the consciousness along the path of the highest worlds. Let us dwell in solemnity.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 102:
102. In its timelessness and spacelessness thought belongs to the Subtle World, but still deeper possibilities must also be discerned in this construction. Fiery thought penetrates deeper than that of the Subtle World, therefore fiery thought more truly manifests the higher creativeness. With attention, everyone can distinguish these two strata of thought. During the usual trend of thought we are often conscious of a current, as it were, of a second thought, which clarifies and intensifies the first. This is not a division of the thought, on the contrary, it is a sign that deeper centers have begun an active participation. This flaming process is indicated by special terms in Hindu metaphysics, but we shall not dwell on them, for it will lead to dispute and Western arguments. Such controversies are of no use, all that is needed is a simple reminder of the fact that thought is linked with the Fiery World. Even children exclaim, "It came like a flash!" or, "It's dawned upon me!" Thus are called the moments of correct and instantaneous decisions. One may remember how Mme. Kovalevsky solved mathematical problems. Such a fiery condition linked with the Fiery World is characteristic. You know that above the subtle thoughts there are profound thoughts, which are sometimes difficult to separate from the thoughts of the Subtle World. This is not possible in the present state of our planet. The experience alone of this dual trend of thought should compel us to realize the division of the worlds.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 153:
153. We shall return later to the question of birth, so bound up with the Fiery World. But now I shall reply to the question about light in the Subtle World. Indeed, the transcendental nature of the condition communicates a corresponding aspect to the whole world-content. When you visited Dokyood, you saw sufficient light. But certain regions of the Subtle World are striking because of their twilight. The Light is within ourselves and we open up the way to it. So, too, the inhabitants of the Subtle World who desire light have no scarcity of it. The inhabitants to whom the need of Light is alien dwell in twilight. This refers to unlimited thought-creativeness. That sun which we on Earth perceive under one aspect, can be transformed into many conditions under the power of thought-creativeness. He who desires Light gives access to it, but he who sinks into a twilight of thought receives that to which he has limited himself. This is why we repeat so often about clarity of consciousness, about boundlessness of thought, and about containment. Such an adaptation of the organism to the future produces the most desirable results. How many inhabitants of the Subtle World look about themselves in the Fiery Mist and dimly regret something that has been lost!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 222:
222. So long as humanity continues to dwell in a corporeal consciousness, the methods of conventional experimental medicine can hardly be altered. Only by directing the consciousness toward psychic energy can the senselessness of vivisection be stopped. Working with living plants, on one hand, and applying psychic energy, on the other, will lead the trend of thought into a new channel; but, in any case, each protest against vivisection already has Our approval. Such protests indicate a knowledge of the manifestations of the Subtle World and an understanding that vivisections can become new sources of contamination. In the future, an adequate prophylaxis, together with application of psychic energy, will make diseases entirely non-existent. But meanwhile, it is necessary as far as possible to stop the cruelties of vivisection and to reiterate about psychic energy. Through such a constant reminder, the energy itself will become more manifest. For fiery thinking is also a kindling of the torches.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 347:
347. One desires the easiest way; another prefers the most difficult. One cannot speak, but stands firmly on guard; another is eloquent and flies after his words. Some can sense the most important manifestations, but others choose to dwell with failure. One could enumerate these differences endlessly, but only the presence of the fire of the heart will vindicate the characteristics of the personality. Thus, we shall not tire of repeating about multiformity. The gardener knows how to combine his plants, that is why he is the master of the garden.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 573:
A certain teacher asked a pupil, "Where does stupidity dwell?" The boy answered, "When I do not know my lesson, you tap upon my forehead. Probably stupidity is there." One must understand why We now tap at the heart and not the forehead. The head has stored up many calculations, but the heart has been laggard in improving. Thus one must straighten out that which is backward.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 582:
582. Shamed be the land where teachers dwell in poverty and want. Shamed be those who know that their children are being taught by a man in want. Not to care for the teachers of its future generation is not only a disgrace to a nation but a mark of its ignorance. Can one entrust children to a depressed man? Can one ignore the emanation created by sorrow? Can one rest ignorant of the fact that a depressed spirit cannot inspire enthusiasm? Can one regard teaching as an insignificant profession? Can one expect an enlightened spirit in children if the school is a place of humiliation and affront? Can one perceive any construction during the gnashing of teeth? Can one expect the fires of the heart when the spirit is silent? Thus I say, thus I repeat that the nation that has forgotten its teachers has forgotten its future. Let us not lose an hour in directing thought toward the joy of the future. And let us make sure that the teacher be the most valued member of the country's institutions. The time is coming when the spirit must be enlightened and made joyous through true knowledge. Fire is at the threshold!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 600:
600. The Fiery World is reflected in the earthly consciousness as something contrary to all everyday concepts. Imagine a man who has slept through all sunrises; he knows only the sunset and the evening shadows. But if he is once awakened at dawn by an earthquake, he runs out of his house and stands astonished before the rising light, never hitherto seen. If a man cannot accept into his consciousness even so natural an occurrence, how can he assimilate the subtlest manifestations of Fire? People have acquainted themselves with only the most gross of the subtle and etheric energies, and the beautiful fiery signs are cast into the domain of superstition. It is terrible to observe that precisely ignorance comments upon superstition. It is difficult to imagine how repulsive is this obscuration of knowledge through dark stratagems! Chemistry and even elementary physics give an idea of the higher luminosity. But even such examples do not elevate thought. People want to dwell in evil, in other words, in ignorance. One should firmly remember that each allusion to the One Light will be the source of hostile attacks.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 615:
615. Special complexities arise due to the varying conditions of time in different worlds. True, one can see the very remote future, whereas an earthly date is deflected and appears quite different where no time exists. Moreover, our conventional days and nights assume differing aspects even upon other existing planets. But the Subtle World and the Fiery World even more are completely devoid of these conditions. This means that astrological signs may serve there, but even they are defined by different methods, because the chemism of the luminaries is refracted differently when Agni triumphs. But for us here it is difficult to imagine the conditions in Higher Worlds. The astral light is definitely affirmed according to the strata of the atmosphere; certain strata of the Subtle World dwell in twilight, because the light of their dwellers is faint. Few understand how the dwellers themselves can be like beacons of light. But precisely purified Agni serves as a beacon of light for all. Thus, thought about Materia Lucida serves as a beacon for achievement. Many ask themselves, "Will I shine?" Again, let us not forget that egoism is like a dark cobblestone upon the heart, but the pure Ego is like a radiant Adamant!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 629:
629. In primitive beliefs the worship of the deity was based on fear. But fear evokes terror and inevitable indignation. Human nature inherently preserves the consciousness that the great Origin of Origins has nothing in common with terror. He who feels love for God can utter his Name in his own language. Only with such an all-pervading concept can one express worthy veneration. Nothing on Earth can so kindle the fire of the heart as does love. No existing glory is comparable to love. People are not ashamed to reveal anger and irritation in their basest forms, but the sacred concept of love is accompanied by confusion and even derision. A man who dares to display loving devotion is already regarded as somewhat dubious; from this confusion of fundamental concepts issues the world chaos. The human heart cannot flourish without striving toward the Origin of Origins - inexpressible in words, but cognized through the fire of the heart. Thus, amidst violated world foundations, let us kindle the fires of the heart and of love for the Supreme. Let us realize that even science, by its relativity, keeps open the path to Infinity. Amidst the grandeur of the worlds, can one dwell in malice, in murder, in treason? Only darkness can harbor all insidious crimes! No law justifies ill will. Ill will is terrible, for it leads into darkness. But by what earthly means alone can one prevail against darkness? Verily, the fire of love.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 644:
644. Bliss, Nirvana, Divine Nearness and all analogous terms for the higher state are usually understood in an earthly sense. Thus, Bliss is always understood as an ecstatic oblivion and the rapture of some kind of indolent rest; but oblivion may be understood only as the erasure of all earthly means and examples. Truly, why such limited earthly ways, when one can already act through the higher energies? Is it possible to identify Divine Nearness with indolence and immersion in oblivion? Such a correlation is contrary to the very meaning of approach to the Highest Principle. This conjoining with the Highest, this transformation through the higher energies, primarily impels one to an increased tension of all forces. Even in extreme tension a man must not lose hold of himself. But amidst the contacts with fiery radiances, the seed of the spirit will be kindled the more, and its striving toward thought-creativeness, unrestrainable. One may wonder why people try to limit and disparage the significance of the Fiery World. They wish to clothe it in earthly limitations and also stipulate that the inhabitants of other worlds must exist in earthly bodies and dwell in earthly conditions. Only an undeveloped imagination can limit the Universe to such a degree. Therefore I so greatly emphasize the development of imagination as the basis of striving toward the Higher Worlds.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 353:
353. On the subject of narcotics, one may add that since they require a gradual increase of the amount taken, they are as veritable chains of darkness, placing man in a helpless situation. A slave of narcotics, even though he wishes to abandon them, cannot do so without harm to himself. An increase in consumption is deadly, but denying oneself can also be deadly. True, fervent suggestion or auto suggestion can provide a saving outlet. But good suggestion and the darkness of narcosis usually do not dwell under the same roof.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 53:
53. You spoke rightly about coarseness, and how powerless are the subtle energies against coarseness. No structure can stand upon pillars of coarseness. Therefore each manifestation saturated with coarseness will not be durable, retrogression is inevitable. Complete disintegration will follow where the worm of coarseness eats away the foundation. Every human action is subject to this same danger. A coarse action may be covered with a thousand lusts, and is not to be concealed from the records of space. Every government should be concerned with the elimination of this horror. Every community must contend with this plague. No closely knit community can show evidence of coarseness in its midst. The nation brought up on coarseness must undergo a fiery transmutation; and he who has permitted such disintegration will be karmically responsible. Likewise the co-workers who dwell in coarseness will have to pass through a special purification. Actually, coarseness is a frightful infection, which develops decomposition in the surroundings. Hence, no government can be successful if it is a nursery of microbes of coarseness. Likewise, a co-worker will not be truly successful if coarseness grips his spirit. Thus, let us remember in the construction upon the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 56:
56. No advancement is possible, no construction is possible, without the strongest expenditures of energies on the part of Hierarchy, when the co-workers are clouded with personal feelings. The co-workers must remember the first law, which affirms the first step - the expulsion of feelings of personal vengeance, for the feeling of revenge is a powerful manifestation of the unscrupulousness of selfhood. For the sake of personal vengeance the co-worker may give up that of greatest value. When a co-worker forgets, due to selfhood, the affirmation which he must forge in his spirit in order to forget Service, the harm may become indelible. Primitive man lived and believed in vengeance, but the consciousness has broadened and man can no longer dwell in such black concepts. He who knows the meaning of Karma can understand that a man takes revenge only on himself. A co-worker will not become affirmed through selfhood and infringement upon the heart of his fellow-man. And a successful co-worker must not impose respect, but must merit it. A king of the spirit must first of all reveal himself in a small circle of life. The growth of dimensions proceeds from within, and the spirit may bedeck itself with all the crowns of human glory and still remain a beggar. Thus let it be remembered by those who are diseased with selfhood and self-conceit. On the path to the Fiery World these chains are not fitting.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 92:
92. The principles of Good and evil are repeated on all planes with this distinction, that by prolonging the line into the spheres of the Subtle World, all expressions become heightened. Only the principles of constructiveness give to the spirit that resultant force which affirms a conscious striving for good. The servants of darkness will be inevitably attracted to the lower strata. Ancient Covenants speak of those who dwell in the Kingdom of the Spirit and those who live under the earth. One may be surprised as to why the earthly strata and the Earth itself is inhabited by the forces of evil. Actually, a downward attraction explains these hordes. Each aspiration toward the Fiery World tends to hold the spirit in the Subtle World, but the Spirits who are Bearers of Light, filled with self-sacrifice, rush to the Earth for purpose of salvation. There are whole countries on Earth which are saturated with destroyers. The Earth conforms, with its poisoned emanations, to these spawns of darkness. Therefore, be not astonished that portions of the world are peopled with dark entities.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 97:
97. One should be very solicitous about the last hours of sojourn on Earth. Often the final striving can predetermine the succeeding life, also the stratum in which the spirit will dwell. Indeed, it is inadmissible to recall the spirit into the earthly spheres when it already has broken away. Tissues which already have been freed from earthly attractions must be strained into a terrific effort in order again to be assimilated into the earthly atmosphere. People should learn to think during someone's departure, as well as during birth, and should be able to ease the processes. As delays are harmful during birth, they are likewise harmful during death. The subtle formation of the new body must be taken into consideration. Wounds caused the departing one must be cured in the Subtle World. A most cruel treatment of the departing ones is often manifested. It may be said that it is not death which torments, but living people. All who are approaching the Fiery Teaching must know about this. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember the law of affirming the last minutes of the crossing.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 178:
178. What heart, then, has taken up the enormous Burden? The all-encompassing Heart which knows the Cosmic Burden. Who, then, bears the load of the ages? The One Heart which knows the manifestation of Infinity. Who, then, strives in fiery achievement? The one Heart which knows Cosmic Right. Verily, thus is the World saturated by the One Heart. Humanity suffers more from the spirit than from matter, and only when the spirit adheres to the law of Cosmic Right will humanity overcome its spiritual infirmities. The planet has lost sight of its great and pure destination. Matter has been so steeped in density that it must be refined. When the great Tidings of the Unified Heart will saturate the spirit with pure striving, then will life be truly transformed. Who, then, will give to the World the Tidings about fiery Unity? We say - the all-encompassing Heart, the Heart manifested by eternal Fire - yes, yes, yes! That which has been put together by Cosmic Right and by strong aspiration of the will is immutable law. That which is from the Cosmos will dwell with the Beauty of the Cosmos - thus saith the Lord of Shambhala.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 186:
186. Verily, resurrection of the spirit will produce a new Epoch. What, then, can be compared with the power of the spirit? There is no other lever which could intensify the fires of the centers. Each creative force which will be saturated by the resurrection of the spirit can be a pledge of a great Epoch. Each construction which will be based on the resurrection of the spirit can be a pledge of ascent. Spiritual advancement can begin only when there comes an understanding of the regeneration of spirit. It is impossible to dwell in the old distortions. It is impossible to create the great Kingdom of the Spirit without realization of the affirmation of the pure, fiery understanding of achievement. Thus, only regeneration of the spirit provides a firm foundation for the new construction. In it humanity will find its great destination and its place in the Cosmos. Verily, resurrection of the spirit will be the creative force of the New Epoch.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 253:
253. The essential nature of man can be transmuted by the invocation of better vibrations. Only such a reminder will give man access to a higher status. At the present time humanity is found to be continually in the vibrations of the lower spheres; therefore the lower Manas motivates life. The contact of the Ray of the higher spheres will truly give that vibration which will rouse the consciousness. Perception of the spark of Divine Fire in the seed of the spirit will lay the foundation for a new humanity. Precisely it is necessary to establish in the spiritual structure that in which religion has not succeeded, and to apply to each affirmed manifestation the law of attraction. For realization of the Light in the heart will propel toward the Light, but darkness will dwell in darkness. Thus let us remember on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 260:
260. One should study the network of circumstances. There is a sort of surrounding network of subtle currents which, according to the necessity, leads to that current which furnishes the best magnetic force. One should know how to assure each undertaking. According to the given seed it is possible to determine the effects in everything. If man would take the great seed of the task in its potential, then indeed the World would be a great reflection of the Higher Will. Therefore it can be affirmed that the Higher Will purposes but man disposes, and thus perish the best sprouts. There is only one path of success - when the spirit realizes in all its might the affirmed seed of the task. But instead, people re-cut everything to their own pattern, and only pitiful remnants remain. Thus, it is necessary to strive in all fiery beginnings and to understand how to accept the seed bestowed by the Sovereign. Once uplifted to the Highest, we may also dwell in the Highest. On the path to the Fiery World let us cognize the Higher Forces.

AUM (1936) - 41:
41. A hermit was once asked how he could dwell in continuous silence. He was much surprised and said, "On the contrary, I am never silent, but converse constantly - so many companions visit me." The hermit had drawn so near to the invisible world that it had become entirely perceptible to him. Prayer became communion, and that world was affirmed in all its magnitude. To such a spirit his own transition into the Subtle World is altogether imperceptible.

AUM (1936) - 179:
179. It is impossible to dwell in malice without poisoning the consciousness. Not only bodily poison but a far worse decomposition is introduced by malice; the majority of cosmic dross originates from it. We cannot view with indifference a malicious destruction.

AUM (1936) - 257:
257. In the Subtle World it is possible to remain in the lower strata for interims centuries long. One should not be astonished at the resourcefulness of certain people; in their insanity they can contrive much that is impossible for a healthy man. Madness of a special kind is to be found in the Subtle World. Unfailingly the law insists upon the date of incarnation, but the madness of the consciousness may be such that in larger measure only evil can be born. Just as cowardly soldiers cut off their fingers in order to avoid the battle, so do the madmen who dwell in the Subtle World contrive to avoid a summons to the banner of labor. It is impossible to evade the law entirely, but it is possible to conceal oneself temporarily in darkness.

AUM (1936) - 279:
Good clear sight is due to clarity of consciousness, therefore from beginning to end We advise showing care in the matter of clear consciousness. Long ago it was said that good does not dwell in a muddy well.

AUM (1936) - 280:
280. One can observe the extent to which there simultaneously dwell on Earth living beings of the most diverse status - from primitive savage to subtlest thinker. One person will assert that Earth is in the Paleolithic period, whereas another will demonstrate that Earth has already entered the Golden Age, each will be guided by what is evident to him. So, too, in the cosmogonic discussions one should not be astonished at the contiguity of quite different periods. The Universe is so multiform in its great Infinity.

AUM (1936) - 494:
People do not notice the movement of the heavenly bodies in spite of all their precipitateness. Earth appears immovable to the eye of its inhabitant. Inner movement is also invisible to the earthly eyesight, but the essence of man must realize unceasing movement; only because of it can the heart beat. One should not imagine oneself immovable when the planet provides an example of ceaseless rotation; it exists by means of this motion. Thus, man cannot dwell in immobility. Still the consciousness whispers that a hustling about is only pretended movement. Again we come to the path of rhythm and harmony. Hustle is dissonance, and it can only irritate and dismember accumulations. Only a broadened consciousness understands the boundary line between striving and hustling.

AUM (1936) - 502:
It is not wise to dwell upon that which was unsuccessful in the past. Such calculations are called the well of the past. Far better is the spring of the future. Each one can drink of the living water. One must grow to love the fact that the spirit lives in the future.

AUM (1936) - 573:
When someone weeps at a funeral, there may be found one who deplores such ignorance. Likewise, if someone rejoices at such an occasion, people are indignant at a seeming madman. Thus, people cannot assimilate the relationship of earthly existence to the superearthly state of being. Many cases can be cited when people have seen their near ones of the Subtle World, but even such evidences merely remain listed as phenomena. It is impossible to convince people of the naturalness of the change of existence. They are forbidden to think about reincarnation, and they are agreed that they dwell on the edge of an unknown abyss. Yet each year brings the worlds closer together, and it is possible to increase the number of cases of evidence of memory of former lives. Already each one can cite many examples; all that is needed is an attitude of good will.

Brotherhood (1937) - 121:
121. One should know how to conquer the illusion of contradictions. It is needful on the one hand to cultivate kindheartedness and on the other to understand austerity. For many, such a task is completely insoluble; only the heart can prompt when the two qualities will not contradict each other. The heart will prompt when it is necessary to rush to the help of one's neighbor. The heart will indicate when to stop short the madness of a fierce animal. It is impossible to express in a word of law just when the necessity of this or that action becomes evident. Unwritten are the laws of the heart, but only therein does justice dwell, for the heart is the bridge of the worlds.

Brotherhood (1937) - 149:
149. Continuity is one of the basic qualities of the subtlest energies. People can take example from the higher worlds for earthly existence also. If it is difficult to maintain continuity in work, it can be fully realized in spiritual strivings. We, wayfarers of Earth, can form a link with the higher worlds in spirit; such a bond will permit us to dwell in close union with the invisible worlds. Such unity will teach also earthly unity. Beginning with the higher, let us also be affirmed in the lower. It is not easy to maintain earthly unity. Many petty circumstances intrude and blot out good intentions. Only the testing of forces in a higher application can create continuity of intercourse with the Higher World. Even in sleep it is possible to maintain the bond with the source of knowledge. Thus, even in the earthly aspect one may conform to a quality of the Higher World-continuity.

Brotherhood (1937) - 208:
208. People do not regard sensitiveness of the organism as an advantage. Even very enlightened people often are afraid of such refinements. In truth, a broadened consciousness is required in order to understand how indispensable for further advance is the acquisition of sensitiveness. Under the existing conditions of earthly life various pains may be expected, but certainly these sufferings occur, not as a result of sensitiveness, but by reason of abnormality of life. If there were an uninfected atmosphere, then sensitiveness would be seen as a true good; but people prefer to pollute the planet, if only they may dwell in the savage state. Do not think that words about savagery are an exaggeration. One may wear expensive clothing and still remain a savage. The more grave is the offense of those who have already heard about the condition of the planet and yet do not apply their efforts for the advancement of the Common Good.

Brotherhood (1937) - 450:
450. Wherein, then, is progress? Some assume that it is in constant recognition of the new. Will not such aspiration be one-sided, and must there not be added to it regulation of the old? More than once it has been shown that people abstractly strive toward something new, and yet continue to dwell in an old pigsty. Someone gives lectures about cleanliness, yet is himself extremely filthy. Will such instruction be convincing? Or a lazy man summons to labor, but who will give heed to him? Let us not be afraid to repeat such primitive examples, for life is full of them.

Brotherhood (1937) - 504:
among very simple workers who have come to love their work. Labor, love, and brotherhood dwell together.

Brotherhood (1937) - 574:
574. For some Our counsels are a reliable staff, for others an intolerable burden. Some will accept the Advice as something long awaited, whereas others will find grounds for discontent in each counsel. Man cannot understand how fully must the advice be in harmony with his consciousness. One cannot put into practice many useful courses of action merely because of their rejection. Good does not dwell with rejection. Good has an open door, it needs no locks.

Brotherhood (1937) - 593:
593. The peoples of Asia have preserved the memory of the Brotherhood; each in its own way, in its own tongue, with its own possibilities has preserved in the depths of its heart a dream about an actual Refuge. The heart will not relinquish its dream about the Community of salvation, but will remember amidst sorrows that somewhere beyond the mountain peaks dwell the Protectors of the peoples. The very thought about them purifies the thinking and fills one with vigor. Thus, let us honor those who do not relinquish their best treasure.

Brotherhood (1937) - 610:
610. Travelers may knock for admittance. Travelers could tell about the Great Souls who dwell in unfailing service beyond the far-off deserts, beyond the mountains, beyond the snows.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 37:
It should not be thought that We are protected in Our earthly lives from all onslaughts of darkness. Those who fulfill an earthly mission do so under earthly conditions. People usually think that We dwell in safety, and think of Us as supernatural beings. Relatively speaking, We can overcome much, but this battle is a real one. We remain victorious, because the Hierarchy of Light cannot be conquered by darkness. When one of Our Sisters exclaims "How terrible!" she does not show fear, but simply understands the tension.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 61:
It may be asked whether We become exhausted in time of battle. Such a question is not relevant. It would be better to ask about the degree of Our tension, which is great. If Our Sister Urusvati has heard the fall of the drops of Our sweat, one can imagine the tension of Our energies. If Our hair stands on end in an electric vortex, one can imagine the tension. We do not conceal the fact that the battle has moments of the greatest tension. If one is afraid, he should not approach the battle for Good. If one fears human judgment, let him not think about ethics. If one trembles for his earthly life, let him complete his decay in darkness. One can see that a coward perishes sooner than a courageous man; be assured that he who fears death attracts it to himself. Thus in all manifestations one can see how useful it is to develop the consciousness of Good. Let us not dwell upon these spasms of fear, for when one speaks about Brotherhood there is no place for fear.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 86:
Half-felt measures will not suffice in days of great calamity, when there must be a unity that bars even the slightest discord. The hostile forces dwell in such little cracks and poison seeps into shields damaged by discord, against which Our defense is perfect love. Let all Our friends wear this trustworthy armor. Do not mislead yourself by thinking that small splinters are harmless, for they cause terrible infection. In Our intense life the cracks of doubt are the most dangerous.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 132:
Recently Urusvati visited places where those people dwell who left Earth in an aged condition. It is easier to work with children, and with those of advanced age who have outlived their tasks in the earthly body. Most difficult are the middle-aged people who are still filled with unexpressed accumulations and discontent, and are unable to accept the Hierarchy. They are victims of their own vague desires and are dissatisfied with everything.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 138:
Do not think that it is easy to reject the past. Great knowledge must be acquired before one can recognize the spiral of evolution, which perpetually surges forward. Usually people dwell on yesterday, not realizing that each tomorrow brings new knowledge, and the day that is hardly over has already engendered new accumulations. Night brings communion with the Subtle World and the renewal of energies. In the morning people seldom remember their experiences of the night just passed, but they feel the increase of energy. Scientists explain this phenomenon in a narrow materialistic way, but more experienced observers perceive different causes.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 152:
Thus the Great Teacher followed His ardent Path. We love to dwell on such examples.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 207:
The Thinker said, "Learn how to think. Begin with the most simple thoughts. Best of all, learn how to dream about beautiful objects, and learn to dream vividly. Only dreams will develop one's imagination, and where can we go, how can we assimilate the most beautiful observations without imagination? How can we remember in our mundane life the sparks of the Supermundane Radiance if we do not train ourselves to dwell on images? Verily, striving toward the Sublime will train our imagination.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 213:
A teacher must educate students to dwell continually on the beautiful. Every aspirant can enrich space. Do not think that soil needs only material fertilization. Although they require much time, experiments should be made on the influence of thought. We often devote ourselves to such prolonged research, for sound understanding cannot be reached through hasty conclusions. If continuous research is carried out, it will be clearly demonstrated that subtle energy requires subtle approaches. I must remind you again that the measures of dwarfs should not be applied to giants.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 227:
Extremes often dwell in the same personality. On the one hand, a man may be ready for higher perceptions, yet on the other he pictures Us as money-changers and waits expectantly to be given a small coin. Such a man forgets that only goal-fitness can secure the higher perceptions. Like fireflies, he gives only fleeting light, then merges again into darkness, and is indeed far from goal-fitness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 282:
282. Urusvati knows how harmful it is to pollute space. We have already offered many indications about how to avoid causing harm, but now We advise you not to dwell on mistakes or remain in places where there is blasphemy or irritation. Gossiping about mistakes pollutes the atmosphere around you, and attracts the fluids that will intensify the original errors. In the same way, it is harmful to stay in a place that is polluted by blasphemy or irritability. I speak as a physician.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 296:
Scientists often bring the faculty of intuition into their research. This intuition may already dwell within or may be newly born in the depths of the consciousness. Either way, it should be heeded, for it is hard to discern the boundary between intuition and clairvoyance, and one should not limit the process of thinking to the physical abilities. Even during ordinary telescopic observation it must be remembered that the human eye works in diverse ways, and We can assure you that man sees things differently each day.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 325:
325. Urusvati knows that dragons dwell at the threshold. It is usually believed that they lurk at the bottom of fearsome abysses, or somewhere in the dark where people seldom enter, but in fact these dragons dwell at the threshold of the home, and one often meets them in the midst of daily life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 325:
All that has been said about such dragons is quite correct. Their appearance is frightful, they are voracious, and they do not release their victims. They carefully watch those who enter and try to gain control of those who dwell in the house. They can change their appearance and rarely reveal their hideous essence.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 349:
People are either skeptical or they indulge in artificial methods and ignore all natural ways of broadening the consciousness. Yet such ways are the true treasures for ascent in the Subtle World, for those who dwell there have no artificial methods, and act only according to the fundamental laws of Nature.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 389:
In the Subtle World negative feelings such as malice, revenge, and general harmfulness will exhaust themselves because they are useless. The spirit ultimately awakens to the fact that no gates are opened by such keys. Likewise on Earth, people who are ardently absorbed in their work have no time to dwell on petty offenses or injustices. Work demands their complete attention. In the higher spheres evil thoughts do not exist, for evil is of chaos, and in harmonious spheres there are no conditions for discord. Thus an attraction is created, and the Magnet is brought into operation.


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