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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DU > DUE (87)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 95:
95. I have called you for a great task. The Teacher has entrusted its success unto you. The strength needed to follow Me is bestowed upon you. Arrows, shields, swords have you received, and with My Helmet shall I protect your head. Fight in My Name, may love dwell with you. The promise will be fulfilled in due time. Keep the flame alight - I teach.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 99:
99. You will realize the given happiness in due time. The mist enfolds the foot of the mountain, but the summit is ever bathed in the sun's glory. Under its rays the mist clears, and you behold My Love.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 266:
266. One's karma is of great importance, but of greater importance is it to be chosen. Karma is but the circumstance of the choice. Only the chosen ones are entrusted with a mission. The Smile of the Creator is the crown; not because of gratitude, but due to rejoicing in the fire of the heart. And above the heads of the chosen ones glows the sign of fire.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.11.3:
1.11.3. For all I enjoin courage. Even a dove should become a lion. Not We but you are in need of your courage. With a smile arrest the destruction of the temple. Only by courage can you master a flight. All will happen in due time. Understand that one must repeat: "Courage and patience." Let people look at the task of polishing a stone: how firmly and cautiously moves the workman's hand - and only for his daily pay. Incomparable is the work of a creator.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.1.7:
2.1.7. The density of matter obstructs each experiment of the spirit. This concerns men as well as the whole of nature. For access to it matter must be melted. In the process of smelting there is produced a specific gas which assimilates with the substance of the spirit. In man, a gas emanates from the nerve centers at each ecstasy of happiness or unhappiness. Thus a laboratory of the spirit is obtained. Therefore, a misfortune is called the visitation of God, but each somnolent existence is death of spirit. In nature, ecstasies manifest as thunderstorms, earthquakes, eruptions of volcanoes and floods. A similar laboratory of spirit begins to work. Hence, all sparks of ecstasy are blessed. Molten matter yields to improvement and provides new formulae. Instead of prolonged researches it suffices to reflect the elements in Our mirrors, and then to accumulate new formulae. Then remains the second part of the work: patiently, and in due time, to give them to people. Upon the fires of ecstasy travels Our Ray, seeking admittance into the heart. Where is the happiness or misfortune that has opened the entry? But, contacting molten matter, one senses the pulse of Earth, and the heart must withstand the gravitation. Those who will take part in this work must guard their hearts. Therefore, I say, guard the heart - all else is easy to repair. It represents matter, whereas the nerves are subservient to the spirit. At the knock of the spirit the door of the solar plexus is opened. But each stroke of matter beats upon the heart. Whosoever wishes to come in touch with the formula of matter must guard the heart. Our medicine teaches how to strengthen the heart through breathing; but about this another time.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.13:
2.7.13. Learning about sacrifice, you receive power. Success follows sacrifice. His Teaching is firmly grounded because it is based on sacrifice. Success is nothing else but the counterstroke of sacrifice. The success can be in advance of the sacrifice, as a loan, but inexorable is the fate of the debtor. If today one can pay with little, within a year the payment due will increase. Before the year elapses the debtor becomes stooped with his burden.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.12:
One may weigh, one may analyze up to the most minute particles, but still there remains an imperceptible and inscrutable substance, as irreplaceable as the vital force of a seed. In due time We shall direct attention to certain striking properties of this substance, which can be seen; but now it must be agreed that such an extraordinary substance must be very precious and must have some extremely important qualities - even a fool will comprehend this. Experiment provides certainly the best proof. If we compare two individuals, of whom one dissipates the vital substance while the other consciously conserves it, we will be amazed at how much more sensitive the spiritual apparatus of the second becomes. The quality of his labors becomes entirely different, and the quantity of his projects and ideas multiplies. The centers of the solar plexus and brain are being heated, as it were, by an invisible fire. That is why temperance is not a pathological renunciation but a sensible action. To bestow life does not mean to cast away the entire supply of vital substance.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.17:
When you are seeking co-workers, do not be confused. Working hands may disguise the Messenger; His complexion may be due to the mountain snows. The Messenger of Truth will not be shouting in the bazaar.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.19:
Even if a purse of money is sent to them, they will recall a non-existent debtor. If they are saved from ruin, their gratitude will go to the police. Even if one should bring these seemingly well-intentioned people to the very boundary of Our Abode they will declare that what is seen is a mirage. It might be thought that this is due to ignorance, but the reason is far worse.

New Era Community (1926) - 127:
127. If some very ignorant and unawakened person will say of the Teaching that it is apparently quite a different kind of communal teaching - know how to reply justly. Say that every community based on labor and the knowledge of reality does not harm the processes of perfectionment of humanity., Due to the motion of the Cosmos, it is impossible to remain immobile. There is either backward or forward movement. All who realize consciously the community move forward. And there cannot be communities opposed to each other; just as one cannot contrast different aspects of the sensation of hunger. Thus, against the community will speak only he who has begun to move backwards, entering into the formation of cosmic refuse.

New Era Community (1926) - 192:
192. The development of the power of observation will permit due attention to surrounding conditions. Anyone will understand that if the walls of your room were covered with an arsenic substance or with a preparation of sulphur, or of resin, or mercury, or musk, then such coverings would have an influence on the condition of the organism - this is a crude example. But now ask your biochemists and technologists what influence the material of dwellings has on the physical and psychic foundation. What is the difference between a house of brick and one of basalt, or between one of granite and one of marble, between an iron and a wooden one, between an oak and a pine one? To what kinds of organisms is an iron bed suitable and to what kinds a wooden one. Who needs a woolen carpet and who a wooden floor? About many conditions technology will be as uninformed as was the cave age. And yet, who would not agree that wood and minerals have an important medicinal significance? It means that essential analysis is at a standstill in the absence of observation. Investigation has gone along a channel of usualness, and for overzealous investigators somewhere a bonfire is already prepared. You may be sure that the spirit of the inquisition is still not very far away; the difference will be in the garb and in the means of eradicating new quests.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 124:
It is difficult to see as a qualified disciple one who has no questions to put to his Teacher. Of course, questions and answers will come in due time, and the living tissue of trust will saturate space.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 144:
144. Vessels brimming with spirit! Thus do We call those people who, on the basis of the experience of past lives and their decision to attain, expand their consciousness and thereby enter into an understanding of the foundations of evolution. If this definition seems unscientific to some, say, "Can't one compare a great toiler in the spiritual realm to a Leyden jar?" Of course, for thus is the outer energy accumulated, and in due time a discharge follows. Hard is the strain when the potential is ready but the time has not yet arrived, because the sensitive apparatus has already absorbed especially dangerous particles related to Primary Matter.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 502:
One should not look for a lack of precision in Our Indications when I say that psychic energy must not only be strengthened but should also be refined. It will be strengthened under the waves of fire, when the aura begins to take on a purple color due to tensity. It will become refined from alertness, sharp-sightedness, and subtlety of thinking. How can one more exactly term the refinement of the current of thought when the formulas for the future resound in exaltation?

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 38:
38. If we compare the work of Cosmos with the work of man, we may find the closest correlations on our planet. Let us see wherein cooperation with the elements has been realized. The vegetable kingdom takes what it requires for its growth. The cooperation between man and the cosmic riches is clear. From the animal kingdom we take what is necessary for our existence, accepting it as being customarily due us. When man built his dwellings upon the lake shores and hewed them out of the rocks, he subordinated the world to himself and proudly dominated it. Now the same man dominates, but, having been enriched by all manner of subtle means, he has progressed toward an understanding of the riches of Space.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 323:
323. The sequence of events due to the tension of the Magnet is conditioned by the attraction of cosmic vortices. When the streams of events flow along with cosmic attractions, vortical rings steadily accrue. But when the sequence of events seethes as in a whirlpool, the spiral of the vortical rings is driven into irregularity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 356:
356. The creative principle directs the currents of Fire and propels the energies. Therefore, all cosmic manifestations are reflected upon the centers of the Agni Yogi. Each fiery manifestation resounds upon the centers, evoking varied sensations. Often anguish and depression are due to the fiery tensions. The reason for these sensations is a discordance of the currents. These unharmonized currents beat upon the centers, which resound in a dissonance. When the unharmonized currents are borne in space, a great deal of creative power is used by the energies for the establishment of equilibrium. The manifestation of unharmonized currents calls forth in an Agni Yogi a reaction, as it were, on a level with the opposing energies.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 84:
84. The search for new ways is the most imperative problem. Due to the unusualness of conditions of the future, it will be impossible to proceed by the old ways. All new ones must remember this. It is the worst thing when men do not know how to escape from the old rut. It is dreadful when people approach new conditions with their old habits. Just as it is impossible to open a present-day lock with a mediaeval key, likewise it is impossible for men with old habits to unlock the door to the future.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 267:
267. The element of Fire attracts all energies toward creation. When a striving creative thought imbues the space and the Cosmic Fire intensifies the creativeness of the thought, the forms then attain life. When the purpose of existence takes on its due significance, it will be possible to endow humanity with the Spatial Fire. When existence will be established upon a higher step, the realization of the Cosmic Magnet can be affirmed. Thus, each step of evolution carries its own new energy. Verily, the consciousness of humanity is developed in conformity with the forces of Cosmos. But the will of man predetermines each step. Thus does humanity forge its cosmic boundaries, because the awareness of an attraction can create a sphere for it.

Heart (1932) - 16:
16. Here We are speaking of direct striving to Us. We speak about the benefit and success which result from such direction. It would seem enticing to test this remedy. But how many attempt to go by this path? Whereas, each one who has tested Our panacea will say that Our Advice is beneficent. He will confirm everywhere and always that when his thoughts remained with Us, he was successful. Each failure was due to the strain upon the silver thread. How beautiful it would be if on completing a day each one would question himself regarding the quality of his thinking during these hours! How powerful could one become in the realization that his thoughts have strengthened the linking thread! The appearance of unfit thoughts could be eradicated at once, but people are such that they listen without hearing and do not read beyond the sight.

Heart (1932) - 18:
18. Interruption of rhythm is due to many conditions, but the essential means of avoiding this perturbation is in unity to direct oneself to Us, where lies the decision of everything. For comparison - as a grain of dust arrests a tremendous wheel, so the breaking of rhythm interrupts the current. However, just now is a date of great tension. Thus the possibilities are so near, events already gather like a rolling ball, and terror will appear as salvation.

Heart (1932) - 181:
181. Shrinking and fossilization of consciousness are the main causes of the disunion of the worlds. The Great Battle often is impeded due to a complete disharmony of the consciousness of Earth and the Subtle World. Those who reach the Subtle World with a monarchistic consciousness cannot condone the present condition of their countries if a change of government has occurred. Thus, even where there is unity in many things, differing in one confuses and divides the forces. And if we remember what a number of spirits crossed into the Subtle World during the war and how many changes have taken place during the last years, one can realize the entire absence of coordination of worlds. Likewise, it can be imagined how significant now is the labor of the expanded hearts who are working self-sacrificingly in both worlds broadening consciousnesses.

Heart (1932) - 210:
210. "Are there not traits of egoism in the state of ecstasy, the state of Samadhi?" The ignoramus will ask this question. How could he know that this supreme state is not only unrelated to selfhood but antithetical to it! How could one who has never experienced the highest tension apprehend that that, precisely, carries the highest Bliss for the General Welfare! Nothing gives birth to such pure abnegation of self as that induced by the exultation of the brimming heart. Which of the human energies can compare with the energy of the heart, and which of the energies can act at long distances? The worlds have no boundaries for it and consciousness knows no limitations. Thus, a window can be cut through into the Invisible. But, as was said, the Invisible will become visible and we shall be ready to apply the Fiery Baptism in life. Therefore, let us give due regard to the significance of the experiment performed by the Mother of Agni Yoga here, without abandoning life. From the first spatial sparks, through all fires up to Samadhi, she will leave writings which will become the threshold of the New World. Therefore, I speak not only of tension but also of great caution. Armageddon does not lighten the conditions of ascent; what was achieved is therefore the more valuable.

Heart (1932) - 237:
237. The pledge shall become a shield, but let us distinguish between falling away and treason. Falling away may be due to some karmic cause or to physical peculiarities. But for treason there are no vindicating circumstances. I assert that the consequences of treason are the most inevitable ones. Nothing can free the traitor from being himself betrayed. The betrayal of the Teaching is regarded as the most heinous. Man cannot blaspheme the Highest Spirit. Studying the actions of the heart one can see what physical shocks are evoked by betrayal of the Highest. Disintegration because of treason acts not only within the boundaries of the personality but also incessantly over vast expanses. As the highest spheres sense each benevolent ascent, so does each treason thunder like a crumbling tower. Having accepted the analogy of the deodar, one may say that treason is like a hollow tree with a bat's nest.

Heart (1932) - 253:
253. Observe a great number of events. They cannot be considered as incidental; but obviously due to some law, they are spreading through the world. It is as though invisible hands were touching numerous strings. Besides, one can notice that seemingly silent strings begin to resound anew and still more powerfully. But those who understand Armageddon as the field of the manifestation of the signs of the highest energy are correct. This battlefield cannot be accidental, but is like a magnet composed of conflicting energies. The field of the City of Light is destined as a counterbalance to this field. As the field of Armageddon is proclaimed by the clanging of arms, so the field of the City of Light is proclaimed by the peal of bells. According to their juxtaposition one can judge the dimensions of that which is destined. Thus, one can listen to the tumult of the battle for the sake of the pealing bells.

Heart (1932) - 341:
341. Degeneration, fattiness, dilation of the heart occur because of the inadmissible conditions of life. Heart disease resulting from karmic causes is very rare. Dilation of the heart may be due to good but unused potentialities. Of course, fattiness of the heart is an inexcusable condition because each fattiness can be arrested at the start. Labor is the best antidote for the tendency to fattiness. One should observe at least a slight hygiene of the heart. Striving to work is the best strengthening of the heart. Not work, but a rupture in the striving of the heart acts destructively. True, strong hostile arrows are also injurious, but for these wounds you know the balm of Hierarchy. Only the use of this balm must be continuous! It is definitely a great error to forget the existence of such a medicine.

Heart (1932) - 373:
The arrows that pierce the heart are not the result of a simple nervous contraction, but a far deeper manifestation, because they are more spiritual in origin. How many of the ills of humanity are due to insufficient cooperation! The understanding of cooperation readily brings one to cooperation with the forces of nature. Where is the boundary between the forces of nature and spiritualization? The servant of the spirit must attain spiritual omnipresence.

Heart (1932) - 410:
You see, of course, that the action of the heart is not so greatly due to heat as to currents. And the test by the smallest manifestations can be accessible to the refined heart. There are many forms of betrayal. The refined heart is especially sensitive to this abomination.

Heart (1932) - 504:
504. Verily, it will soon be necessary to save ourselves from the chaos of the elements. But even this disaster can be considerably mitigated by the education of the heart. We ask the physicians of various lands to concern themselves with the study of the heart. There are so many sanitariums for all kinds of illnesses, but there is no Institute of the Heart. This is due to a lack of education of the heart. For even ignoramuses do not give second place to the heart. Yet heart ailments outnumber cancer and tuberculosis. It is necessary to have sanitariums for heart ailments, where one could devote oneself to immediate observations. Of course, these sanitariums should be located in various climates and at various altitudes. One can see how an entire legion might be occupied with needed research work connected with mental problems together with agriculture and other specialities.

Heart (1932) - 535:
535. Observation of the heart must begin from childhood. In this way one can become aware of certain periods when the spirit gradually takes possession of the body. Likewise, through constant observation one can perceive how the proximity of beings from the Subtle World influences the heart. Many unexplainable heartbeats are of course due to the influence of the Subtle World. Many cessations of the pulse can recall the danger of obsession. Many tremors of the pulse are characteristic even from the age of seven, they reveal the completion of the entry of the spirit. Such evidence should have been known to physicians long ago, but instead of observation they begin to apply all sorts of narcotics, laying the foundation for an early destruction of the intellect. Thus, one should not inflict coarse ignorant measures upon the heart. It should be remembered that if the heart is the mediator of the highest worlds, then the methods for sustaining the heart must be refined. It is unwise to pity the coarsening of humanity and neglect the care of its chief organ. The heart of humanity is sick. First of all, one must render healthy the sphere of the heart, certainly, if the people with to avoid a catastrophe.

Heart (1932) - 573:
573. The correct measure of giving is the criterion of love and responsibility. To give too little is contrary to love, but it is no better to give too much. Niggardliness is unworthy, but generosity that leads even to treason is not goal-fitting. As insufficient food leads to hunger, so excessive food leads to poisoning. It can be stated without exaggeration that the extent of treason has increased considerably due to excessive giving. The Teacher who gives and trusts must take into consideration a great number of conditions. He must take into consideration not only the personal merits of the one who receives but also the qualities of his immediate surroundings and karmic and astrological conditions as well. The subtle heart prompts one how to discriminate in this complex current of conditions. Therefore We value so much this criterion of the heart. The path of the Bodhisattva contains this essence of measure. No logic will safeguard the giving one from excess, but the heart knows this heavenly balance.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 5:
5. When we speak of the non-scorching fire, we must also not forget the consuming Fire. When the nun moans, "I burn, I burn!" no physician knows how to alleviate it. The physician may even apply cold water, forgetting that oil cannot be submerged in water. Fire can be allayed only by fire - in other words, by the energy of the heart, which flows during so-called magnetism. We treat inflammation with a current; such inflammations may flare up in various centers. But, actually, the chief danger lies close to the heart, the solar plexus and the larynx. These centers, being the most synthetic, may be exposed to the most unexpected attacks. Whoever has even once experienced the inner fire understands the danger of the conflagration of the centers. He knows what agony is experienced when the fire breaks through. In most cases man is not responsible for this, except perhaps because of irritation. Often the fire bursts out due to extraneous influences, and in the case of a refined state of the organism, from cosmic causes. Fatigue of the heart actually opens the gates to the enemy. Thus the creative Fire can be transformed into a destructive flame. This should be remembered, for the outbursts develop from small beginnings. It should also be remembered that the use of fiery energy requires care. Great is the evil of needlessly spending the fiery energy of another. An Arhat can never be a vampire - this is a fundamental law of life. Therefore, wise is the law of eternal giving. It may seem that there is nothing in common between sacrifice and Fire; however, flaming sacrifice is mentioned in all Covenants.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 43:
43. To a certain degree, the difficulty of understanding is due to the limitations of the earthly language. All the symbols and higher concepts are conventionalized to an absurd degree. When man observed something beyond the limits of daily life, he began to speak of it in vague and unusual terms, which meant something entirely different to his neighbor. To this were added the anomalies of sight, taste, and hearing, resulting in a complete Babel. When man attempted to express the supreme Hierarchic Concept, he tried to string together the best syllables and only achieved extreme confusion. Notice that everyone who speaks about a transcendental concept meets with the most surprising explanations. People frequently speak about the same thing, but in such different terms that there is no possibility of reconciling these concepts with words. Then, do not tire yourself with argument, but remain silent in cordial solicitude. Let the fiery energy work, it will know how to find at least a narrow entrance. Thus, in all circumstances, remember that you possess a store of the all-pervading energy.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 67:
67. Besides Our affirmation, even people themselves observe the subsiding of certain continents. Yet no importance is given to this. This is also due to ignorance.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 97:
The relation of the hieroglyphics found in India to the inscriptions on Easter Island is unquestionable. Thus is disclosed the manifestation of a new relationship of peoples, which fully corresponds to the most ancient sources. Thus, once more you see how the chronicles have preserved the true historical data, but people accept them with difficulty. You observed justly that the facts about the Kalachakra are passed over in silence; this is due not only to ignorance but to an abhorrence of touching the fundamentals. Humanity passes over with equal shudders all the wells of knowledge - this applies to all worlds - and people will shudder just as much over the world of Fire.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 105:
105. If one can distinguish between the strata of thought, one can also sense various kinds of activity. At first all activity seems to be taking place on the earthly plane. Later, in so-called dreams, straight-knowledge becomes separated, as if it were an independent activity which takes place not on the earthly plane alone. Thus comes the first realization of an entry of other worlds into our existence. Then, in a state of complete wakefulness, instantaneous absences may be observed which have no connection with any ailment. Thus the bond between the worlds and our participation in them can be traced still more profoundly. It is not easy for the consciousness to assimilate the concept of the invisible worlds; due to our dense shell we can realize only with difficulty all the possibilities outside our vision. One should become accustomed to thinking of entire worlds which actually exist. The Subtle World is not only our state of being, it is actually a complete world with its own potentialities and obstacles. Life in the Subtle World is not far removed from that on Earth, but it is on another plane. All the fruits of labor do not disappear, on the contrary, they multiply. However, if it is difficult here to preserve clarity of consciousness, there it is even more difficult because numerous manifestations are encountered of orders of evolution new to us. Thus, one should preserve especially the covenant about clarity of consciousness. This is expressed as true synthesis. And if consciousness is so greatly needed for the Subtle World, how imperatively is it needed for the Fiery World!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 151:
151. Sleep can have the most contrasting causes, just as contrasting auras can be alike. It may be a hazy state of repose, or it may be a tense labor of the subtle body. When, besides nightly sleep, absentation during the day is also required, it means the labor is great. Often this imperceptible labor has a world significance. Governments would like very much to have such co-workers, but due to human limitations they do not even know how to find them. When, however, such a possibility arises, they are filled with an animal terror, exclaiming, "Most dangerous people!" Thus, each concept reaching beyond the limits of the crudest material conventions will be accompanied by an animal fear. One must be consoled by the fact that it was ever thus.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 213:
213. Swelling and sensitiveness of the glands is especially evident during school years. Physicians endeavor in every way to drive this manifestation inward, or they remove the glands. But hardly anyone has thought of the fact that the special sensitiveness of the glands is due to fiery manifestations awakened by new tension of the brain and heart. It is neither a cold, nor the stuffy atmosphere of quarters, but the new activity of the fiery centers which causes the tension of the glands. Also, a similar tension reacts upon the surface of the skin. Of course, treatment by means of pure air reduces the tension, for the fieriness of prana corrects the unbalanced condition of the glands, establishing a fiery harmony. But each removal by force of a fiery apparatus undoubtedly has a powerful effect in the future, lowering the sensitiveness of receptivity.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 242:
242. Light out of darkness - this truth continues to appear to many as a paradox. These multitudes have not seen Light, and do not understand that Higher Light is inaccessible to the eyesight, either earthly or subtle; even its sparks tire the eyes. H. was enwrapped by waves of these sparks, and the eyes of Urusvati were especially fatigued. This enwrapment was necessary for Him, it was an example of mental sending to a great distance. Thus We send indications, but due to various tensions much is distorted. It can be affirmed that irritation requires tenfold energy, and such shafts of sparks can sever one's head. Therefore when I advise you to refrain from irritation, it means We are seeking the best results. Fiery energy surpasses all belief. People oppose this power and thus give rise to many calamities. The manifestation of enwrapment with fiery sparks depends upon many different causes. Fiery armor protects one from hostile arrows.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 258:
258. Much attention is now being paid to astrology. Even science at last perceives the cosmic laws. But it may be noticed that even with precise calculations inaccuracies often occur. One should know whence come these fluctuations. We must not forget that just now the planet is enveloped by heavy strata; chemical rays can be refracted by such a saturated atmosphere. The relativity of deductions results from this unprecedented situation. The same may be noticed in other domains. The claim of the fallacy of ancient calculations is due to unwillingness to pay attention to reality. People want everything to conform to their own understanding. You once saw how a crowd forced its way into a theater while the stage was already in flames. Thus it is in everything. It is true that the severed head of a dog may bark, but the human spirit becomes dumb. Such is irrationality and lack of balance! The time is dangerous; it is permissible to feel anguish.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 308:
308. Self-perfectment is Light. Self-indulgence is darkness. One can so build one's life that each day will, as it were, be the end. But one can so illumine one's life that each hour will be a beginning. Thus one can rebuild one's earthly existence beneath one's very eyes. Only in this way will the questions of the future and the understanding of fiery perfectment become perceptible. Daring should be found to reconstruct one's life in accordance with new accumulations. To die in the bed of one's grandfather is to be relegated to a medieval status. We even advise that these beds be taken to a museum; this will also be more hygienic. However, we should not limit tomorrow by the measurements of yesterday; if we do, how can we approach a comprehension of the Fiery World, which was like hellfire to our grandfathers. And now, when due reverence is tendered to Light and the grandeur of Fire, we can have spiritually a very rich tomorrow.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 333:
333. All earthly senses, when transmuted, ascend to the Fiery World. Not only do sight and hearing exist spiritually but even taste has its new application. Without taste it is impossible to understand many chemical combinations. And in the process of creation all the senses are needed as means of correlation. Therefore, it is necessary to refine the senses while on Earth. With due reason a certain hermit made his daily food of herbs and leaves in order to refine his sense of taste. And when a passer-by asked his reason for this, he answered, "In order to love thee better." Thus, each subtlety is of use in the realization of the fundamentals.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 432:
432. It may also be asked, Why do visions coincide with special moments of life? Is this the result of a Guidance that is aware of the approach of the crucial hour, or is it due to an exalted spiritual attitude, which permits one to see what otherwise would remain unseen? It is both. But besides our own state of consciousness, certain cosmic currents approach which transform the earthly strata. Undoubtedly, not only astral chemisms act upon us but also certain higher energy, the origin of which is infinite. Neti, Neti, the Ineffable guides us, and often we are touched by the Highest Power.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 511:
511. He who thinks of modesty and humility is by virtue of this neither modest nor humble. Natural virtues do not require forced considerations. Much vanity has originated from such forced pseudo-modesty and suede-humbleness. In all qualities connected with fieriness, directness is needed. If a man has not acquired reverence for Hierarchy, no command can make him feel the beauty of this striving; external conditions will shatter the seed of striving. It is a great fallacy for people who have begun to think of the Supreme to alter the outer conditions of their lives. A shoemaker known to you could have abandoned his craft, but he preferred to affirm himself in the rhythm of the past in which his highest thoughts had been generated. This is not inflexibility, but a due regard for the precious rhythm already established. One can observe that external conditions can give the impulse to thought. This consideration is very useful during fiery achievements. A musician does not part with his instrument even when traveling. The reason for this lies not only in mechanical technique but, consciously or unconsciously, the virtuoso thus preserves an already established rhythm. Continuity of work is needed for the coordination of the centers just as much as is pranayama. But an experienced workman does not ponder over the use made of his work. Work for him is food; he cannot live without it. Let the physician cite examples of this. In connection with Agni, disorderly, unrhythmic work is especially harmful, and it is necessary that a rhythm should become habitual without forcing. Then one may expect Agni to become indeed a self-acting armor. The quality of self-initiated action is a fiery achievement. It does not come from outside, but only together with the broadening of consciousness. Without the affirmation of consciousness, self-initiated activity cannot be established.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 615:
615. Special complexities arise due to the varying conditions of time in different worlds. True, one can see the very remote future, whereas an earthly date is deflected and appears quite different where no time exists. Moreover, our conventional days and nights assume differing aspects even upon other existing planets. But the Subtle World and the Fiery World even more are completely devoid of these conditions. This means that astrological signs may serve there, but even they are defined by different methods, because the chemism of the luminaries is refracted differently when Agni triumphs. But for us here it is difficult to imagine the conditions in Higher Worlds. The astral light is definitely affirmed according to the strata of the atmosphere; certain strata of the Subtle World dwell in twilight, because the light of their dwellers is faint. Few understand how the dwellers themselves can be like beacons of light. But precisely purified Agni serves as a beacon of light for all. Thus, thought about Materia Lucida serves as a beacon for achievement. Many ask themselves, "Will I shine?" Again, let us not forget that egoism is like a dark cobblestone upon the heart, but the pure Ego is like a radiant Adamant!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 654:
654. Let us recall an ancient Chinese tale about the Elusive Decrees. A man passed by the dwelling of eight Blessed Ones and noticed that they were strangely occupied. One of them was rushing about attempting to jump upward. When the passer-by asked the reason for such exercise, he answered, "I am catching the Elusive Decrees" Another Blessed One held his hands over the fire and referred to the same Elusive Decrees. A third stood in an icy stream and spoke of the same Elusive Decrees. Thus eight Blessed Ones strained their forces in striving to the higher Decrees. The passer-by thought to himself, "If even those who have already attained beatitude must strive so vigorously to cognize and catch the Decrees, then how much greater tension must I exert lest the Higher Will escape me!" In this story one can perceive several useful concepts. First, the state of greatest tension can indeed assist transcendental receptivity. Second, having already attained initiation does not necessarily relieve one from the danger of failing to fulfill the higher Ordainments. Third, one must welcome all forms of tension, in order to enter into accord with the Higher World. How often the elusive Decrees flash through space and return again to the treasury of the unapprehended! It is surprising how great a breach of convention it is even to speak about Elusive Decrees. Some smirk of ignorance, some reprove in pride, some take offense in cruelty. Thus each one in his own way ignores the Decrees - subtle decrees, vanishing into the ether. Thus, an old Chinese tale can remind us of the attention due the Elusive Decrees.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 13:
13. One should observe not only Ours but also the Black Brotherhood. It is erroneous to minimize the strength of the dark forces. Very often their victory is due to such neglect. People very often say, "They are not worth thinking about." But one ought to think about everything existing. If people justifiably protect themselves against thieves and murderers, so much the more should they guard against the assassins of the spirit. One should appraise their strength in order to better withstand them. Ur. fearlessly visited the dark ones. She saw many of different grades, and in her valor she addressed them. Verily, there exists such a degree of courage that even the power of darkness is silenced. True, it is impossible to ever convince the dark ones, but one may paralyze them and considerably weaken them. Therefore, it is so important to oppose darkness actively. Out of dead dust - only dust is born. For the sake of home cleanliness various brooms are used. And when one finds a scorpion in the house, then it is immediately removed.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 73:
73. People usually make the mistake of assuming, due to limitation of consciousness, that an object can exist in only one aspect. Therefore they cannot conceive that in ancient times people could avail themselves of various energies but applied them quite differently. People also forget that they themselves, when moving from their dwelling places, destroy many objects. So, too, the wise Teachers took measures for a timely concealment of that which was not to be revealed before its appointed time. Can new discoveries be given out before the appointed date? The very foundations could be shattered by such arbitrary attempts. Does not the Hierarchy participate in all discoveries? Do you not know that many discoveries have been destroyed as harmful because of their untimeliness? The Guiding Hand untiringly watches the current of possibilities for the Good.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 141:
141. It may be observed how furiously people are now objecting to the concept of Leader, and at the same time they are ardently awaiting him. It is instructive to observe the disunity of the processes of brain and heart. The brain follows the conventional thinking and repeats sing-song formulas. But the heart, even though it be weak and unbalanced, preserves grains of Truth. Where the brain finds strength in negation, the heart, though timid, still is atremor with joy at the nearness of the manifestation of a solution. People who raise objections against a constructive move usually have nothing to propose in its stead. Indeed, such objectors are among the first to follow a Leader. They will whisper about disagreement, but willingly and precisely will they carry out a Command. Not because of their slavish nature will they accept Hierarchy, but due to the labor of their hearts. This means that in a moment of danger it is necessary to maintain equilibrium around a strong authority. Therefore let the Leader not be confused by these phantom voices.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 172:
172. Due to unsteadiness of thought people see neither joy nor danger. But let us ask them always to ponder when the heart whispers about threats or about new joy. Likewise one should not be surprised that the dark forces can approach the most sacred places. But you have already seen such manifestations and know that absence of fear is the first condition to halt any evil whatsoever. But let us be honest with ourselves, in order to determine where there is fear and where it has been driven out. Fear is a weapon of the dark ones.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 219:
219. Very often misunderstandings have occurred as a result of relativity of definitions, which have undergone changes through passing centuries. The most ancient writings have undergone many alterations, passing through the hands of foreign translators. It is a well known fact, but for all that it is not taken enough into consideration. To obtain the full meaning one must turn to the same source, Hierarchy. If the translator and interpreter is in communion with Hierarchy, then his relative understanding will be set right in due time. It is unfitting to touch the Sacred Covenants with dirty hands. All forms of blasphemy are condemned, but it is especially abominable when a servant of religion blasphemes. Unfortunately such cases have become frequent. There are not a few actual atheists among the servants of religion. Is it possible for them to speak about the Living Ethics? The madmen do not wish even to think about the future life. One can imagine all the horrors of an assembly where blasphemers are gathered! The Fiery World is just a farce for them.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 277:
277. Not only santonin, but also certain other vegetable substances help toward seeing the symptoms of the aura. However such mechanical reaction is undesirable. Each poison cannot but react on the nerve centers, if applied for long. When we come to speak about the fiery heart, this recognition of radiations comes about naturally. Besides, it is most fitting to sense the quality of the aura. Because many tints appear highly intermingled, and just the viewing of it does not give an understanding of their essence. Thus, sometimes a blue aura may be exposed to an undesirable yellow radiation, and as a result there is a greenish light, but such a combination can be distinguished from a pure green synthesis. Similarly, violet may be the result of the approach of crimson. Thus, a single glimpse alone means little. One must perceive through the heart the essence of what is taking place. Thus, for example, it may happen that due to illness the radiation will grow dim, but the fiery consciousness will apprehend that the nature of the radiation is not bad, and that only because of accidental sickness has it been temporarily changed. Likewise it may happen that the radiation may be subjected to an external influence, such as results from obsession. Here also only the fiery consciousness will apprehend the true cause. Therefore, when I speak about future photographing of the auras, it must not be forgotten that fiery straight-knowledge will also be needed for this.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 290:
290. In truth, Egypt was great in attainments up into the time of Solomon. And Buddha, in a certain sense, received the chalice from Egypt. Thus the foundations of Wisdom have been harmoniously molded. Certainly, the Vedas too had a connecting link with former races. Often the Covenants grow in an evolutionary manner, but sometimes due to the depth of Karma the process becomes involutionary. But, withal, there has been an order of succession, and it precisely was a manifest equilibrium of the peoples. Denial of succession is ignorance. The very quality of life, the actual realization of the path, have been founded on successiveness, as an extension into Infinity. Quite often Hierarchy is represented as being finite, and from this issue all limitations and belittlements. The magnitude of Hierarchy extends into Infinity.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 406:
406. Cooperation based on personal feelings is not steadfast. Besides respect for the labor itself, reverence for Hierarchy is indispensable. Under the whirl of personal feelings people will bob about like cork manikins, and will jostle each other and be occupied with spasmodic actions, but each labor, in its very nature, noes not tolerate convulsions. Labor is a fiery action, but the fire must not lead to convulsions. Moreover, external personal feelings can impede recognition of new possibilities. How many beautiful actions have suffered due to transitory personal mirages! And such meditation is useful on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 56:
56. No advancement is possible, no construction is possible, without the strongest expenditures of energies on the part of Hierarchy, when the co-workers are clouded with personal feelings. The co-workers must remember the first law, which affirms the first step - the expulsion of feelings of personal vengeance, for the feeling of revenge is a powerful manifestation of the unscrupulousness of selfhood. For the sake of personal vengeance the co-worker may give up that of greatest value. When a co-worker forgets, due to selfhood, the affirmation which he must forge in his spirit in order to forget Service, the harm may become indelible. Primitive man lived and believed in vengeance, but the consciousness has broadened and man can no longer dwell in such black concepts. He who knows the meaning of Karma can understand that a man takes revenge only on himself. A co-worker will not become affirmed through selfhood and infringement upon the heart of his fellow-man. And a successful co-worker must not impose respect, but must merit it. A king of the spirit must first of all reveal himself in a small circle of life. The growth of dimensions proceeds from within, and the spirit may bedeck itself with all the crowns of human glory and still remain a beggar. Thus let it be remembered by those who are diseased with selfhood and self-conceit. On the path to the Fiery World these chains are not fitting.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 221:
221. At the start of a physical illness the ethereal body is naturally quite enfeebled, and only within the fiery centers does it remain strong. This explains why people who manifest life of the lower centers only are so afraid of death. The fiery spirit manifests joy, repulsing the dark manifestations with fire. Lower spirits feel their separation from the astral due to the injury of the ethereal body.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 581:
581. Often people talk about contradictions, putting in this category many cases not understood by them. On a hot day people may see a traveler dressed in warm clothing and laugh at the inconsistency. But they do not think about the cold night. Contradictions are usually due to meager thinking. A great number of misfortunes have resulted from unwillingness to think. Not contradictions, but the empty utterance of thoughtless words clutters life.

AUM (1936) - 88:
88. The bond with the Higher World enriches the consciousness bountifully. In manifold ways do the lofty sendings reach their mark - they may be apprehended in sleep, they may be received in wakefulness as a lightning flash of thought. One should not grieve if such thoughts sometimes seem to be immediately forgotten, rather, they have sunk into the consciousness. It may be that the thought was destined for the innermost consciousness. Only in due time will it be manifested; meanwhile it must live on and enrich the consciousness.

AUM (1936) - 226:
226. In no medical school is psychology taught. Such a subject does not exist altogether.* The word psychology is connected with pedagogy, but not with cognition of the qualities of psychic energy. It is unthinkable that medical instruction should neglect such a fundamental subject. The cognition of psychic energy permits due attention to be given to remedies. Much less medicine is required when physicians are able to apply psychic treatment. The introduction of assistance by psychic energy will renew all the manifestations of life. Let us not separate the higher concept of life from medical assistance. So many ancient sources point out that priests were also physicians. Thus it was emphasized that the physician must have authority, otherwise he would trail behind the diseases without the possibility of warding them off.

AUM (1936) - 241:
241. It may be explained to you that the three letters Aum signify - past, present, and future. And such a meaning has a foundation. The Basis is the past, the Light is the present, and the approach to the Sacred is the future. Indeed, the sowers of various interpretations are mindful of the best explanations; but such explanations often are due to earthly understanding. Thought has no restriction as to the past, present, and future; it is as eternal as Infinity. To discuss Infinity, one must revise all measures; hence, the concepts of finite and infinite will expand. In the infinite there are no arbitrary interpretations, because in Infinity all is contained.

AUM (1936) - 279:
Good clear sight is due to clarity of consciousness, therefore from beginning to end We advise showing care in the matter of clear consciousness. Long ago it was said that good does not dwell in a muddy well.

AUM (1936) - 293:
293. If the precipitates of space upon cities were to be investigated, something similar to imperil would be found among the poisonous substances. Carefully observing this poison, one comes to the conviction that it is imperil exhaled by the breath of evil. Undoubtedly, breathing permeated with evil is a carrier of injurious effects. If poison can be deposited in the organism, due to irritation, if the saliva can be made poisonous, then the breath can also be made a poison-carrier. It is necessary to judge how much evil is being exhaled and how multiform are the aspects of evil compressed into the new combinations of poisons present in enormous crowds of people. This is increased by the varied effluvia of decomposing foods and all manner of refuse which litter the streets even in metropolises. It is time to look after the cleanliness of backyards. Cleanliness is necessary out of doors and in the human breathing. The imperil exhaled by irritated people is identical with filth, or shameful refuse. It is imperative to impress people's consciousness with the fact that each bit of filth infects those around. The filth of moral dissolution is worse than any excretions.

AUM (1936) - 335:
335. At times the pendulum of life can be quite inactive. Such signs will be present around paralysis due to evil. Not accidental is the expression, "He choked with malice." Thus it has been shown that malice is limited. The current of malice is not infinite. But it is necessary to observe the fluctuations of the vibrations of energy.

AUM (1936) - 424:
When psychic energy occupies its due position, when woman enters as the protectress of culture, when cooperation is made the basis of the structure - then all life will become transformed. Knowledge and creativeness will occupy their manifest position. I say manifest in this sense, that even amid remote ages may be found examples of understanding of the significance of science and art.

AUM (1936) - 428:
A great number of manifestations can be named wherein precisely woman can lend a special tension of psychic energy. But due attention has not been paid to such special qualities of women. It is rarely understood among physicians why the participation of a woman in operations can be particularly useful. The eternal Feminine Principle has not yet found its just interpretation.

AUM (1936) - 537:
537. Only a clear realization of the Subtle World enables people to recognize earthly property without hypocritical renunciations. Man will understand what property belongs to him, and earthly things will find their due place in the long human existence. The essence is not in renunciation, but in realization of the especially Beautiful.

Brotherhood (1937) - 23:
23. We have spoken about the mixture of strata. In cosmic storms the current of chemism is constantly being unsettled and the rays refracted. It is not easy to assimilate such perturbations unless we remember about the inviolability of the laws. Astrology, remaining a science, can still undergo many fluctuations due to earthly lack of information. In addition, many signs have been concealed. We say this, not by way of disillusionment, but on the contrary, in order to remind observers about the complexity of conditions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 24:
24. Hypocrisy, bigotry, and superstition are three of the dark qualities which must be rejected on the path to Brotherhood. Let each one reflect whence have been born these minions of ignorance. Whole books can be written about such paths of darkness. One should ponder upon how these pernicious corrupters have grown up. They grow imperceptibly. But there has never been a time when they were more numerous than at present. Notwithstanding the spiritualization of science, and in spite of conditions of rational investigation of the manifestations of the Subtle World, still the growth of crimes due to ignorance is unprecedented. People cannot understand that spatial thought can free them from their shackles.

Brotherhood (1937) - 140:
140. Each ascent is symbolized by action, but it is not easy to judge which action will conform to the thought. Many side issues will impede, coloring in their own way the attempts at action. One must have enormous patience and observation in order to be discriminating in the jungles of contradictions due to chaos. One has to love one's work in order to find therein rest and justification.

Brotherhood (1937) - 191:
191. To no purpose do physicians explain many ailments as purely physical manifestations. Catarrh, tuberculosis, colds in head and throat, and many other maladies are primarily of nervous origin. A man may feel a nervous exaltation and receive immunity, or through nervous shock may be left defenseless. This simple truth is not taken into consideration. Whereas the time is not far distant when the most diverse illnesses will be cured by means of nervous reactions. The treatment must be along the same paths by which consciousness is produced. It will be found that the most incurable diseases can be arrested by nervous reactions. On the other hand, without due concern about nervous forces the least indisposition may reach dangerous dimensions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 204:
204. Gradually it will become known that the legend is the true history; then documents will be found. Each revelation confirms the fact that truth lives on and must be perceived. Since myths live on, then too the history of the Brotherhood will acquire authenticity. It can be noted that information about the Brotherhood is especially suspected. Many circumstances are accepted quite easily, but the existence of the Brotherhood has a particularly striking effect. People are prepared to encounter an unknown hermit, but for some reason it is difficult for them to picture a society of such hermits. There exists an order of truths which meets with special opposition. It is not difficult to understand who is against the concept of Brotherhood. These creatures know perfectly well about the existence of the Brotherhood, and they tremble lest this knowledge reach the people. But all is accomplished in due time. If people do not know, still they are beginning to have premonitions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 341:
341. Thought is the law of the world. This law must be understood in all its fullness. Thought is not only verbal expression, the domain of thought is also the domain of mental energy. Precisely this circumstance is lost sight of, and only a small range is allotted for the diffusion of thought. Such limitation prevents from representing thought as beyond the limits of the planet, in other words, it deprives thought of its noble meaning. Thought, just as does thought-energy, actually assumes due significance when it is understood as existing beyond the limits of Earth. It is impossible to limit thought to the earthly sphere, otherwise radio waves could compete with this greatest of energies. Constricting the greatest energy also aids the belittlement of human thinking. Verily, the more man constrains his possibilities, the more does he cut himself off from great cooperation.

Brotherhood (1937) - 499:
Likewise, understanding of inner motion will bestow dignity of movement. Gestures and movement itself are not easily acquired by people; often they do not know how to handle their hands, feet, and even their heads. The head shakes, the hands wave about, the feet stumble - really, must one even teach them how to walk? However, all these blunderings are due to disorderliness of consciousness. Aimless bustling is an expression of a lack of adaptability to life. It is not fitting to be a buffoon on the path to Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 568:
568. It has been said that each man carries his particular mission. Actually, each one who has taken on an earthly body is already a messenger. Is it not wondrous? It changes nothing that most people have no conception of their destination. This forgetfulness is due to a lack of realization of the three worlds. One may imagine the transformation of a man who recognizes the usefulness of his earthly path. Brotherhood furthers such realization.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 18:
18. Urusvati, in her subtle body, continuously participates in Our help to humanity. Through their flights in the subtle body Our co-workers render so much help to people that no records are sufficient to contain it. It should be remembered that We rarely appear at so-called spiritualistic seances, and We consider such gatherings harmful because of the discordant auras of those who attend. Hardly any circle is ever assembled with due consideration of the auras of the participants. One can imagine what kind of entities project and materialize in response to the discordant mental states at these gatherings, and attention has already been directed to the stupidity of answers received in response to questions put by these equally stupid circles!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 143:
We have already mentioned that those who rebel against the Brotherhood are struck as if by a boomerang. The ignorant will attribute this to Our vengefulness, but the fact is that it is due only to a discharge of energy. If one touches both poles of a charged battery he will receive a shock, but it would be ridiculous to accuse the battery of being vengeful or malicious.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 222:
One should not easily excuse unworthy deeds on the basis of misunderstandings due to differences in language. Unfortunately, shameful deeds are the result of evil willfulness and envy. If one examines the reasons for the persecution of the best minds of different nations, and compares the reasons for the persecution and banishment of Pythagoras, Anaxagoras, Socrates, Plato, and others, one can observe that in each case the accusations and reasons for banishment were almost identical and unfounded. But in the following centuries full exoneration came, as if there had never been any defamation. It would be correct to conclude that such workers were too exalted for the consciousness of their contemporaries, and the sword of the executioner was ever ready to cut off a head held high. Pericles was recognized in his time only after people had reduced him to a sorry state. Only in that state could his fellow citizens accept him as an equal!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 257:
If one watches the temperature of healthy people it can be observed that sometimes there are unusual fluctuations of both temperature and pulse. During work these fluctuations are particularly noticeable. Many think that this is due to normal exertion, but careful research will show that the nerve centers are being influenced by external factors.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 266:
We deplore the fact that there are so many disagreements within families. Even the best warriors lose their strength due to such disharmony. Instead of goodness, blasphemy and evil talk defeat aspiration and cause waste of the precious panacea of psychic energy! People do not appreciate this gift, and it can be spilled as from a broken vessel. Wherever possible one must help families to maintain their balance.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 299:
299. Urusvati has observed that some localities can have different names at different times. There has been a rumor that We deliberately changed the name of Our Abode, but this is not true. In fact We simply allowed the changes in name that would normally occur due to differences in language.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 354:
You should have the same attitude toward Us. This attitude will broaden your consciousness and is beneficial for your inner life. It is lamentable that after millions of years We still must stress an intelligent attitude toward the life of the Subtle World. Let us be fair and admit that people do not understand the Subtle World; moreover, due to the predominance of technology, they are moving even farther from the true concepts. Literacy does not yet mean culture. Great calamities occur because of ignorance. We do not expect extraordinary refinement, but only that people manifest the best qualities of their spiritual nature.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 359:
It is interesting to observe how slowly people acquire this ability. Often the perceived images tremble, the features become distorted, parts disappear, or the images may become stretched out of proportion or change their expression. Even the most kindly face can acquire a look of malice. Due to these distortions people imagine that they have been approached by an evil spirit, but the cause lies in their own inability to develop subtle vision.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 360:
These noises cannot be explained by a decreased function of the heart, or by irritability, especially since they occur unexpectedly and independently, with no connection to any previous physical experiences. They may be due to the pressure of cosmic currents, but it is more likely that they are the touches of the Subtle World. Thus, we come back again to the subject of contact with the Subtle World. People should look more within themselves, and should fulfill the ancient maxim "Man, know thyself."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 371:
Bear in mind that certain terms should be understood relatively. For example, one may speak of "spiritual drought," but few understand the meaning of this condition. Yet it does come about, due to an intense but unbalanced concentration, when the consciousness is greatly elevated while the centers are unable to adjust themselves. Thus, temporarily, man cannot express his consciousness. Such turns of the spiral of consciousness are unavoidable.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 382:
Another factor should be kept in mind, that psychic energy is developed especially during conscious communion with Hierarchy. This communication should be practiced throughout one's entire life, and will then become firmly established. The Image of the Teacher will become ever-present, and the flow of the new, vital currents will be manifested in all endeavors. This will become the foundation of the feeling that people call optimism. Such straight-knowledge helps even machines to do their best work! All Our apparatuses are designed to respond to psychic energy. Not everyone is able to make use of Our methods, but every thinking person can progress on the same path. The difference between Us and others is that, due to lengthy experience, We know how to focus Our psychic energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 429:
The teacher should continue to remind the pupil about the vast numbers of natural phenomena that have remained unknown due to ignorance. In Our observations We are particularly saddened by the fact that people often pass by the special, precious proofs of the subtle nature of man without even noticing them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 432:
We are greatly saddened when Our advice has been rejected or its application delayed. However, even Our material help is not always accepted. The usual excuse is that Our methods are too unfamiliar. But people cannot see that the conditions of Our help may be quite beyond their earthly understanding and judgment, and their unwillingness to accept it is due to a lack of imagination. They cling fast to the only way they see out of a difficulty, and unfamiliar suggestions are unacceptable to them. That is why it is so helpful to listen to the traditions of different peoples. Only by comparing the most varied opinions can one imagine the diversity of existing conditions. One should learn to listen to the slightest appeals. The heart will tell when they are true.


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