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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DR > DRIVING (30)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.20:
I can visualize a present-day minister of state or a Roman Pontiff driving up to Our Towers in a motorcar! Is there more of comedy or of tragedy here? In any case, a simple Mongol will be found to behave with more dignity, for in him the nerve of receptiveness has not been ruptured.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 23:
23. What has forced the poisons toward the earthly spheres? The disturbances of the elements give rise to a powerful poisonous gas. Usually this gas is easily assimilated in space, but the rays of the sun are driving the gaseous waves into the layers closest to the planet. Although a dangerous reaction results, those forewarned can overcome the poison. Irritation and its offspring, imperil, combine easily with the poison of space, which is called aeroperil. The laws are alike in all things.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 54:
54. Hasten to reveal the consciousness of the New World. Leave your memories behind. Can the charioteer, driving forward, continuously look back?

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 145:
145. The entire cosmic life is permeated with subtle energies. The driving force of creation creates the forms of Being in eternal vibration. The Universe scintillates with the treasures! Cosmos discloses that stream which touches each striving spirit. Subtle energies demand the subtle understanding upon which the sympathetic vibration with the Cosmic Magnet is set up. In creation, the spirit unites with the Cosmic Magnet. The strata of the Spatial Fire determine the earthly strata. But it must be perceived how this confirmation differs from actual absorption. When an asserted truth runs current with the plan of the Lords, then each cosmic vibration can be discerned. But when an assertion expresses only human irrationality, then the receiving of the energy results only in an opposite manifestation.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 213:
The universal substance which permeates Space is not accessible to the spirit without the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet. By inhaling and exhaling with the Cosmos, by transmuting and creating with the Cosmos, one may discover the true formula of the driving Fire.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 218:
218. Universal correlation takes in all manifestations of the Cosmic Magnet. Creativeness is accompanied by a vast number of manifested driving energies attracted by the Cosmic Magnet. When the energies are attracted by the Cosmic Magnet acting as a force in correlation with the earthly crust, the manifestation of the energies is predicated upon the fact that the Magnet will manifest those forces which the crust of the planet can absorb. If this manifestation were to exceed the assimilative capacity of the planet, it could not assert itself as a constructive force. Explosions and devastations would then assail the planet. Hence, the fiery tension approaches only when the planet is in need of final transmutation. Thus, universal correlation exists between cosmic manifestations. Universal correlation brings confirmation to the action and attraction of energies. The assertion of the sum total of all energies confirms the formulae of the Cosmic Magnet.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 242:
Similarly, energies are needed to propel life. We call them movers of the essence. One should observe especially how the energy of psycho-spirituality acts. This driving energy is a growing force, and the principle of striving underlies it as a fundamental power.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 262:
262. The magnetic currents are driving toward a union. The creativeness of the Magnet collects the streams of cosmic currents. When the superterranean and the subterranean currents correlate, they are harmonized similarly as are the supermundane and the earthly spheres. When human actions will affirm the attraction of the spheres, it will be possible to establish the harmonization based on the Cosmic Magnet. All shiftings and disturbances upon Earth are determined by the currents of the spheres. How, then, can one fail to realize the life of Space, when all currents are so tense? The currents streaming from one pole can mean only destruction. The laws of psycho-dynamics affirm reciprocal corroboration.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 277:
277. In the establishment of planetary equilibrium, the shifting of the luminaries is effected with the aid of the Cosmic Magnet. When the driving force is intensified in a constantly accelerated current, the shifting takes place. The quality of the energy is directed toward a new force when the power of an unbalance is set up. Therefore, one must say that only the subtle energies can push on toward regeneration. The spatial currents in departing from one center vouchsafe the rising of another. Thus the creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet intensifies all energies. The shifting becomes the step for a regeneration of energy. All planetary perturbations are results of a shifting of energies. In creating a new step we advance along the evolutionary chain into Infinity.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 289:
Materia Lucida is revealed as that driving force which creates the subtle energies. The spirit and Materia Lucida create in identical ways. The great creator, spirit, generates all strivings.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 297:
297. When the essential driving force of fire is in tension, the fluidic currents of the Agni Yogi tense the creativeness of the impulse. When the stimulus of fire is projected consciously there is no affirmation mighty enough to oppose it. Thus, the driving force of the almighty fires brings forth the necessary manifestations. All that has been asserted about the astral fire is based upon truth. Thus, the fires of the Agni Yogi, and the fire of the Tara, create the affirmations needed for evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 339:
339. The motion of the molecules sends out the vibrations of currents of identical energies. The cosmic seeds are being saturated with the energies of the vibrations of impelled molecules. In speaking of the cosmic seeds, one may call creation a state of magnetic consciousness. When energies are attracted to an identical center, the cause of this attraction may be discovered. Whether the energy be called an impulse or a whirling vortex, its base is consciousness. Indeed, when it is possible to define an energy as one impetuously surging toward fusion, the driving force of the Magnet is confirmed.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 339:
The driving force of the Magnet attracts all vital manifestations.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 361:
361. The reconstruction of the world is accompanied by currents which overspread the old manifestations. Each shifting of the Magnet intensifies all human actions. The Spatial Fire which permeates each strained spiral gives confirmation to each new striving. Therefore, when a powerful country is temporarily veiled with sands, then a driving current is manifested for ascent - because there is no unsteadiness where the creative Hand of Cosmos does the shifting.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 369:
369. The striving to the cognizance of the seed of the spirit is so essential; each spirit must strive toward it. When the direction of one's own fires is clear, then one can strive along the predestined path. The free energies can mold the karma of weak spirits, and the space abounds with such tossing spirits. As in a driving whirl are borne those who have realized their destination. But those still unaware of it are scattered as feathers. Hence, the course of the striving spirits toward that which is destined by the Cosmic Magnet will be as a link of the great evolution. The mighty seed of the spirit provides a new current and a fiery link. Thus walks Our tense Agni Yogi. Thus resounds the fiery, striving Agni Yogi. Thus creates the flaming Agni Yogi. Thus does the Agni Yogi construct the steps of evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 378:
378. The pull of evolution gathers energies which strive toward the Cosmic Magnet. The creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet is revealed as the Will of the Highest Reason. The fusion of aspiring energies by the Will provides the creation in the forms of the intensified Fire. When the element of driving Fire, speeding toward the vital manifestation, encounters currents in harmony with the cosmic tension, then this element collects more striving fires. But when the energy is rushing to affirm a contrary aspiration, an explosion in the space occurs. The manifestations of Infinity and of human impulse are equal. Thus the ways coalesce.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 105:
105. The participation of cosmic forces occurs through their attraction into the channels of action, during which a better combination is assembled. The creative impulse is tensed when the energies are assembled for manifestation. During construction and reconstruction various energies are attracted; thus, each driving energy impetus sets up tension, and each action is channeled by the influence of the Magnet that is drawn toward the seed of the spirit. When life demands a channel of action, the striving spirit must act through a pure channel. The channel of action must accept the formulae of the manifestation of the Magnet. Thus, quest endlessly for the channel of action.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 184:
184. The cosmic energies are strained into blending by the driving Fire. Each life pulsation carries in itself sparks of Fire. Each striving life pulsation is marked by the Cosmic Magnet. So also, thought is strained into pulsation by Fire. So many errant thoughts fill the space! Space vibrates with thoughts. A thought vibrates by a current of spirit, and it may be said that their manifestation prognosticates the cosmic creativeness. Thus, all prognosticating thoughts must vibrate with the fire of spirit. A thought deprived of the vibration of the spirit manifests deathliness. Only the vibration of the spirit can create.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 197:
197. Cosmic vibration impels humanity toward the Spatial Fire. When the thought undergoes shifting, then the Fire of Space contacts this thought. One must understand the tension of that thought which, as a driving fire, penetrates everywhere. The evidence of Spatial Fire should be discerned in all manifestations. All records of Spatial Fire carry cosmic vibrations with them. Hence, when humanity will understand the might of Fire the responsive vibration will be easily affirmed, and human creativeness will develop in fiery construction. Thus, cosmic creativeness is strained limitlessly by the Fire of Space.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 230:
230. When thought attracts from the space a driving manifestation of Fire, the Cosmic Magnet tenses the spirit. All Lords walked under the guidance of the tensed Magnet. Only an intense Bearer of the General Good directs the fires to achievement. That is why the striving Agni Yogi is so tensed. In Cosmos the manifestations of a fiery spirit is immutable. Therefore, when Our Envoy walk in tension new steps of evolution are being laid. Therefore, the centers must be carefully guarded. Great steps are being laid.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 384:
384. The cosmic tension is expressed in the driving force of all energies upon all planes. Therefore, the separation of the physical and spiritual worlds cannot lead to the understanding of the higher coordinations. Only when the principle of coordination is affirmed in the consciousness can one strive to assimilate the higher energies. The principle of coordination puts man into contact with the manifestations of cosmic fires. The principle of coordination impels the spirit to higher cognizance. Hence, the cognizance of the universal energy gives the spirit a knowledge of his own substance. When the spirit absorbs the higher impulses, it can be said that he creates with Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 416:
416. The eternal interchange cosmically unites and impels toward consummation the particles which belong to each other. The creative power of Cosmos attracts the impelled particles of life which are driving toward the affirmation of consummation. Only when the spirit knows the manifested law can Cosmos powerfully attract. Therefore, when the thought of consummation summons, the particles speed toward fusion in fiery striving.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 419:
419. The law governing the function of saturation is applied through attraction and identity of energies. When the impelled creative impulse gathers the affirmed energies in space, the law of the function of correspondence gathers the manifested fires. Humanity must understand that each force that enters into life creates upon the visible plane but is intensified by an invisible lever. Hence, one must seek in space for the saturating Fire and accept the law which serves as a link between striving and the creativeness of Fire. Thus, We strain the spatial manifestations into conformity with cosmic manifestations. The laws of spatial fires and human actions have identical driving force. Thus, the lowest attracts the lowest and the highest attracts the highest. But the law demands striving, and evolution is built by the manifestation of the higher attraction.

Heart (1932) - 280:
280. Satanic wrath may also be useful. One may use the power of air, another the power of fire, and another the power of water. Skill in driving the most frenzied steeds can bring us closer to the goal. Thus, let us be strong in our mastery of the elements; the will of the heart, not reason, masters the elements. On the contrary, reason will always persuade us that the fight with the elements is madness.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 57:
57. Not only about Fire must we ponder. Events are driving onward like an ocean wave. You understand correctly that the dark force surrounds each benevolent inception. We observe how every ordinary action is instantly turned into evil. Thus, one should get rid of all yesterday's gnats, and replace everything usual with the most unusual. Even an award, as it were, should be granted for unusualness. One should not expect unusualness from the old world. Over and above the usual conditions, one should touch the most unexpected angles. Therefore I rejoice when new elements are dealt with.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 83:
83. The dark forces have brought the planet into such a condition that no earthly solution can restore its conventional prosperity. None can regard the earthly standards of yesterday as suitable for tomorrow. Hence, humanity must understand anew the meaning of its transitory sojourn in an earthly state. Only through a fundamental defining of one's existence in the carnate form and through an understanding of the Subtle and Fiery Worlds can one strengthen one's own existence. One should not think that the delusion of trading can even temporarily insure a secure existence. Life has been turned into trade, but who of the Teachers of Life has ever been a shopkeeper? You know the great symbol of driving the money-changers out of the Temple; but is not Earth itself a Temple? Is not Maha Meru the foot of the Summit of Spirit? Thus one can indicate the predestined Summits to the inhabitants of Earth.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 244:
244. Not only is the odor of the deodar pleasant, but it helps to invigorate breathing and expel dark entities. Many oils have a purifying property, but not all have an influence on the Subtle World. The deodar has a significance in the Subtle World, and it is usually connected with places of sojourn of the Rishi. They know that the deodar possesses the quality of driving away evil entities.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 139:
139. People do not even suspect how strained the planet is! All these conditions which governments are creating are comparable to a volcano. Each wave of actions is saturated with destruction. There are no such circumstances as would indicate an advancement toward salvation. Yet the more suffocating, the more speedily can the great World Problem be resolved. Supermundane spheres are also agitated. Verily, each spirit striving into the future can sense that "Something" about which only the Lords know. Surely it is imperative to think about the driving clouds which must inevitably destroy the countries going against the Light. A New Dawn is already lighting the way on the dark horizon. Already events are proceeding and new forces are building a better future. Therefore, one must reflect about the appearance of the Fiery Element, for whoever is from Fire, triumphs with Fire.

Brotherhood (1937) - 340:
340. "Furious persecutors, whither are you driving us? Without being aware of it, you bring us nearer to the Refuge of Light." This ancient song can be repeated in all ages. In all tongues is it possible to confirm this truth, therefore it is better to be the pursued than the pursuer.


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