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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DR > DRAMA (3)

New Era Community (1926) - 216:
In Our Hindu writings you have encountered the expression "play" applied to cosmic concepts. The play of the Great Mother of the World - is it not visible to the illumined consciousness? And the drama of blood - is it not changed in the light of radiant matter. Yet for the radiant play it is necessary to have a prepared hour.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 397:
397. Innumerable are the causes of diseases, and science must analyze these causes. In this it is necessary to have in view the structure of all planetary life. Analyzing diseases one should study the spiritual and physical currents. Likewise the environment has its influence, for group aura proves to have a strong effect on a sensitive organism. We have often heard that during epidemics the better people are the first to depart into the Subtle World, and such diseases often carry off many sensitive spirits. This needs to be investigated, for not always is insufficiency of psychic energy the cause of falling ill. "Microbes" of spiritual infection which saturate space actually overburden the sensitive organism which provides a large store of psychic energy. It can be traced how often in critical moments an illness solves the accumulating drama of life, and often a third spirit takes upon himself a burden created near him, bearing it voluntarily and with tense care. Physicians must very attentively investigate the circumstances surrounding and preceding illnesses, for they may discover a hidden key to many sicknesses.

Brotherhood (1937) - 364:
364. It is impossible to progress without realization of the three worlds. In this they must be accepted just as naturally as is the light of the sun. Many recite memorized words about the worlds, but do not admit them into their consciousness. One can imagine what a drama goes on when the blocked off particles of the worlds are not admitted to cooperation with congenial spheres! Rightly has it been said that man is his own jailer.


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