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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DR > DRAGGED (5)

New Era Community (1926) - 225:
To proceed in the direction of evolution does not at all mean to be dragged along in the tail of the majority. The whole history of humanity indicates that it is the minority that has divined evolution. And these few have drawn from somewhere the strength to surmount the obstacles.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 286:
286. Success in life can be found both by those who with particular clarity understand the essential nature of things and also by those who have accepted their own very distorted perception of things. The difference lies only in the consequences. Those who have realized the nature of things are not attached to them, but the distorters are slaves to them. If someone finds no success, it means that he has remained at the fulcrum of the balance rather than placing himself in either cup. What is the measure of whether things are understood or distorted? Whether or not the conditions of one's life have changed. If nothing has changed, it is because there has been no action of thought. Those who are slow to understand cannot succeed. The majority of people are dragged down by their own weakness and inertia. Life is like chains to them, whereas life should be a conquest. The guarantee of success lies in action.

Brotherhood (1937) - 602:
602. Preserve solemnity. Surround yourself with solemnity when you think and speak about the Brotherhood. Thought about Brotherhood is in itself a great communion. Thought that is pure and clear will reach its destination. But where words about the Brotherhood are dragged in the dust of the bazaar, do not expect a harvest. The whirl of curses will not be stilled; cognition of the forces of nature is not obtained amidst revilements. Long since did We discourse about co-measurement. Each concept requires its proper environment. Because of this, seek for the reason why sometimes a concept is exalted, while at other times it grows faded, becoming frippery.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 55:
People encumber themselves with objects not only on Earth, but also in the Subtle World, where each unnecessary object will become a heavy load. Equally intolerable is unrestrained, foolish creativeness in the Subtle World. There one can create so much ugliness that it will follow one through all lives. Joy cannot be born when dirty tails are dragged along. Joy is about the future and cannot live in the past.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 140:
We do not commission Our messengers to perform impossible tasks. We know the limitations of human ability, and We also know what can be expected of a human being in the building of a realistic future. We can just expect the highest degree of striving from Our messengers. When there is such intensity Our Magnet is active and serves as a strong shield. However, for the long journey timidity is not suitable. Everyone knows, in the depths of his heart, whether he is led by the highest degree of striving or is just being dragged along in fear.


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