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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DO > DOUBTS (32)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 9:
Do not belittle the significance of what you do not comprehend. Cherish the token given unto you You must await the awakening of a new spiritual consciousness. Many doubts will be dispelled in your future work. Necessary and inevitable do I deem the rise and fall of the spirit. The Voice of Wisdom will open the gates to the Unknown.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 15:
Whatsoever your doubts We shall dispel them in life - but hearken! We shall manifest miracles in your days - but discern! Let your heart be your judge, and faith your power. Be content with the true Indications whispered to your spirit. My friends, you chose to take a happy road, leading to Me. You must teach others to search for My World - the World of the Knowing Spirit. Persist, and open the Gates to the hearts that seek. I will know when the time has come for the Gates to be opened.

New Era Community (1926) - 48:
Take notice, there has been success only where there has been complete courage. Small doubts create a slavish timidity.

New Era Community (1926) - 68:
68. Do understand the name of the son of fear and doubt - his name is regret. Indeed, regret after entering upon the Great Service cuts off all the effects of former labors. He who doubts binds a stone to his leg. He who is afraid constrains his breathing. But he who is regretful of his labor in behalf of the Great Service terminates the possibility of approach.

New Era Community (1926) - 172:
172. Someone may have doubts as to how to reconcile the assimilation of consciousness with the exchange of thoughts known as a dispute. Is a dispute necessary? Will not a dispute be a manifestation of dissimilarity? With Us a dispute does not exist as such; it is expressed in a mutual enrichment of consciousness. Precisely, a lengthy assimilation permits transformation of contradiction into an enrichment of the store of knowledge. Contradictions are usually only different aspects of one and the same manifestation. True, when contradictions issue from ignorance, then the dispute turns into a pit of rubbish.

New Era Community (1926) - 204:
If a material bond is hardly noticeable, the cause must be sought in the discord of consciousness. If We do not hasten with some manifestation, it means We do not wish to injure anything by prematureness. We never waste a stroke amid lack of will. We never put in a word the meaning of which is not understood. We always abstain from mad expenditure of energy, for through experience We know how precious is an arrow of energy. Have no doubts that beyond the limits of ponderable matter we are submerged in the interaction of the subtlest energies, and the expenditure of a single grain of these precious treasures must be a rational one. For centuries We have been filling Our libraries, and it would be only reasonable to guard them against fire. On certain symbols there are two spirals, and as it is possible to ascend by the one, it is equally possible to descend by the other. Let those remember who do not hesitate to say "We have already achieved." But those who suspect Our Community of inaction simply are uninformed.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 416:
416. Each era chooses its new, corresponding Teaching, when all previous Teachings have become distorted. People tend to cling to these twisted distortions of the faith of their forefathers, yet no new Teaching ever excludes preceding ones. Little attention is paid to this fact, for the followers of every Teaching like to build their success on denial of the previous Teachings. But it is easy to prove the continuity of what people call religion. In this continuity is sensed a single stream of one energy. Calling it psychic energy, we speak of the Sophia of the Hellenic world or Sarasvati of the Hindus. The Holy Ghost of the Christians manifests signs of psychic energy, just as do the creative Adonai of Israel, and Mithra of Persia, full of solar power. Certainly, no one doubts that the Fire of Zoroaster is the Fire of Space, which you now study.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 463:
Who can change destiny? Where is the power? Only in thought. People do not trust thought sufficiently, and the power of their will is fettered seven times over. A man says, "I have gathered all my will power," yet at the same time he is afraid, and doubts, and hates, and hesitates. The will does not act in this way. It can send its arrow only when all fetters have been removed. This state was called dispassionateness, but this is not correct; it is better to define it as liberation. Let us take the example of an archer. If his arrow is weighed down with any objects, the flight of the arrow can only be spoiled. If people could learn to compare their inner actions with their physical activities, they would greatly enrich their consciousness.

Hierarchy (1931) - 136:
136. Only by the tension of all strength will you conquer. This must be remembered and applied. We have decided on complete success, it depends upon you to accept it. The entire garden of doubts, suspicions, fears, offenses, condemnations must be cast aside. If you desire to accept victory, every treason must be avoided, because the consequences of doubts and lack of respect for Hierarchy will disrupt all threads. When the ship is holding by only one anchor during the tempest, it is stupid to begin to change the chain. Guard the foundation, and ascend only through its growth. I shall be tireless in repeating about Hierarchy until you realize it. It is not enough to nod your head, it is time to think and to apply. I have reasons for repeating this.

Heart (1932) - 561:
561. The great law is to transfer the heart from the category of ethical abstraction to a scientific motive force. The evolutionary step of understanding the heart has to begin in the days of Armageddon, as the sole salvation of humanity. Why are people unwilling to sense their own hearts? They are willing to seek within all vagaries, but reject the closest. Even though they call the heart a machine, let them observe all characteristics of this apparatus. We are not insisting on the moral significance of the heart - this is indisputable. But now the heart is needed as the bridge of salvation to the Subtle World. It should be affirmed that a realization of the qualities of the heart represents the most vital step for the world. Never as yet has it been regarded as salvation. Let him who remains deaf accept all consequences! It should be understood that now the human heart lends itself to unusual possibilities of observation. The catastrophic condition of the lowest spheres of the planet reflects its effects upon the activity of the heart. One should not fear the previous epidemics, but should be aware of the entire sequence of sufferings caused by faulty prophylactic of the heart. To comprehend this as vague prophecies is the worst thing. On the contrary, these conclusions should be accepted as emanating from the most precise laboratory. All circuitous ways should be rejected. One must accept the foundation of the heart and understand the significance of the focus. Digressions are unfit, and doubts admissible only where man has not attained an understanding of the heart's beat.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 148:
148. It is possible to read a closed, unfamiliar book. You have seen this. It is possible at will to learn the time, mentally evoking a view of the timepiece. Thus it is possible to impel the Fire of Space to remove all obstacles. People call this manifestation clairvoyance, but it is better to call it fiery transvision. Yet it may be noted that this fiery possibility is not always the same. Also, it can be shown that great shocks increase this faculty just as complete repose does. But there exists a certain intermediate condition of the spirit, which, like a cloud, enshrouds our consciousness - this is confusion of the spirit. It is that same wavering which breeds the cloud of doubts. The clarity of reception fades not only because of the receiver's own confusion but also from that of those about him and bound to him by karma.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 354:
354. Very often the question has arisen as to which thought is the more effective, the uttered or unuttered one. Indeed, it may seem that the application of verbal formulas might add strength. People attracted by externals imagine that a framework of words will enhance the effectiveness of the thought. This, however, is but conventionality, and words will not help the essence. The wordless thought is far more powerful, manifesting a purer degree of Fire. One can observe that an unuttered thought remains entirely free from the condition of constraint brought by language. It approaches the fiery tongue and it multiplies its own power. We send fiery thoughts; they are fierily understood. This understanding may be called straight-knowledge, but its origin may be called the language of Fire. We receive, as it were, a radiogram from the Subtle World, but from its higher, fiery spheres. The Fiery World is primarily within us, if only we discern its abode! Thus, when one doubts whether communion with the Fiery World is possible, one should remember its presence everywhere. However, a current must be established through the heart and not the brain. One can find contact with the Subtle World continuously, but the Fiery World requires an especially good frame of mind. Verbal husks will alienate rather than bring us closer to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 433:
433. How is it possible to ascertain the verity of the Teaching? A multitude of good words may cover up something mediocre; but Truth, we know, does not fear examination. On the contrary, when observed, Truth draws nearer and shines forth. Therefore, each investigator of the Teaching may be advised, "Approach with all force; observe by thorough measures; investigate by all methods; cognize with all daring; reveal indefatigability, and be aflame with each discovery of Truth." The Teaching cannot be fallible. It cannot deviate from the paths of usefulness and good. One should not believe only in assertions. Faith is the realization of Truth, tempered in the fire of the heart. The Teaching is infinite, otherwise the very concept of Infinity would not exist. One should strive toward Truth. Truth does not reject - it directs. In the Teaching there can be no distorted concepts. Regard the path of the Teaching as the affirmation of that which is beyond doubt. One should not approach Truth along a meandering path. One must proceed by testing each word, each statement, and each covenant. If the Teaching is a true one, each step to it will be enlightening and broadening. Disparagement, denial, abasement are poor guides! More than once you will hear from a speaker the conceited remark that the only correct Teaching is the one known to him. It is then good to remind the conceited one about the grandeur of Infinity, of the millions of years of life on Earth, of the Billions of worlds - let him meditate upon the vastness of Truth and the soundness of its fitting recognition. One could agree with the method of skepticism if only something would result from it. As a rule it corrodes the creative principle. An indefatigable spirit is needed to advance along a constant progression. Only such an expansion and containment will bring real tolerance toward anything that is futile, this is learned through relativism. Thus, say to him who has doubts about the Teaching, "Test it, be aflame in your heart, and broaden your spirit!"

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 411:
411. The path of equilibrium is attained through meditation. One should often repeat to people that reading, or even understanding is not meditation. One must become accustomed to meditation. Cognition from without must furnish the impulse for the fiery process of meditation. Fire is the great equilibrator. Absolutely consciously must one approach the Path of Balance, where there will be no more waverings and doubts - where there will be only Great Service.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 12:
12. Among the traducers of the Teaching one should notice a particular kind of people who assign for themselves the obligation of standing in custody of the Truth. But it is the prerogative of the fiery consciousness to manifest Truth. The self-appointed guardians of the Truth are at great pains to take for the Truth only that which is agreeable to them. Hence, there are so many vilifiers of the Teaching and of all enlightened beginnings. It is correct to point out the anathema and maledictions which are proclaimed by such guardians of Truth. How much of the Beautiful has been destroyed by these dark efforts! Why is it that these forces of darkness cannot stand Our Indications? Because Our Teaching is all-embracing, all-pervading, and of primal origin. Darkness contends especially with the Source which is close to the Hierarchy of Light. If We will trace all the false sources one will become convinced to what extent they are supported by human consciousness. The sowers of doubts and distortions continually voice interdiction of Truth and all Light. But the Fiery World also has its Fiery Guardians. Woe to the pseudo-guardians and woe to those who litter the space with pseudo-teachings. Woe to those who in an unworthy manner have given and are giving to the World a conception of Hierarchy which belittles the Luminous Images. Thus let us combat the distortions.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 81:
81. Let us observe how the current of those who have just entered upon the path of Service acts. At first they are impelled toward an invisible, unknown Light, all their expectations are intensified, all quests are stimulated, and the spirit strives aflame. Then the current is affirmed as a personal quest; then follows a swarm of doubts and hopes. But when the spirit is able to overcome all the invasions of the dark ones, then the pledge of aspiration and ascent may become affirmed. Thus must the leaders of spirit remember. Sometimes the obvious enemies are not so dangerous as the aspirants who have approached the Light, because when the terrors of doubt are unconquered, then also is the path of Light unrealized. Indeed, one must be conscious of the full Light, in order to distinguish the voices of the Light from the whisperings of darkness. Each one chooses his way to fight against the enemies; some manifest self-defense, some foresee danger, some carry the fight to the enemy. But the path of those newly approaching Light must be verily directed and watched over, for when the doubts are not fully outlived one must direct the spirit on the path of Light. Verily, as Ur. has said, one should place everything at stake. Thus let us remember on the path to the Fiery World.

AUM (1936) - 506:
From the first years of childhood the best prophylaxis against doubt should be employed. A healthy, rational, inquiring mind does not engender doubt, but any ignorance can be the source of the most ugly doubts. Doubt is primarily ugliness, and finally, it leads to betrayal. The epidemic of betrayal is already a planetary calamity.

AUM (1936) - 596:
Should one not listen attentively to everything which can unite the worlds? It is necessary to discover in the midst of life all the tiny flashes that can lead beyond the limits of the carnate world. Foggy hypotheses are not needed when scientific experiments can be formulated, nor confused doubts where a keen eyesight can look directly upon the immutable laws.

Brotherhood (1937) - 258:
258. Seeds may be scattered by the whirlwind; they may be nibbled by birds; they may be washed away by a downpour of rain - many are the causes and the effects. It is especially difficult for man that he cannot predetermine the result of a sowing. But because of this he should not distribute arbitrarily the results of labor. Man must clearly picture the goal of his work, but the paths of movement and the new obstructions must not distress the worker. In the earthly way it is not easy to reconcile oneself to the thought that seeds can sprout in unexpected places. But let man not forget that the vitality of a seed is great. Thus let us sow, without thinking where the beautiful garden will spring up and expand. A man may select for his garden a splendid place, according to his way of thinking, while the place next to it may prove to be a far more fertile soil where even a seed brought by the wind will flourish. Thus let us sow, having no doubts about the vitality of seeds.

Brotherhood (1937) - 567:
567. People know of monasteries which have been in existence for thousands of years. People know of business houses which go on for centuries. Thus, people are agreed to recognize the fact-findings of the most diverse institutions. But only about the Brotherhood do they express various doubts. Any possibility of the existence of the Brotherhood is especially denied by people. There are many reasons why people so greatly fear the concept of the Most Beautiful. Does not someone fear that the existence of the Brotherhood may reveal his intentions? Or that he may be compelled to think about the good of his fellow-men? An entire arsenal of weapons of egoism is brought to bear against the peace-loving Brotherhood. Simplest of all is to deny the very possibility of the existence of the Brotherhood. Historical examples, supported by biographies, would seem to prove the existence of the Brotherhood in different ages.

Brotherhood (1937) - 596:
596. A city of science will always be the dream of enlightened people. Not one would presume to raise objections to an abode of scientists, where in peace and wise communion truths would be brought to light. Each learned worker would have the best equipment at his disposal. One can picture what discoveries would issue from general concordance and cooperation of all the branches of science! No one would consider the idea of such a city utopian. If only the means and good will could be found! But if one were to say that a certain Abode of Knowledge does exist, a multitude of doubts and denials would come tumbling out. And if to the word science one were to add the word Brotherhood , it will certainly be said that such a chemical combination is impossible. But who has said that science and Brotherhood are incompatible?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 26:
The cunning ways of the dark ones are multiform. In addition to their crudest attempts, there may be subtle approaches that influence one's weaker side. Creating doubt is one of the favorite methods used by the dark ones, and he who doubts is already defenseless. One would think that this axiom is sufficiently known, yet how many perish from this poison! I consider that a great many enemies of Truth are created by whisperers of doubt. Obvious fools are not as dangerous as petty hypocrites. If new kinds of poisons are invented, why should not new kinds of hypocrisy appear? These descriptions of the attacks of the dark ones must be remembered when you picture the Inner Life of the Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 68:
68. Urusvati senses even remote earthquakes and changes in atmospheric pressure. Ignorant ones will ask why such painful reactions must be endured, since the earthquakes cannot be prevented. Such questions are like those reactionary doubts expressed about new scientific discoveries. How can anyone say that one who can experience the vibrations of the planet is not of use for the gaining of knowledge? Unfortunately, such refined organisms are not studied, and because of this the possibility of their use for scientific observation is lost. A hundred years from now people will express regret about these lost opportunities, but today, even when faced with them directly, they are full of doubt. The subtle sensibility is linked both to the broadening of consciousness and the science of vibrations. Both subjects are deeply significant and are fundamental to the transformation of life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 132:
Among those who have experienced a long earthly life there can be found an organization that helps others to recognize Hierarchy. The beings from the Highest Spheres are not always perceived by those in the Subtle World, and though their presence is more pronounced than on Earth, there are many disbelievers even in the Subtle World. Those who were ignorant on Earth are stubborn and carry their doubts and negations with them into the Subtle World. One should remember this so that one may be ready to follow the Teachings when in the Subtle World.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 163:
The Teacher did not speak about reincarnation to the people because in His country this truth would not have been understood. Even among the disciples very few could fully comprehend the Law of Reincarnation. Some sects knew about reincarnation, but the idea provoked strong arguments and the majority doubted, just as it doubts today.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 310:
During a rainstorm most people will take cover in a shelter, even an insecure one, while a few will stand fast, facing the downpour in an open field. Similarly, while only a minority will understand the supermundane nature of life, the majority, full of doubts because of their fear, reject such an idea. Even the thought of life on far-off worlds seems impossible to them. In this, both atheists and religious believers are in agreement, and there are even scientists who still believe that Earth is the center of the Universe!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 356:
One should develop clarity of consciousness. One should understand that in the protection of harmony lies Beauty. One must not allow doubts that will violate the order of harmony. Beautiful is the vigilance that knows and loves the treasures that it protects.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 371:
The third doubts the concept of Infinity. To him We shall say, "Ignoramus, your heart has become harder than stone if you have lost the joy of Infinity. Man should realize that he is called to saturate Infinite Space with thought. The realization of the infinite power of thought is in itself the highest joy. Imagine what a beautiful garden of thought has been given to you, and rejoice at this knowledge." In this way one can nullify all doubters.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 384:
People do not know how to invoke the Forces of Light when threatened with danger. On the contrary, they cast their doubts, regrets, and even accusations into space, even though they are fully aware that such faint-heartedness does not help them. They know that accusations are not invocations, and that only the latter can increase their strength.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 391:
It is only because of inattentiveness in their earthly life that people fail to imagine Our existence. Even those who affirm that they know Us will have doubts after their first disappointment, and will lose faith in Us and in the Subtle World.


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