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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DO > DOUBT (178)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 25:
25. We lend Our Ears to pure thoughts. You will receive the knowledge and will walk the pure path, but beware of anger and of doubt. If you conquer, you will receive the light. If you falter, the whirlwind will obscure your soul. Perfect yourselves, my friends, unwearyingly. Deny not the Voice of the Spirit, suppress only the earthbound voices. Be daring - I am with you.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 45:
45. The miracle of Beauty in the adornment of our daily lives will exalt mankind. Raise high your light. Illumine the beauties of My Temple. Teach the Joy of Beauty. Teach the Happiness of Wisdom. Teach the Bliss of Love. Teach the Glory of Unity with God. I will grant you the power and fleetness of Mercury. Go forward without doubt, without fear, without turning back.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 145:
145. On pure soil do you begin My Manifestations. I shall point out the time for every pure beginning. Need will not afflict you. Outer laws will not violate your inner order. Deem it a blessing to bring light amidst the dark and inimical hosts. We have determined to reveal the ways of enlightening cruel hearts - to soften them with the balm of Beauty. But the iron of the dark spirit is colder and stronger than the words of Bliss. Only with great travail can the Hand of Truth bend the prison bars. From Above rain words of Truth, and men have unfurled umbrellas to shield themselves from the downpour of God's Clouds. But the shower will reach even their dry hearts. We strike evil blind, and by lightning illumine the path of Good. We send the gift of understanding to the manifested hearts. Only the blind will doubt - have patience for the future steps.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 243:
243. Have no doubt, no regret, no fear - the future is ahead of you! Four guardians, protect the Chalice of the Archangel! With new wisdom is filled the Ark manifested unto you. To the mouth of time did I give the command to bring you onto My Path. Under an earthly veil did I conceal your true faces. I filled you with the joy of ascent. And I unveiled the memory of the forgotten scroll. I enhanced your perception and opened to you the books. Approach and receive.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 249:
249. Let Us speak scientifically, but with kindness. Not for Ourselves, but for you, do I speak of trust. But Our messages shatter themselves against the heart that is barricaded. When needless words are uttered, the currents are mixed. Emanations of irritation deny entrance to the thoughts We send. Even a touch cannot be sensed by a hedgehog! In this, discern the difference between the quills of a hedgehog and Our feathered Shield. The benign arrows, like feathers, outline the circle of salvation; But if the needles of doubt do not permit the entrance of Our Message, special difficulties arise. The Higher Ones send Us Bliss. We transmit it to you. But if We and you reject the Bliss sent, We all shall be engulfed by the wave of evil.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 343:
343. They boast that they receive messages from Us, Yet have not renounced a single habit. Their steps are lagging in doubt, And their words are bitter with treason. They bathe in a puddle and mistake it for an ocean. Beware especially of treason.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 371:
If you are in doubt, Give Me your doubt. If you are angry, Give Me your anger.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 371:
Thus, I have accepted your fear and your doubt and your anger - this is for Me. And for you I give the path to the Light. For I wish you to approach Me joyous and radiant in the time of the Great Darkness - before the New Dawn.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 372:
But behind hatred hovers the loathsome shadow of doubt. And doubt is not fit as a shield.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 383:
383. Doubt destroys one's armament. Each loose stone weakens the tower.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.9.3:
1.9.3. I say irrevocably: While with Me, while without irritation, while without doubt, the streams of possibilities are incalculable.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.20:
2.7.20. Reading the suggested books, you will find sparks. Place into one receptacle the fragments of reverence to Maitreya. Thus, over the face of the Earth I Myself have laid the chips of the One Stone. A new miracle will bring the nations together. Our Ray will expel doubt.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.8:
3.3.8. "It is better to accept an urgent message than to hide from the messenger. It is better not to paint brightly the gates on a dusty road. It is better to let one's horse into a vegetable garden than to make it step on stones. It is better to forgive a village policemen than to have a lawsuit with the magistrate. It is better to give up carrots than to be deprived of peas. It is better to fall asleep on a wooden plank than on an ant hill. It is better to receive sound reprimands than to smirk at syrupy speech. It is better to be friends with a donkey than to listen to a fox. It is better to call a physician than to bleed a demon. It is better to shudder at the torments of the past hand than to be in doubt about the future. It is better to judge in the morning and forgive in the evening. It is better to think by day and fly by night." Thus is it said in the book "The Pearl of Dreams," written in China.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.1:
3.4.1. Prayer is the realization of eternity. In prayer there is beauty, love, daring, courage, self-sacrifice, steadfastness, aspiration. But if in the prayer are included superstition, fear and doubt, then such an invocation is related to the times of fetishism.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.16:
What teaching leads more swiftly to the broadening of consciousness? It is necessary to admit people completely individually to this meadow. To each one his own herbage, provided the inner fire conforms to human merit and dignity. The sluggish, the conceited, and those raging with suspicion and doubt will not find any nourishment.

New Era Community (1926) - 2:
2. Depression is the enemy of each improvement. There can be no constructive building in doubt. There will be no learning under fear. Observation is a step toward justice. Selfhood is betrayal of self-renunciation. Without achievement there is no path.

New Era Community (1926) - 68:
68. Do understand the name of the son of fear and doubt - his name is regret. Indeed, regret after entering upon the Great Service cuts off all the effects of former labors. He who doubts binds a stone to his leg. He who is afraid constrains his breathing. But he who is regretful of his labor in behalf of the Great Service terminates the possibility of approach.

New Era Community (1926) - 134:
134. Acceptance of the commissions of the community is shown by certain signs. Let us look at sincerity and pity. Sincerity is nothing but the shortest attainment. Vainly do sentimental people load sincerity with romantic tatters. Sincerity is a concept real and invincibly acute. That sincerity is similar to a properly directed spear thrust and is not a diffused goodness can be shown by example. Each doubt lessens the power of the blow. Therefore, for Us sincerity is the shortest attainment. Quite another matter is pity. Pity is a puddle in which the faithful foot may slip. The one who pities descends to the level of the pitied. His force is dissolved in twilights of that which he pities - a most whining result.

New Era Community (1926) - 168:
One can have no doubt in the potency of the will, but it is another matter to determine its power in life. How to find and discern the conditions under which a desire can pierce the being identified by our will? It is particularly necessary to watch the sparks of our consciousness. Even when a body is almost invisible the lightning of thought nevertheless flashes, and on the point of this lightning is life and death.

New Era Community (1926) - 178:
Can one doubt that you would want to conquer your defects? For a beginning, do not lie, be not afraid, and learn each day. It is not necessary to repeat this to community members, but there can be pseudo-members, and these must be isolated as if infected with syphilis.

New Era Community (1926) - 211:
It is in the very nature of humanity to listen to each bit of news about the Community. Some may attempt to talk about the impossibility of community, but no one dares make affirmation about its being harmful. We summon to the absolute, We propose incontestable actions, We wish to see will and independence. Nothing of doubt must penetrate the consciousness of the workers. We have assembled great stores of knowledge and We make use of them not for self but for Truth. And the crude "I" has already been replaced by the creative "We."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 26:
26. You often ask how one can reconcile the indicated joy with one's joyless contacts with people. Truly, each Teacher rejoices at the limitless beauty of the far-off worlds and suffers over the stunted stupidity of so many people. How can they be given the key to those far-off worlds? Even after divesting themselves of their leaden burden of stupidity they must still pass through the venomous slime of doubt, and then the terrible state of self-conceit. Then, a great log will fall on the napes of their necks, and, tumbling down the stairs, these snails will dream of clinging at least to the lowest step. From this rocking human spirit one could fashion instructive children's toys. Truly, the snails cling more firmly to their own spots. At least snails do not engage in senseless wars.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 29:
29. Affirm Our Teaching as your own abode, as your own construction. Let the breath of renewal fill your entire being. The significance of Community is expressed in united thought about the development of the world. The distribution of basic material benefits will result from an understanding of the highest truth. Unimportant are thoughts concerning the lowest material benefits. One should reject thoughts about quantity and strive only for quality. Of the benefit of quality, and of the harm of doubt, one must speak untiringly.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 38:
38. One who desires to join in cooperation must be given an opportunity to show his understanding. Thus, say to the physician, "You can show resourcefulness in applying musk, valerian, and cedar tar." Also, one can demonstrate observation in describing the flow of life. One can show steadfastness in striving to the Teacher, without doubt and without prejudice.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 53:
53. We must also turn our attention again to the serpentine venom of doubt. Doubt is of two kinds: one coils in its lair, in darkness, immobile and barbed. The other is ever crawling, sliding, and whirling. Usually the first is characteristic of youth; the second, of old age. The basis is not so much fear as deceitfulness in the nature of people. People distort their current judgments by these traits, influenced by their own past deceits. Though man is not inclined to self-examination, he is always ready to judge others, using himself as a standard.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 53:
Try to catch hold of the tip of doubt. Do not hinder your steps with such soiled fetters. Truly, it is easier to carry a real snake in your bosom than to be strangled by the boa constrictor of doubt.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 223:
223. Claws do not frighten you; roaring does not terrify you; animals wag their tails and stand ready to serve you. Thus precisely, the path of Yoga transforms dangers into fiery blossoms. When I advise you to preserve your earthly cumulations, I mean only the armor of your spiritual strength. We condemn waste. Each accumulation is a step toward freedom. But where shall we set the limits of permitted accumulations? By straight-knowledge and experience, the Teacher will confirm what is permissible. A yogi is able to do everything, but not all is permitted to him. Where then are the borders of limitation? A yogi's responsibility is to his spiritual accumulations, for they are his only treasure. The rest is nothing more than the arms of the warrior, returned to his commander after the battle. About this there can be no doubt.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 236:
236. It should be understood how, in every sense, trust increases one's possibilities. But what kind of trust is the best? And what doubt is the worst? The inner trust that needs no words of affirmation is the best. The fleeting doubt is the worst. It is not the gnawing serpent of doubt that is most to be feared, because with just one achievement the serpent can be destroyed. But the swarm of small worms of doubt requires a lengthy cure. The strongest trust can be upset neither by thought nor word. It would be better to swallow a deadly poison than to remain in the illness of doubt. He who is shielded with trust needs no other armor.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 295:
One can understand and apply the Teaching of Agni Yoga only after having been in touch with other Teachings of Life and then feeling the need to find beauty and new meaning in one's existence. Clouds of doubt do not oppress the person who seeks by any means to find a way out of the labyrinth! The command of necessity infuses one with resourcefulness, and helps one's ability to consider concepts not yet understood. When one's attention is taken by the inexplicable pains, then even the narrow consciousness will remember Agni Yoga.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 323:
There is no doubt that abstinence from meat is beneficial. All vegetables are good as foods, but a few, such as asparagus, celery, and garlic, are mainly medicinal.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 340:
340. Most important, learn to think in solitude. And remember the responsibility for thought. Truly, thought levels the strongest walls. I advise that one observe oneself carefully, and consciously eject doubt, irritation, and self-pity. Remember that no one but the Teacher can help. I advise that the Teacher be regarded as one's only stronghold.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 389:
389. Of course, imperil is the main destroyer of psychic energy. But one should not forget three other violators: fear, doubt, and self-pity. When it becomes possible to physically measure psychic energy, it will be instructive to see how these darkeners work to disrupt the flow of energy. But the flow of energy can be supported by countering efforts based upon self-sacrifice and achievement. These seemingly abstract concepts affirm the reality of the Life Principle, whose energy is cognizable and measurable.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 439:
There is no doubt that narcotics and meats are obstacles to the harmonizing of the physical and astral bodies. But certainly there is no room for coercion in this, for all harmonizing efforts must proceed in co-measurement.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 441:
You could have observed already that Our Indications relate to the very heart of events. I often speak of trust, not because I doubt it, but because what is obvious hinders one from seeing the inner currents. Everyone can recall having mistaken the incidental for the fundamental, and thus having forged mistaken notions about physical nature. But this also can be said of ideas about the element of fire. Someone may narrow-mindedly muse, "Our ancestors lived without fire, yet journeyed to the grave as honored citizens. What have I to do with fire? Let it be the concern of my cook!" But the wise one thinks, "Whence come the unexplainable epidemics, withering the lungs, the throat, and the heart? Beyond all the apparent causes there is something undetected by the physicians. It is not the circumstances of life, but other conditions that wipe out so many lives." This way of unprejudiced observation leads to right conclusions.

Hierarchy (1931) - 32:
32. How can we achieve a comprehension of the Magnet if we doubt the Indications of the Lord? How can we conquer an enemy if we doubt the power granted to us? How can we expect to build anything strong if we do not accept the irrevocable Indications of Hierarchy?

Hierarchy (1931) - 99:
99. The chief error of men is that they consider themselves to be outside of all that exists. From this issues a lack of cooperation. It is impossible to explain to the one who stands outside that he is responsible for what happens inside without him. The father of egoism has sown doubt and self-deception in order to sever the current with the treasury of Light. Nobody wants to consider that Light is the effect of thought, but the multitudes that inhabit the interplanetary spaces will willingly acknowledge the power of mental cooperation. They realize cooperation and understand responsibility. One can enroot oneself in a universal thought and thus acquire wings in heaven and on Earth - the foundation. Many valuable reminders about the link with far-off worlds are spread everywhere.

Hierarchy (1931) - 129:
129. Let us write down questions for a disciple "Dost thou not serve darkness? Art thou not a servitor of doubt? Art thou not a traitor? Art thou not a liar? Art thou not ribald? Art thou not a sluggard? Art thou not irritable? Hast thou a tendency to inconstancy? Art thou not negligent? Dost thou understand devotion? Art thou ready to labor? Wilt thou not be afraid of Light?" Thus ask disciples when preparing them for probation.

Hierarchy (1931) - 141:
141. Certainly you do not doubt that I shall reiterate about Hierarchy. We shall insist, until We establish a firm understanding of this panacea. But each time We shall stress a new feature, for We do not repeat.

Hierarchy (1931) - 149:
149. It was never said to rely upon the Lord. On the contrary, it was repeated, "Be imbued with the Lord!" There is a great difference between timid and inactive reliance and imbuing the entire being with the consciousness of the Lord. As an invincible sword, the consciousness identified with the Lord smites all obstacles! Doubt cannot find shelter where a flaming consciousness is kindled. There will be no fatigue where the inexhaustible Source of Forces is admitted. Fear cannot penetrate into the temple of invulnerable armor. Thus, I advise acceptance of My Shields, not through recourse to a saving protection, but by conquering through the blending of consciousness.

Hierarchy (1931) - 287:
287. Let us turn to devotion. This concept is also subject to many distortions. Devotion does not resemble a windmill, or a hired singer of praises. Rather, it resembles a firm tower upon a summit, which the enemies avoid in awe, but in whose chambers a shelter is ever prepared for a friend. Devotion is the opposite of doubt, which is nothing but ignorance. It means that devotion rests upon enlightenment. Thus, validity of learning is akin to devotion. It is not credulity, not levity, but firmness and steadfastness. Truly, the tower of devotion is not constructed by haphazard toil or by petty decisiveness; and devotion can be violated only by perfidy, which is the same as betrayal. But valuable are the towers of devotion! Such ashrams, like magnets, attract powerful hearts; they are nurseries of spirituality. Even material nature is transformed in the proximity of these towers.

Hierarchy (1931) - 380:
380. Are there not enough earthquakes? Are there not enough wrecks, storms, excesses of cold and heat? Has not the fiery cross risen? Has not a star shone by day? Has not a fiery rainbow flared? Have not the signs sufficiently multiplied? But humanity amidst chaos does not wish to be aware of the apparent signs! And so We shall not insist upon a visible sign when doubt has blinded the people. But amidst these blind and deaf the children of fire are found. To them We send signs, that they shall know of the approach of Light.

Hierarchy (1931) - 391:
391. Again they will come to you in doubt about the law of karma. "Is it possible that the unfit ones can revel in comfort, whereas worthy ones suffer?" Answer, "Heavy is the karma of those who cannot forego earthly comfort, for it is said, 'Comfort is the cemetery of the spirit.'" Besides, as you have observed, earthly comfort shuts out spiritual hearing. But many, under the mask of well-being, hide the greatest misfortunes. Therefore none of those who know will apply the standards of earthly comfort. One should judge according to the summits, not thinking of subterranean torrents.

Hierarchy (1931) - 394:
394. The intensification of energy between the disciple and Teacher is analogous to a steam engine - a continuous projection and restitution. Therefore We point out so persistently the necessity of concordance, for benevolence, striving, and gratitude. Only by those means can one develop the dynamics of concordance. A steam engine is provided with fuel, but We have an inexhaustible reservoir of psychic energy. One should not think that the enumerated qualities are needed by Us; on the contrary they are needed by you. Otherwise how will you strengthen the bond with Us? The powerful rhythm of the dynamo of spirit can be affirmed, not by doubt, egoism or self-pity, but only by an indivisible, vigorous striving toward Us. These strivings must be introduced into life. It should be remembered that each physical law must remind of the stability of the laws of the spirit. With such a consciousness one can verily become a co-worker for the transformation of life.

Heart (1932) - 6:
6. Doubt is the destruction of quality. Doubt is the tomb of the heart. Doubt is the source of ugliness. Doubt must be mentioned in each talk, because where can we go without quality? What shall we understand without the heart? What shall we attain without beauty?

Heart (1932) - 6:
They will ask, Why first Infinity, then Hierarchy, and only then Heart? Why not the reverse? But first comes the direction, then the connection, and then the means. One must not spoil this sacred recourse by doubt. Let us regard the quality of the pulse of a man in doubt and also at the hour of devoted striving. If doubt can alter the pulse and the emanations, how physically deteriorating will be its action upon the nervous system! Psychic energy is simply devoured by doubt.

Heart (1932) - 6:
After doubt, let us recall treason itself, for who is closer to doubt than the traitor? But one can overcome that darkness only by adherence to Hierarchy, to the most inevitable, like the radiance of the sun. Truly, it burns, but lacking it there is darkness!

Heart (1932) - 98:
98. How, then, to impart to people still unprepared that an object of the Higher World merits a heartfelt attitude? It is difficult with people who know nothing, but it is still more difficult with people who have swallowed the Teaching like a spoonful of gruel; one can expect from them special treason and perversion. There is no sign sufficient to convince the distorted consciousness that it is necessary to look not so much at the near ones as into oneself. How can one see fires when the eye searches for a wrinkle on the face of a neighbor! One may wonder with a cold heart and doubt the achievements of the other and cover with ashes each spark of one's heart.

Heart (1932) - 153:
Inseparable from the question of aromas is the concept of our emanations; but this field also is hardly studied. Each evidence of investigation of various emanations always encounters the stigma of charlatanism. Likewise, each sensitive sensation only encounters doubt, as if the multivariety of nature does not demand refinement!

Heart (1932) - 194:
194. Antennas can be adjusted for various waves, but their character is not disturbed because of that. Likewise hearts can catch various currents, yet their essence will be one. This can be observed especially about presentiments. Comparisons can disclose a remarkable scale of human hearts. It can be observed how one event may evoke unfailing effects, but how diverse they will be as to time and quality! One event can provide an entire volume of observations. One heart will grasp the cliche of the Subtle World, another will demand a physical current, and a third will respond only after the event itself. It is one thing to evaluate an event according to its merit, another to exaggerate it, and it is something else to unconsciously reflect it the rhythm of the pulse. No doubt the response of the heart is much more vital than one thinks. Presentiment is not superstition or imagination, but a physical fact. By a slight observation one can foretell an event, for the background of the event is not important; it is its potentiality that counts. Thus, the heart reverberates according to the most varied waves. Is it not instructive to ponder upon these manifestations?

Heart (1932) - 210:
Thus, I say, learn to harken to the fiery heart. Do not doubt that which is purified by Fire. Wise is the revelation of the foundations of the heart in life; and how greatly one ought to rejoice at this rock of Good.

Heart (1932) - 217:
217. Do not doubt that I speak of striving with reason. Much must be defined. It is also necessary to strive because the vortex is great and it is better to fly ahead of the cyclone. One must strive to Me in thought, this striving is the most indispensable. Learn not only to have My Image constantly before you but also to propel your thoughts in the direction of Hierarchy. As with a boat the anchor is thrown out to permit one to approach it closer, so in casting thought in the direction of Hierarchy we move undeviatingly. No one can doubt that the best path is to hasten to the Most High.

Heart (1932) - 228:
228. It is no honor to be tempted by the dark ones. It is no honor to lack resourcefulness in speaking against the dark machinations. Let us not imagine that the machinations of the attacking ones will lessen. It is not correct to assume that some day there will come undisturbed rest. Each shock is but a touchstone. Thus, each oppression must be regarded as the tension before the leap. Who could exhaust the depth of spirit if it exists? Who, then, can measure the saturation of the heart, and with what measures? Verily, the heart is responsible for itself. Verily, only the language of the heart can impart the essence of existence. Therefore we shall not be afraid of the intensifying oppression. Doubt can weaken each tension; therefore doubt is repudiated, and its begetter is called the father of falsehood.

Heart (1932) - 257:
257. Let doubt, which has extinguished the fires of the heart more than once, be silenced. One must rid oneself of the worm in order to evade the dragon. Especially now is doubt destructive, because one may have only a single sword. In battle none may have two swords. Nor does one throw two spears or shoot two arrows. One can achieve by only a single thrust and through the valor of a sole striving. It is difficult but success is near the fire of the heart.

Heart (1932) - 405:
405. Events are bearing away the corrupted world. This period was indicated in all scriptures. Nevertheless, people do not think of what is taking place. They cannot even begin to think of the future. Thus, one should not produce a book without indicating the Teaching of the time which has come. One cannot assume that something will still alter the direction of the current created by people. On the far-off worlds there is already a horror of the fiery inevitability, yet Earth continues to shroud itself in a dark cover. That which necessitated a century now occurs in five years - the progression of acceleration acts according to law. Therefore, when I speak of the heart it means that salvation can be found along this channel. Do you hear? I repeat about salvation! Not arguments, not doubt, not uncertainty, but salvation will be the sign of that hour. One must understand still more firmly how unfit by now are the old measures. Only one bridge remains from the highest worlds - the heart. Let us approach the source of the sensing of Light. Let us understand that even in the fiery furnace the youths were not consumed when they ascended by way of the heart. The time is a difficult one! Thus shall we repeat, fearless of the derision of the ignorant. They do not have even an idea of the significance of the heart.

Heart (1932) - 523:
523. It must be understood what a petty thought is. Like an insect it undermines the strongest intentions. The firmest character can be shaken by the pricks of small thoughts. This is seemingly repetitious and has become a bore, but when the time for action comes, people shower themselves with a cloud of chips of small thoughts. The noblest decisions are eradicated under the layer of shameful thoughts. Achievement is impeded primarily not so much by doubt as by inchoate thoughts, generated by old habits. I affirm that it is not difficult to liberate oneself from habits if we can sufficiently project the consciousness into the future. Often people measure the future according to the present and thus clip the new wings. Even birds know about the change of plumage, and accommodate themselves to corresponding conditions. During the molting of their feathers they isolate themselves in the underbrush in order to soar again renewed. Thus, let us take an example from these younger brothers. They can sing to us an excellent song of the heart.

Heart (1932) - 542:
542. Much knowledge is given, but it must be applied. Not in depression, not in doubt, not in suspicion, but in joy of the future this information is to be applied. Thus, one must primarily take care not to reject the tiniest useful blade of grass. If even the small ones from the Subtle World come with cooperation, do not reject them - they can ward off the arrow of evil. Thus, people usually expect great signs, but small helpers are never foreseen.

Heart (1932) - 597:
597. Let us not think that little is given to us, let us leave this doubt to madmen. Much is given, the heart is strengthened again, and the approach to Hierarchy and to the Subtle World in full consciousness is also given. But it is only the heart that will bring one to the Fiery World. Let us approach it without terror; we cannot say without tremor, for this beat of the rhythm is inevitable, however, it will not be terror but solemnity.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 87:
87. One can place the Teaching of fire into the foundation of each day. So long as we wander among illusory allurements we will not be affirmed in the sole basis of life, and thus will not come close to ascent. I have in mind those wavering ones who not only lose their own path but who also impede the movements of their near ones. The waverer not only dissipates his own treasures but also plunders that of others. It is frightful to see how the manifestation of doubt, contradicts all the fiery foundations. In this, observe that the waverer usually does not doubt himself, but others only, and thus he gives admittance to decomposition.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 93:
93. In general few can understand the glow of the flaming heart. Yet those who have beheld these fires of illumination know how vital is this manifestation. The Fire-bearer himself notices these instants of light, but for those present many conditions either permit or impede seeing the miraculous Fire. Without doubt the natures of those present have an influence upon the character of the manifestations themselves. One can easily imagine such a mass of extinguishers that even the star of Light will be only a glimmer. But at times a simple yet most beautiful heart sets ablaze a new force of the Fire-bearer. Besides human reactions and conditions of the Subtle World numerous manifestations of nature exert an influence. Thus, during a thunderstorm the luminosity can increase at the moment when the electrical mass also intensifies the inner fires. Water that contains certain mineral properties can also facilitate the manifestation of inner radiance. Naturally, the worst atmosphere is the stale, poisonous air of unventilated houses. Surely, if this air can be the breeding place of disease, how much more can it suppress the emanations of the heart! The manifestation of luminosity is more frequent than is thought, but prejudice and sophistry will always draw their own conclusions. The misfortune is that people cannot detect unfettered judgments. The heralded emancipation, about which people like so much to speak, will be primarily not slavery of opinion.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 113:
113. A principle permits us to form a concept of the successive steps of the very same orderly process. Everyone can learn to swim as soon as he conquers the element in his consciousness. Following this principle a man can lie upon the water, and through a certain exercise, can sit upon the water. Advancing further, the Yogi can stand upon the water. Of course, such standing, and also levitation, are already fiery actions. You have knowledge of levitation, and you recall what fiery tension is required beforehand. But levitation is not so difficult, for the element of fire is akin to air. At the slightest doubt, despite all physical accomplishment, the man will immediately drown or fall. The reflex of doubt is a most striking one.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 114:
114. One need not be surprised at the dark entities swarming about. If you should find a lion in your flower garden, no doubt there would be an uproar in the house. To the dark ones you are that very lion in their backyard. Not a few efforts did they expend in cultivating their thistles, and then, suddenly, an uninvited lion made his appearance! Truly, sometimes one must pity all these labors of human hatred. But, for all that, the absence of doubt is stronger than all the dark snares.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 277:
277. Everyone agrees that books should not contain too much preliminary material. But even average builders agree that the site of the construction must first be cleared and the necessary materials assembled. You yourselves know what it means just to clear the site - one must raze veritable jungles of envy, doubt, and all kinds of rubbish. One must apply all tolerance and magnanimity in order not to be bent under the load of weeds. Of course, all the forces of darkness and ignorance will revolt with especial vehemence against Fire. Therefore each book about the successive steps of life will not be brief. Let the last part of such a book appear separately, otherwise everyone will wish to read the end before the beginning. This habit is especially pleasing to the servants of darkness. Thus they create a quicksand for the weaklings.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 282:
282. Without doubt there exists a link between the hand at work and the Chalice, which reveals itself through radiation. And if such a link is perceived, one may be congratulated upon one's ability to observe. I equally value observations of the battle between Light and darkness; the stars of Light and darkness are quite apparent and denote a cosmic battle. One can foresee how in the course of time an astrochemical basis for many manifestations will be found. And each record of them will be of great service in the future.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 356:
356. Doubt is the main entrance for the dark ones. When doubt begins to stir, the Fire becomes low; and the front door swings wide open for the black whisperer. One must augment harmony and find joy even in a hen laying an egg. Thus, in great and small, we outdo the enemy.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 433:
433. How is it possible to ascertain the verity of the Teaching? A multitude of good words may cover up something mediocre; but Truth, we know, does not fear examination. On the contrary, when observed, Truth draws nearer and shines forth. Therefore, each investigator of the Teaching may be advised, "Approach with all force; observe by thorough measures; investigate by all methods; cognize with all daring; reveal indefatigability, and be aflame with each discovery of Truth." The Teaching cannot be fallible. It cannot deviate from the paths of usefulness and good. One should not believe only in assertions. Faith is the realization of Truth, tempered in the fire of the heart. The Teaching is infinite, otherwise the very concept of Infinity would not exist. One should strive toward Truth. Truth does not reject - it directs. In the Teaching there can be no distorted concepts. Regard the path of the Teaching as the affirmation of that which is beyond doubt. One should not approach Truth along a meandering path. One must proceed by testing each word, each statement, and each covenant. If the Teaching is a true one, each step to it will be enlightening and broadening. Disparagement, denial, abasement are poor guides! More than once you will hear from a speaker the conceited remark that the only correct Teaching is the one known to him. It is then good to remind the conceited one about the grandeur of Infinity, of the millions of years of life on Earth, of the Billions of worlds - let him meditate upon the vastness of Truth and the soundness of its fitting recognition. One could agree with the method of skepticism if only something would result from it. As a rule it corrodes the creative principle. An indefatigable spirit is needed to advance along a constant progression. Only such an expansion and containment will bring real tolerance toward anything that is futile, this is learned through relativism. Thus, say to him who has doubts about the Teaching, "Test it, be aflame in your heart, and broaden your spirit!"

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 456:
456. Walking on water or sitting upon water, like walking on fire, are remarkable proofs of thought-power. Let us recall, for example, how sitting upon water is achieved. True, the body has to be purified by a strict vegetable diet and a transport of the spirit. But in addition one should know how to swim and to float upon the water, in order the better to protect oneself from the serpent of doubt. Selecting some shallow, quiet waters, the yogi prepares a light wooden support on which he sits, so constructed that the water reaches to his waist. Then he concentrates by means of the rhythm of pranayama and lifts his thought toward the supremely Ineffable. Thus, several days can be spent, alternately resting and again drawing near to the spiritual exaltation. And when the thought frees itself from earthly attraction the human body loses its weight. Thus the yogi rises upon the water and the wooden support floats away. But should the thought remain at the original level the position of the body will remain unchanged, In addition one may notice luminous emanations of the body, which, according to an ancient saying link man to heaven. The only deciding factor in these experiments is the quality of thought. It is impossible for an impious man to sit upon the water, just as immunity from fire cannot be attained without a certain rhythm and exaltation. Who can determine how much time is required for a preliminary discipline of body and spirit sufficient to attain such an apotheosis of thought? It should be said that the degrees of patience, perseverance, and extermination vary infinitely, and, besides, certain influences of cosmic conditions are also very necessary. Nor should one laugh on hearing that the conditions are more favorable around full moon.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 524:
524. To doubt the evidence of the Fiery World means to arrest the momentum; therefore do not look back. Let the movement develop a progressive flow of attraction, like a current. As a falling object can develop a terrific speed, so can an advancing movement generate a magnetic force which draws one in the designated direction. One does not go far by growling, but fiery thought will carry one over the unexpected. Know how to observe the growth of consciousness. Certainly it is more difficult than observing the growth of hair or grass. But the haystack indicates the growth of the grass. So, also, the consciousness can yield precious stores.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 650:
650. In all Teachings the dark forces are represented as shooting their fiery arrows at the Illumined One. This battle is depicted in beautiful symbols. No less beautifully is it indicated that the malevolent arrows do not reach their target but form a protective net. Let us not regard this heedlessly; this symbol is entirely realistic, even from the viewpoint of modern science. The malevolent flame encounters the great fire of the heart and becomes subservient, only augmenting the Agni of the Great Spirit. Thus, the heart which manifests all its power is invincible. In case of retreat, search nearby. Has the heart maintained all its force? Has not some transitory earthly circumstance interfered? Has not self-pity arisen? Did not a quiver of fear overcast the heart? And did not doubt allow clouds to set in? Verily, where the Agni of the heart is not overcast, there can be no defeat. Often it seems to a man that he has reached his limit, but he is deceived by faulty vision, and a large expanse still lies before him, precisely where victory may come. Prematurity leads to misfortune.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 16:
16. As in Heaven, so on Earth. One foundation of Be-ness verily permeates all existence. Precisely this foundation should help humanity to understand the Hierarchy of Infinity. Who then will doubt that in every earthly object is expressed someone's will? Without will no earthly object can be created, nor set into motion. Thus it is upon Earth, and it is the same in the Higher World. Since the existence of the planet as an earthly stronghold requires an impulse of will, it is just as comprehensible that the whole systems of heavenly bodies require the same. Such will of course is more readily comprehensible to an expanded consciousness. But even the average human will can serve as an example of a microcosm. One need not go too far in special calculation, but if we take as a unit the human will at its highest tension, then it is possible to estimate the force of the impulse of the planetary will. One may be involved in innumerable ciphers, in calculating the will-impulse of a whole system. Such a problem would be an introduction into the Grandeur of the Ineffable. So useful are the observations, therefore, upon will power, when thought sets into motion this cosmic energy. The abode of Agni is the furnace of Cosmic Power. One should not be overwhelmed at the innumerable digits in the calculation of the Magnitude. Figures merely express that of which we are conscious, but the fiery heart, without figures can strive along the path of assimilation of the Grandeur there where word is naught.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 20:
20. There are many reasons why people fear the Subtle World and radiations of light. They feel in their essence that in the Subtle World every intention is accompanied by an obvious radiation, but man himself does not see his own radiations. If he were fully convinced of the good quality of his thoughts, he would fear nothing. But with a majority of people thoughts are very sinuous, and man, through the earthly habit of doubt, errs much from the true foundations of thinking. Therefore I reiterate so much about the necessity of clear thinking. One should be so sure of the quality of one's own thinking that not for an instant could one be confused by one's own light. A firm aspiration towards good, affirmed by the heart, will only multiply the beautiful lights. Besides their essence these lights are as purifiers of space. In the Subtle World such benevolent radiations create an all-embracing smile and contribute towards general joy. Therefore affirm yourself in good, and think so as not to be ashamed before any one. Do not consider these words an abstraction. The Subtle World confirms them. Many dwellers in the Subtle World regret that no one on Earth told them about these obvious radiations, which ought to be beautiful.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 114:
114. It has been correctly observed about the final test through fear; after irritation, doubt, temptations have been passed, there remain the horrors of the lower strata. But after the strengthening of the communion with Hierarchy these disgusting spectacles do not any more affect the hearts. One can even rejoice at the attempts to dismay one, since these are already at the final boundary.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 146:
146. Fulfillment of wishes takes place much more often than is thought. But one must acknowledge such fulfillment. One must perceive the very beginning of such movement. There are many cases when people rudely cut short the beginnings of the fulfillment of the desire. Also in this regard one may advise to avoid irritation and doubt. As clouds conceal the sun, so does irritation sever the conduit of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 156:
156. What is hypochondria? Many confuse it with autosuggestion, but the latter is only an effect of the former. Hypochondria in its essence is very infectious and destructive. It can be defined physiologically as the dissolution of heart energy. Such a process interrupts the protective work of the nerve centers. The enemy's entrance into the stronghold is not a matter of autosuggestion, but far worse; the defenders of the stronghold, instead of resisting, open the gates to the enemy. It is difficult to cure, for hypochondria is not always subject to suggestion. The process of dissolution cannot be replaced by suggestion. It is necessary to heal the wounded nerve tissue. Here strength can be built up only by nerve exercise. Consequently, hypochondriac people must be confronted with the most unexpected, in order to produce the most acute reactions and to create an indirect tension of the nerve tissue. Such tension is like gymnastics for the nerve centers. Rest and disuse of the nerve centers is not always beneficial, notwithstanding the usual counsel of ordinary physicians. On the contrary, the ancient wisdom says, "You are afraid, therefore you will be doubly frightened." "You have ceased being afraid, consequently you can behold the Fiery Gates." Hypochondria must not be confused with doubt. True, these two are sisters, whose mother is ignorance. Hypochondria is a certain established mode of thinking, whereas doubt is a dark obstacle. It is difficult to say which of the vipers is the more harmful. One should free oneself from hypochondria as from an obstruction before the Fiery World. Many things are erroneously thought to be synonymous. Ponder over them, over different facets of definition. Who knows which of these will open the broadest vista in realization of cause and effect?

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 166:
166. Upon pressing or rubbing of the eyes colors appear which act as crude reminders of the radiance of the centers. If a coarse contact can produce evident illumination, then contact of a higher energy can certainly bring beautiful colors of the spirit. From the gross to the very highest it is necessary to cognize the saturation with spatial Fire. One should become accustomed to conscious acceptance of spatial accessibility. However, one should adapt oneself to such a merging. Let us not forget that ancient revelations were given for the betterment of life, and for the refining of consciousness. Thus the bond with the Higher Worlds was maintained directly. But later, because of the breaking away, quests for mechanical methods began, for the purpose of preventing a complete severance of the communion. It should be born in mind that during Kali-Yuga such methods became ineffectual, and even a mixing with the lower strata of the Subtle World took place. But Satya-Yuga, by its very nature, requires communion with the Higher Worlds. Therefore, in preparing for Satya-Yuga one should turn again to direct communion with the Higher Worlds, by applying true Ethics. This is needed for destined discoveries which cannot be given to an animal consciousness. I will not weary of reiterating it, for each hearth of enlightenment of the spirit is important. Where, then, can be the paths to the Fiery World, if not through the decrees of Ethics? Surely Hatha-Yoga does not lead to the Fiery World. Enough of preparations - one should hurriedly strive toward the Higher Worlds. Let each of our cells contain millions of millions of currents. Not for somnolence have the subtlest apparatuses been given. Not for the sake of doubt are there being made calculations involving such huge figures. They surely remind one about Infinity and the saturation of all that exists. Thus let us be imbued with thoughts about Spatial Fire, about the possibilities of our being. Satya-Yuga cannot draw near without fiery signs.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 173:
173. Let it not be thought possible to deny the Invisible. It has been said that there does not exist action which can produce no consequences, but this is particularly true of negations. One may often ask oneself - why is the evolution of the world so slow? Negation will prove to be one of the principal causes, for it is deadly. Like doubt, it cuts off all the ordained possibilities. People given to denial eventually have to outlive its consequences. Truly, negation is like a millstone around one's neck. Enough has been said about it in the Teaching. But now, especially, the Earth is infected with negation. Let multitudes of people imagine that negation is only a sensible criticism, but negation is not a judgment, it is like ashes banking a grate fire. It suppresses, but does not elevate. Only broadening of consciousness can shame the denier, but as a rule such a torpid state terminates in a grave illness. In many cases a physician should attentively converse with his patient prior to treatment, in order to ascertain his mode of thinking. Each illness from negation reveals the need of suggestion in order to arrest the destructive process. Some may ridicule the fact that for the treatment of cancer and tuberculosis it is necessary to begin with suggestion. Of course, physicians who do not possess the power of suggestion will protest in every way, and they will be highly provoked upon hearing that diseases of the liver, stomach, kidneys, the gums, and rheumatism depend largely upon the state of consciousness and require suggestion first of all. It therefore follows that it is necessary to regard suggestion and autosuggestion seriously. Both processes are of a fiery significance. Thus negation is in opposition to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 198:
198. The Fiery World requires, first of all, the discrimination between small truths and Great Truth. Nothing else turns people aside from the paths to the extent that a little truth does. They snatch out small fragments, not thinking about that which precedes and follows. Such fragments are no better than any lie, but the significance of the Fiery World rests upon the greatness of Truth. One must prepare for it by all measures; it is impossible to suppose that the understanding of the magnitude of Truth comes of itself. The consciousness must be prepared for a containment of such dimensions. This is not at all easy. One may see how erroneously the simplest words are understood. It is even difficult to imagine to what an extent the meaning of the most ordinary word can be distorted. But one should pass through the testing of so many diverse concepts. Only the acceptance of higher dimensions will evoke the Higher Call - Raj, Raj, Raj! The three-fold containment can lead to the higher spheres. Raj does not know revenge and censure. Raj is magnanimous, because directed into the future. Raj wishes for good, for it is creative love. Such a measure guards against the small truth, which comes close to the evil, and to doubt and condemnation. Thus, when you wish to temper the spirit, you can repeat the ancient Mantram - Raj, Raj, Raj!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 225:
225. It is an error to think that irritation of the nose, throat, and lungs is caused only by colds. Such tensions also result from spacial fires. Without doubt, irritation of nose and throat can be cured by suggestion. The same cause underlies many cases of so-called hay-fever, which often can be cured by suggestion. Also many kinds of skin disease are cured by the same method. Often, in fact, skin irritations arise not from external causes but from imbalance of fiery currents. It is regrettable that physicians do not observe this phase of human ailment. Only occasionally do they recognize nervous causes, but then they try to flood them out with bromides, whereas suggestion could produce a better result. Let us not forget that at times suggestion has been employed to speed up the closing of wounds, by way of enlisting the cooperation of the entire organism. Thus, during discourse about the Fiery World, one should not forget the cause, at times, of irritations of the nose and throat. Physicians must be urged to study all methods of suggestion.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 285:
285. The Teaching should be read under different conditions, yet the effect will not be always identical. At a time of consternation the Teaching will bring tranquility, at a time of affliction - consolation, at a time of doubt - affirmation, but in order to absorb the reality of the Teaching, one must repress one's casual sensations by penetration into the treasury of Hierarchy. Not merely as a comfort has the Teaching been given, but for advancement upon the ladder of ascent. Indeed, under the special conditions of the world, a deepening of comprehension is especially difficult. Already more than once the world has tottered on the boundary line between mechanics and the spirit. The present is precisely such a time, intensified by the attacks of the dark forces. Multifarious is the bazaar of material rubbish; first of all one must appraise everything in order to set up new values. Thus, the ability to reappraise within the consciousness will be the threshold of the future. Admission means recognition, and many dark visitors have been admitted by humanity. Such invitations weigh heavily during the transitional state. The heart must be urged to raise its voice for the regeneration of the World.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 318:
318. No doubt someone will ask, "Where are the words about the Fiery World? Teaching about Ethics does not delineate for us the element of Fire." Such people will never understand that the beginning of approach to the Fiery World will be in the assimilation of the fundamentals of life. Only the ignorant will demand the chemical composition of a Fiery Being. But the refined consciousness knows that psychic energy leads to understanding of the Fiery World. Only the heart whispers how it is possible to ascend to the heights upon a polished stone.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 351:
351. Malice, doubt, unbelief, impatience, laziness, and other inspirations of darkness separate the earthly world from the Higher Spheres. Instead of following the path of good, people attempt to replace ecstasy of the spirit with various narcotics, which give the illusion of the other world existence. Observe that in many religions there were introduced, as later adjuncts, very clever compounds of narcotics for the purpose of artificially advancing the consciousness beyond the earthly state. Indeed the infallibility of such forcible measures is great; they not only do not bring the Worlds closer, they on the contrary estrange and coarsen the consciousness. Likewise, earthly life is filled with continuous poisonings with which people very affably regale each other. Teachers of all times have taught humanity the pure paths of spirit that lead into communion with the Higher Worlds, but only a few have chosen the path revealed by the heart. A special attention must be given to deliverance from poisonings. A considerable part of the Earth's soil is already infected, as is its surface. Besides narcotics, people have invented many obviously frightful substances which instead of being health-giving bring on spiritual death. Masses of poisonous vapors are choking the cities. People devote much thought to the production of many substances which should be considered far more deadly than narcotics. Narcotics bring harm to the addicts themselves, but deadly gases torment everything that lives. One cannot condemn narcotics enough, but also one cannot sufficiently condemn such murderous inventions. People formerly, at times, fell into error for the sake of illusionary ecstasy, but nowadays they are completely unashamed to kill the intellect and spirit of their near ones, calling this killing an attainment of science.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 448:
448. Assist all who strive for perfectionment. Discern where there is striving and where possibility of defection. Discern where there is love for ascent and where the restlessness of doubt. He is a false teacher who elevates doubt into dogma; distrust is not the aim of the discipline of the spirit kindled by Truth.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 81:
81. Let us observe how the current of those who have just entered upon the path of Service acts. At first they are impelled toward an invisible, unknown Light, all their expectations are intensified, all quests are stimulated, and the spirit strives aflame. Then the current is affirmed as a personal quest; then follows a swarm of doubts and hopes. But when the spirit is able to overcome all the invasions of the dark ones, then the pledge of aspiration and ascent may become affirmed. Thus must the leaders of spirit remember. Sometimes the obvious enemies are not so dangerous as the aspirants who have approached the Light, because when the terrors of doubt are unconquered, then also is the path of Light unrealized. Indeed, one must be conscious of the full Light, in order to distinguish the voices of the Light from the whisperings of darkness. Each one chooses his way to fight against the enemies; some manifest self-defense, some foresee danger, some carry the fight to the enemy. But the path of those newly approaching Light must be verily directed and watched over, for when the doubts are not fully outlived one must direct the spirit on the path of Light. Verily, as Ur. has said, one should place everything at stake. Thus let us remember on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 112:
112. The protective network is formed out of subtlest energies. All centers participate in the formation of this powerful shield. For a complete circle it is necessary that all the spiritual centers intensify their energies. From out of the centers of the spirit it is especially necessary to tense the heart, because by its power it can transmute thinking. Right thinking produces stability, which is the first requirement. Steadfastness expels duplicity, fear and doubt. The protective net can defend a man, making him invulnerable. But this shield can only then be affirmed when all subtle energies have been harmonized. The experience of Agni Yogi truly provides this shield, but a most cautious regard for the centers is necessary. The protective net must be continually saturated with the energies from within, as a fiery, eternally ascending spiral. Spiritual centers must nurture this power. The protective net passes on with the spirit into the Subtle World. Woven from the subtlest energies, it can become assimilated into the Fiery World; only the highest strivings may be reflected in it. People who live by means of lower centers have no protective net. Obsessed ones do not have this shield. Therefore, on the Fiery path one should take care of the interweaving of the subtlest energies.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 556:
556. If, reading writings about the Fiery World, one remembers even the two words - Fiery World - that in itself is good. There could also be a dangerous trend of thought in which one would say - if the Fiery World exists. In this "if"" is already contained a great mistrust. No good words could cover such deadly doubt. It means that such a traveller must pass through a great deal before he views the Fiery Heavens. There are many such remarks about the Fiery World; even from people who consider themselves initiated or enlightened. It is of no value to shake the fingers or to whirl in the round-dance, when the heart is silent in coldness. Such a small number wish to prepare themselves for the distant journey.

AUM (1936) - 107:
107. Light-mindedness, curiosity, suspicion, and unbelief are all of the same dark family. Imagine a great mathematician developing complicated formulae before children of elementary age. They will not only fail to grasp the great problems, but they will immediately fall into a derisive snickering. Thus, when someone approaches the Higher World out of curiosity, one can expect all consequences in the way of doubt and treason. If the consciousness is at a level that permits curiosity where there should be reverence for the greatness, there cosmic dross must be anticipated. Is it possible to approach the Higher World out of curiosity? Rather put the hand into the fire; thus let suspicion be charred!

AUM (1936) - 137:
137. The inhabitance of heavenly bodies remains under doubt to this day. Even the best astronomers hesitate to express an opinion about this question. The reason lies chiefly in the conceit of man. He does not wish to admit incarnation in any conditions other than earthly. Fear before Infinity is also a hindrance. Surely, not many dare to reflect about such a remote giant as Antares, which, in the ocean of the Milky Way, presupposes beyond itself infinite Space. Meanwhile, people should think of distant worlds as being inhabited.

AUM (1936) - 184:
184. The experienced physician, extending medical aid, says to the patient, "Forget about your illness!" He knows that people do not usually know how to suggest to themselves recovery. Therefore it is better not to let them tire themselves with doubt as to their health. People could help their recovery by directing their forces toward healing, but they prefer to weaken themselves by not allowing nature to exercise its good action.

AUM (1936) - 246:
246. Many disciples gathered around a certain venerated teacher. They pursued their occupations successfully until a rumor reached them that in a distant city another teacher had made his appearance. This news gradually created doubt and divided opinion among the disciples; it weakened their attention and hindered their advancement.

AUM (1936) - 303:
303. Man should be told, "Do not weaken yourself; discontent, doubt, self-pity, all consume the psychic energy." The manifestation of enshrouded toil - what a frightful spectacle! One should compare the fruits of luminous labor with those of a toil enshrouded by man when he has robbed himself.

AUM (1936) - 311:
With equal precision should observations upon the manifestations of psychic energy in different countries be coordinated. It may be observed that at times in the most remote lands simultaneous surgings of spirit flash out like reflections of some higher causes. Similarly, simultaneous depressions of spirit may be expressed among the most diverse people. Such mass manifestations must be studied. But there are no institutes to undertake such an important task. Perhaps individual observers may be found who realize the importance of such comparisons, but their efforts, being uncoordinated, generally founder in confusion and doubt. There appear to exist societies consecrated to the higher wisdom, but they have no scientific sections.

AUM (1936) - 352:
352. To indolence is attached doubt and self-pity. No energy comes into action through such a poisonous handicap. Doubt corrodes everything. Unsustained efforts and self-pity weaken even the strong in spirit. Such an exordium must be given to each one who wishes to bring psychic energy into action.

AUM (1936) - 370:
370. During experiments with psychic energy, one may be amazed at the lightning speed of force during transmission over a distance. People suppose that a prolonged action is always required. When they say that someone has fallen into doubt, they usually presuppose an appreciable time element; but it would be more correct to say that doubt came in a flash. Precisely one such instant leaves an indelible mark.

AUM (1936) - 388:
388. Psychic energy is most subtle, therefore dealing with it must be subtle and exalted. One should bear firmly in mind that the force of psychic energy is a fiery power. Around fire, manifested and unmanifested, one has to conduct oneself with special caution. One should grow to love such all-pervading energy. It is impossible to carry out an experiment when in doubt or hostile. Long ago a kind, benevolent attitude was already spoken about; by degrees it has been taught how to approach this most important concept.

AUM (1936) - 446:
446. There are many touchstones. It is possible to test the consciousness of people by the most fundamental concepts. Tell them - evolution and development, advancement and achievement; and without any apparatus you will perceive how such a call is received. It must be accepted joyously, courageously, and with inspiration; but most often you will note faltering, doubt, and self-pity.

AUM (1936) - 446:
Joy is not born of self-pity, or courage from doubt. Whereas a single word about achievement ought to inspire.. A single thought about advancement should multiply forces tenfold. What matter all dragons to him who achieves? He takes no notice of the enraged monsters, because inspiration is a secure shield.

AUM (1936) - 506:
506. The worm of doubt is a very indicative symbol. Actually the worm is similar to a bacillus which decomposes psychic energy and influences even the composition of theblood. In times to come scientists will reveal the psychic and physical peculiarities of the man who falls into doubt. The effects of the disease of doubt are among the most infectious.

AUM (1936) - 506:
From the first years of childhood the best prophylaxis against doubt should be employed. A healthy, rational, inquiring mind does not engender doubt, but any ignorance can be the source of the most ugly doubts. Doubt is primarily ugliness, and finally, it leads to betrayal. The epidemic of betrayal is already a planetary calamity.

AUM (1936) - 507:
507. In experimentation with psychic energy doubt is the greatest obstacle. Free, fearless admittance will provide wings for the experiment. You have observed how thought seeks liberation. You perhaps wish to rivet thought into a definite line, but the essence of psychic energy sends the consciousness into other spheres. Admit such flights also, for the labor of thought is multiform. The concept of divisibility of spirit suggests also divisibility of thought. But there occur circumstances when psychic energy is so tense and thought has been directed to so far a destination that such a condition may appear devoid of thought. Such a feeling arises owing to the change of direction of energy.

AUM (1936) - 599:
599. Neglect of psychic energy is manifested as the source of many ailments. It can be said that not only bodily and psychic illnesses but obsessions depend entirely upon the state of psychic energy. A man who has lost immunity will also be the one to lose his store of psychic energy. The man who has violated moral equilibrium demonstrates thereby a dissoluteness of his psychic energy. Everyone knows that it is easier not to admit dissoluteness than afterwards to overcome its madness. Everyone understands that the disorder of psychic energy is the birth of many miseries, both for oneself and for others. Man rarely restrains himself, but let him learn by himself to recognize the significance of psychic energy. Let man not be afraid that on the path of cognition he will be left without further sources of knowledge. The magnet of striving will attract the best possibilities to the seeker. Many bear witness as to how they unexpectedly found assistance for further advancement. Only let doubt not overshadow the light of discoveries!

Brotherhood (1937) - 13:
13. On the paths to the Brotherhood let us fortify ourselves with trust. We are not speaking about some sort of blind faith but precisely about the quality of trust. It must be understood that our qualities are the habitat for vitamins. The quality of mistrust or doubt will be deadly for the best vitamins. Why saturate ourselves with manufactured vitamins, when we ourselves prove to be the best producers of them, and of the most powerful ones?

Brotherhood (1937) - 13:
The being who is filled with doubt is not fit for even a primitive form of cooperation. He cannot even understand all the beautiful discipline of Brotherhood. Precisely discipline, as not otherwise can be named that voluntary harmony which lies in the foundation of the Brotherhood's labors. The Brothers join together for work, and without trust there would be no quality in their labor.

Brotherhood (1937) - 55:
55. It is impossible to doubt the tracings of psychic energy. As a primary force of cognition it cannot be misread by taking a casual mood for the essence. The manifestations of thought about the significance of psychic energy will be, as it were, a pumping of it from space.

Brotherhood (1937) - 59:
59. Many listeners, no doubt, would prefer to hear sooner about Brotherhood itself; but let them first abandon curiosity and the obstructing habits. With dignity it is possible to enter. Therefore, it is first necessary to ascertain how different feelings are understood. One should not give precious things into someone's safekeeping if it is assumed that they will be resold instead of being carefully guarded.

Brotherhood (1937) - 68:
68. People who are expecting a message can also be divided into two categories. The minority know how to wait, but the majority not only do not understand what is taking place but even exert a harmful influence. They abandon their work. They fill space with complaints. They impede those around them. Without noticing it they consider themselves the elect, and they begin to make arrogant assertions about others. Much harm emanates from scant knowledge and still more from a petrified consciousness. Each such person becomes a hotbed of confusion and doubt. He loses the rhythm of work by manifesting confusion. Such people are very harmful for the spreading of knowledge. They wish to receive for their personal gratification the very latest tidings, but little usefulness results from such usurpers. One should not fail to take such weak people into account - they are as nests of treason. Nothing restrains their intrigues. There should be no act of destruction just for the sake of good tidings. Few there are who know how to await messages in complete magnanimity, while working, and amidst difficulties - such co-workers are the ones who become brothers.

Brotherhood (1937) - 108:
108. Is it possible to name a man who would be satisfied at receiving only half a garment instead of the whole one expected by him? And so it is in cooperation. If instead of a full brotherly collaboration half of what is offered is suspicion and doubt, then what kind of success can be achieved? It is needful to cultivate one's capacity for cooperation, beginning with the most routine tasks. It is a mistake to assume that cooperation is manifest in great deeds if it has not been present even in everyday ones. One should look deeply into the depths of one's consciousness and ask oneself whether the spirit is prepared for cooperation.

Brotherhood (1937) - 144:
144. The farmer prepares and improves the field, sows it in good time, and patiently awaits the sprouting and the harvest. He puts a fence around the field, so that animals may not trample down the young growth. Every farmer knows causes and effects. But it is not thus in human interrelations; people wish to know neither causes nor effects. They are not concerned about sprouts, and they want everything to be accomplished in their own arbitrarily prescribed way. Notwithstanding all the examples, people do doubt the cosmic law. They quite readily sow the causes, but they will not reflect that weeds may be the sole harvest.

Brotherhood (1937) - 162:
Let thought about the far-off worlds be simple and without doubt; doubt is like a brown gas. Thus, we see that the ancient philosophy contains extremely useful indications.

Brotherhood (1937) - 167:
167. Rarely is found a ready consciousness, one which does not limit itself by fear, doubt, malice and hypocrisy. It can be seen that harmful limitation comes not only from without; first of all, it stirs about in the corners of the consciousness.

Brotherhood (1937) - 184:
184. Unbelief is the crystal of doubt. Therefore, one should distinguish the two. Doubt, as a form of unsteadiness, can be treated with psychic energy; but unbelief is almost incurable. The unbeliever plunges into an obscure abyss, to remain there shuddering until he receives a purifying shock.

Brotherhood (1937) - 186:
186. People frequently hear voices that seem to be calling to them. Sometimes such calls are so strong that they force one to start and look around, though others present do not hear them. Can one possibly doubt that such spatial sendings do occur?

Brotherhood (1937) - 246:
246. The same fear impedes recognition of Hierarchy. In justice let us say that Hierarchy is far from any violence. It is ready to help and to send advice, but humanity is ready to suspect each good intention. Without trust there is no cooperation. Let us not forget that lack of trust is a sign of imperfection. A man filled with doubt will first of all not believe his neighbor. Let us not call these reminders moral counsels. Let them be called physical and mechanical laws. It makes absolutely no difference what the fundamentals of Existence are called, provided they be maintained and observed!

Brotherhood (1937) - 290:
290. If the psychic energy of even one individual is a prophylaxis for physical health, then how much more powerful will be the influence of unified energy. The meaning of Brotherhood is contained in the unification of the primary energy. Only broadening of consciousness helps to realize the significance of harmony of energy. On all the planes of life it manifests its beneficent force. No doubt you have been asked many times how to develop psychic energy and how to realize its usefulness. But it has been said enough that the heart that aspires to higher quality of all life will be the conductor of psychic energy. No forcible, conventionally accelerated movement toward a display of the heart's action will be useful. The heart is a most independent organ; it may be set free toward good, and it will hasten to be filled with energy. Likewise, only in friendly communion is it possible to secure the fruits of unified energy. However, for this it is indispensable to understand what harmonious agreement is.

Brotherhood (1937) - 323:
323. Kriyasakti in all its inexhaustibleness has been known to people from time immemorial. I use the Hindu word to show how long ago people defined this energy with complete precision. Is it possible that present day thinkers will lag behind their forefathers? Right now thought-creativeness is found to be under such doubt that it is included in the humanities, whereas according to contemporary terminology, mental energy ought rather to be a part of the physical sciences. Thus, let those who assail thought-energy find themselves in the camp of the ignorant. Do not think that I am saying anything new; unfortunately, there are too few worthy cognizant ones, and as a result the most natural subjects are left in association with some sort of sorcery. Therefore it is indispensable to dispel superstition and ignorance.

Brotherhood (1937) - 342:
342. Prejudice is the entryway for injustice and ignorance. But people should recognize the boundary line of prejudice. This worm lives in the same house with doubt like a younger kinsman. A very keen eye is needed in order to discern such a dangerous mite. Each manifestation, each object, is usually encountered by people with varying degrees of prejudice. People try to justify themselves by saying that since they perceive objects they must as a preliminary measure preserve their unprejudiced judgment. But as a matter of fact, instead of impartiality they disclose the cruelest prejudice. One should keep this popular weakness in mind in order to know from what to liberate oneself.

Brotherhood (1937) - 544:
544. The corroding worm of discontent must be ejected from each cooperative. Some will call it striving for perfectment, others will call it doubt. One may name many stratagems, but they all will merely conceal the unbearable feeling of discontent. People do not take into consideration whence comes this worm into being. It is terrifying to think how many undertakings are destroyed because of discontent. One should investigate whence it arises.

Brotherhood (1937) - 555:
555. Let us not be in doubt as to what to do in moments between labors. Let us not forget that each particle of time can be used for higher communion. There is joy in that the thread of the heart can be in constant communion with the most Beloved. I affirm that the voice of love requires no length of time. As a field of grass is filled with different flowers, so, too, the calls of the heart are radiant amid labors; they signify approach to Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 1:
Even the most advanced aircraft cannot discover Our Abode. Hermits living in nearby caves are watchful guards. Travelers sometimes speak of having met a sadhu who persistently advised them to follow a specified path and warned them of the danger of proceeding into certain other areas. The sadhu himself had never gone farther, and had been instructed not to provide directions. The sadhus know about the Forbidden Place and know how to guard the secret. Sometimes they may be highwaymen, yet even highwaymen can be trusted guards of a sacred mystery. One should not doubt the existence of an inviolable Abode.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 20:
We try to modify the psychology of distant crowds in order to protect Our scientific investigations. Archimedes protected his formulas from visible barbarians, but how much more difficult it is to guard scientific treasures against invisible, violent destroyers! And it is not only destroyers and enemies who threaten, but also sympathizers who create discordant conditions. We are ready to beseech them not to destroy Our formulas. There are many such transgressions, but at the root lies doubt in all its forms.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 26:
The cunning ways of the dark ones are multiform. In addition to their crudest attempts, there may be subtle approaches that influence one's weaker side. Creating doubt is one of the favorite methods used by the dark ones, and he who doubts is already defenseless. One would think that this axiom is sufficiently known, yet how many perish from this poison! I consider that a great many enemies of Truth are created by whisperers of doubt. Obvious fools are not as dangerous as petty hypocrites. If new kinds of poisons are invented, why should not new kinds of hypocrisy appear? These descriptions of the attacks of the dark ones must be remembered when you picture the Inner Life of the Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 41:
Every co-worker of the Brotherhood comes into close contact with the Subtle World. We have entire Strongholds in that world. You already know their names, you have heard about the wondrous tree, Elgatir, and about the structures created by thought. One must clearly realize these conditions in order to direct oneself to Dokyood. Thought not obscured by doubt will lead to Our supermundane Abodes. The Abode of the Hierarchy in the Himalayas is in constant communication with the Abodes in the Subtle World, and the earthly battle resounds and thunders there. People do not want to understand this correlation, therefore even Armageddon is to them only an earthly conflict between peoples, and the most important aspect of Armageddon remains misunderstood. How can one participate in something when only the smallest part of what is happening is known? We affirm that the battle raging in the Subtle World is far more violent than that which is fought on Earth. Truly, much of the spatial battle resounds on Earth. Often Our World tries to warn people of this terrible danger, but in vain. One of Our Brothers used to say, "Let us tell people once again, but how difficult it is to speak to deaf ears." Their warnings will be words of justice and compassion.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 68:
68. Urusvati senses even remote earthquakes and changes in atmospheric pressure. Ignorant ones will ask why such painful reactions must be endured, since the earthquakes cannot be prevented. Such questions are like those reactionary doubts expressed about new scientific discoveries. How can anyone say that one who can experience the vibrations of the planet is not of use for the gaining of knowledge? Unfortunately, such refined organisms are not studied, and because of this the possibility of their use for scientific observation is lost. A hundred years from now people will express regret about these lost opportunities, but today, even when faced with them directly, they are full of doubt. The subtle sensibility is linked both to the broadening of consciousness and the science of vibrations. Both subjects are deeply significant and are fundamental to the transformation of life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 71:
Our Abode strives to deepen the consciousness in order to eliminate the influence of Maya. This is not easily achieved, but it liberates one from being susceptible to false sensations. Efficiency in work increases when one is freed from the burden of doubt engendered by mixed currents. Every refraction of currents produces a kind of electric discharge. Only a refined consciousness distinguishes these discharges from painful sensations. So many times one may observe a sudden rise of temperature, a chill, prickly pains, or a contraction of muscles. The discharges of refracted currents can act in this way, but those who know what these phenomena are will not mistake them for the beginning of some disease.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 86:
86. Urusvati knows the significance of great tension. We say, "Turn to Us," but one should ask how, and We will reply, "With all your mind, with all your heart." This is easier to say than to do, for to offer the entire heart is to be in love, and where there is true love, there is no place for doubt. Those who love will not criticize something they do not understand. Where there is criticism, there is not complete love.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 86:
Half-felt measures will not suffice in days of great calamity, when there must be a unity that bars even the slightest discord. The hostile forces dwell in such little cracks and poison seeps into shields damaged by discord, against which Our defense is perfect love. Let all Our friends wear this trustworthy armor. Do not mislead yourself by thinking that small splinters are harmless, for they cause terrible infection. In Our intense life the cracks of doubt are the most dangerous.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 91:
Examples of communion with the Brotherhood can be given. A great measure of inspiration can be seen throughout the centuries. When the Brotherhood commissions someone for great sacrifice, could that person remain without inspiration? The degree of striving is determined by inspiration. We help such lofty achievements. Let waste and dust not obstruct the beautiful path, and doubt not obscure the details of the path, for even rapids can be crossed on a rainbow of Light. But the rainbow comes only after the storm. Thus let us understand the highest degrees of striving.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 102:
We have already discussed the densification of the astral body. Conversely, the material essence of flesh is considerably refined by the energy of thought. This means that between the subtle and the physical worlds there are new forms that are not quite visible to human eyes. New forms have their origin between the Subtle and the Fiery Worlds. These transitions evoke the striving for perfection. There can be no doubt that such limitless intensification is possible in Infinity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 102:
If we were to imagine the greatest Spiritual Toiler on Earth, we would associate Him with tremendous power in the Subtle World. But contact with the purified Fire of Space would direct Him even to the Fiery World. There is no force that can prevent the ascent of the spirit that harbors no doubt. Doubt is like a hole in a balloon. Everything is in motion and is carried into Infinity. I say this to remind you that the natural direction of man is upward. Doubt is nothing but holes in one's pockets, and diamonds cannot be carried safely in such pockets.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 102:
In Our Life there is no such thing as doubt. The attraction to the higher worlds is tremendous, and We must exert great effort not to be torn away from Earth, where Earthly burdens have been chosen voluntarily and consciously. Such sacrifice is forged by love and by the experiences of former lives that kindled love for those who suffer. Experience can either kindle love or sharpen hatred, and who will be the one to burn on the stake of hatred? Will it not be the one who hates? Love must become wise and active. This concept is very subtle and one can easily stumble over it, or fall prey to hypocrisy. Only labor for the good of the world will afford the proper balance. Labor evokes joy and cognizance of Infinity, and imparts a realization of the mobility of the worlds.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 128:
Urusvati remembers the difficult ascent of a smooth mountain wall, deep in snow, when the Hand of the Teacher was stretched out to offer support. Urusvati did not doubt and therefore conquered all difficulties. This should be an example to co-workers of how difficult ascents are achieved. One should ponder how other Brothers have succeeded in their efforts.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 147:
History knows little about the Mother of the Great Pilgrim, who was as exceptional as Her Son. The Mother came from a great family and was the embodiment of refinement and nobility of spirit. She was the One who laid the foundation for His first high ideals, and sang a lullaby to Him in which She foretold His miraculous future. She took great care to safeguard Her Child, and was a source of strength for His great achievements. She knew several languages, and thus made the path easier for Him. Nor did She object to His long pilgrimages, and gathered all that was necessary to make the travels easier. She rightly valued the common people and knew that they would guard the treasures of His Teaching. She recognized the grandeur of the Culmination and thus could give heart to those of diverse character who were weakened by doubt and rejection. She was prepared to experience the same achievement as Her Son, and He entrusted to Her His decision, which was confirmed by the Teachers. It was the Mother who understood the mystery of His wanderings. For the fundamental truth about the Mother's life to be clear, one must understand the local conditions of those times. However, She was led by Her insight into the future and was able to rise above the customs of Her country.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 149:
Some may wonder why such a Great Spirit had to face the imperfections of dark entities. But the power of the Magnet attracts even the dark ones, who long to confuse and injure wherever they can. For example, even the slightest doubt will make it impossible to walk on water or fire, or to levitate. I mention this because the Great Pilgrim could perform these acts easily. His great power was in His absolute fearlessness, and He proceeded unwaveringly, for in His heart He had chosen the life of great deeds.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 177:
177. Urusvati knows that miracles cannot always take place. In addition to cosmic reasons and interference from the negative forces of the Subtle World, human disbelief can be an obstacle. It is difficult to discern the line between disbelief and doubt; both snakes come from the same nest.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 177:
This lack of faith begins with ordinary daily occurrences. When We warn against doubt, We are speaking about a physical law. People can reject the strongest help, because their free will can negate even the most favorable circumstances. For instance, an angry man can push aside the Hand that is stretched out to prevent him from falling. The Teacher warned against the harmful effects of doubt.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 260:
Some religions prescribe the confession of sins. There is no doubt that such confessions help to form a clear understanding of one's actions, but this is only a first step. People should train themselves so that their self-appraisal will be precise and correct. When man faces his Guide, he himself should understand both the positive and the negative aspects of his personality. Only man himself can know the true source of his deeds.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 314:
An important book could be written about the fluctuations of human understanding. The psychic realm is not understood any more now than it was in antiquity, and this fact deserves special attention. It is logical to assume that man's evolution would result in a broadening of consciousness in all spheres; why then has such an important realm as the knowledge of the Subtle World remained so misunderstood? The reason is that man fears everything that lies beyond the boundaries of the material world. The consciousness strives to knowledge, but the earthbound mind will whisper that it is not necessary to know about the hereafter. Sometimes even well-informed people will begin to doubt, and thinking that the Subtle World does not exist, they undermine their previous accumulations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 314:
When knowledge is for a time suppressed, mass disbelief will follow, but one should always remember that the consciousness will once again search for the Truth. One should not waste time in doubt, for the highest understanding was given and assimilated long ago. A courageous understanding of the future life is wise.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 344:
During the lifetime of Our Sister of Siena the idea of telepathy was suppressed. Today much is said about telepathy, but its signs are still treated with skepticism. It is astonishing that even in progressive scientific societies there is doubt about it; this attitude only hinders research.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 361:
Many will doubt the very possibility of such evolution, for they themselves are stagnant. But evolution is a law of Nature. The difficulty is that people see only from their own point of view and are therefore unable to progress. They imagine that everything ends with their demise, and cannot understand that life has its own continually changing, vivid waves.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 424:
The slightest doubt will also decrease one's nervous stamina. Those who doubt cannot sit upon water or walk through fire. It is instructive to observe how the smallest doubt can destroy. This may be so fleeting that one does not notice it, yet it succeeds in disturbing the circulation of the blood. One cannot hope to arrest one's pulse when the attention is divided, but it is not easy to free oneself from divided thought. Frequently thoughts carry along their "mirror images" which weaken the action of the basic thought. These unwelcome companions are the result of insufficient mental clarity.


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