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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DO > DOSE (4)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 615:
615. Why must the path of the Teaching be a path of accumulation? Can it not be offered in one dose, like a medicine? But the stomach is of limited dimension, whereas consciousness is not a measurable constant. Truly, there can be people almost without consciousness. There can be people who have deprived themselves of consciousness through excessive passions. There can be consciousnesses obscured by the conventions of their time. Like hothouse flowers, consciousnesses are in need of nurture. The foundation of consciousness is built by straight-knowledge, but the refining of consciousness is as slow as the polishing of a crystal. Not by one's opinion of oneself but by the quality of one's action is the expansion of one's consciousness recognized.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 405:
405. The idea of having at least a half-hour daily for thought is good. I do not mean some special concentration. It is useful to think about the best aspect of everything that is taking place. Even small signs reflecting the best in life afford a glimpse of Light. They also stimulate the flow of gratitude and magnanimity. Such fires are equivalent to a dose of musk. Thought about the best generates aspiring tension of the nerves. The nerves should also be given work, but only Good will strengthen the nerves.

AUM (1936) - 142:
We already have pointed out the significance of thoughts many times, and again We shall return to the same subject. It is necessary to repeat a dose of medicine to an ailing man, so We weary not of affirming the first fundamental - Aum!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 293:
293. Urusvati knows that people more readily understand any advice when it is explained by analogies from the practice of medicine. For example, one can cite the case of a patient who is instructed to fully inhale a certain medicinal vapor, but because he distrusts the physician he only inhales half a dose, and the desired result is not obtained. Similarly, when people do not strive fully toward the Source of Ultimate Good, the results are lamentable. Disbelief, laziness, or ignorance will lead to the same sad end.


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