Agni Yoga (1929) - 55: The old world and the New World are distinguished through consciousness, not by outer evidence. Age and circumstance bear no importance. New banners are often raised by the hands of the old world, still filled with prejudices. But often in solitude beats a heart filled with the radiance of the New World. Thus, unwaveringly, before our eyes, the world divides itself. The new consciousness grows, unskilled, but full of daring. Despite its experience the old thinking loses strength. There is no power that could hold back the tide of the New World. We regret the useless waste of energy of the expiring consciousness. We welcome with a smile the daring of those who realize their right to expand new achievements. Each mistake, if committed for the cause of the New World, becomes a flower of valor. No matter how skillful the effort to embalm the old world, it remains a skeleton of horror. Agni Yoga (1929) - 371: Between the two Origins - Light and Darkness - the protective auric net shines like armor. Truly it is the boundary between Light and Darkness! We shall thus approach the Buddha's Teaching of the Golden Mean from a different angle. A line divides the Origins. Like lightning, it emanates from the one principle of the Primary Source. As both a defense and a bridge, fire unites the opposites. People should value the power of this union! Whoever masters it is a conqueror of Darkness. Heart (1932) - 181: 181. Shrinking and fossilization of consciousness are the main causes of the disunion of the worlds. The Great Battle often is impeded due to a complete disharmony of the consciousness of Earth and the Subtle World. Those who reach the Subtle World with a monarchistic consciousness cannot condone the present condition of their countries if a change of government has occurred. Thus, even where there is unity in many things, differing in one confuses and divides the forces. And if we remember what a number of spirits crossed into the Subtle World during the war and how many changes have taken place during the last years, one can realize the entire absence of coordination of worlds. Likewise, it can be imagined how significant now is the labor of the expanded hearts who are working self-sacrificingly in both worlds broadening consciousnesses. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 187: 187. Many times have I spoken of the harm of divisions. If life is eternal, if we understand one another not by conventional sounds but by something beyond language, then we are obligated to utilize this force toward unity. He who divides is wrong. He who permits separation is wrong. It is correct that the best ones are the containing ones. This is no time, after the fashion of cave dwellers, to flaunt ourselves as chosen workers. All are workers, along the entire line of Hierarchy, but let none obstruct the fulfillment of the fiery wishes.