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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DI > DISTRESSING (10)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.10.5:
2.10.5. It is better to know human weakness than to be nurtured by the images created by weak thoughts. The truth is distressing, but it is time to know that the world is peopled with shadows. Before a catastrophe there always walk shadows. The hammer is raised; and terrible is the dance of shadows who have forgotten the spirit!

Heart (1932) - 83:
83. Distinguish between tension and fatigue. There is great similarity between these two differing conditions. One must sense when it is useful to arrest them by transferring one's attention to another center. The golden balance is especially applicable here. During fatigue how many of those in the Subtle World await this condition! Not only those who are evil and who are straining the will to their own means but a multitude of unpersonified disincarnate entities attempt to cling to the magnet of a heart. People complain of confusion of thought during fatigue. Why should this not exist when the confused thoughts of the lower strata of the Subtle World penetrate into the consciousness! The lower strata do not think firmly, and these flocks of thought-fragments obstruct space. A precise thought, even of hatred is more valuable in relation to the tension of energy than the confusion of uncrystallized thinking. For an Agni Yogi, contact with a swarm of grey thought-specters is most distressing. The Teacher is primarily solicitous about the tendency of thought. The greatest speed and striving are developed over great distances.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 84:
84. For better assimilation of the higher energies of the supermundane spheres it is necessary to spiritualize the centers. Departing from the earthly sphere, the spirit must be cleansed of lower emanations. Any superfluous husk which the spirit brings along into the Subtle World causes inexpressible pains. In a well-developed consciousness a purification takes place which frees the spirit from the husk. But the spirit which zealously retains its earthly habits experiences in the Subtle World all the infirmities which it was accustomed to undergo on the earthly plane. Going uphill, any superfluous load causes shortness of breath in the Subtle World. It is very distressing to carry things which were not previously overcome, and which in the Subtle World have become a burden. Most painful of all is the perception of one's own coarseness. Even in the lower, underground strata is felt the weight of one's own crudities. Often there are heard wails from the supermundane strata which are the appeals of the spirits not yet cleansed of this burden. It is reprehensible to litter the Subtle World with the same lightmindedness as the earthly one. And coarse accumulations form, as it were, unerasable layers which are always visible. Thus, spiritualization of the centers is the way of ascent into the Higher Spheres. This reflection is indispensable on the Fiery path.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 269:
269. Indeed, the very loftiest consciousness strives toward the Fiery Principle, while the lower one creates the Higher Image in its own likeness. The capacity of the small consciousness will determine the created Image, hence so many obvious distortions! How is it possible to fill a small consciousness with an Universal Concept, when all-comprehensiveness leads the spirit into a frenzy. I say - distressing, grievous is human thinking! A spatial horizon is accessible only to him who knows the Universality of the Principle, for the kingly spirit can merge with the Higher Principle precisely as the microcosm merges with Macrocosm. Hence, a small spirit cannot merge with the Fiery Principle. Fiery power reveals the entire Furnace, manifested to him who senses the pulse of the Fiery World. This life-giving Principle builds life upon Fohat. Thus, let us remember that only a small consciousness denies, but the fiery spirit is all-comprehending. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember about the great Principle.

AUM (1936) - 18:
18. Do many concern themselves with spatial thought? It is distressing to realize how few. Is it possible to pass one's entire life with never a thought about the Highest? Examples of such vegetative existence are before our eyes. But no one, under any circumstances, should ever place himself on a level with the lowest. Let us recognize what man receives from even one approach to the far-off worlds. Such an approach separates man from all that is law. A single vision of the distant worlds is enough to transform one's entire life. To understand even a particle of life in the other worlds is to acquire a vivid remembrance forever. Such an approach is already an illumination of the consciousness. Aum is the power of Grace, and help is at hand for each one ready to set sail from the shore of the flesh. Even the smallest approaches to spatial thought should be valued.

AUM (1936) - 309:
Such a reminder is even more timely since science, despite its speedy growth, has not accomplished a tenth of what was ordained for it during this period. Much of this must be ascribed to the inertia of humanity. But for all that, it is distressing to see that the most advanced of scientists are not appreciated. People wish to investigate space; modest stratosphere excursions, telescopic observations, the study of the luminaries - all revolve within a vicious circle, because psychic energy is unrecognized. Without it, the boldest flight remains a childish diversion. Without psychic energy, the pathways of space will be difficult to discern.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 79:
79. Urusvati has experienced the most distressing earthly manifestation - the sensation of absolute darkness. It is terrible, for the intensity of the anguish it causes is equal to that of asphyxiation. Whence comes such injurious darkness? It might seem to be no more than a spiritual prevision, which, like straight-knowledge, plunges the entire organism into experiencing the feeling of an impending event. But in reality it is far more dangerous, for it is an emanation of planetary decay. When people come into contact with this darkness, their unspeakable anguish is understandable. These contacts are usually subconscious, for few have seen the pernicious darkness itself. For those, the feelings are especially strong. When contact is made with absolute darkness while in the earthly body, there may be extremely painful sensations, and even inflammation of the centers. We know this contact; it attacks the psychic energy. One must have a store of prana to withstand the attack of the poisonous substance. Contact with darkness is like touching a decomposing corpse. When We expect a particularly heavy pressure of darkness, We determinedly increase Our vital forces. Those who are under Our care receive a special measure of energy in order to withstand the attack of darkness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 221:
One should not consider the manifestations of the Subtle World to be extraordinary. Everyone possessing a refined receptivity can under proper conditions sense the presence of the dwellers of the Subtle World. Some of these appearances may be distressing, and although the sendings of the will help to repulse them, it must be tensed without delay, for if momentary fear is allowed, the will cannot be mustered later.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 273:
True science does not prescribe limitations. It is especially distressing that in an age of the expansion of thought there can be such stagnant and stupid pride. What other words can we use to describe the attitude of those who affirm that even Infinity is subject to their judgment? Such people cause great harm because they impede the potential for broadened thinking.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 347:
347. Urusvati knows how distressing it is to have to withhold from people all that has been prepared for them. In fact, there are many new discoveries that cannot be revealed to people simply out of concern for their safety.


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