Agni Yoga (1929) - 247: 247. Changes in language are welcome to Us. Through such changes, inflexibility of expression and, more important, of meaning, is avoided. The ages pile up habits and lead to petrifaction of thinking. But cataclysms and disruptions of governments bring unexpected ideas and new words. Old expressions lose their relevance and fall away, taking with them the antiquated customs. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 125: 125. A resistance of the elements to the Cosmic Magnet is asserted on the lower plane, but the step of cognition brings attraction toward the Magnet. The manifestation of resistance to Cosmic law only contributes to the explosions and disruptions. Only in pace with the law can one progress. Naturally, there are affirmed numerous resistances which are but factors of progress. All resistances which propel toward the main guiding line of striving draw the spirit toward the highest. But those which lead in the opposite direction destroy creativeness. The aim of existence is to give a direction to resistance which proceeds goal-fittingly with the creativeness of Cosmos. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 7: We often instruct that unity be preserved. Such an Indication is not merely a simple moral teaching - disunity is the most abhorrent dissonance. Nothing strikes space as sharply as dissonance. When people are filled with malicious discord, damaging disruptions in space result immediately. Such people not only harm themselves they also create a spatial karma involving others like them. It is dreadful to battle with such newly-generated chaos. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 262: In a crowded life there is often no place for even minimal trust. There are many instances of developing events that were disrupted because of the lack of trust. One can well imagine how these failures affected those whose trunks were all in order! People refuse to understand how their thoughts and deeds are reflected in distant events. In addition to earthly matters there are supermundane ones to be considered, and even with the best intentions, reasonably good people can cause disruptions.