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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DI > DISPERSES (3)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 150:
150. The ray disperses the clouds - a new path is revealed to the conqueror.

Brotherhood (1937) - 580:
580. "The stronger the light, the denser the darkness" - and this saying is also not understood, whereas one must accept it simply. It should not be thought that darkness increases from the light. Light reveals the darkness and then disperses it. The bearer of light also sees the dark shadows, which vanish at the approach of light. The timid assume that darkness will fall upon them; thus thinks timorousness, and the light trembles in its hands, and because of this tremor of fear the shadows come to life and play antics. In everything fear is a poor counselor.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 57:
We continually send thoughts about kindness, action, and labor. There cannot be kindness without action. There cannot be any good where there is no labor. There will be no kindness where there is no opposition to evil. There will be no kindness if we do not accept the responsibility to discern evil, to recognize corruption, and do not lose the possibility of bringing Light. Beautiful are the words, "Light disperses darkness." However, Light must be brought, and this action in itself is full of self-abnegation. Light will also illuminate and dispel frightful monsters, even when they show themselves in their worst aspect. Every light-bearer has to live through those moments. He should not slacken his pace and should look fearlessly upon the monsters. There will be no complete renunciation of fear if the light-bearer averts his eyes in the hope that Light alone will dispel the monsters. It is not only Light but also the Primal Energy that strikes the blow which destroys darkness.


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