Heart (1932) - 118: 118. I affirm that We serve the transformation of matter into energies, and because of this no one can belittle the significance of a human being and his passing through the lowest spheres. One can regard this existence as that of disguised envoys, so greatly does the inner being fail to answer to the causal form of life - it can be beautiful! Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 474: 474. Let us say to all traitors - you have convicted yourselves. The fate of traitors is indeed self-imposed. Unendurable is the yoke of a traitor. Whither then so many unfortunate ones? They are disguised as beggars, thieves, murderers. Usually in their pouch are to be found old debts. The traitors do not understand what debts they are paying. But manifestly they bear the weight of payment.