Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.10: The time for meals must be shortened, in order to preserve the human aspect. There is no worse act of non-comeasurement than to prattle at the dinner table about trifles. There is no worse act of non-comeasurement than to toss slander like a shower of small peas. There is no worse act of non-comeasurement than to defer an urgent action. There is no worse act of non-comeasurement than to show offense like a petty huckster. There is no worse act of non-comeasurement than to renounce responsibility. There is no worse act of non-comeasurement than to cease thinking about beauty. Co-measurement is like the pillar that supports the house. New Era Community (1926) - 250: Say to them that desires to connect the thread of what is physically visible with what is physically ponderable but usually imperceptible to the eye must be expressed vehemently. Carry out an experiment of photographing physical radiations and formations. The strong tones of the radiation will be manifested even when photographing in daylight. Such prints may astound petty deniers. It would be possible also to show several other experiments known to you, but they would suspect you of the miraculous. For children even the dinner table seems an unheard-of miracle. We, however, knowing children's habits, will speak in the scientific terms of yesterday. Agni Yoga (1929) - 400: Attention should at last be paid to all that surrounds us, especially now, when cosmic processes are in a state of extraordinary tension. The sensitive apparatuses of our own organisms are in an equally tense state. The tension of the atmosphere prompts people to turn with care and sincerity to the cosmic forces. One should not mock when one does not know enough about what one is mocking. One may as well laugh at the formulas of higher mathematics because they do not help one to cook dinner! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 595: 595. Even plants and trees influence each other. Every gardener knows this reciprocal action, knows where grow mutual friends and where enemies. Then how much more pronounced must be these interactions in the animal kingdom and certainly among men! During an ordinary conversation at dinner the experienced eye of a hostess detects such mutual attractions and repulsions. The fiery heart senses such mutual interactions far more clearly, but these manifestations should be noted. It is not enough to sense them; they must be transferred to the consciousness, to be utilized ultimately for good. The ability to transfer sensations to the consciousness is acquired through experience. For a discerning experiment one should premise a thought in this direction. Much is impressed upon the consciousness through simple thinking. Also, nature should be regarded as a great guide. Does not the purple of the swelling buds recall the purple of the protective net of the aura? Thus, one can find in color and sound great analogies to the foundations of Life. Brotherhood (1937) - 89: 89. Do not tell much about the far-off worlds to people who in their earthly existence are unable to understand their own destination. They will lose that little bit of their own, and will not acquire anything useful from the realm of higher knowledge. Observe very attentively what can be contained by a man. People do not begin dinner with a dessert. It is especially harmful to feed people with indigestible food. The more so is it essential to develop attentiveness within oneself. Listeners must not be bored, for boredom is stagnation. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 267: The Thinker liked to say in jest, "I would like to know for whom we have just finished our dinner, for whom we have replenished our strength. If it was only for ourselves, it would not have been worth eating!"