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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > DE > DETECTED (10)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 303:
303. The hands of the enemy are ever ready to destroy the works decided upon by Us. The ears of the enemy are cocked to hear slander that can be used against Us. It is not enough to say, "Rejoice at the enemy." One must learn to understand his ways. The enemy is like the unknown quantity in a mathematical problem. But this unknown can be determined using already-known facts. Hence, it is possible to take the measure of each detected enemy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 283:
283. During the hour of human injustice, recall spatial justice. Verily, there exist maps of the highest mountains, but none of the deepest abysses. Even those who are far from flights of the spirit prefer summits to abysses. If a caravan is maintained according to the weakest member, history is based upon the most powerful ones. Thus, let us remember about this wondrous substance which selects that which is most precious for evolution. If we are certain that we serve evolution, we can rely upon the justice of space. Yet the same justice prescribes necessary caution toward the black forces. Usually they do not approach directly; they choose not less than three intercessors. They know their auras can easily be detected, and therefore they choose a consecutive chain of succession, establishing the gradation very subtly. Not casually do We speak of the varieties of treason.

Heart (1932) - 223:
223. "Know how to catch the smallest devil by the tail and he will reveal the hiding place of his superior - this ancient Chinese proverb points out the significance of the smallest details in revealing the most important. Verily, caution about details will be the best key to great achievement. People erroneously believe that details are insignificant on the path of ascent. Even the most beautiful heroic deeds rested upon details which were foreseen in advance. How attentively does hew ho follows the Teacher notice all stones! Nothing external will be overlooked by him. Only a poor disciple will say, "Teacher, in my exultation I smashed my nose." Such lack of co-measurement will indicate how far from vigilant was the disciple. The Chinese proverb also has a different meaning "The greatest criminal is detected best by the smallest detail of his actions."

Heart (1932) - 569:
569. The scientific basis of the effect of the human glance provided an opportunity for further investigations. After investigation of the effect upon the human organism, of course attention should be paid to the precipitates of the human glance upon inanimate objects. If a glance reaches the state of poison, there can be a similar stratification upon water and upon all types of objects. In fact, the significance of the conjuration of water lies not in the rhythm of the words, but in the glance. Certainly this reaction may be good or evil. As usual, the evil meaning can be more easily sensed, as in the case of imperil, but after having discovered evil the good will also be detected. Thus, one may approach an investigation of various mutual reactions. Is it not thrilling to observe the effects upon various objects, when armed with contemporary apparatuses? The ancient legends about the chalices of the world or the blessed pieces of cloth gain a different rational significance. But the observers should be advised not to stop at the first steps. Let them immediately expand their field of experimentation. Will not the observation of the piercing of the atmosphere by the human glance or thought lead to many conclusions? And will not the reaction of the same energy at various altitudes be instructive? One can begin with crude manifestations, as was already done with the evil eye. But it is better not to delay observation of the benevolent eye. One may discover the most beneficial results. One ought to concentrate on these.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 18:
18. Indeed, the bacilli of cancer exist. They can be detected and killed primarily by the fire of the heart. If the absence of psychic energy contributes to their growth, then the fire of the heart, being the highest expression of consciousness, destroys them. In fact, everything that is readily consumed by the higher energy can be mitigated also, to a certain extent, by physical fire. The roots of many plants contain in themselves potent fires of the vegetable kingdom and can be useful where the fires of the heart are as yet inactive.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 5:
One may remember now these myths, which foretold the contamination of the planet. Indeed, why do people investigate to little the chemism of the air? Even with earthly apparatus one may record the condensation of destructive substances. Of course not always can these currents be detected, just as is the case with the photographing of the manifestations of the Subtle World, which will not always be successful, but with patience much can be recorded. The Fiery World does not easily lend itself to earthly observations.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 455:
455. Certain forms are invisible and cannot be detected by the eye. Thus must one understand many gradations of images.

Brotherhood (1937) - 248:
248. People are astonished at the quantity of crimes, but they forget about the incomparably larger number of evil deeds that are never detected. One may be horrified by the countless mental crimes which have not been legislated against, and yet they are destroying the lives of people and the life of the whole planet. One should reflect sometimes how much the fertility of the planet is diminishing, in spite of all the artificial measures taken at times by governments. It is possible to plant a grove of trees and, at the same time, poison and destroy entire forests. People marvel at the remains of primeval forest giants, but they do not ponder whether such giants can grow up nowadays. People strip away the virgin covering of the planet and then are astounded at the spread of sandy wastes. Upon recounting all the species on the planet one may be surprised at how little they are improved. Let us not consider certain peculiar cross-breedings that, like dropsy, can swell the size of certain vegetables. Such experiments have no influence on the general condition of the planet.

Brotherhood (1937) - 330:
330. Frequently there occur fallacies about the names of energies. People cannot understand why the primary energy is called by different names. But there may be names which were given by different peoples. Moreover, the manifestation of different aspects of it has been identified by many definitives. It is impossible to establish a single designation for manifestations which are so very diverse. In the history of humanity it can be traced how attentively people have detected the subtlest shades of this same energy. It would seem that at present observations ought to be deepened, but in fact it proves to be almost the opposite. People are attempting to justify themselves by the complexity of life, but it is more accurate to explain this as aimless dispersion of thinking. The more should one repeat about the art of thinking. If it be not sufficiently developed in schools, then the family must come to its assistance. One should not allow man to become scatter-brained, that is to say, irresponsible.

Brotherhood (1937) - 334:
334. It is possible to carry out many observations of radiations. It can be proven that over and above the radiations that are accessible even to photography, there exist still more subtle light waves that can be detected by a more refined apparatus. The effect of the waves spreads over great distances. Moreover, the possibility is explained of tearing away portions of the basic aura within the limits of subtle waves. Though it is rare, yet forceful people can see portions of their own auras. Such manifestations are rare because usually a man does not see his own radiation. It may be pointed out that such sendings of radiation are linked with thought-sendings. Thought, in passing through the aura, carries with it a portion thereof. Particles of the aura can be left on the interconnecting thread. Whoever sends many thoughts tears away a great number of particles from his aura. Therefore such mental labor is truly an achievement. Self-abnegation is also contained in that the pierced portions of the aura are easily subjected to the influence of opposed currents. But the restoration of the tissue requires both time and the expenditure of energy.


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